15 research outputs found

    Live Imaging of Mitosomes and Hydrogenosomes by HaloTag Technology

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    Hydrogenosomes and mitosomes represent remarkable mitochondrial adaptations in the anaerobic parasitic protists such as Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia intestinalis, respectively. In order to provide a tool to study these organelles in the live cells, the HaloTag was fused to G. intestinalis IscU and T. vaginalis frataxin and expressed in the mitosomes and hydrogenosomes, respectively. The incubation of the parasites with the fluorescent Halo-ligand resulted in highly specific organellar labeling, allowing live imaging of the organelles. With the array of available ligands the HaloTag technology offers a new tool to study the dynamics of mitochondria-related compartments as well as other cellular components in these intriguing unicellular eukaryotes

    Analysis of labor costs of Projection Company

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    Práce bude sloužit podniku k rozhodnutí. Je to pomůcka pro možný přechod z časové mzdy na úkolovou. Budou popisovány veškeré mzdové náklady firmy spojené s pracovní činností. Výsledkem bude doporučení časové nebo úkolové mzdy pro jednotlivé skupiny zaměstnanců.The work will help a company in the decision making process. It is a tool for a possible transition from wage-per-hour to wage-per-task. All wage costs associated with the company's business activity will be described. This will result in recommendation the wage-per-hour or wage-per-task for various groups of employees.Fakulta ekonomicko-správníStudentka seznámila komisi s obsahem a cílem své bakalářské práce. Cílem práce byla analýza mzdových nákladů projekčního podniku. Studentka seznámila komisi se závěry práce, zodpověděla otázky zaznamenané vedoucím práce a zodpověděla otázky položené komisí: Jak byste upřesnila časová období, která jste sledovala v bakalářské práci? Jaké jsou možnosti měření pracovního výkonu zaměstnanců? Jaké je mzdové ohodnocení pracovníků ve zkoumané společnosti

    Protein Import into the Mitosomes of Giardia intestinalis

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    Mitochondrion is believed to be an ubiquitous organelle which occurred about 1,5 billion years ago by a single endosymbiotic event. Mitochondria is mostly dependent on the protein import from cytosol thus the establishment of protein import machinery was essential for seizing the new endosymbiont. Possibilities of studying the evolution of protein import machineries are quite limited given that no "free living" mitochondria or amitochondriate organisms are known nowadays. One alternative is to study mitochondrial secondary reductive evolution of anaerobic parasitic protists. Giardia intestinalis is flagellated protozoan living in microaerofilic environment of the small intestine. It containes one of the most reduced mitochondrion (mitosome) described so far. Hence it serves as a great model for studying mitochondrial evolution. Although it is well understood that all mitosomal proteins are transported from cytosol, many aspects of protein import pathway remain elusive. While the main channel Tom40 is present in the outer membrane, two other main translocases (Sam50 which is required for betta-barrel assembly in the outer membrane and Tim17/22/23 which is essential for protein translocation through the inner membrane) have not been identified so far. Protein translocation through Tim17/22/23 channel..

    The Analysis of the Financial Health in Project Company

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    Tato práce slouží k analýze finanční situace projekčního podniku pomocí vybraných metod a ukazatelů. Následně bude tento podnik porovnáván s konkurentem a odvětvím. Projekční podnik využije výsledky analýzy ke kontrole svých rozhodnutí a k učinění nápravných opatření.This work is helping to analyse the financial situation in project company by using selected methods and indicators. Subsequently, the company will be compared with a competitor and with the industry as a whole. The project company will use the results of the analysis to check its decisions and take corrective action.Fakulta ekonomicko-správníStudentce byly položeny tyto otázky: Uveďte příklady využití výsledků Vaší analýzy ke kontrole rozhodnutí podniku a k učinění nápravných opatření podnikem. Proč jste v kap. 4.7 nepoužila pouze IN05, když je kombinací bankrotních a bonitních modelů a plní tak účel obojích? Vysvětlete, proč podnik nemá možnost snížit likviditu (jak uvádíte v kap. 6.6 v odstavci 2 na přelomu stran 75 a 76). Jaké jsou metody analýzy okolí (strategické analýze) byste považovala za vhodné pro tento podnik? V práci používáte různé bankrotní či bonitní modely, přičemž se jedná o modely určená pro rozdílné odvětví. Závěr kterého z modelu považujete za relevantnější z hlediska specifik oboru, ve kterém podnik působí? Studentka reagovala a úspěšně odpovídala na otázky komise a obhájila tak diplomovou práci

