47 research outputs found

    Effects of Artificial Light Treatments on Growth, Mineral Composition, Physiology, and Pigment Concentration in Dieffenbachia maculata “Compacta” Plants

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    Specific wavebands may allow precise control of plant growth. However, light sources must be carefully evaluated before the large-scale use of supplemental light sources can be implemented. Dieffenbachia maculata “Compacta” plants were grown for 8 weeks in pots in a growth chamber under tightly controlled temperature and humidity in order to assess the effects of supplemental light. Three treatments were applied: (i) using 18-W fluorescent bulbs (T1), (ii) using the same bulbs with supplemental light emitting diodes (LEDs) (Pure Blue and Pure Red Mix-Light-Emitting Diodes (BR-LEDs)) (T2), and (iii) using high-efficiency TL5 fluorescents (T3). Plant biomass, mineral composition, and physiological and photosynthetic parameters were assessed under each light treatment. Total plant dry weight was highest in plants grown under treatments T1 and T3. Other differences were observed between different light treatments, including variation in biomass partitioning as well as N and K concentrations in roots, stems, and leaves. Further, proline and indole 3-acetic acid (IAA) levels were higher in plants grown under the T1 treatment, whereas total soluble sugars and starch were higher in plants grown under treatment T3. Plants grown under treatment T1 had the lowest chlorophyll concentrations. No differences were observed in organ water content and P concentration. T2 was not the best treatment, as expected. The model proposed a linear regression between integrated use of spectral energy (IUSE) and total dry weight (TDW), which showed a good relationship with an R2 value of 0.83. Therefore, we recommend this methodology to discern the effects of the different spectral qualities on plant biomass

    Fittonia verschaffeltii Response to Artificial Light Treatments: BIOMASS, Nutrient Concentrations and Physiological Changes

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different light treatments on biomass, nutrient concentrations and physiological parameters of Fittonia verschaffeltii (Lem) Van Houtte. The aim was to establish a methodology to evaluate the effect of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) emitted by lamps on biomass. The light treatments used were tube luminescent Dunn (TL-D), tube luminescent Dunn + light emitting diodes (LEDs) and Tube luminescent 5 (TL-5). At the end of the experimental period, biomass, nutritional, biochemical, and physiological parameters were assessed. A clear reduction in total plant dry weight under TL-D + LEDs at the end of the experiment was recorded. With respect to nutrient concentration in the different organs assessed, there was no clear response under the different light treatments. The growth under TL-D lamps resulted in the highest concentration of total soluble sugars and starch in leaves, whereas the highest value of indole 3-acetic acid concentration was under TL-5 lamps. Plants grown under TL-D + LEDs showed the lowest values of chlorophyll a, b and a + b. The relationship proposed between integrated use of spectral energy (IUSE) and total dry weight (TDW) showed a good correlation with an R2 value of 0.86, therefore we recommend this methodology to discern the effects of the different spectral qualities on plant biomass

    Beyond simulation: collaborative redaction of I.S.U.D. in Cabanyal-Canyamelar-Cap de França (Valencia)

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    El barrio del Cabanyal-Canyamelar-Cap de França es uno de los conjuntos urbanos más destacables de la ciudad de Valencia. Un Plan parcial urbanístico promovido por el Ayuntamiento a finales de los noventa preveía alterar notablemente su morfología, ante la posición contraria de un vecindario que se movilizó y consiguió atenuar parte del impacto del plan. En una nueva etapa, el Ayuntamiento encarga una estrategia sostenible para el barrio que respete el patrimonio e incluya el punto de vista de los ciudadanos. Esa estrategia deberá intentar recabar fondos europeos a través de la convocatoria EDUSI del Ministerio de Fomento. El equipo Va Cabanyal gana el concurso para diseñar esa estrategia otorgando un peso importante a las técnicas dialécticas. En esta nota metodológica se relata el proceso desarrollado en un tiempo limitado y con el corsé de las directrices de una convocatoria de la UE. Al mismo tiempo, se apunta el tipo de participación deseable una vez estén disponibles los fondos y se ponga en marcha la estrategia

    Patient self-management of oral anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists in everyday practice : Clinical outcomes in a single centre cohort after long-term follow-up

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    Patient self-management (PSM) of vitamin K antagonists (VKA) seems a very promising model of care for oral anticoagulation in terms of efficacy and safety. In comparison with other management models of VKA therapy, the number of scientific publications supporting the advantages of PSM is more limited. Currently, most of the scarce information comes from randomized clinical trials. Moreover, a small number of studies have assessed PSM of VKA therapy in real life conditions. We analyzed clinical outcomes of 927 patients in a single center (6018.6 patient-years of follow-up). Recruitment took place between 2002 and 2017. All patients followed a structured training program, conducted by specialized nurses. Fifty percent of individuals had a mechanical heart valve (MHV), 23% suffered from recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) or high-risk thrombophilia, and 13% received VKA therapy because of atrial fibrillation (AF). Median follow-up was 6.5 years (range 0.1-15.97 years), median age was 58.1 years (IQR 48-65.9) and 46.5% were women. The incidence of major complications (either hemorrhagic or thromboembolic) was 1.87% patient-years (pt-ys) with a 95% CI of 1.54-2.27. The incidence of major thromboembolic events was 0.86% pt-ys (95% CI 0.64-1.13) and that of major hemorrhagic events was 1.01% pt-ys (95% CI 0.77-1.31). The incidence of intracranial bleeding was 0.22% pt-ys (95% CI 0.12-0.38). In terms of clinical indication for VKA therapy, the incidence of total major complications was 2.4% pt-ys, 2.0% pt-ys, 0.9% pt-ys and 1.34% pt-ys for MHV, AF, VTE and other (including valvulopathies and myocardiopathies), respectively. Clinical outcomes were worse in patients with multiple comorbidities, previous major complications during conventional VKA therapy, and in older individuals. The percentage of time in therapeutic range (TTR) was available in 861 (93%) patients. Overall, the mean (SD) of TTR was 63.6 ± 13.4%, being higher in men (66.2 ± 13.1%) than women (60.6 ± 13.2%), p < 0.05. In terms of clinically relevant outcomes (incidence of major complications and mortality), PSM in real life setting seems to be a very good alternative in properly trained patients

    Manejo de la tromboflebitis superficial en la mujer embarazada

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    Superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) has traditionally been considered a benign condition. However, current evidence suggests that thrombosis will spread into the deep vein system in a significant proportion of cases, particularly when the thrombus occupies the proximal long saphenous vein. Its presentation in pregnancy is an added difficulty. This case represents the complex management of a condition for which diagnostic prediction tools are lacking. Ultrasound examination plays a key role, especially in pregnant patients, for whom evidence supporting the diagnosis and treatment of venous thromboembolic disease is weaker than for the rest of patients. We present the case of a pregnant woman of 9 weeks with SVT and we discussed her management.La trombosis venosa superficial se ha considerado tradicionalmente como una afección benigna. Sin embargo, la evidencia actual sugiere que una proporción significativa de casos se propagará al sistema venoso profundo, particularmente cuando el trombo ocupa la vena safena larga proximal. Su presentación en el embarazo supone una dificultad añadida. Este caso representa la complejidad en el manejo de una patología sobre la que no hay herramientas de predicción diagnóstica, y donde la ecografía juega un papel clave, en especial en pacientes embarazadas, en quienes las evidencias que soportan el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa son más débiles que en el resto de los pacientes. Presentamos el caso de una gestante de 9 semanas con trombosis venosa superficial y discutimos su manejo

    Manejo de la mujer embarazada con síndrome antifosfolípido obstétrico y trombótico

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    Antiphospholipid syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease in which the underlying pathological process described is the thrombosis in any vascular place and/or obstetric morbidity. Given the variability of its clinical symptoms we can speak of two variants of the same disease whose management is different in terms of follow-up and treatment. We present a case of a pregnancy in the context of a complete antiphospholipid syndrome (thrombotic and obstetric). The planning of pregnancy and childbirth, the close and coordinated follow-up, as well as the individualization of the treatment were essential to carry out the gestation.El síndrome antifosfolípido es una enfermedad autoinmune sistémica que se define por la trombosis en cualquier lecho vascular y/o la morbilidad obstétrica. Dada la variabilidad en sus manifestaciones clínicas, podemos hablar de dos variantes de una misma entidad, síndrome antifosfolípido trombótico y síndrome antifosfolípido obstétrico, cuyo manejo presenta diferentes matices en cuanto a seguimiento y tratamiento. Presentamos un caso de una gestación en el contexto de un síndrome antifosfolípido completo (trombótico y obstétrico). La planificación del embarazo y el parto, el seguimiento cercano y coordinado, así como la individualización del tratamiento resultaron esenciales para llevar a buen término la gestación

    Cáncer renal con trombosis de vena renal y vena cava inferior

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    Venous thromboembolic disease is a frequent and serious clinic complication in cancer patients. Risk is higher in those with metastatic disease, and thrombosis related with cancer is associated with lower survival rates. Anticoagulation is the main treatment, usually continued for a long time, carrying risk for bleeding events. Despite anticoagulation, a high rate of recurrences is described. Venous thrombosis and cancer is a major therapeutic challenge and requires a comprehensive management. We present the case of a 55-year-old male with clear cell renal carcinoma and associated venous thromboembolic disease.La enfermedad tromboembólica venosa es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes y graves de los pacientes oncológicos. La incidencia es mayor en tumores con enfermedad metastásica y su desarrollo se relaciona con una menor supervivencia. La anticoagulación, que es el tratamiento indicado, en la gran mayoría de los casos debe mantenerse a largo plazo, con el riesgo hemorrágico que esto conlleva. Además, la trombosis venosa asociada al cáncer presenta una elevada tasa de recurrencias pese a la anticoagulación. El manejo de la trombosis venosa en el cáncer es complejo y precisa una aproximación multidisciplinar. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 55 años con un carcinoma renal de células claras y enfermedad tromboembólica venosa asociada

    Creació d'una infraestructura de dades espacials i publicació de metadades per a l'Ajuntament de Granollers

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    RESUM: El present treball final de màster tracta sobre el projecte desenvolupat en el marc de col·laboració entre el Màster en Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica (19ª edició) i l'Ajuntament de Granollers. Aquest treball té com objectiu el desenvolupament d'una Infraestructura de Dades Espacials (IDE) i la creació d'un catàleg de metadades per a l'Ajuntament de Granollers. Aquesta IDE permetrà gestionar i donar a conèixer el gran volum d'informació geogràfica que gestiona l'Ajuntament. La IDE s'ha implementat mitjançant l'eina de software lliure i de codi obert GeoNetwork. Aquest programari proporciona una interfície web que permet la creació, edició i consulta de metadades, la configuració del catàleg de metadades, la personalització de l'aspecte de la IDE i la visualització de dades geogràfiques mitjançant un mapa interactiu. A més, es poden realitzar modificacions en la IDE de caire avançat modificant el codi font, gràcies a que GeoNetwork és un programari de codi obert. Els resultats obtinguts són un catàleg de metadades avançat i de fàcil accés, estandarditzat a normatives ISO adaptades a sistemes d'informació geogràfica, a més d'una IDE amb un aspecte personalitzat als requeriments de l'Ajuntament. De les 477 dades geogràfiques gestionades per l'Ajuntament, 35 d'elles se'ls hi han assignat metadades. Finalment, el balanç d'aquest projecte ha estat positiu ja que ha assolit tots els objectius, tant generals com específics, en el temps planificat. Actualment l'Ajuntament es troba en la fase d'assignar un domini d'Internet a la IDE i realitzar la migració d'aquesta a un servidor informàtic adequat amb l'objectiu de permetre que els ciutadans tinguin accés obert al catàleg.El presente trabajo final de máster trata sobre el proyecto desarrollado en el marco de colaboración entre el Máster en Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica (19ª edición) y el Ayuntamiento de Granollers. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) y la creación de un catálogo de metadatos para el Ayuntamiento de Granollers. Esta IDE permitirá gestionar y dar a conocer el gran volumen de información geográfica que gestiona el Ayuntamiento. La IDE se ha implementado mediante la herramienta de software libre y de código abierto GeoNetwork. Este software proporciona una interfaz web que permite la creación, edición y consulta de metadatos, la configuración del catálogo de metadatos, la personalización del aspecto de la IDE y la visualización de datos geográficos mediante un mapa interactivo. Además, se pueden realizar modificaciones de la IDE de tipo avanzado modificando el código fuente, gracias a que GeoNetwork es un software de código abierto. Los resultados obtenidos son un catálogo de metadatos avanzado y de fácil acceso, estandarizado a normativas ISO adaptadas a sistemas de información geográfica, además de una IDE con un aspecto personalizado a los requerimientos del Ayuntamiento. De los 477 datos geográficos gestionados por el Ayuntamiento, a 35 de ellos se les han asignados metadatos. Finalmente, el balance de este proyecto ha sido positivo ya que ha alcanzado todos los objetivos, tanto generales como específicos, en el tiempo planificado. Actualmente el Ayuntamiento se encuentra en la fase de asignar un dominio de Internet a la IDE y realizar la migración de esta a un servidor informático adecuado con el objetivo de permitir que los ciudadanos tengan acceso abierto al catálogo.The present MSc thesis deals with the project developed in the collaboration framework between the Màster en Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica (19th Edition) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the City Council of Granollers in Spain. The objective of this project is the development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and the creation of a metadata catalog for the City Council. This SDI will allow managing and publishing the large volume of geographic information managed by the City Council. The SDI has been implemented with GeoNetwork, an open-source software tool. This software provides a web interface that allows the creation, edition and query of metadata information, the configuration of the metadata catalog, the customization of the SDI appearance, and the visualization of geographic data by means of an interactive map. Since GeoNetwork is an open-source software tool, advanced modifications of the SDI can be performed. The project outcomes are an easy-access advanced metadata catalog standardized to ISO normative conceived for geographical information systems, as well as a SDI with a personalized appearance that meets the City Council requirements. From the 477 geographical data instances maintained by the City Council, 35 of them have been assigned metadata. Finally, the balance of this project has been positive since it has achieved all general and specific objectives following the time schedule. Currently, the City Council is in the phase of assigning an Internet domain to the SDI and migrate it to a suitable computer server, with the aim of allowing citizens to have open access to the catalog

