12 research outputs found

    Rights through alliances: findings from a European project tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools through the engagement of families and young people

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    This paper draws on findings from a European project, ‘Rights through Alliances: Innovating and Networking Both Within Homes And Schools’ (RAINBOW-HAS), conducted in 2013–15. It built collaboration between six EU countries to analyse and improve the rights of children and youth regarding sexual orientation and gender identity in educational settings. The main focus of discussion derives from a secondary discourse analysis following thematic analyses of the qualitative interviews undertaken with a range of different families, schools and community associations across these European countries, which provide a snapshot of contemporary practice. We discuss the relative silence of social work in challenging homophobic and transphobic bullying, given their potential in promoting family and young people’s engagement

    Holocaust tourism: education or exploitation?

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    The purpose of this research study is to investigate the ethics of holocaust tourism as a niche market which is becoming very commercialised due to the growing demand for such activities at certain locations and to examine the motivating factors for tourists visiting these destinations. Holocaust sites, a number of which were commissioned for memorial after the liberation during World War II to memorialise those lost and act as an educational resource. The main aim of this research is to explore whether holocaust tourism can be seen as education or exploitation. This will be investigated through a site visit to a holocaust tourism destination in Germany (Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin) and a survey to identify those who engage in holocaust tourism, their motivations for doing so, and the outcome of their visits. Finally, this research study will provide results on the ethics of holocaust tourism and its educational value through a review of the academic research as well as the opinions of those who have or will engage in holocaust tourism. One of the main conclusions is that both primary participants and secondary authors spoke of how when visiting these sites, you create a connection to the destination and the sense of what occurred at the location is undeniable

    A Minority within a Minority? Social Justice for Traveller and Roma Children in ECEC

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    Following years of lobbying by Human Rights NGOs working with Roma and Travellers and despite centuries of oppression, Roma issues have only recently become prominent on the EU policy agenda. Similarly, Children’s Rights issues, and in particular Early Childhood Care and Education, have surfaced after years of being the second class citizen to ‘formal’ education. Why is this happening now? This article discusses the recent policy developments in Europe regarding Roma and Traveller integration and Early Childhood Provision, drawing at the same time on the Irish experience for analysis and insights on policy and practice. We are all aware of initiatives that have been supported through EU or national funding streams which have little impact on the structures or operations of the general education or training systems. International reports highlight this deficit stating that such initiatives are unlikely to bring about the necessary ideological and systemic changes and, for this reason, their added value as well as their sustainability remains questionable. This paper concludes by arguing that that programmes like the â€˜Ă©ist’ project demonstrate that it is possible to move on from fragmented initiatives and bring about systemic change

    Privacy and Law Enforcement in the European Union: The Data Retention Directive

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    This paper examines a recent twist in EU data protection law. In the 1990s, the European Union was still primarily a market-creating organization and data protection in the European Union was aimed at rights abuses by market actors. Since the terrorist attacks of New York, Madrid, and London, however, cooperation on fighting crime has accelerated. Now, the challenge for the European Union is to protect privacy in its emerging system of criminal justice. This paper analyzes the first EU law to address data privacy in crime-fighting - the Data Retention Directive. Based on a detailed examination of the Directive\u27s legislative history, the paper finds that privacy - as guaranteed under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Council of Europe\u27s Convention on Data Protection - was adequately protected in the Directive. This positive experience can serve as guidance for guaranteeing other fundamental rights in the rapidly expanding area of EU cooperation on criminal matter

    Violencia simbólica y epistémica en el periodismo informativo. El antigitanismo como estudio de caso

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    Este  artĂ­culo lleva a cabo un anĂĄlisis del framing que usa el periodismo informativo español para representar a la identidad "Gitana" bajo los signos de la peligrosidad y la criminalidad (perĂ­odo 2010-2018). El artĂ­culo se construye a partir de la siguiente hipĂłtesis: bajo las formas de la violencia simbĂłlica y la violencia epistĂ©mica, el antigitanismo legitima la discriminaciĂłn estructural contra la poblaciĂłn gitana en España. El artĂ­culo estĂĄ organizado en cinco secciones: primero, se introduce un marco analĂ­tico a travĂ©s de las nociones de "antigitanismo", “discriminaciĂłn estructural”, "violencia simbĂłlica", "violencia epistĂ©mica", "framing analysis" y “miedo social”. Segundo, el artĂ­culo presenta un estudio de caso, basado en una muestra de 150 noticias nacionales que representan a protagonistas de identidad gitana bajo un enfoque sesgadamente racista. Tercero, este anĂĄlisis nos habilita a plantear un debate Ă©tico y legal que indaga los lĂ­mites de la libertad de expresiĂłn, respecto del uso del lenguaje discriminatorio en las narrativas informativas. La cuarta secciĂłn incluye un apartado de conclusiones que examina la correlaciĂłn entre la discriminaciĂłn estructural antigitana y el papel de los medios de comunicaciĂłn en la construcciĂłn del estigma de la “amenaza gitana”. Por Ășltimo, el artĂ­culo indica una serie de recomendaciones que podrĂ­an emplearse para contrarrestar el racismo en las narrativas informativas

