42 research outputs found

    Antecedents of E-Learning Readiness and Student Satisfaction in Institutions of Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The low levels of readiness for e-learning, followed by the low satisfaction levels experienced by university students during the COVID-19 pandemic, is a crucial yet confounding issue. Many reports relate the lack of technological competence and motivation to this problem. This study examined aspects of technological competence and motivation as antecedent factors that affect student user and e-learning readiness. In addition, the study also tested the determination of the role of e-learning readiness as a mediator of the indirect influence of technological competence and motivation on student satisfaction. The study involved 1228 university students from the province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data collection was assisted by using a closed questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale tested for validity and reliability. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data through path analysis and bootstrap methods. This study showed that technological competence and motivation significantly affected e-learning readiness and user satisfaction. Furthermore, e-learning readiness was seen to act as a significant mediator in the indirect effect of technological competence and motivation on student satisfaction. Therefore, these results strengthen the theory that shaping student satisfaction in e-learning requires mature e-learning readiness. In forming this readiness, technological competence and balanced motivation are needed


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    The development of science and technology is improved rapidly brings about the sources of learning vary as well. This condition facilitates learners in studying independently. This article wants to discuss the definitions of the sources of learning, the technology types of the sources of learning, the benefits of the variety resource based learning, and the ways of learning and using the sources of learning

    The Epistemology of Transformative Learning: A Systematic Instructional Design Framework Model in Transformative Learning

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    Research in transformative learning has flourished in educational research in the latest decades. Among the research on transformative learning, the specific topic of how to develop instruction based on transformative learning is still very rarely found. The purpose of this study was to review the epistemology of transformative learning by introducing a systematic ID framework for transformative learning. The method of this study was the systematic literature review with three review stages: planning the review, conducting the review, and reporting the review. The review was focused on the academic paper in the research scope of transformative learning. As the result, we concluded the 3 main components of designing a transformative learning model: (1) transformative outcomes, (2) transformative scaffolding, and (3) transformative learning experience. The study also proposed 7 stages of systematic ID framework in designing transformative learning


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    Di era yang serba digital, seorang guru dituntut untuk memiliki sistem pengajaran yang harus mengikuti sesuai perkembangan zamannya. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya yang sebenarnya terjadi ialah masih banyak guru atau tenaga pendidik yang masih belum bisa memanfaatkan teknologi digital pada saat ini. Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan UNJ melakukan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dengan Judul “Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Dengan Memanfaatkan memanfaatkan  Motion Bagi Guru SMP Di Kecamatan Sukamakmur Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat. Dengan diadakannya pengabdian kepada masyarakat, diharapkan dapat mendampingi guru agar dapat bisa membuat media pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital. Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dilakukan dengan Blended Learning (Luring dan Daring), pada saat luring diadakan satu kali kunjungan. Kunjungan pertama yaitu pembekalan materi mengenai memanfaatkan  Motion Graphics. Untuk kegiatan daring dilakukan dengan menggunakan Google Classroom dan WhatsApp Group. Guru yang menjadi peserta media infografis mendapatkan hasil yang sangat baik dalam pendampingan dalam pemanfaatan media infografis dalam pembelajaran


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    This research is a development research that aims to facilitate teachers to be able to design online learning at this time, by utilizing certain application platforms that suit their learning needs. Through this research, a Digital Guide is produced that can be used by teachers, so that in carrying out online learning or learning from home (BDR) for their students, they will be helped in using a platform that is simple and easy, but can create fun and meaningful learning. In this product development process, the Derek Rowntree development model is used, which consists of three main stages, namely 1) planning, 2) writing preparation, 3) writing and editing. At the writing and editing stage, after the product prototype is produced, expert review is carried out by material experts, media experts, and learning design experts. After experiencing improvement, the product is tested on users in a training which is designed for teachers at Tenjo Village, Bogor. The training is held in order to execute community service of Educational Technology Master Program UNJ. The test results indicated that the product is feasible to use and is very good at facilitating teachers who will design online learning, as well as selecting and using certain appropriate application platforms


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    This study aims at obtaining empirical data about student perceptions on the facilities of Indonesian web based learning at www.courses.web-bali.net developed by the Study Program of Educational Technology, School of Education, State University of Jakarta, and providing input to administrators and policy makers in its development. This study used survey methods of descriptive type. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires directly to 36 students selected as samples of 2008 academic years students who used www.courses.web-bali.net in semester 091 for Management of Information System course. Based on the data and analysis the study concluded that the student perceptions of Web Based Learning is catagorized good

    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Desain Grafis untuk Buku Digital Interaktif bagi Siswa Tunarungu

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    This research aims to develop graphic design learning videos for interactive digital books for deaf students. This development is intended to complement visual material in digital books as teaching materials specifically designed according to student characteristics. The subject being developed was graphic design at the high school level in special education schools. The method used in this study was research and development with SAM (Successive Approximation Model). The validation included media, material (content), learning, and language. This data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive research. This research data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive. The study results showed that the learning videos that had been developed could aid in the understanding of theory as an abstract for the deaf with explanations of text, infographics, and sign language in the video. Sign language expressions made students interested and motivated to learn. The results of the validity evaluation by experts from the media aspect were 76%, Very Feasible, no need for revision and content 76%, Very Feasible, no need for revision; learning aspects 79%, Very Feasible, no need for revision; language 82%, Very feasible, no need revision. The summary score of experts and students was 78%, which was Very feasible, and did not need to be revised


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan pengembangan media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru di SMPN 28 Kota Tangerang, Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru SMPN 28 Kota Tangerang yang berjumlah 19 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan memberikan kuesioner kepada para subjek penelitian. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh guru memiliki perangkat laptop dan sebanyak 78,9% guru selalu menggunakan perangkat laptop saat pembelajaran di sekolah dan memiliki kompetensi menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Powerpoint untuk membuat materi pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan wakil kepala sekolah, fasilitas yang terdapat di sekolah berupa 105 unit komputer namun hanya 47,4% guru yang menggunakan laboratorium komputer untuk menyampaikan materi pelajaran. Hal tersebut dikarenakan laboratorium komputer hanya dipersiapkan untuk pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer dan digunakan untuk pelatihan para siswa dengan mengundang lembaga kursus komputer yang pelaksanaannya di luar jam pelajaran sekolah. Sebanyak 36,8% guru melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran hanya di ruang kelas, selebihnya sudah mulai melakukan pembelajaran di luar kelas dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang ada di sekitar sekolah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka para guru SMPN 28 Kota Tangerang memerlukan sebuah aktifitas belajar berbasis elektronik berupa portofolio elektronik. Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Kompetensi Guru, Portofolio Elektroni


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    This study aims to develop designs and learning products for the Enriched Virtual Classroom using PEDATI in building construction planning. Enriched Virtual Classroom belongs to blended learning. This learning model is one of the models where the learning process is played with technology and face-to-face learning is only an additional supplement if needed. The development procedure uses the ADDIE model which is integrated with the PEDATI model at the learning design preparation stage. The components and indicators for the expert review of the instrument were prepared based on the standard components and indicators of the "Network-Based Learning Evaluation Instrument" developed by Hadiansyah, et al. in 2018. Instruments will be given to learning design experts in terms of five aspects, namely subject identity, clarity of learning objectives, the relevance of learning strategies to learning objectives, the relevance of evaluation to learning objectives as well as language and communication. The results of the evaluation use the scoring from the expert review by using proportions. The percentages obtained were 94.78% from instructional design experts, 95.71% from media experts, and 90.83% from instructional design experts

    Comparative Cost Analysis of Four Interventions to Prevent HIV Transmission in Bandung, Indonesia

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    Background: the costs of HIV/AIDS interventions in Indonesia are largely unknown. Knowing these costs is an important input for policy makers in the decision-making of setting priorities among HIV/AIDS interventions. The aim of this analysis is to determine the costs of four HIV/AIDS interventions in Bandung, Indonesia in 2015, to inform the local AIDS commission. Methods: data on utilization and costs of the different interventions were collected in a sexual transmitted infections (STI)-clinic and the KPA, the local HIV/AIDS commission, for the period of January 2015-December 2015. The costs were estimated from a societal perspective, using a micro-costing approach. Results: the total annualized costs for condom distribution, mobile voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), religious based information, communication, and education (IEC) and STI services equalled US56,926,US56,926, US2,985, US1,963andUS1,963 and US5,865, respectively. Conclusion: this analysis has provided cost estimates of four different HIV/AIDS interventions in Bandung, Indonesia. Additionally, it has estimated the costs of scaling up these interventions. Together, this provides important information for policy makers vis-à-vis the implementation of these interventions. However, an evaluation of the effectiveness of these interventions is needed to estimate the cost-effectiveness