    Hair cortisol concentrations in a Spanish sample of healthy adults

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    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC), as a novel promising method to retrospectively measure hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation, is being increasingly studied. We tested the relationships between HCC and a range of possible confounding variables in a Spanish sample of healthy adults and pregnant women. In this sample of healthy Spaniards, results suggested an association between HCC and physical exercise and educational level. In pregnant women, the prevalence of HCC was higher than in non-pregnant woman, and was related to educational level. This study emphasises the need to determine the relationship between HCC and confounders such as sociodemographic and lifestyle variables in the general population and specific groups formed by individuals such as pregnant women.This research is part of a doctoral thesis. It has been economically supported by the "PSI2015-63494-P" I+D Project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDE

    Growth, Photosynthesis, and Physiological Responses of Ornamental Plants to Complementation with Monochromic or Mixed Red-Blue LEDs for Use in Indoor Environments

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    Inch (Tradescantia zebrina) and spider (Chlorophytum comosum) plants were grown in a growth chamber for two months in plastic containers to evaluate the effects of different light treatments (TO Tube luminescent Dunn (TLD) lamps or control), TB (TLD lamps + blue light emitting diodes (LEDs)), TR (TLD lamps + red LEDs), and TBR (TLD lamps + blue and red LEDs) on biomass, photosynthesis, and physiological parameters. Total dry weight and water content were evaluated at the end of the experimental period. After two months, pigment concentrations and the photosynthetic rate were assessed in both species. The total soluble sugar, starch, and proline concentrations in the leaf as physiological parameters were studied at the end of the experiment. Both species had increased root, shoot, and total dry weight under blue LEDs conditions. The chlorophyll concentration showed a specific response in each species under monochromic or mixed red-blue LEDs. The highest photosynthetic rate was measured under the addition of mixed red-blue LEDs with TLD lamps. At the physiological level, each species triggered different responses with respect to total soluble sugars and the proline concentration in leaves under monochromic or mixed red-blue LEDs. Our study demonstrated that the addition of blue LEDs is advisable for the production of these ornamental foliage species