    Nursing care for a child with Hirschprung's disease

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    Department of nursingÚstav ošetřovatelství3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Územně-správní členění českých zemí během 20.st. a počátku 21.st.

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízení (545

    Polarization of Economic Growth in the European Union

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    The theme of diploma thesis "Polarization of Economic Growth in the European Union" belongs to fundamental issues of recent regionalistics. The main aim is to demark poles of economic growth and periphery areas within the EU territory. This aim is followed by hypothesis that "at recent economic circumstances, economic activities are concentrated in the central part of the EU". First part of the thesis focuses on theoretic approaches, including economic growth poles definition, finding general factors of economic attractiveness of the region, their evolution and yet known findings about concentration of economic growth in the EU in economic, social and environmental dimension. In the following practical part, the main economic, social and environmental indicators are established. Using these indicators, areas that feature strong polarization of economic growth and in opposite, areas that can be marked as periphery, are defined within the EU

    Cellular functions of tail-anchored proteins.

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    This work reviews recent studies on the biogenesis of tail-anchored proteins. These proteins form a distinct class of integral membrane proteins which are intensively studied nowadays. Although this class of proteins is defined by the structure and membrane topology, individual proteins do not share any functional similarities. The basic cellular functions, structure and localisation are reviewed there. The work is focused mainly on the unique transport mechanisms and the determination of the target cellular compartments - endomembrane system and mitochondrial outer membrane. A separate part of the work also summarizes existing knowledge about VAP protein family which belongs to the class of tail-anchored proteins and which is conserved across all eukaryotic species. The last chapter presents results and goals of the research of these proteins in the human parasite Giardia intestinalis in the laboratory of organellar biogenesis

    Nursing care for a child with Hirschprung's disease

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    Department of nursingÚstav ošetřovatelství3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Giardia intestinalis incorporates heme into cytosolic cytochrome b5.

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    International audience: The anaerobic intestinal pathogen Giardia intestinalis does not possess enzymes for heme synthesis and it also lacks the typical set of hemoproteins that are involved in mitochondrial respiration and cellular oxygen stress management. Nevertheless, G. intestinalis may require heme for the function of particular hemoproteins, such as cytochrome b5 (cytb5). We have analyzed the sequences of eukaryotic cytb5 proteins and identified three distinct cytb5 groups: group I, which consists of C-tail membrane-anchored cytb5 proteins; group II, which includes soluble cytb5 proteins; and group III, which comprises the fungal cytb5 proteins. The majority of eukaryotes possess both group I and II cytb5 proteins, whereas three Giardia paralogs belong to group II. We have identified a fourth Giardia cytb5 paralog (gCYTb5-IV) that is rather divergent and possesses an unusual 134-residue N-terminal extension. Recombinant Giardia cytb5 proteins, including gCYTb5-IV, were expressed in Escherichia coli and exhibited characteristic UV-visible spectra that corresponded to heme-loaded cytb5 proteins. The expression of the recombinant gCYTb5-IV in G. intestinalis resulted in the increased import of extracellular heme and its incorporation into this protein, whereas this effect was not observed when gCYTb5-IV containing a mutated heme-binding site was expressed. The electrons for Giardia cytb5 proteins may be provided by the NADPH-dependent Tah18-like oxidoreductase GiOR-1. Therefore, GiOR-1 and cytb5 may constitute a novel redox system in G. intestinalis. To the best of our knowledge, G. intestinalis is the first anaerobic eukaryote in which the presence of heme has been directly demonstrated