    Legislative package deals in EU decision-making: 1999 - 2007

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    This is a thesis about legislative package deals in the European Union and their effects on EU policy outcomes. It analyzes inter-chamber legislative exchange between the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. The key argument is that package deals increase the legislative influence of the European Parliament across legislative procedures and policy areas. Package deals allow Member States to establish control over the financial aspects of legislation and to ensure its adoption without delay. In exchange, the European Parliament gains further institutional powers and access to some of the EU's most salient policy areas. Legislative bargaining between the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament is analyzed across all EU legislation, completed in the period 1 May 1999 - 30 April 2007. The argument is tested empirically through the quantitative analysis of 1465 co-decision and consultation proposals, 19 policy areas and 8 years. Five in-depth case studies complement the findings. The results indicate that the use of package deals in the EU is conditional on the distributive nature of legislative proposals, and their urgency. In turn, package deals and urgency affect legislative outcomes. Package deals and delay increase the EP's legislative influence in the consultation procedure. Package deals and Council impatience increase the EP's legislative influence in the co-decision procedure. Overall, package deals extend the EP's legislative influence in distributive policy areas and increase its institutional powers

    Abertura nĂŁo faz mal : promovendo transparĂȘncia qualificada de sistemas de aprendizagem de mĂĄquina para proteção de dados por meio da regulação responsiva

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    Dissertação (mestrado) — Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Direito, 2022.Sistemas de aprendizagem de mĂĄquina (machine learning, ML) tĂȘm sido cada vez mais utilizados em processos de tomada de decisĂ”es que afetam aspectos-chave das vidas de pessoas. Entretanto, usuĂĄrios e reguladores pouco sabem sobre como esses modelos funcionam, jĂĄ que apenas informaçÔes escassas sĂŁo divulgadas por seus desenvolvedores e operadores. A transparĂȘncia dessas tecnologias surge assim como uma exigĂȘncia feita por diferentes grupos de especialistas para que os usuĂĄrios tenham controle sobre o quanto suas vidas devem depender dos julgamentos realizados por sistemas de machine learning, mas tambĂ©m para que reguladores responsabilizem os responsĂĄveis por eles pelos danos que vierem a incorrer. Esta dissertação traça assim uma anĂĄlise comparativa sobre como as leis brasileira e europeia de proteção de dados abordam a transparĂȘncia de machine learning e avalia a adequação das estratĂ©gias participativas da teoria da regulação responsiva e de sua estrutura de incentivos para promover sistemas mais inteligĂ­veis.Machine-learning (ML) models have been increasingly applied to make decisions that affect key aspects of people’s lives. However, users and regulators are barely aware of how these models work, as only scarce information is disclosed by developers and operators on this matter. ML transparency emerges thus as a recurrent demand made by stakeholders for users to gain control over how much their lives should rely on judgements carried out by machines, for regulators to render those responsible for them accountable for incurred damages and for scholars to understand algorithms' impacts in society. This dissertation thus traces a comparative analysis on how the Brazilian and European data protection legal frameworks address ML transparency and assesses the adequateness of the responsive regulation theory’s participatory strategies and incentives framework for promoting more intelligible systems

    Apoio de referenciais em tradução no Brasil, a exemplo da União Europeia

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    Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de LĂ­nguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, 2020.Iniciando com a objetivação de padronizaçÔes das traduçÔes pĂșblicas, e tendo-se como ponto de partida a comunicação e função a serem desempenhadas pelos textos de chegada em lĂ­ngua inglesa, nas culturas de chegada, a pesquisa analisa as aplicaçÔes das teorias de skopos e de normas, a partir de Toury (1995/2012) e Chesterman (1993/2002/2013/2016), para estas finalidades. O ponto inicial se dĂĄ em revelar como atingir o skopos de cumprimento das funçÔes desejadas aos textos traduzidos e nisso adotar as normas (Toury; 1995/2012 e Chesterman; ibid.) de uso para este fim, para que os hĂĄbitos de usos linguĂ­sticos nas culturas de chegada apontem como sĂŁo realizadas as funçÔes de gĂȘneros, registros e contextos. TambĂ©m foi profĂ­cuo constatar que ferramentas digitais para consultas de terminologias, de registros e de rĂłtulos das atividades adminsitrativas de estado viabilizam traduçÔes profissionais e uniformes, tal como em padronizaçÔes, que sĂŁo nesta pesquisa orientadas conforme o exemplo da UniĂŁo Europeia (plataforma IATE online) e do CanadĂĄ (plataforma Termium Plus). Tais iniciativas nĂŁo apenas asseguram padronizaçÔes e consistĂȘncia em traduçÔes, como igualmente propiciam o exercĂ­cio do ato tradutĂłrio com agilidade e qualidade. Para reforço das metas tradutĂłrias de domesticação e de naturalidade, conforme o skopos das funçÔes a serem realizadas pelas traduçÔes, especial observĂąncia do lĂ©xico de menos latinismos Ă© exposto com consulta de corpus linguĂ­stico comparĂĄvel e do corpus de referĂȘncia COCA - Corpus of Contemporary American English. O contexto dessas traduçÔes Ă© dissemelhante das traduçÔes literĂĄrias e portanto, uma apresentação da realidade de traduçÔes institucionais Ă© elaborada para a ideal distinção de gĂȘnero e escopo das funçÔes textuais. A naturalidade e idiomaticidade defendida nesta pesquisa visa atenuar potenciais falhas de comunicação e dos desempenhos esperados da função textual, Ă  medida que Ă© discutida a realidade de traduçÔes que evidenciam divergĂȘncias (nĂŁo idiomĂĄticas) e que resultam em linguagens identificadas como inapropriadas, nas formas de “translationese” (Kang; ibid. e Munday; 2009); textos hibridos: ‘caracterĂ­sticas que de alguma forma parecem ‘fora de lugar’ / ’estranhas’ / ’inusitadas’ para a cultura de chegada” (SchĂ€ffner 1997: 325; apud. Hornby: 2006) e “internal lingua francas” (Koskinen; 2014). Um benefĂ­cio resultante deste trabalho torna factĂ­vel um grande empenho de instituiçÔes selecionadas para a meta de padronizaçÔes que assegurem a realização de skopos, com idiomaticidade e naturalidade em traduçÔes como parte dos propĂłsitos, por meio das normas validadas e de corpus linguĂ­stico, para que oportunamente o estado disponha de garantias em sua gestĂŁo quando em uso de traduçÔes.In taking from the outset the goals of standardization in public translations and having as a starting point communication and functions to be fulfilled by target texts in the English language, this research analyses the application of theories such skopos and norms, according to Toury (1995/2012) and Chesterman (1993/2002/2013/2016), towards these goals. The starting point consists in revealing how to reach the skopos of fulfilling the desired roles of the translated texts and thus making use of norms to that end, so that the linguistic habitual uses taking place in the target cultures will signal how the functions and roles of genres, registers and contexts are to be undertaken. Assessing that digital tools targeted at seaches for terminologies, registers and labels of administrative tasks within the state was also much suitable, which turn out bolstering professional and uniform translations, similarly to those under standardizations, which are modeled here after the European Union (the IATE online platform) and the Canadian platform Termium Plus. The latter initiatives not only ensure standardizations and consistency in translations, but they likewise bring about a translational performance enabled with adroitness and quality. In order to strengthen the translational purposes towards domestication and naturalness, according to a skopos of the textual functions to be in place, the research weighs in especially on fewer latinates, so as to bear the expressive usage of these alternatives out, which is carried out through analyses of a comparable corpus and a reference corpus entitled COCA - Corpus of Contemporary American English. The scenario in which such translations are found is unlike that of literary translations, and therefore, an assessment and review of institutional translations is addressed in this research, so that the realm at hand is better clarified in terms of scope and textual functions. Naturalness and idiomaticity as advocated here aims to mitigate potential failures of communication and of expected performances of a text, in that the reality of translations fraught with unidiomatic features are discussed because they wind up displaying a language identified as inapropriate, under the notions of “translationese” (Kang; ibid. and Munday; 2009); hybrid texts: ‘features which somehow appear ‘out of place’ / ‘strange’ / ‘uncommon’ in the taget culture (SchĂ€ffner 1997: 325; apud. Hornby: 2006) and “internal lingua francas” (Koskinen; 2014). A resulting outcome of the work carried out in the research makes it feasible that great endeavors by select institutions make it possible that the skopos of idiomaticity, naturalness and function in translations be met for the skopos, by applying the habitual norms. That in turn can be achieved by way of validaded norms and linguistic corpora, which allows the State to steer its stewardship through translations more effectively

    I diritti sociali degli stranieri in Italia e in Francia. Profili di diritto pubblico comparato

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    openLo studio prende in esame i diritti sociali degli stranieri in Italia ed in Francia con l’intento di metterne in luce, in prospettiva comparatistica, gli elementi strutturali, i problemi di bilanciamento, le fonti normative e la concreta attuazione sul piano della garanzia delle posizioni soggettive. PiĂč in generale, la tesi propone una riflessione sull’attuale valenza della declinazione sociale del binomio cittadinanza-diritti nell’era della globalizzazione, del pluralismo e dell’integrazione degli ordinamenti giuridici.Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto pubblico comparato e dell'Unione Europeaembargoed_20150921Zonca, Elena Valentin