23 research outputs found

    Auxin transport, metabolism, and signalling during nodule initiation: indeterminate and determinate nodules

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    Most legumes can form a unique type of lateral organ on their roots: root nodules. These structures host symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria called rhizobia. Several different types of nodules can be found in nature, but the two best studied types are called indeterminate and determinate nodules. These two types differ with respect to the presence or absence of a persistent nodule meristem, which consistently correlates with the cortical cell layers giving rise to the nodule primordia. Similar to other plant developmental processes, auxin signalling overlaps with the site of organ initiation and meristem activity. Here, we review how auxin contributes to early nodule development. We focus on changes in auxin transport, signalling, and metabolism during nodule initiation, describing both experimental evidence and computer modelling. We discuss how indeterminate and determinate nodules may differ in their mechanisms for generating localized auxin response maxima and highlight outstanding questions for future research

    Microtubule nucleation complex behavior is critical for cortical array homogeneity and xylem wall patterning

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    Plant cell walls are versatile materials that can adopt a wide range of mechanical properties through controlled deposition of cellulose fibrils. Wall integrity requires a sufficiently homogeneous fibril distribution to cope effectively with wall stresses. Additionally, specific conditions, such as the negative pressure in water transporting xylem vessels, may require more complex wall patterns, e.g., bands in protoxylem. The orientation and patterning of cellulose fibrils are guided by dynamic cortical microtubules. New microtubules are predominantly nucleated from parent microtubules causing positive feedback on local microtubule density with the potential to yield highly inhomogeneous patterns. Inhomogeneity indeed appears in all current cortical array simulations that include microtubule-based nucleation, suggesting that plant cells must possess an as-yet unknown balancing mechanism to prevent it. Here, in a combined simulation and experimental approach, we show that a limited local recruitment of nucleation complexes to microtubules can counter the positive feedback, whereas local tubulin depletion cannot. We observe that nucleation complexes preferentially appear at the plasma membrane near microtubules. By incorporating our experimental findings in stochastic simulations, we find that the spatial behavior of nucleation complexes delicately balances the positive feedback, such that differences in local microtubule dynamics—as in developing protoxylem—can quickly turn a homogeneous array into a banded one. Our results provide insight into how the plant cytoskeleton has evolved to meet diverse mechanical requirements and greatly increase the predictive power of computational cell biology studies

    Global population divergence and admixture of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Native to China and Mongolia, the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) now enjoys a worldwide distribution. While black rats and the house mouse tracked the regional development of human agricultural settlements, brown rats did not appear in Europe until the 1500s, suggesting their range expansion was a response to relatively recent increases in global trade. We inferred the global phylogeography of brown rats using 32 k SNPs, and detected 13 evolutionary clusters within five expansion routes. One cluster arose following a southward expansion into Southeast Asia. Three additional clusters arose from two independent eastward expansions: one expansion from Russia to the Aleutian Archipelago, and a second to western North America. Westward expansion resulted in the colonization of Europe from which subsequent rapid colonization of Africa, the Americas and Australasia occurred, and multiple evolutionary clusters were detected. An astonishing degree of fine-grained clustering between and within sampling sites underscored the extent to which urban heterogeneity shaped genetic structure of commensal rodents. Surprisingly, few individuals were recent migrants, suggesting that recruitment into established populations is limited. Understanding the global population structure of R. norvegicus offers novel perspectives on the forces driving the spread of zoonotic disease, and aids in development of rat eradication programmes

    Recent evolution in Rattus norvegicus is shaped by declining effective population size

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    The brown rat, Rattus norvegicus, is both a notorious pest and a frequently used model in biomedical research. By analyzing genome sequences of 12 wild-caught brown rats from their presumed ancestral range in NE China, along with the sequence of a black rat, Rattus rattus, we investigate the selective and demographic forces shaping variation in the genome. We estimate that the recent effective population size (N(e)) of this species = [Formula: see text] , based on silent site diversity. We compare patterns of diversity in these genomes with patterns in multiple genome sequences of the house mouse (Mus musculus castaneus), which has a much larger N(e). This reveals an important role for variation in the strength of genetic drift in mammalian genome evolution. By a Pairwise Sequentially Markovian Coalescent analysis of demographic history, we infer that there has been a recent population size bottleneck in wild rats, which we date to approximately 20,000 years ago. Consistent with this, wild rat populations have experienced an increased flux of mildly deleterious mutations, which segregate at higher frequencies in protein-coding genes and conserved noncoding elements. This leads to negative estimates of the rate of adaptive evolution (α) in proteins and conserved noncoding elements, a result which we discuss in relation to the strongly positive estimates observed in wild house mice. As a consequence of the population bottleneck, wild rats also show a markedly slower decay of linkage disequilibrium with physical distance than wild house mice

    More Insights from Ultrastructural and Functional Plasmodesmata Data Using PDinsight

