103 research outputs found

    Fat utilization by baby pigs

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    Deep Hashing Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have emerged as a dominant machine learning tool for a wide variety of application domains. However, training a deep neural network requires a large amount of labeled data, which is an expensive process in terms of time, labor and human expertise. Domain adaptation or transfer learning algorithms address this challenge by leveraging labeled data in a different, but related source domain, to develop a model for the target domain. Further, the explosive growth of digital data has posed a fundamental challenge concerning its storage and retrieval. Due to its storage and retrieval efficiency, recent years have witnessed a wide application of hashing in a variety of computer vision applications. In this paper, we first introduce a new dataset, Office-Home, to evaluate domain adaptation algorithms. The dataset contains images of a variety of everyday objects from multiple domains. We then propose a novel deep learning framework that can exploit labeled source data and unlabeled target data to learn informative hash codes, to accurately classify unseen target data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research effort to exploit the feature learning capabilities of deep neural networks to learn representative hash codes to address the domain adaptation problem. Our extensive empirical studies on multiple transfer tasks corroborate the usefulness of the framework in learning efficient hash codes which outperform existing competitive baselines for unsupervised domain adaptation.Comment: CVPR 201

    Detecting series periodicity with horizontal visibility graphs

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    The horizontal visibility algorithm has been recently introduced as a mapping between time series and networks. The challenge lies in characterizing the structure of time series (and the processes that generated those series) using the powerful tools of graph theory. Recent works have shown that the visibility graphs inherit several degrees of correlations from their associated series, and therefore such graph theoretical characterization is in principle possible. However, both the mathematical grounding of this promising theory and its applications are on its infancy. Following this line, here we address the question of detecting hidden periodicity in series polluted with a certain amount of noise. We first put forward some generic properties of horizontal visibility graphs which allow us to define a (graph theoretical) noise reduction filter. Accordingly, we evaluate its performance for the task of calculating the period of noisy periodic signals, and compare our results with standard time domain (autocorrelation) methods. Finally, potentials, limitations and applications are discussed.Comment: To be published in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Diseño en concreto armado de una vivienda multifamiliar con el sistema estructural dual, Pueblo Libre - Lima - 2022

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    El objetivo es el análisis estructural del sistema estructural lo cual se elaboró el plano arquitectónico de viviendas multifamiliares de las cuales el primer piso al octavo piso está conformado por 3 dormitorios, 2 ss.hh, 1 sala, 1 cocina, 1 hall por lo que se elaboró el modelo estructural la investigación de tipo aplicada y su nivel de investigación de nivel descriptiva por lo que es un diseño no experimental la población en estudio son todas las viviendas multifamiliares duales del distrito de San Pueblo Libre y su muestra en estudio es vivienda Multifamiliar de concreto armado dual ubicada en el Av. El Río N° 320 en pueblo Libre la recolección de datos acabó con un programa dedico a al modelamiento estructural, hojas de cálculo, libros y revistas los resultados obtenidos las distorsiones máximas que se generó al término del análisis de la edificación de 8 niveles en el sentido “X” en los diferentes niveles es de P1= 0,0013, P2= 0,0026, P3= 0,0034, P4= 0,0036, P5= 0,0036, P6= 0,0033, P7= 0,0030, P8= 0,0026 y en el sentido “Y” en los diferentes niveles es de P1= 0,0015, P2= 0,0033, P3= 0,0043, P4= 0,0048, P5= 0,0048, P6= 0,0046, P7= 0,0043, P8= 0,0039 y la cortante basal estático de la estructura en la dirección “X” es de P1= 308,96, P2= 293,00, P3= 269,93, P4= 238,42, P5= 199,97, P6= 152,70, P7= 98,87, P8= 44,08 y en la dirección “Y” es de P1= 308,96, P2=299,78, P3=281,90, P4=254,26, P5=218,14, P6= 171,72, P7= 117,20, P8= 52,31 se concluye que todos los desplazamientos de los diferentes niveles son menores a 5/1000 según la norma actual y los elementos estructurales al finalizar todo el análisis son conformados de losa aligerada de espesor de 20 cm, vigas de 30x50cm, 30x40cm, 20x20cm, 30x20, las columnas cuadradas de 30x30cm, columnas redondas de diámetro de 30cm por lo que las placas son de diferentes dimensiones pero todos de espesor de 25cm

    Aspectos generales de la metodología para calculo del Margen Bruto Estándar 2000. Documento de Trabajo de la Cátedra Jean Monnet 3/04. con R. Mora y E. J. de la Torre.

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    El objetivo de este documento de trabajo es presentar la metodología para el cálculo del Margen Bruto Estándar con periodo de referencia 1999, 2000 y 2001 (MBE 2000) y para el conjunto de categor´ıas agr´ıcolas definidas en el anexo de la Decisi´on de la Comisión 2003/369/CE. En este documento, dichas categorías vienen recogidas en el cuadro 2 del anexo. Este documento de trabajo se divide en tres secciones. En la sección 1 se presenta el marco metodológico general recogido en la legislaci´on comunitaria, prestando especial interés a la definición de MBE. Las secciones 2 y 3 presentan, de forma resumida, la metodología seguida para el cálculo de los coeficientes MBE 2000 de las categorías de cultivos y ganados respectivamente.Gross Standar Margin, Farm Accounting Data Network, Land prices, agricultural productivity, irrigated land, regional specialization.

    Modelo de pronóstico ARIMA en el monitoreo de parámetros ambientales

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    El presente proyecto de Investigación menciona la solución a la falta de obtener un modelo matemático que ayude a anticiparnos a sus efectos como las heladas por las noches, exceso de radiación solar al medio día característicos de las anomalías climáticas. Como parámetro ambiental, se dispone de los registrosde la temperatura ambiental adquiridos de la estación de monitoreo, ubicada en la Escuela de Formación Profesional de Ingeniería Metalúrgica de la Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión, Cerro de Pasco. Donde al ser analizados se determina su periodicidad en el tiempo y una relación de comportamiento consu pasado, facilitando su determinación de su modelo matemático determinístico.Para la obtención del modelo de pronostico autorregresivo ARIMA, se emplea la metodología de BOX-JENKINS, cuyos procedimientos consiste en un proceso de cinco pasos para identificar, seleccionar y evaluar el modelo de media condicional por datos de series temporales univariantes, característica de los parámetros ambientales. Como antecedente del estudio, se tiene al proyecto OpenStreetMap CLIMATEDATA.ORG. Cuyo fin es la disponibilidad de datos del monitoreo de climas a nivel mundial aplicando modelos de pronósticos ARIMA para el pronóstico del mismo ver Gráfico N°10

    Analysis of the Conservation of Central American Mangroves Using the Phytosociological Method

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    Our study of mangrove swamps revealed a total of 120 species, of which 13 are characteristics of mangrove swamps, and 38 of flooded areas with low salt. All the others are invasive species which have taken advantage of the degradation of these natural ecosystems. The scenario is not very different in Laguna de Tres Palos in Mexico. The frequent fires in the low-growing semi-deciduous rainforest (dry forest) have caused intense erosion, with the consequence that the site has silted up. As a result, the first vegetation band of Rhizophora mangle is extremely rare. Instead, Laguncularia racemosa and Conocarpus erectus are dominant, along with a band of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea with a high occurrence of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin., which acts as an indicator of sediment silting. It is extremely frequent for several reasons: as it is the decrease of the salinity of the water, the scarce depth due to the accumulation of sediments and the contamination by the entrance of residual waters of the nearby populations. When the depth and salinity of the water are suitable, the dominant species are Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa, and Avicennia germinans

    Climatology, bioclimatology and vegetation cover: tools to mitigate climate change in olive groves

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    This work establishes the relationship between bioclimatology and agronomy. Bioclimatic indices are obtained for several areas under olive cultivation and correlated with olive yields. Due to the effect of climate change on cultivation and the high economic losses it produces, we propose a sustainable development model for the territorial classification of crops based on bioclimatic knowledge. Bioclimatic diagrams are prepared to provide information on water stress in crops so that irrigation can be carried out at the most effective time, a measure that has been shown to lead to water and energy savings for growers. In addition to this development model, we propose the application of non-aggressive cultivation techniques such as the use of living plant cover to ensure the protection of the soil and avoid losses due to climate irregularities. Studies conducted up to the present on applied bioclimatology have yielded promising results in the fields of farming and forestry. The maps and bioclimatic indices of Professor Rivas-Martínez, Ic, Io and It/Itc, are essential for bioclimatic classification. The agricultural development model with a bioclimatic basis ensures economic savings for growers and minimizes the environmental impact of cultivation. In the case of olive cultivation we detected that in 2005 all the cultivated areas that were not in their thermoclimatic optimum were damaged by frost. The widespread cultivation of olive groves in the Mediterranean basin, and mainly in the south of Spain, is reason enough to establish a relationship between its production and its bioclimatic environment. The ombroclimatic study in certain localities under olive cultivation shows that areas with Io Stellarietea mediae constitutes the basis for establishing either natural or sown vegetation cover.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio