16 research outputs found

    Chemie um uns herum : chemische Experimente mit Alltagsprodukten

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    CITIES (Chemistry and Industry for Teachers in European Schools) ist ein COMENIUS-Projekt, in dessen Rahmen Materialien für den Chemieunterricht erstellt und erprobt werden. Diese Materialien sollen Lehrkräften helfen, ihren Unterricht attraktiver zu gestalten, indem der Bezug sowohl zum Alltag und der Lebenswelt als auch zur chemischen Industrie aufgezeigt wird. Chemie des Alltags Nicht immer besteht die Zeit, im Unterricht ein zusammenhängendes größeres Projekt zu bearbeiten. Experimente, die chemische Hintergründe der Funktion von Produkten oder von Vorgängen aus der Alltags- und Lebenswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler aufzeigen, können aber vielfach in den Unterricht integriert werden. Im dritten Bereich des Moduls wurde eine Auswahl solcher Experimente zusammengestellt. Im einzelnen finden sich Versuche zu folgenden Themen: 1. Bestimmung der Dicke der Aluminiumschicht einer Verpackungsfolie 2. Herstellen von Formaldhyd-Harnstoff-Leim und Nachweis dieses Leims in Spanplatten und Linoleum 3. Polyurethan auf der Basis von Ricinusöl 4. Nylon durch Grenzflächen-Polykondensation 5. Ascorbinsäure als Reduktionsmittel und Nachweis von Ascorbinsäure in Gemüse 6. Nachweis reduzierender Zucker 7. Nachweis von Proteinen 8. Herstellung von Biodiesel 9. Fluoreszenz von Pflanzenfarbstoffe

    Los objetivos de actividades de laboratorio diseñadas para la adquisición de competencia científica mediante experimentos en tiempo real : visión del alumnado

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    El principal objetivo del presente estudio es saber si alumnos que utilizan protocolos de laboratorio que han sido diseñados según los hallazgos de las investigaciones en didáctica para experimentos en tiempo real, son capaces de captar los objetivos de las actividades que han realizado. Se hadiseñado un marco para la elaboración de actividades, y se han creado actividades de física y química. Los alumnos de distintos países que han implementado distintas actividades son capaces de enumerar correctamente los objetivos de las mismas, asimismo la mayoría dice que los equipos con sensores les han ayudado a interpretar los resultados de los experimentos

    Design of research-based lab sheets for the aquisition of science competencies using ICT real-time experiments : Do students get the point of what they are doing?

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    Konferenssikirja: http://www.esera.org/publications/esera-conference-proceedings/science-education-research-esera-2015/This study is part of a European project that aims to design new microcomputer-based laboratory (MBL) activities to be used in secondary and high school to enhance on students scientific competencies. The aim of this work is to design and to implement research-based teaching materials that take advantage of the use of MBL and promote scientific competencies in students. Researchers from six universities belonging to five EU countries have collaboratively designed a new research-based framework for MBL activities. Activities are context- based and inquiry guided. When students take experimental data, it is proposed a Predict-Observe-Explain (White & Gunstone, 1992) sequence. The main scientific competencies that the designed activities aim to enhance in students are the design of experiments, the interpretation of results and its communication. First versions of activities have been translated into national languages (German, Czech, Slovak, Finnish and Catalan) to be implemented. The study has been conducted with 865 students from five countries who have implemented the activities. Students answered a post-implementation questionnaire to elicit if they believed that they knew the objectives of the activities and if they really did. They were also asked if MBL helped them to interpret the results and if the activity could have been done without such equipment. Results obtained in this study suggest that the research-based learning materials designed to work with MBL are useful and of quality as most students in different countries understand the point of the activities, and most of them think that these activities help them to learn and that the activities could not be done without MBL. Nevertheless, differences in results have been obtained for some activities. The results of this research will be used to refine teaching materials.Peer reviewe

    Sustainable Development Indicators—Untapped Tools for Sustainability and STEM Education: An Analysis of a Popular Czech Educational Website

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    Environmental education has been included in Czech curricula since the 1980s, albeit without clear evidence of education for sustainable development (SD), which addresses complex socio-economic issues using SD indicators (SDIs), such as charts, single numbers, tables, maps, and (interactive) images. However, understanding such a comprehensive topic requires developing basic mathematical knowledge and skills. In this study, we aimed to analyse the nature, quality, and availability of teaching materials for SD, primarily using SDIs, which could be applied by Czech teachers. For this purpose, we performed a qualitative and basic quantitative content analysis of several descriptors of documents retrieved from a website for teachers, provided by the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic. A full-text search identified 1376 records, which were analyzed for SD pillars and SDIs. Our results showed that most records (95%) do not contain SDIs in teaching materials. Only 59 records mentioned (128) SDIs, mostly covering the environmental pillar, 26 of which contain a single SDI. The most frequent issues were waste production, treatment, savings, water parameters, and energy consumption. Mathematical skills were used in 56 SDIs, primarily for evaluating data sets and quantitative expressions of an amount. Overall, only a small number of SDIs are used in education for SD, economic and social SDIs are in the minority, and the STEM potential remains untapped

