10 research outputs found

    The personality and literary output of Vladimír Raffel (Vladimír Raffel and his literary output)

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    The aim of this thesis is the monographic treatise about the life and literary output of the Czech author Vladimír Raffel. The biographical part of this thesis captures his personality and life, the bibliographical part explores his literary output. Raffel´s output is firstly evaluated in the context of domestic and foreign sci-fi and then analyzed in the avant-garde context. This thesis reflects on author´s philosophical treatise Ideál harmonického člověka. The principal methods in this thesis are analysis, interpretation and comparison of author´s literary outputs, taking into account their historical context. This is the first complex view on this theme and the contribution of this thesis is in its extensive content which has remained unnoticed by literary historians

    Evaluation of the investment intent as a planned project

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    katedra: KPE; přílohy: 1 disketa; rozsah: 77 s.The goal of my thesis is focused on evaluating an investment project as a planned project. The first charter concerns a theoretical part, in which there are described a theory of decision making on investment, investment projects and their preparations and possibilities how to make a financial analysis by means of ratio indexes. Then there are listed theoretical possibilities, how to evaluate the investment project and possibilities how to finance the investments. The second chapter concerns the description of a company TISCHER s.r.o., the company´s production schedule and its position in the market. In this part there are described the fundamental indexes of financial analysis in detail concerning the existing business of this company. In the third part of my thesis there is an introduction of a planned investment project and examination of financial advantages of individual options by means of analyzing the ratio indexes of expected business development. There were analyzed 2 alternatives how to finance the investments by means of a bank credit and a leasing in comparison with supplier solution without a need of execution of investment. All of those alternatives were consequently evaluated on a model of the economical growth, recession or stable development of national economy. In the last part there are compared individual alternatives how to finance the investment project and there is a recommendation for optimal alternative how to execute the investment project.Cílem této diplomové práce je vyhodnocení investičního záměru jako plánovaného projektu. První kapitola je věnována teoretické části, kde je popsána teorie investičního rozhodování, investičních projektů a jejich přípravy a možnosti provedení finanční analýzy pomocí poměrových ukazatelů. Dále jsou uvedeny teoretické možnosti vyhodnocení investičního projektu a možnosti financování investice. Druhá kapitola práce je věnována popisu společnosti TISCHER s.r.o., jejímu výrobnímu programu a postavení na trhu. V této části jsou podrobně rozepsány stěžejní ukazatele finanční analýzy stávajícího hospodaření společnosti. Třetí část diplomové práce je zaměřena na představení plánovaného investičního záměru a posouzení finanční výhodnosti jednotlivých variant pomocí analýzy poměrových ukazatelů předpokládaného vývoje hospodaření. Analyzovány byly 2 varianty financování investice pomocí úvěru a leasingu v porovnání s dodavatelským řešením bez realizace investice. Všechny tyto varianty pak byly hodnoceny v prostředí ekonomického růstu, recese nebo stabilním vývoji národního hospodářství. V poslední části jsou porovnány jednotlivé varianty financování investičního projektu a je doporučena nejvhodnější varianta realizace investičního projektu

    Tvůrčí psaní jako způsob rozvoje čtenářské gramotnosti žáků 5. ročníku ZŠ

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    The aim of this final thesis is to draw attention to creative writing as a tool used for development of reading literacy of students in the fifth grade of the Czech education system. The theoretical part defines concepts of creative writing and its connection with the reading literacy. Creative writing section mainly focuses on the literary genre of fairy tales. It also covers particular working techniques of fairy tale engagement in a classroom with fifth graders of elementary schools. The practical part highlights concrete outputs of fifth graders during literary lessons, where pupils understand typical fairy tale schemes thanks to worksheets and interviews with their teacher and then create their own fairy tale stories. The analysis of selected works of fifth graders represents the main method of the final thesis

