15 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Ruang publik merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam tata ruang kota. Setiap kota yang ada di Indonesia dituntut untuk menyediakan ruang publik sebebsar 20 % dan hal tersebut telah dituangkan dalam perundang-undangan yang ada di Indonesia. Keberadaan ruang publik sendiri selalu menjadi agenda pembahasan yang serius bagi pemerintah pusat maupun daerah, hal tersebut dikarenakan ruang publik selalu menjadi incaran seluruh elemen masyarakat.  Pembangunan Alun-Alun ini memang secara umum dilakukan untuk mewujudkan Lamongan sebagai kota ramah lingkungan. Dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif. Alun-Alun harus memiliki peran yang dapat mewadahi kebutuhan masyarakat akan semua akan fungsi ruang terbuka publik. Bukan hanya fokus pada satu fungsi yang berjalan. Jika dilihat dari fungsi alun-alun sebagai ruang terbuka publik, maka-maka alun-alun harusnya memiliki fungsi sosial dan fungsi ekologi. Sebagi wujud terpenuhinya syarat terciptanya ruang publik yang sesuai strandart pembangunan Nasional, pemerintah Lamongan telah berupayah membangun ruang terbuka yang pro publik. Kata Kunci: Ruang Publik, Tata Ruang   Abstract: Public space is one of the important components in urban spatial planning. Every city in Indonesia is required to provide 20% public space and this has been stated in the existing legislation in Indonesia. The existence of public space itself has always been a serious discussion agenda for the central and regional governments, this is because public space has always been the target of all elements of society. The development of this square is generally carried out to realize Lamongan as an environmentally friendly city. This article uses descriptive research methods. The square must have a role that can accommodate the needs of the community for all the functions of public open spaces. Don't just focus on one running function. If viewed from the function of the square as a public open space, then the square should have a social function and an ecological function. As a manifestation of the fulfillment of the requirements for the creation of public spaces in accordance with the national development standards, the Lamongan government has made efforts to build open spaces that are pro-public. Keywords: Public Space, Spatia

    Komparasi Politik Privatisasi Air Inggris Dan Indonesia

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    Provision of public services is a government reponsibility that must be carried out for the community. Privatization is one of the various models of management of public services that exist in the government. The definition of privatization is the transfer of part of the government’s authority to the private sector in providing services to the community, with the aim of increasing efficiency and reducing the burden on APBN. This article was written to compare the practices of privatization of water resources in England and Indonesia through literature studies. Privatization is one of the model of governance cariied out by the government in a state to realize efficiency and excellent service. England and Indonesia apply the privatization model in providing water sector services. Providing public services in practicing for the government to realize the welfare of its people. Especially in the water sector, because water is a vital resource that is the main need of the people. At the conclusion of this article, in practice the application of the privatization of the England and Indonesian Water sectors did not run well. Therefore, there have been several attempts to respond this issue. One of them is regulating efforts. Even in Indonesia the Water Resources Law was canceled, therefore private ownership of water resources management is limite

    Implementasi Program Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi Swasta

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    Smart Indonesia Card-College Program is one of the government's policy efforts in improving the quality of human resources while preparing the nation's next generation to excel. Darul 'Ulum Lamongan Islamic University is one of the private universities that implements the KIP-Lecture Program in the 2020/2021 academic year. This article attempts to examine and analyze the implementation process of the KIP-Kuliah Program in Private Higher Education with a case study at the Islamic University of Darul 'Ulum Lamongan. The results showed that there were few obstacles in the communication process and student resources who did not comply with the rules, especially in collecting files so that it had an impact on the process of developing funds. The author provides suggestions for stakeholders, namely to facilitate student recipients of the KIP-Kuliah program with empowering trainings. Suggestions for the government to increase the quota because of public interest in obtaining KIP-Kuliah

    Komparasi Politik Privatisasi Air Inggris Dan Indonesia

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    Provision of public services is a government reponsibility that must be carried out for the community. Privatization is one of the various models of management of public services that exist in the government. The definition of privatization is the transfer of part of the government’s authority to the private sector in providing services to the community, with the aim of increasing efficiency and reducing the burden on APBN. This article was written to compare the practices of privatization of water resources in England and Indonesia through literature studies. Privatization is one of the model of governance cariied out by the government in a state to realize efficiency and excellent service. England and Indonesia apply the privatization model in providing water sector services. Providing public services in practicing for the government to realize the welfare of its people. Especially in the water sector, because water is a vital resource that is the main need of the people. At the conclusion of this article, in practice the application of the privatization of the England and Indonesian Water sectors did not run well. Therefore, there have been several attempts to respond this issue. One of them is regulating efforts. Even in Indonesia the Water Resources Law was canceled, therefore private ownership of water resources management is limite


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    Abstrack The literacy movement for reading in schools is a government program that must be implemented in every school in Indonesia. Reading literacy is a basic ability that must be mastered by students, because by reading students can find various kinds of information and broad insights. However, the reading literacy movement certainly encounters various kinds of obstacles. Therefore, innovative media are needed to support optimizing the reading literacy movement. The application of a reading corner is an innovation that is used to arouse students' enthusiasm for reading literacy movements. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method using interview data collection techniques, observation and documentation. The purpose of this research is to optimize the reading literacy movement at SDN I Talunrejo. The subjects of this research were the teachers and students of SDN I Talunrejo. The results of the implementation of these activities can be concluded that the application of reading corners helps to foster the enthusiasm of students and teachers in the reading literacy movement. Keyword: Teacher creativity, reading literacy, reading corner Abstrak Gerakan literasi membaca di sekolah merupakan program pemerintah yang harus dijalankan di setiap sekolah yang ada di Indonesia. Literasi membaca merupakan kemampuan dasar yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa, karena dengan membaca siswa dapat menemukan berbagai macam informasi dan wawasan yang luas. Namun, gerakan literasi membaca tentunya menemui berbagai macam kendala. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan media inovasi untuk menunjang pengoptimalan gerakan literasi membaca. Pengaplikasian pojok baca merupakan suatu inovasi yang digunakan untuk membangkitkan semangat siswa untuk melakukan gerakan literasi membaca. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini guna untuk mengoptimalkan gerakan literasi membaca di SDN I Talunrejo. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa SDN I Talunrejo. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaplikasian pojok baca membantu menumbuhkan semangat siswa dan guru dalam gerakan literasi membaca


