2,741 research outputs found

    Effect of Low Strain Rate on Formability of Aluminium Alloy

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    Effect of low strain rate on formability of aluminium alloy 2014 by means of torsion test was performed. The presented experimental results exhibit decrease of the ductility with increase and decrease of ε and T, respectively, and optimal values of , ε T are thus obtained

    Dynamic association between perfusion and white matter integrity across time since injury in Veterans with history of TBI.

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    ObjectiveCerebral blood flow (CBF) plays a critical role in the maintenance of neuronal integrity, and CBF alterations have been linked to deleterious white matter changes. Although both CBF and white matter microstructural alterations have been observed within the context of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the degree to which these pathological changes relate to one another and whether this association is altered by time since injury have not been examined. The current study therefore sought to clarify associations between resting CBF and white matter microstructure post-TBI.Methods37 veterans with history of mild or moderate TBI (mmTBI) underwent neuroimaging and completed health and psychiatric symptom questionnaires. Resting CBF was measured with multiphase pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling (MPPCASL), and white matter microstructural integrity was measured with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The cingulate cortex and cingulum bundle were selected as a priori regions of interest for the ASL and DTI data, respectively, given the known vulnerability of these regions to TBI.ResultsRegression analyses controlling for age, sex, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms revealed a significant time since injury × resting CBF interaction for the left cingulum (p < 0.005). Decreased CBF was significantly associated with reduced cingulum fractional anisotropy (FA) in the chronic phase; however, no such association was observed for participants with less remote TBI.ConclusionsOur results showed that reduced CBF was associated with poorer white matter integrity in those who were further removed from their brain injury. Findings provide preliminary evidence of a possible dynamic association between CBF and white matter microstructure that warrants additional consideration within the context of the negative long-term clinical outcomes frequently observed in those with history of TBI. Additional cross-disciplinary studies integrating multiple imaging modalities (e.g., DTI, ASL) and refined neuropsychiatric assessment are needed to better understand the nature, temporal course, and dynamic association between brain changes and clinical outcomes post-injury

    X-ray follow-ups of XSSJ12270-4859: a low-mass X-ray binary with gamma ray FERMI-LAT association

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    XSSJ1227.0-4859 is a peculiar, hard X-ray source recently positionally associated to the Fermi-LAT source 1FGLJ1227.9-4852/2FGLJ1227.7-4853. Multi-wavelength observations have added information on this source, indicating a low-luminosity low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB), but its nature is still unclear. To progress in our understanding, we present new X-ray data from a monitoring campaign performed in 2011 with the XMM-Newton, RXTE, and Swift satellites and combine them with new gamma-ray data from the Fermi and AGILE satellites. We complement the study with simultaneous near-UV photometry from XMM-Newton and with previous UV/optical and near-IR data. The X-ray history of XSSJ1227.0-4859 over 7yr shows a persistent and rather stable low-luminosity (~6x10^33 d_{1\,kpc}^2 erg/s) source, with flares and dips being peculiar and permanent characteristics. The associated Fermi-LAT source 2FGLJ1227.7-4853 is also stable over an overlapping period of 4.7\,yr. Searches for X-ray fast pulsations down to msec give upper limits to pulse fractional amplitudes of 15-25% that do not rule out a fast spinning pulsar. The combined UV/optical/near-IR spectrum reveals a hot component at ~13\,kK and a cool one at ~4.6\,kK. The latter would suggest a late-type K2-K5 companion star, a distance range of1.4--3.6kpc and an orbital period of 7--9 h. A near-UV variability (>6\,h) also suggests a longer orbital period than previously estimated. The analysis shows that the X-ray and UV/optical/near-IR emissions are more compatible with an accretion-powered compact object than with a rotational powered pulsar. The X-ray to UV bolometric luminosity ratio could be consistent with a binary hosting a neutron star, but the uncertainties in the radio data may also allow an LMXB black hole with a compact jet. In this case it would be the first associated with a high-energy gamma-ray source.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Main Journa

    Relationship of balance to function independence in stroke survivors

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    Cerebral vascular disease is the primary cause of permanent disability in Portugal. Impaired stability is considered an important feature after stroke as it is related with higher risk of falls and functional dependence. Physiotherapy intervention usually starts early after stroke in order to direct motor recovery and help patients to improve their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL). Purpose: to investigate the relationship of balance to functionality in acute stroke patients. Methods: 16 subjects (8 women and 8 men), mean age 63,62 ± 2,16y, with unilateral ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory, who were admitted to physiotherapy department of Fernando Fonseca Hospital in Portugal, within the first month after stroke were recruited to participate in this study. All subjects have no cognitive impairment according to Mini Mental State, no history of lower extremity orthopedic problems and no other disease that could interfere with treatments. All patients gave their inform consent to participate in this study. Subjects were assessed with the Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS).Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Grant SFRH/PROTEC/49675/2009

    Geração on-line de mapas agrometeorológicos.

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    Poucos são os sistemas de monitoramento agrometeorológico que organizam os dados coletados por estações meteorológicas, que realizam os cálculos de determinadas variáveis (p.e. dias sem chuva, temperatura máxima, evapotranspiração, etc.) e que geram mapas temáticos como uma das formas de apresentação dos dados. Objetivando preencher esta lacuna e implantar um sistema de monitoramento agrometeorológico em âmbito Nacional, foi criado o Agritempo, resultado de uma parceria entre a Embrapa Informática Agropecuária e o Centro de Pesquisas Meteorológicas e Climáticas aplicadas à Agricultura (Cepagri/Unicamp) (Embrapa Informática agropecuária, 2003).bitstream/CNPTIA/10040/1/comtec47.pdfAcesso em: 30 maio 2008

    Sistema para estimação de área plantada por amostragem - SEARA - proposta de delineamento amostral para café em São Paulo e para grãos em Minas Gerais.

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    A informação precisa e atualizada referente à produção agrícola brasileira é importante e estratégica, tanto do ponto de vista econômico como da segurança alimentar. O aumento da disponibilidade de imagens de sensoriamento remoto, bem como outros avanços tecnológicos recentes, como os sistemas de informação geográfica (SIGs) e os aparelhos de posicionamento global (GPS), podem facilitar a obtenção de estimativas de área plantada, um componente fundamental da previsão de safras, e permitir o acesso a uma informação essencial em aplicações ambientais: a localização espacial dos cultivos. Embora a previsão oficial de safras no Brasil ainda seja realizada de forma subjetiva, existe um esforço da Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (CONAB) para o aperfeiçoamento metodológico do sistema de previsão, que inclui o Projeto GeoSafras. A presente pesquisa, que pretende contribuir para esse esforço, é baseada numa abordagem que associa a amostragem estatística, imagens de satélite, SIG e GPS, e que foi desenvolvida preliminarmente pela Embrapa Meio Ambiente para estimar, de forma objetiva e probabilística, a área plantada com determinada cultura em um Município.bitstream/CNPMA/6300/1/documentos_49.pd