    Pavel Vranický ´s Ballet Das Waldmädchen

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    The bachelor thesis focuses on the Pavel Vranický's ballet Das Waldmädchen, played for the first time in Vienna's theatre Kärntnertortheater in 1796. Two years later the ballet was brought to the Czech theatre Stavovské divadlo. There are several sheets of music in the České muzeum hudby for the ballet Das Waldmädchen. The music was compared to piano score from Vienna's Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Three hypothetical librettos of Vranický's ballet have been worked up using the plot from theatre poster, the opera libretto of Weber's early opera Das Waldmädchen, which is in the Bama Lutes Deal's dissertation, and the character of each musical number

    The employment of multifunctional device INFRALINE GRAPHIC in the high-school laboratories

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    Katedra učitelství a didaktiky chemieDepartment of teaching and Didactics of ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Ballet music of Leopold Koželuh

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    The diploma thesis deals with the ballet music of Leopold Koželuh, particularly with heroic ballet in five acts La ritrovata Figlia di Ottone II. The ballet was premiered on the 24th February 1794 at Kärntnerthor-Theater, Vienna. Copies of this ballet and prints are still widespread in many libraries in Europe. Based on the libretto and print of the complete ballet piano version the approximate reconstruction was made according to Koželuh music. The analysis revealed a significant source of musical drama ballet music. The historical background of the libretto was also explored. It revealed that the story is largely based on real characters, but a fictional storyline. The only currently known source (Ayrenoff 1794) tells us some information about the form of a stage version of the Vienna ballet. Less attention is paid to other Koželuh?s ballet, such as Telemach auf der Insel der Kalypso (1807), heroic ballet in three acts

    Ballet music of Leopold Koželuh

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o baletní hudbě Leopolda Koželuha a je zaměřena především na pětiaktový heroický balet La ritrovata Figlia di Ottone II., který měl premiéru 24. 2. 1794 v Kärntnerthor-Theater. Opisy a tisky tohoto baletu jsou dodnes značně rozšířené. Na základě dochovaného libreta a tisku kompletní klavírní verze baletu byla učiněna přibližná rekonstrukce děje podle Koželuhovy hudby. Analýza notového pramene odhalila značnou dramatičnost baletní hudby. Dalším cílem práce bylo prozkoumání historického pozadí vzniku libreta. Ukázalo se, že námět je z velké části založen na skutečných postavách, ale fiktivním ději. V jediném dosud známém pramenu (Ayrenhoff 1794) se dovídáme kusé informace o jevištní podobě vídeňské verze baletu. Menší pozornost je věnována dalším baletním dílům Koželuha, jako je tříaktový heriocký balet Telemach auf der Insel der Kalypso (1807)

    Plant Xyloglucan Xyloglucosyl Transferases and the Cell Wall Structure: Subtle but Significant

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    Plant xyloglucan xyloglucosyl transferases or xyloglucan endo-transglycosylases (XET; EC catalogued in the glycoside hydrolase family 16 constitute cell wall-modifying enzymes that play a fundamental role in the cell wall expansion and re-modelling. Over the past thirty years, it has been established that XET enzymes catalyse homo-transglycosylation reactions with xyloglucan (XG)-derived substrates and hetero-transglycosylation reactions with neutral and charged donor and acceptor substrates other than XG-derived. This broad specificity in XET isoforms is credited to a high degree of structural and catalytic plasticity that has evolved ubiquitously in algal, moss, fern, basic Angiosperm, monocot, and eudicot enzymes. These XET isoforms constitute gene families that are differentially expressed in tissues in time- and space-dependent manners during plant growth and development, and in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Here, we discuss the current state of knowledge of broad specific plant XET enzymes and how their inherently carbohydrate-based transglycosylation reactions tightly link with structural diversity that underlies the complexity of plant cell walls and their mechanics. Based on this knowledge, we conclude that multi- or poly-specific XET enzymes are widespread in plants to allow for modifications of the cell wall structure in muro, a feature that implements the multifaceted roles in plant cells

    Microcomputer-Based Laboratory in Secondary School Chemistry Education

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    Eva Stratilová Urválková; Dissertation Thesis Title: Microcomputer-Based Laboratory in Secondary School Chemistry Education Abstract School experimental practice should reflect the real laboratory practice so that school science keeps in touch with reality. Todays laboratories are fully equipped with instrumental devices that are often presented in media, so it is necessary that students have experience also with this way of experiments. For school purposes seem suitable probeware (school experimental systems), that combine modern technology with concept of student-centered learning (eg inquiry based science education) that should successfully prepare students for lifelong learning. During recent years probeware has become one of discussed topics in Czech science education, but there has been a lack of research examining whether both teachers and pupils are prepared to accept and implement probeware into school chemistry curriculum. Almost none research has been done in field search describing the way of using the probeware and microcomputer-based laboratory in Czech school curriculum. Presented mixed method research focuses on attitudes of chemistry teachers (N = 65), pre-service chemistry teachers (N = 38) and students (N = 50) regarding attitudes to general devices and measuring devices (or probeware) to..