79 research outputs found
The labor market effects of technology shocks
We analyze the effects of neutral and investment-specific technology shocks on hours worked and unemployment. We characterize the response of unemployment in terms of job separation and job finding rates. We find that job separation rates mainly account for the impact response of unemployment while job finding rates for movements along its adjustment path. Neutral shocks increase unemployment and explain a substantial portion of unemployment and output volatilityinvestment-specific shocks expand employment and hours worked and mostly contribute to hours worked volatility. We show that this evidence is consistent with the view that neutral technological progress prompts Schumpeterian creative destruction, while investment specific technological progress has standard neoclassical feature
Parallelization Strategies for the VMEC Program
. The magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium problem in magnetic confinement fusion devices is solved by using the Variational Moments Equilibrium Code (VMEC). The sequential version of the code is computationally very expensive and may take several days of CPU time. In this work we present two parallelization techniques for the code. First, an automatic tool has been used as a guidance for the parallelization of the critical parts of the code, and some deficiencies of its automatic parallelization techniques have been determined . In a second approach, these shortcomings are overcome to develop manual techniques which offer better results and can be used in future automatic parallelizers. 1 Introduction VMEC (Variational Moments Equilibrium Code) [1] is used to solve the magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium problem, found in the plasma physics in magnetic confinement fusion devices. It is particularly interesting to remark that this code takes into account the fully 3D nature of some designs (st..
Development and characterization of medical phantoms for ultrasound imaging based on customizable and mouldable polyvinyl alcohol cryogel?based materials and 3-D printing : application to high-frequency cranial ultrasonography in infants.
This work presents an affordable and easily customizable methodology for phantom manufacturing, which can be used to mimic different anatomic organs and structures. This methodology is based on the use of polyvinyl alcohol?based cryogels as a physical substitute for biologic soft tissues and of 3-D printed polymers for hard tissues, moulding and supporting elements. Thin and durable soft-tissue mimicking layers and multilayer arrangements can be obtained using these materials. Special attention was paid to the acoustic properties (sound speed, attenuation coefficient and mechanical impedance) of the materials developed to simulate soft tissues. These properties were characterized as a function of the additives concentration (propylene-glycol and alumina particles). The polyvinyl alcohol formulation proposed in this work is stable over several freeze-thaw cycles, allowing the manufacturing of multilayer materials with controlled properties. The manufacturing methodology presented was applied to the development of a phantom for high-frequency cranial ultrasonography in infants. This phantom was able to reproduce the main characteristics of the ultrasound images obtained in neonates through the anterior fontanel, down to 8-mm depth
Evaluaci?n y manejo cl?nico de las autolesiones en la adolescencia: protocolo basado en la evidencia
Las autolesiones se han convertido en un importante problema de salud
p?blica en la adolescencia. El t?rmino autolesi?n o lesi?n autoinfligida, se
ha definido como un acto llevado a cabo por una persona con el objetivo
de hacerse da?o a s? mismo. Independientemente de las consecuencias que
la autolesi?n pueda tener para la salud f?sica o mental, puede asociarse
a distintos niveles de intencionalidad suicida. En el caso de que esta no
existiera se denomina autolesi?n no suicida.
El incremento de las autolesiones en la adolescencia ha sido progresivo
en las ?ltimas d?cadas, con un incremento exponencial en los 10 ?ltimos
a?os. Adem?s, en la actualidad se ha detectado un incremento notorio de
las autolesiones en la poblaci?n adolescente, en parte, relacionado con el
estr?s psicol?gico y distanciamiento social causado por la pandemia por
El objetivo general de este documento es elaborar un documento basado en la evidencia cient?fica que permita favorecer una mejor evaluaci?n y manejo cl?nico de las autolesiones en la adolescencia.
En la actualidad, las autolesiones constituyen un grave problema en la poblaci?n adolescente y, por ello, es relevante establecer los mecanismos que permitan su adecuada detecci?n y manejo cl?nico. El presente documento sintetiza la evidencia m?s relevante, as? como recoge las principales actuaciones en atenci?n primaria y atenci?n especializada, con el objetivo de guiar a los profesionales y favorecer la toma de decisiones compartida. Tambi?n se proponen indicadores para la monitorizaci?n de la pr?ctica cl?nica y se ha desarrollado un documento para adolescentes, familias y profesionales de la educaci?n. La investigaci?n futura deber? centrarse en evaluar la efectividad de las diferentes intervenciones y dise?ar nuevos enfoques preventivos y terap?uticos
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