84 research outputs found

    Calendar Effects in Daily ATM Withdrawals

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    This paper analyses the calendar effects present in Automated Teller Machines (ATM) withdrawals of residents, using daily data for Portugal for the period from January 1st 2001 to December 31st 2008. The results presented may allow for a better understanding of consumer habits and for adjusting the original series for calendar effects. Considering the Quarterly National Accounts’ procedure of adjusting data for seasonality and working days effects, this correction is important to ensure the use of the ATM series as an instrument to nowcast private consumption.

    Synthesis of Novel 1-Aryl-9H-xanthen-9-ones

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    A novel route for the synthesis of 1-aryl-9H-xanthen-9-ones is reported. This methodology involves the condensation of 2-methylchromone with cinammaldehydes leading to (E,E)-2-(4-arylbuta-1,3-dien-1-yl)-4H-chromen-4-ones. The final step was the electrocyclization and oxidation reactions of the latter compounds, in an one-pot synthesis, giving the desired 1-aryl-9H-xanthen-9-ones

    Multivariate analysis of the water quality variation in the Serra da Estrela (Portugal) Natural Park as a consequence of road deicing with salt.

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    The concentration of some anions (Cl, F, NO3, and SO4), cations (Na, K, Ca, and Mg), pH and conductivity was determined in seven sampling points in the Serra da Estrela Mountains (Portugal) to verify if the application of road deicing with salt provokes impact in the water quality. Multivariate chemometric data analysis techniques of clustering and factor analysis were used. Preliminary analysis shows an overall conductivity increase in late spring and a decrease in late summer. A strong association between sodium chloride and the conductivity was observed by cluster analysis. Factor analysis supports the previous results and shows that the variation of the concentration of sodium chloride is the main source of the variance of the data along the year. In conclusion, the spreading of salt during the winter creates a local and seasonal impact on the water quality

    Single Mutations in Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase Can Alter the Specificity of Human Cytochrome P450 1A2-Mediated Caffeine Metabolism

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    Funding Information: F.E. and M.K.: UID/BIM/0009/2020 of the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-02/grant agreement 101095679 of the European Horizon´s research and innovation program. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.A unique cytochrome P450 (CYP) oxidoreductase (CPR) sustains activities of human microsomal CYPs. Its function requires toggling between a closed conformation enabling electron transfers from NADPH to FAD and then FMN cofactors and open conformations forming complexes and transferring electrons to CYPs. We previously demonstrated that distinct features of the hinge region linking the FAD and FMN domain (FD) modulate conformer poses and their interactions with CYPs. Specific FD residues contribute in a CYP isoform-dependent manner to the recognition and electron transfer mechanisms that are additionally modulated by the structure of CYP-bound substrate. To obtain insights into the underlying mechanisms, we analyzed how hinge region and FD mutations influence CYP1A2-mediated caffeine metabolism. Activities, metabolite profiles, regiospecificity and coupling efficiencies were evaluated in regard to the structural features and molecular dynamics of complexes bearing alternate substrate poses at the CYP active site. Studies reveal that FD variants not only modulate CYP activities but surprisingly the regiospecificity of reactions. Computational approaches evidenced that the considered mutations are generally in close contact with residues at the FD–CYP interface, exhibiting induced fits during complexation and modified dynamics depending on caffeine presence and orientation. It was concluded that dynamic coupling between FD mutations, the complex interface and CYP active site exist consistently with the observed regiospecific alterations.publishersversionpublishe

    The lusitano native thoroughbred: a genetic study of the important reproductive parameters in plans for conservation and improvement

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    A idade do primeiro filho, nos garanhões, marca o inicio da sua vida reprodutiva, assim como a idade ao último filho marca o final da mesma. A vida média reprodutiva é calculada fazendo a diferença entre estas duas idades, correspondendo o seu valor ao período de actividade reprodutiva da vida do animal. O número de descendentes por garanhão ao longo da sua vida reprodutiva é variável em função da duração da sua vida média reprodutiva e da sua taxa média de fertilidade. Em geral o comportamento reprodutivo do cavalo não corresponde ao verdadeiro potencial das raças equinas, sendo isto em grande medida devido aos costumes e às actividades desportivas a que são submetidos os seus reprodutores. Em geral, os garanhões só são postos a cobrir depois de demonstrarem o seu valor como desportistas, por essa razão iniciam em geral a sua actividade reprodutiva mais tarde do que as fêmeas. Através da informação fornecida pelo Livro Genealógico do Puro Sangue Lusitano, formouse uma base de dados com informação sobre 704 machos reprodutores. Foram calculados os parâmetros reprodutivos médios da idade ao primeiro filho, idade ao último filho, vida média reprodutiva e número de filhos, cujos valores foram respectivamente, 82,74 meses, 125,68 meses, 50,60 meses e 12,28 descendentes. Foi encontrada como significativa apenas uma correlação com a consanguinidade, que foi para o parâmetro número de descendentes (r= 0,112). A consanguinidade média da amostra foi de 2,67 p.100.The age of the first suckling bounds the beginning of its reproductive life, as well as the age at the last suckling bounds its end. The reproductive average life is stricken by establishing the difference between these two ages, corresponding its value to the lifetime of reproductive activity of the animal. The number of descendants per stallion during its reproductive life is variable according to the lastingness of its reproductive average life and to its average rate of fertility. For the most part of the reproductive behaviour of the horse doesn’t correspond to the true potential of the equine race. One can say this is largely due to the customs and sports to which the stallions are subjected. Usually, stallions are only given the opportunity to copulate after showing their value as athletes and, for that reason, they usually begin their reproductive activity later that the females. With the information given by the Stud-Book of the Lusitanian Thoroughbred, it was installed a data basis with information about 704 stallions. The rated values of the average reproductive parameters of the age of the first suckling, the age at the last suckling, the reproductive average life and number of descendents were, respectively, 82.7 months, 125.7 months, 50.6 months and 12.3 descendents. The average inbreed of the sample was 2,67 p.100. The only significant correlation with inbreed that was found, was to the parameter number of descendents (r= 0.112)

    Beneficial effects of the activation of the Angiotensin-(1-7) MAS receptor in a murine model of adriamycin-induced nephropathy

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    Angiotensin-(1-7) [Ang-(1-7)] is a biologically active heptapeptide that may counterbalance the physiological actions of angiotensin II (Ang II) within the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Here, we evaluated whether activation of the Mas receptor with the oral agonist, AVE 0991, would have renoprotective effects in a model of adriamycin (ADR)-induced nephropathy. We also evaluated whether the Mas receptor contributed for the protective effects of treatment with AT1 receptor blockers. ADR (10 mg/kg) induced significant renal injury and dysfunction that was maximal at day 14 after injection. Treatment with the Mas receptor agonist AVE 0991 improved renal function parameters, reduced urinary protein loss and attenuated histological changes. Renoprotection was associated with reduction in urinary levels of TGF-{beta}. Similar renoprotection was observed after treatment with the AT1 receptor antagonist, Losartan. AT1 and Mas receptor mRNA levels dropped after ADR administration and treatment with losartan reestablished the expression of Mas receptor and increased the expression of ACE2. ADR-induced nephropathy was similar in wild type (Mas(+/+)) and Mas knockout (Mas (-/-)) mice, suggesting there was no endogenous role for Mas receptor activation. However, treatment with Losartan was able to reduce renal injury only in Mas(+/+) , but not in Mas (-/-) mice. Therefore, these findings suggest that exogenous activation of the Mas receptor protects from ADR-induced nephropathy and contributes to the beneficial effects of AT1 receptor blockade. Medications which target specifically the ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/Mas axis may offer new therapeutic opportunities to treat human nephropathies

    New syntheses of novel arylxanthones

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    Xanthones represent an outstanding class of oxyg~1_1ated heterocycles widespread in nature, commonly distributed in several higher plant families, such as Gentianaceae, Guttiferae and Polygalaceae and in a few families of fungi and lichens [1]. Both natural and synthetic derivatives often endowed with interesting pharmacological properties (e.g. anti-inflammatory, antitumour and antioxidant activities [1,2]. Naturally-occurring xanthones present different types .of substituents (e.g. hydroxyl, methoxyl and prenyl groups, among others) in different positions of their scaffold leading to a large variety of analogues [2]. The presence of an aryl ring attached to the xanthone core has only been reported in some synthetic derivatives [3 ,4]. We have dedicated our previous work to the development of novel methodologies for the synthesis of xanthones bearing a 2,3-diaryl substitution pattern [4]. Herein, we report the latest advances in the synthesis of novel 5-arylbenzo[ c ]xanthones 2 and 1- aryl-9H-xanthen-9-ones 4 [5]. 5-Arylbenzo[c]xanthones 2 are obtained by the Heck reaction of 3-bromoflavones 1 with styrene derivatives, leading to (E)-3-styrylflavones, followed by an one-pot photoinduced electrocyclisation and in situ oxidation of cycloadducts. The condensation of 2-methylchromone 3 with cinammaldehydes leaded to (E,E)-2-(4-arylbuta-1,3-dien-1-yl)-4H-chromen-4-ones, which after an one-pot electrocyclization and in situ oxidation of cycloadducts gave the desired 1-aryl-9Hxanthen- 9-ones 4

    Structure determination of some oxygen and nitrogen heterocyclic compounds by NMR

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    Oxygen heterocyclic compounds are widely distributed in Nature, being chromone and xanthone derivatives some examples. For instance, the xanthone ring system is a structural motif prevalent in higher plants such as those of Guttiferae and Gentianaceae families.1 Both natural and synthetic derivatives often endowed with interesting pharmacological properties, such as anti-inflammatory,2 antitumour3 and antioxidant activities.4 Chromones and chromone derivatives play an important role in the normal human diet, due to their significant anti-inflammatory,5 anti-cancer,6 and antioxidant activities.5 Nitrogen heterocyclic compounds are also widely distributed in Nature, being 4-quinolones a large group that can be found, mainly, in plants of the Rutaceae family.7 However, a great number of the well-known derivatives are of synthetic origin and have been designed to be used as drugs, mainly for the treatment of tuberculosis.8 In view of these important properties, we have dedicated our investigation in the establishment of new synthetic methods for these types of compounds9 and also for the assessment of their biological properties.10 Naturally, we devote special attention to the structural characterization, mainly by NMR experiments, not only to confirm the product structure but also to unequivocally establish their stereochemistry. The aim of this communication is to report some of our studies on the structural characterization of heterocyclic compounds by NMR spectroscopy
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