1,756 research outputs found

    Analysis of FRP shear strengthening solutions for reinforced concrete beams considering debonding failure

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    In this paper, a fiber beam model previously developed by the authors for the nonlinear analysis of strengthened elements, including the effects of shear, is used to predict the response of reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened in shear with fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) sheets. In the previous version of the model, debonding failure of FRP was not included; hence, its application was limited to the simulation of wrapped configurations. The model is now extended to account for debonding failure in order to allow for its application to beams strengthened with U-shaped and side-bonded configurations. Existing experimental tests on RC beams strengthened in shear by FRP sheets in both wrapped and U-shaped configurations were numerically simulated. The model reproduces, with reasonable accuracy, the experimental failure loads, the load-deflection behavior, and the strains in FRP and stirrups with increasing load. The advantages of this proposal are related with the simplicity and straightforwardness of the beam models to be applied in practical engineering problems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Art therapy and female subjectivity: building a collage

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    Este texto es el resultado de una investigación que ahonda, desde la teoría y la práctica, en el valor que tanto los procesos creativos como las imágenes plásticas surgidas en un espacio arteterapéutico pueden aportar a un grupo psicoterapéutico de mujeres. Para apoyar la resolución de los conflictos en este grupo se enlazan las teorías de arteterapia, la psicoterapia dinámica y la perspectiva de género. Se muestra cómo se han planteado estas relaciones a través de la exposición de tres casos clínicos que son ejemplos de los procesos psíquicos observados.This research work, from theory and practice, is based in the significance of the creative process and the art object in the art therapy sessions with a female therapeutic group. The art therapy, the dynamic psychotherapy and the gender perspective are the theory studied to help the resolution of their conflicts. We show three patient studies like example of the psychical process watched

    Actitudes homófobas de los jóvenes hacia gays y lesbianas

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    La homofobia constituye un problema social que lejos de eliminarse parece adaptarse a los tiempos actuales tomando formas más sutiles que son explicadas en base a factores personales. El objetivo de esta investigación está dirigido a conocer los niveles de homofobia de los jóvenes. Para ello, se tomó una muestra de 601 estudiantes universitarios y de ciclos formativos con edades comprendidas entre 17.46 y 34.47 años (M = 22.47 años y D.T. = 2.96), de los cuales el 65.1% son mujeres, a los que se les administró la escala Homphobia Modern Scale (Raja y Stokes, 1998) validada al español por Rodríguez, Lameiras, Carrera y Vallejo (2013). Pese a que los niveles de homofobia de los participantes son bajos, existen diferencias significativas entre los diferentes grupos en función de sus características. Los análisis de ANOVA factorial mostraron que los mayores niveles de homofobia quedan explicados por ser hombre, no universitario, no tener amigos homosexuales y por estar en los cursos iniciales de la rama de conocimiento de ciencias y experimentales. Las conclusiones subrayan la importancia de la formación para la promoción de actitudes positivas hacia las personas homosexuales.Homophobia is a social problem that is far from disappearing and instead seems to adapt to the current times becoming a much more subtle forms that are explained for personal factors. The aim of this study is to find out the levels of homophobia among young people. For this, a sample of 601 university and vocational training students ranging from 17.46 to 34.47 years old (M = 22.47, SD = 2.96) was selected, of which 65.1% are women, who were administered the Modern Homphobia Scale (Raja & Stokes, 1998) validated the Spanish for Rodriguez, Lameiras, Carrera & Vallejo (2013). Even though homophobia levels of participants are low, there are significant differences between the groups, according to their characteristics. The factorial ANOVA analysis showed that the greater levels of homophobic attitudes are explained as be a man, not college, not having gay friends and being in the beginning courses of the branch of knowledge of sciences and experimental. The conclusions underline the importance of training to promote positive attitudes toward homosexual persons

    Optimization of sustainability conditions of the multilayer enclosure of "La Casa Solar"

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    The Polytechnic University of Madrid has designed an industrialized prototype of a single family house, to participate in the Solar Decathlon 2007 Contest. The design objective was the complete energy self-sufficiency in the annual cycle, and become a research platform for the optimization of this objective. Inside the research lines for the optimization of the prototype there is the one that studies the sustainable materials of the house. We have studied the enclosures of the SD07 prototype to improve the choice of each material involved. The design of the prototype SD0 7 used materials from renewable sources (vegetable fiber panels, OSB), recyclable materials (cold-formed steel), recycled materials (almond shell panels), and material that can be reusable (rolled steel sections, insulation panels, wood panels, floors). We have carried out a simplified assessment of the sustainable conditions of materials used in multilayer prototype SD07 enclosures. We noted, that overall, the level of sustainability of materials used in the prototype SD07 allows us to improve the characteristics of the sustainable design. We have found the main goal for the development of the sustainability that can incorporate aspects for healthier and more respectful conditions for people and the environment

    Investigaciones sobre la enseñanza del español y su cultura en contextos de inmigración

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    Arteterapia y subjetividad femenina: construyendo un collage.

