195 research outputs found

    "I have always lived with the disease in the family": family adaptation to hereditary cancer-risk

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    BACKGROUND: Hereditary cancer syndromes have been conceptualized as a family level process. The present study explores the complexity and challenges of family adaptation to the hereditary cancer syndrome, in the context of genetic counseling and long-term cancer risk management and follow-up surveillance. METHODS: We performed semi-structured interviews with 13 participants with one of the following hereditary cancer syndromes: Lynch Syndrome, Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer Syndrome, Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome, or Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. The interview was developed through a participatory approach with the involvement of healthcare professionals and individuals with first-hand experience of living with the hereditary cancer syndromes. RESULTS: The family is the main source of information and emotional support to deal with hereditary cancer syndromes. Multiple individual adaptation processes and communal coping networks interact, influencing the emotional and health-related behavior of family members. This is affected and affects the family’s communication and its’ members reactions to disclosure, with consequent changes in relationships. CONCLUSIONS: The systemic interdependent dynamics of family adaptation calls for family-centered care of genetic cancer syndromes

    Questões propostas no planejamento de atividades experimentais de natureza investigativa no ensino de química : reflexões de um grupo de professores

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    O propósito deste estudo é apresentar o impacto de uma intervenção formativa com seis professores de Química de uma Rede Pública do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram analisadas as questões propostas pelos professores, apresentadas em vinte e oito planos de aula, comparando-se os planejamentos de atividades experimentais de natureza investigativa antes e depois da intervenção realizada com os professores. Apenas um dos planos iniciais apresentou questões propostas aos estudantes, nos demais, o aluno é mero executor das atividades e o professor centralizador do processo. No plano final, todos os professores elaboraram questões aos estudantes, com diferentes demandas cognitivas, visando explorações conceituais das atividades experimentais

    Family adjustment to hereditary cancer syndromes: a systematic review

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    Hereditary cancer syndromes are inherited pathogenic genetic variants that significantly increase the risk of developing cancer. When individuals become aware of their increased probability of having cancer, the whole family is affected by this new reality and needs to adjust. However, adjustment to hereditary cancer syndromes has been mainly studied at an individual level, and research about familial adjustment remains dispersed and disorganized. To overcome this gap, this review aims to understand how families adjust to genetic testing and risk management, and to what extent the family’s adjustment influences the psychological response and risk management behaviors of mutation carriers. We conducted searches on the PubMed/Med Line, PsycInfo, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar databases and used the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT-v2018) to assess the methodological quality of each selected study. Thirty studies met the inclusion criteria. Most results highlighted the interdependent nature of adjustment of pathogenic variant carriers and their families. The way carriers adjust to the syndrome is highly dependent on family functioning and related to how family members react to the new genetic information, particularly partners and siblings. Couples who share their worries and communicate openly about cancer risk present a better long-term adjustment than couples who use protective buffering (not talking about it to avoid disturbing the partner) or emotional distancing. Parents need help dealing with disclosing genetic information to their children. These findings reinforce the importance of adopting a family-centered approach in the context of genetic counseling and the necessity of involving family members in research

    Fear of cancer recurrence : a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis of patients' experiences

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    Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is a significant issue for most cancer survivors, with nearly half of cancer survivors reporting it at moderate to high levels of intensity. We aimed to further explore the experience of having FCR from the point of view of patients by systematically reviewing qualitative studies. Following PRISMA guidelines, 87 qualitative studies were selected. All participants' quotes about FRC were extracted, then analysed using a conceptual framework based on the emotion-focused therapy theory of emotion schemes, which consist of experienced/implicit emotions, along with perceptual-situational, bodily-expressive, symbolic-conceptual and motivational-behavioral elements. According to participant descriptions, FCR was found to be an intense, difficult, multi-dimensional experience. Considering the diversity of experiences identified, it is useful to look at FCR as an emotional experience that extends along a continuum of adaptive and maladaptive responses. For some participants, FCR was described in trauma-like terms, including forms of re-experiencing, avoidance, negative thoughts and feelings, and arousal or reactivity related to cancer-related triggers or memories. Vivid metaphors expressing vulnerability and conflict also reflect the strong impact of FCR in patients' lives and can help therapists empathize with their clients

    Ocurrence of Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Paraná State, south of Brazil

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    Nyssomyia intermedia s. lat. tem sido citada por vários autores no Paraná. No entanto, alguns estudos apontam que esse táxon corresponde a Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto). Em coletas realizadas em galinheiro e em ambiente de mata, com armadilhas, entre novembro de 2005 e outubro de 2006, em Adrianópolis, Morretes e Pontal do Paraná, localizados na região de Mata Atlântica na Serra do Mar e no litoral do Paraná, sete fêmeas de Nyssomyia intermedia s. str. (Lutz & Neiva) foram encontradas juntamente com outras 14 espécies de flo ebotomíneos, confirmando a ocorrência de N.intermedia em área de costa e de mata Atlântica do Paraná.The occurrence of Nyssomyia intermedia s.lat. in the state of Paraná, Brazil, has been registered by several authors; however, studies have identified this taxon as belonging, in Paraná, to Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto). During captures with traps in a hen-house and forested areas, from November 2005 to October 2006, in Adrianópolis, Morretes and Pontal do Paraná, situated in the Atlantic forest domain, Paraná state, seven females of Nyssomyia intermedia s.str. (Lutz & Neiva) were collected together with other 14 sand floy species. Thus the occurrence of N. intermedia on the coast and in areas of Atlantic forest in Paraná is confirmed

    Developing an emotion-focused therapy model for fear of cancer recurrence : a case‐level task analysis

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    Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) involves anxiety about the possible return or progression of the disease. It is common among people surviving cancer, covering a range of adaptive and maladaptive responses including clinical presentations of FCR, for which different psychological interventions have been developed, most within the cognitive‐behavioural paradigm. Recently, emotion‐focused therapy (EFT) has been proposed as an alternative and has been the subject of research focusing on the cancer population and cancer‐related issues, including FCR. In this study, we looked closely at a successful case from a larger exploratory study, carrying out a discovery‐phase task analysis aimed at identifying the main components of EFT–FCR. We found that this approach generally followed the usual structure of an EFT intervention, with four distinct phases. However, we identified some specific secondary processes (e.g., hypervigilance and catastrophising) and clarified the nature of the core pain in this presentation as existential (e.g., fear of dying)

    Secreted extracellular vesicle molecular cargo as a novel liquid biopsy diagnostics of central nervous system diseases

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    Secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) are heterogeneous cell-derived membranous granules which carry a large diversity of molecules and participate in intercellular communication by transferring these molecules to target cells by endocytosis. In the last decade, EVs role in several pathological conditions, from etiology to disease progression or therapy evasion, has been consolidated, including in central nervous system (CNS)-related disorders. For this review, we performed a systematic search of original works published, reporting the presence of molecular components expressed in the CNS via EVs, which have been purified from plasma, serum or cerebrospinal fluid. Our aim is to provide a list of molecular EV components that have been identified from both nonpathological conditions and the most common CNS-related disorders. We discuss the methods used to isolate and enrich EVs from specific CNS-cells and the relevance of its components in each disease context.This research was funded by the MindGaP-H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020, Grant agreement ID: 829040. S.M.-R., C.C.-M., and J.P. hold a fellowship from MindGaP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio