1,190 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of a social media intervention for reducing portion sizes in young adults and adolescents

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    open access journalAbstract Objective: Adolescents and young adults select larger portions of energy-dense food than recommended. The majority of young people have a social media profile, and peer influence on social media may moderate the size of portions selected. Methods: Two pilot-interventions examined whether exposure to images of peers’ portions of high-energy-dense (HED) snacks and sugar-sweetened-beverages (SSBs) on social media (Instagram) would influence reported desired portions selected on a survey. Confederate peers posted ‘their’ portions of HED snacks and SSBs on Instagram. At baseline and intervention end participants completed surveys that assessed desired portion sizes. Results: In intervention 1, Undergraduate students (N=20, Mean age=19.0y, SD=0.65y) participated in a two-week intervention in a within-subjects design. Participants reported smaller desired portions of HED snacks and SSBs following the intervention, and smaller desired portions of HED snacks for their peers. In intervention 2, adolescents (N=44, Mean age=14.4y, SD=1.06y) participated in a four-week intervention (n=23) or control condition (n=21) in a between-subjects design. Intervention 2 did not influence adolescents to reduce their desired reported portion sizes of HED snacks or SSBs relative to control. Conclusions: These preliminary studies demonstrated that social media is a feasible way to communicate with young people. However, while the intervention influenced young adults’ reported desired portions and social norms regarding their peers’ portions, no significant impact on desired reported portion sizes was found for HED snacks and SSBs in adolescents. Desired portion sizes of some foods and beverages may be resistant to change via a social media intervention in this age group

    On an Asymptotic Series of Ramanujan

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    An asymptotic series in Ramanujan's second notebook (Entry 10, Chapter 3) is concerned with the behavior of the expected value of ϕ(X)\phi(X) for large λ\lambda where XX is a Poisson random variable with mean λ\lambda and ϕ\phi is a function satisfying certain growth conditions. We generalize this by studying the asymptotics of the expected value of ϕ(X)\phi(X) when the distribution of XX belongs to a suitable family indexed by a convolution parameter. Examples include the problem of inverse moments for distribution families such as the binomial or the negative binomial.Comment: To appear, Ramanujan

    Milk production and fertility performance of Holstein, Friesian, and Jersey purebred cows and their respective crosses in seasonal-calving commercial farms

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    peer-reviewedThere is renewed interest in dairy cow crossbreeding in Ireland as a means to further augment productivity and profitability. The objective of the present study was to compare milk production and fertility performance for Holstein, Friesian, and Jersey purebred cows, and their respective crosses in 40 Irish spring-calving commercial dairy herds from the years 2008 to 2012. Data on 24,279 lactations from 11,808 cows were available. The relationship between breed proportion, as well as heterosis and recombination coefficients with performance, was quantified within a mixed model framework that also contained the fixed effects of parity; cow and contemporary group of herd-year-season of calving were both included as random effects in the mixed model. Breed proportion was associated with all milk production parameters investigated. Milk yield was greatest for Holstein (5,217kg), intermediate for Friesian (4,591kg), and least for Jersey (4,230kg), whereas milk constituents (i.e., fat and protein concentration) were greatest for Jersey (9.38%), intermediate for Friesian (7.91%), and least for Holstein (7.75%). Yield of milk solids in crossbred cows exceeded their respective parental average performance; greatest milk solids yield (i.e., fat kg + protein kg) was observed in the Holstein × Jersey first-cross, yielding 25kg more than the mid-parent mean. There was no consistent breed effect on the reproductive traits investigated. Relative to the mid-parent mean, Holstein × Jersey cows calved younger as heifers and had a shorter calving interval. Friesian × Jersey first-cross cows also had a shorter calving interval relative to their mid-parent mean. Results were consistent with findings from smaller-scale controlled experiments. Breed complementarity and heterosis attainable from crossbreeding resulted in superior animal performance and, consequently, greater expected profitability in crossbred cows compared with their respective purebreds

    The epidermal growth factor ligand Spitz modulates macrophage efferocytosis, wound responses and migration dynamics during Drosophila embryogenesis

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    How multifunctional cells such as macrophages interpret the different cues within their environment and undertake an appropriate response is a key question in developmental biology. Understanding how cues are prioritized is critical to answering this – both the clearance of apoptotic cells (efferocytosis) and the migration toward damaged tissue is dependent on macrophages being able to interpret and prioritize multiple chemoattractants, polarize, and then undertake an appropriate migratory response. Here, we investigate the role of Spitz, the cardinal Drosophila epidermal growth factor (EGF) ligand, in regulation of macrophage behavior in the developing fly embryo, using activated variants with differential diffusion properties. Our results show that misexpression of activated Spitz can impact macrophage polarity and lead to clustering of cells in a variant-specific manner, when expressed either in macrophages or the developing fly heart. Spitz can also alter macrophage distribution and perturb apoptotic cell clearance undertaken by these phagocytic cells without affecting the overall levels of apoptosis within the embryo. Expression of active Spitz, but not a membrane-bound variant, can also increase macrophage migration speeds and impair their inflammatory responses to injury. The fact that the presence of Spitz specifically undermines the recruitment of more distal cells to wound sites suggests that Spitz desensitizes macrophages to wounds or is able to compete for their attention where wound signals are weaker. Taken together these results suggest this molecule regulates macrophage migration and their ability to dispose of apoptotic cells. This work identifies a novel regulator of Drosophila macrophage function and provides insights into signal prioritization and integration in vivo. Given the importance of apoptotic cell clearance and inflammation in human disease, this work may help us to understand the role EGF ligands play in immune cell recruitment during development and at sites of disease pathology

    Evaluating a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for those living with and beyond lung cancer (ExerciseGuide UK): protocol for a single group feasibility and acceptability study

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    Background: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death globally. Physical activity and exercise provide unequivocal benefits to those living with and beyond lung cancer. However, few of those living with and beyond cancer meet the national physical activity guidelines. Various barriers exist for this population’s engagement in physical activity and exercise, such as the lack of knowledge and lack of tailored information, little access to exercise specialists, fatigue, and mobility challenges. Digitally delivered programmes have the potential to address several of these barriers, with techniques like “computer-tailoring” available to enable the delivery of tailored content at a time and place that is convenient. However, evaluation of such programmes is needed prior to implementation. This protocol describes a single group study that will examine the feasibility and acceptability of an online tool (ExerciseGuide UK) that provides those living with and beyond lung cancer web-based computer-tailored physical activity prescription and modules underpinned by behaviour change theories. Methods: Thirty-five individuals diagnosed with lung cancer, or cancer affecting the lung (e.g. pleural mesothelioma), will be recruited into a single-intervention arm. The platform will provide tailored resources and a personalised physical activity programme using IF-THEN algorithms. Exercise prescription will be tailored on factors such as self-reported specific pain location, exercise history, and current physical fitness. In addition, modules grounded in behaviour change will supplement the physical activity programme and will focus on topics such as exercise benefits, safety, goal setting, and tracking. The primary outcome will be assessed using pre-established criteria on feasibility and mixed-methods approach for acceptability. Secondary outcomes will explore changes in the physical activity, quality of life, anxiety, and depression. Discussion: This manuscript describes the protocol for a study examining the feasibility and acceptability of a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for those living with and beyond lung cancer. The publication of this protocol aims to increase the transparency of the methods, report pre-determined criteria, and aid replication of the study and associated materials. If feasible and acceptable, this intervention will inform future studies of digital-based interventions. Trail registration: ClinicalTrails.gov, NCT05121259. Registered on November 16, 2021

    Simu-dependent clearance of dying cells regulates macrophage function and inflammation resolution

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    Macrophages encounter and clear apoptotic cells during normal development and homeostasis, including at numerous sites of pathology. Clearance of apoptotic cells has been intensively studied, but the effects of macrophage–apoptotic cell interactions on macrophage behaviour are poorly understood. Using Drosophila embryos, we have exploited the ease of manipulating cell death and apoptotic cell clearance in this model to identify that the loss of the apoptotic cell clearance receptor Six-microns-under (Simu) leads to perturbation of macrophage migration and inflammatory responses via pathological levels of apoptotic cells. Removal of apoptosis ameliorates these phenotypes, while acute induction of apoptosis phenocopies these defects and reveals that phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is not necessary for their anti-inflammatory action. Furthermore, Simu is necessary for clearance of necrotic debris and retention of macrophages at wounds. Thus, Simu is a general detector of damaged self and represents a novel molecular player regulating macrophages during resolution of inflammation

    Case report: Severe asymptomatic hypertriglyceridemia associated with long-term low-dose rapamycin administration in a healthy middle-aged Labrador retriever

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    Rapamycin is an mTOR inhibitor that has been shown to extend the lifespan of laboratory model organisms. In humans, rapamycin is used at higher doses as an immunosuppressive medication to prevent organ rejection. Numerous adverse effects are seen with rapamycin treatment in humans, with one of the most common being dysregulation of lipid metabolism. In humans, this often manifests as mild to moderate serum lipid elevations, with a small subset developing extreme triglyceride elevations. This case report describes an eight-year-old, castrated male, clinically healthy Labrador retriever who developed severe hypertriglyceridemia associated with low-dose rapamycin administration over a six-month period. During this time, the dog was asymptomatic and displayed no other clinical abnormalities, aside from a progressive lipemia. Within 15 days of discontinuing rapamycin treatment, and with no targeted lipemic intervention, the dog’s lipemia and hypertriglyceridemia completely resolved

    Identification of functionally distinct macrophage subpopulations in Drosophila

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    Vertebrate macrophages are a highly heterogeneous cell population, but while Drosophila blood is dominated by a macrophage-like lineage (plasmatocytes), until very recently these cells were considered to represent a homogeneous population. Here, we present our identification of enhancer elements labelling plasmatocyte subpopulations, which vary in abundance across development. These subpopulations exhibit functional differences compared to the overall population, including more potent injury responses and differential localisation and dynamics in pupae and adults. Our enhancer analysis identified candidate genes regulating plasmatocyte behaviour: pan-plasmatocyte expression of one such gene (Calnexin14D) improves wound responses, causing the overall population to resemble more closely the subpopulation marked by the Calnexin14D-associated enhancer. Finally, we show that exposure to increased levels of apoptotic cell death modulates subpopulation cell numbers. Taken together this demonstrates macrophage heterogeneity in Drosophila, identifies mechanisms involved in subpopulation specification and function and facilitates the use of Drosophila to study macrophage heterogeneity in vivo

    Understanding Anthropological Understanding: for a merological anthropology

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    In this paper I argue for a merological anthropology in which ideas of ‘partiality’ and ‘practical adequacy’ provide a way out of the impasse of relativism which is implied by post-modernism and the related abandonment of a concern with ‘truth’. Ideas such as ‘aptness’ and ‘faithfulness’ enable us to re-establish empirical foundations without having to espouse a simple realism which has been rightly criticised. Ideas taken from ethnomethodology, particularly the way we bootstrap from ‘practical adequacy’ to ‘warrants for confidence’ point to a merological anthropology in which we recognize that we do not and cannot know everything, but that we can have reasons for being confident in the little we know