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    Este texto es el resultado de una investigación que ahonda, desde la teoría y la práctica, en el valor que tanto los procesos creativos como las imágenes plásticas surgidas en un espacio arteterapéutico pueden aportar a un grupo psicoterapéutico de mujeres. Para apoyar la resolución de los conflictos en este grupo se enlazan las teorías de arteterapia, la psicoterapia dinámica y la perspectiva de género. Se muestra cómo se han planteado estas relaciones a través de la exposición de tres casos clínicos que son ejemplos de los procesos psíquicos observados

    Thermal performance of ligth multi-layered facades

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    Traditional façade systems are at the point where the minimum comfort guarantees have peaked, showing hygrothermic performance deficiencies which result in higher heating consumption, which is why it´s necessary to make improvements in design and building construction, especially in envelopes, for which efficient building enclosures should be used, generating notable benefits. For these reasons, the study of new façade construction systems is essential, particularly light multi-layers, which offer favorable characteristics for energy consumption savings. With this background, the main aim of this study is to generate knowledge to find out to what extent light multi-layered façades are better, determining which façades are the most efficient and guarantee the comfort conditions of a building, contributing in this way to energy consumption savings. To carry out this study, a methodology of analysis shall be used, signifying that in the first phase a theoretical study has been made, analyzing different configurations of the sample façades, to obtain their thermal performance, using two different methods, thermographic and thermal, obtaining in the thermographic study: surface temperatures of the façades, while in the thermal simulation, generating isotherms, heat flows, data on thermal coupling coefficients to calculate the value of the thermal transmittance and surface conditions, among others. Therefore, using this data, the conclusion has been reached that comparing a traditional enclosure to a light multi-layered one of equal thickness, an improvement of 65% can be achieved in the thermal transmittance, which signifies a saving in energy consumption, exceeding the Technical Building Code

    Les dones al món i a la societat

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    Treball de l'alumnat del Grau d'Educació Primària de la Facultat d'Educació de la UB. Proposta d'activitat emmarcada al projecte de recerca EDU201S-69332-R "Desarrollo de las competencias para la educación multilingüe". Any: 2017. Tutors: Juli Palou i Margarida CambraLa creació d'aquesta capsa està vinculada amb la necessitat de tractar el gènere en la nostra societat i en les cultures del món. Per aquest motiu i sent conscients de la carència educativa o la poca rellevància que, segons el nostre parer, ocupa aquest tema a les escoles, hem dissenyat una capsa que intenta trencar amb els estereotips de gènere tot respectant la moral i les creences de cadascú

    Effectiveness of a fibromyalgia online nursing consultation in the quality of life: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of an online nursing consultation through the Internet platform Red Sinapsis (RS) in improving the perceived quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia (FM). Method: Eighty patients with FM were randomized to an intervention group (n = 40) or control group (n= 40). The intervention group (IG) was monitored by a nursing specialist through the online platform RS while the control group (CG) received standard follow-up at the clinic. The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) were used at baseline, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up. Results: The IG showed a 65% improvement in the perception of their general state of health at 12 months into the study, compared with an improvement of 5.6% in the CG (p < .001). The IG also achieved better results for emotional status, with a maintained improvement throughout the study of more than 2 points in the anxiety variable (from 7.64 to 5.36), that remained constant in the CG. The depression variable also showed constant improvement over the 12 months of the study in the IG, rising from an average of 7.72 (standard deviation [SD] = 2.05) to 5.33 (SD = 1.65), while in the CG a slight deterioration was observed. In both cases, the difference in mood evolution was significant (p < .001). Conclusions: Online nursing follow-up for people with fibromyalgia improves patients’ perceived quality of life related to their welfare and emotional state. Fibromyalgia (FM) is among the diseases causing the highest rate of occupational disability in Spain. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a complex condition that causes pain, fatigue, non-refreshed sleep, mood disturbance and cognitive impairmen