    Zákon Sarbanes Oxley a jeho aplikace v retailové společnosti

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá zákonem Sarbanes Oxley a jeho dopadem na společnosti, které spadají do jeho působnosti. V práci je představena i jeho konkrétní aplikace na procesu nakládání s hotovostí v retailové společnosti. Zákon stanovuje, že management společností je přímo odpovědný akcionářům za vytvoření a udržování kvalitního systému vnitropodnikových kontrol. Tyto kontroly mají zajistit průhlednost a správnost procesů a toků zejména finančních informací, které jsou zobrazeny ve finančních výkazech společností. Práce popisuje povinnosti managementu, jednotlivé kroky při naplňování dikce zákona a postup, jak nastavit kvalitní implementaci systému vnitřních kontrol. Práce se zabývá i podstatnou úlohou kontrolních orgánů společnosti jakými jsou zejména interní audit a auditní komise

    Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736) and his Stabat Mater

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    The aim of this thesis is to present a personality of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi and his work Stabat mater. The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis and interpretation of the text, its historical context, structure and function. This thesis approaches the musical setting of the text by chosen composers. The work includes the short musical analysis of the whole work. It also compares different attitudes to the production based on chosen records

    Microbiota, Microbial Metabolites, and Barrier Function in A Patient with Anorexia Nervosa after Fecal Microbiota Transplantation

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    The change in the gut microbiome and microbial metabolites in a patient suffering from severe and enduring anorexia nervosa (AN) and diagnosed with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO) was investigated. Microbial gut dysbiosis is associated with both AN and SIBO, and therefore gut microbiome changes by serial fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a possible therapeutic modality. This study assessed the effects of FMT on gut barrier function, microbiota composition, and the levels of bacterial metabolic products. The patient treatment with FMT led to the improvement of gut barrier function, which was altered prior to FMT. Very low bacterial alpha diversity, a lack of beneficial bacteria, together with a great abundance of fungal species were observed in the patient stool sample before FMT. After FMT, both bacterial species richness and gut microbiome evenness increased in the patient, while the fungal alpha diversity decreased. The total short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) levels (molecules presenting an important source of energy for epithelial gut cells) gradually increased after FMT. Contrarily, one of the most abundant intestinal neurotransmitters, serotonin, tended to decrease throughout the observation period. Overall, gut microbial dysbiosis improvement after FMT was considered. However, there were no signs of patient clinical improvement. The need for an in-depth analysis of the donor's stool and correct selection pre-FMT is evident

    Sulfated Metabolites of Flavonolignans and 2,3-Dehydroflavonolignans: Preparation and Properties

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    Silymarin, an extract from milk thistle (Silybum marianum) fruits, is consumed in various food supplements. The metabolism of silymarin flavonolignans in mammals is complex, the exact structure of their metabolites still remains partly unclear and standards are not commercially available. This work is focused on the preparation of sulfated metabolites of silymarin flavonolignans. Sulfated flavonolignans were prepared using aryl sulfotransferase from Desulfitobacterium hafniense and p-nitrophenyl sulfate as a sulfate donor and characterized by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Their 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2′-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), and N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DMPD) radical scavenging; ferric (FRAP) and Folin–Ciocalteu reagent (FCR) reducing activity; anti-lipoperoxidant potential; and effect on the nuclear erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling pathway were examined. Pure silybin A 20-O-sulfate, silybin B 20-O-sulfate, 2,3-dehydrosilybin-20-O-sulfate, 2,3-dehydrosilybin-7,20-di-O-sulfate, silychristin-19-O-sulfate, 2,3-dehydrosilychristin-19-O-sulfate, and silydianin-19-O-sulfate were prepared and fully characterized. Sulfated 2,3-dehydroderivatives were more active in FCR and FRAP assays than the parent compounds, and remaining sulfates were less active chemoprotectants. The sulfated flavonolignans obtained can be now used as authentic standards for in vivo metabolic experiments and for further research on their biological activity