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    Kegiatan posyandu adalah perwujudan dari peran serta masyarakat dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan mereka. posyandu lansia adalah suatu forum komunikasi, alih teknologi dan pelayanan kesehatan oleh masyarakat dan untuk masyarakat yang mempunyai nilai strategis untuk pengembangan sumber daya manusia khususnya lanjut usia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Mengambil data dari kegiatan di Posyandu Desa Tanjung Lamongan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa:1) Peran kader posyandu untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan lansia adalah melalui penggerakan masyarakat, penyuluhan dan pemantauan (2) Upaya yang dilakukan kader dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan lansia yaitu melalui menjaga asupan nutrisi, pemeriksaan kesehatan, olahraga, dan penyuluhan (3). Kendala yang dihadapi kader dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan lansia yaitu jarak, dana, dukungan keluarga, dan musim. Saran dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Diharapkan peserta posyandu lansia lebih termotivasi lagi untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatannya (2) Diharapkan kader memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang optimal. (3) Diharapkan untuk kader lebih terampil dan berpengalaman dalam menangani kesehatan lansia

    Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Majemuk pada Generasi Milenial Siswa Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Insantama Malang

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    Multiple intelligence is one way to understand the abilities possessed by children. This needs to be re-understood considering that many parents see intelligence based solely on report card scores. It is important to provide understanding to parents about multiple intelligence in order to understand the conditions of development and intelligence possessed by their children. This research aims to increase parents's knowledge about multiple intelligences. This study used a quantitative approach with a quasi-type experiment through the provision of psychoeducation. The subjects in this study were 11 parents of SDIT Insantama Malang students with various educational and occupational backgrounds. The study used the Guttman scale to collect data. Participants received a pre-test and post-test to determine the differences before and after attending psychoeducation. Data analysis used paired t test as statistical analysis. The result of this study is that there is a significant influence on the increase in the knowledge of parents about multiple intelligence with a significance value of 0.00 and a t value of -12,111


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    Abstract: The article discusses the role of the Indonesian police in preventing the spread of the covid-19 virus from a fiqh siyasah perspective with a statutory approach. Research data were obtained from primary legal materials, namely laws, and regulations related to the Indonesian National Police. Secondary legal materials were collected from books, articles, and news and analyzed descriptively with a deductive mindset. Data on the role of the police during the Covid-19 pandemic based on Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia was analyzed with a review of fiqh siyasah.  This research concludes that the Indonesian National Police agency acts as an instrument of law enforcement and supports the success of the Indonesian government in dealing with covid-19.  Among the duties of the Indonesian National Police during the Covid-19 pandemic are enforcing the law, educating the public, detecting the spread of the covid-19 virus early, and maintaining security.  The police force adheres to the role of al-hisbah in fiqh siyasah, aiming to invite people to act appropriately and prevent people from committing crimes


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    Masyarakat Desa Mrutuk belum memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam sebagai sumber pendapatan tambahan, padahal potensi ikan di daerah tersebut sangat melimpah. Penyusunan program pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan potensi disekitarnya sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah ikan di Desa tersebut. Kegiatan sosialisasi UMKM yang  dipelopori oleh mahasiswa KKN UNISDA yang  telah diikuti oleh tiga puluh peserta di pendopo balai Desa Mrutuk mengalami kendala yaitu kurang antusiasnya masyarakat sehingga beberapa peserta tidak dapat hadir. Luaran yang didapatkan berupa pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna pengolahan ikan menjadi makanan yang memiliki nilai tambah dan daya simpan yang lebih lama. Dengan adanya inovasi produk tersebut, harapan kedepan dapat dijadikan sebagai produk unggulan desa yang dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadapat perekonomian masyarakat desa. Kata kunci: Ikan, Mrutuk, Teknologi, Nilai Tamba

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Timbal (Pb) Dalam Darah Secara Fisiologis

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    Timbal merupakan salah satu logam berat yang sangat berbahaya apabila masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia. Timbal dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia melalui saluran pernafasan, saluran pencernaan dan kulit. Efek toksin timbal dapat menyebabkan gangguan terhadap sistem saraf, saluran pencernaan dan merusak fungsi ginjal. Oleh karena itu peneliti ingin melakukan kajian Literature Review. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk memecahkan masalah faktor apa yang dapat mempengaruhi kadar timbal di dalam darah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Literature Review, dimana peneliti mencari data dengan mengumpulkan data dari beberapa jurnal dan e-book. Hasil penyelusuran yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yakni terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara umur, lama kerja, kebiasaan merokok, jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan dan faktor genetik dengan kadar timbal dalam darah. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu apabila timbal masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia melebihi batas yang telah ditentukan dan dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi, maka timbal akan menyebabkan keracunan bagi manusia dan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kadar timbal dalam darah yaitu umur, lama kerja, kebiasaan merokok, penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD), jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan dan faktor genetik