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    PDinsight is a Python-based tool for computing effective wall permeability for symplasmic transport based on plasmodesma (PD) size and distribution data. PDinsight can be used for direct computation of such permeabilities if full data is available, as well as in an explorative way if some data is either not available or considered unreliable. In this chapter, we briefly describe the basic model underlying the PDinsight calculations and discuss how the different modes of PDinsight can be used in relation to typical research questions. We also offer advice on choosing appropriate values for diffusion coefficients and particle size based on the currently most used experimental probes

    Modelling the role of microtubules in plant cell morphology

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    Normal plant growth requires the anisotropic expansion of cells and the proper orientation of their divisions. Both are controlled by the architecture of the cortical microtubule array. Cortical microtubules interact through frequent collisions. Several modelling studies have shown that these interactions can be sufficient for spontaneous alignment. Further requirements to this self-organization are the homogeneous distribution of microtubule density and reliable control over the array orientation. We review the contribution of computer simulations and mathematical modelling on each of these challenges. These models now provide a good understanding of the basic alignment mechanism and will continue to be very useful tools for investigating more advanced questions, for example how microtubule severing contributes to alignment and array reorientation.</p

    Small GTPase patterning : How to stabilise cluster coexistence

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    Many biological processes have to occur at specific locations on the cell membrane. These locations are often specified by the localised activity of small GTPase proteins. Some processes require the formation of a single cluster of active GTPase, also called unipolar polarisation (here “polarisation”), whereas others need multiple coexisting clusters. Moreover, sometimes the pattern of GTPase clusters is dynamically regulated after its formation. This raises the question how the same interacting protein components can produce such a rich variety of naturally occurring patterns. Most currently used models for GTPase-based patterning inherently yield polarisation. Such models may at best yield transient coexistence of at most a few clusters, and hence fail to explain several important biological phenomena. These existing models are all based on mass conservation of total GTPase and some form of direct or indirect positive feedback. Here, we show that either of two biologically plausible modifications can yield stable coexistence: including explicit GTPase turnover, i.e., breaking mass conservation, or negative feedback by activation of an inhibitor like a GAP. Since we start from two different polarising models our findings seem independent of the precise self-activation mechanism. By studying the net GTPase flows among clusters, we provide insight into how these mechanisms operate. Our coexistence models also allow for dynamical regulation of the final pattern, which we illustrate with examples of pollen tube growth and the branching of fungal hyphae. Together, these results provide a better understanding of how cells can tune a single system to generate a wide variety of biologically relevant patterns.</p

    Quantitative modelling of legume root nodule primordium induction by a diffusive signal of epidermal origin that inhibits auxin efflux

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    Background: Rhizobium nitrogen fixation in legumes takes place in specialized organs called root nodules. The initiation of these symbiotic organs has two important components. First, symbiotic rhizobium bacteria are recognized at the epidermis through specific bacterially secreted lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCOs). Second, signaling processes culminate in the formation of a local auxin maximum marking the site of cell divisions. Both processes are spatially separated. This separation is most pronounced in legumes forming indeterminate nodules, such as model organism Medicago truncatula, in which the nodule primordium is formed from pericycle to most inner cortical cell layers. Results: We used computer simulations of a simplified root of a legume that can form indeterminate nodules. A diffusive signal that inhibits auxin transport is produced in the epidermis, the site of rhizobium contact. In our model, all cells have the same response characteristics to the diffusive signal. Nevertheless, we observed the fastest and strongest auxin accumulation in the pericycle and inner cortex. The location of these auxin maxima correlates with the first dividing cells of future nodule primordia in M. truncatula. The model also predicts a transient reduction of the vascular auxin concentration rootward of the induction site as is experimentally observed. We use our model to investigate how competition for the vascular auxin source could contribute to the regulation of nodule number and spacing. Conclusion: Our simulations show that the diffusive signal may invoke the strongest auxin accumulation response in the inner root layers, although the signal itself is strongest close to its production site

    How selective severing by katanin promotes order in the plant cortical microtubule array

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    Plant morphogenesis requires differential and often asymmetric growth. A key role in controlling anisotropic expansion of individual cells is played by the cortical microtubule array. Although highly organized, the array can nevertheless rapidly change in response to internal and external cues. Experiments have identified the microtubule-severing enzyme katanin as a central player in controlling the organizational state of the array. Katanin action is required both for normal alignment and the adaptation of array orientation to mechanical, environmental, and developmental stimuli. How katanin fulfills its controlling role, however, remains poorly understood. On the one hand, from a theoretical perspective, array ordering depends on the "weeding out" of discordant microtubules through frequent catastrophe-inducing collisions among microtubules. Severing would reduce average microtubule length and lifetime, and consequently weaken the driving force for alignment. On the other hand, it has been suggested that selective severing at microtubule crossovers could facilitate the removal of discordant microtubules. Here we show that this apparent conflict can be resolved by systematically dissecting the role of all of the relevant interactions in silico. This procedure allows the identification of the sufficient and necessary conditions for katanin to promote array alignment, stresses the critical importance of the experimentally observed selective severing of the "crossing" microtubule at crossovers, and reveals a hitherto not appreciated role for microtubule bundling. We show how understanding the underlying mechanism can aid with interpreting experimental results and designing future experiments.</p