556 research outputs found

    maigesPack: A Computational Environment for Microarray Data Analysis

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    Microarray technology is still an important way to assess gene expression in molecular biology, mainly because it measures expression profiles for thousands of genes simultaneously, what makes this technology a good option for some studies focused on systems biology. One of its main problem is complexity of experimental procedure, presenting several sources of variability, hindering statistical modeling. So far, there is no standard protocol for generation and evaluation of microarray data. To mitigate the analysis process this paper presents an R package, named maigesPack, that helps with data organization. Besides that, it makes data analysis process more robust, reliable and reproducible. Also, maigesPack aggregates several data analysis procedures reported in literature, for instance: cluster analysis, differential expression, supervised classifiers, relevance networks and functional classification of gene groups or gene networks

    Benthic macro-invertebrates as indicators of ecological fragility of small rivers ('igarapés') in a bauxite mining region of Brazilian Amazonia

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    Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were studied in the igarapés Saracá, Caranã and Água Fria near Porto Trombetas, Municipality of Oriximiná, State of Pará, Brazil (1°25' to 1°35'S and 56°15' to 56°W). The main objective was to investigate the potential use of the benthic macroinvertebrates community as indicators of the ecological fragility of the igarapés located in an area of the Amazon basin influenced by bauxite mining. These aquatic ecosystems have low pH (< 4.5); low electrical conductivity (< 90 µS cm-1); low or undetectable total alkalinity; low nutrient concentrations in the sediment, which implies low primary productivity; low species richness; low secondary productivity; and low rates of organic matter decomposition. The benthic macroinvertebrates utilize mainly allochthonous organic matter. Some areas of the ecosystems investigated have been modified by bauxite tailings (especially in their sediment granulometry), by a dam formed by railroad construction (which altered the hydrodynamics and eliminated the terra firma vegetation), and by accidental discharges of various minerals from the railroad traffic and bauxite mining. These factors have drastically modified the local benthic macroinvertebrate communities. The value of benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of ecological fragility, the health of the ecosystem investigated, and water quality is evaluated

    Applications of videolaparoscopic surgery in children

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    OBJECTIVES: to present the videolaparoscopies performed by the Children's Surgery Service, and study the main indications for pediatric laparoscopic surgeries, considering advantages and disadvantages over conventional open procedures. METHODS: retrospective analysis of 612 videolaparoscopies in children aged between 8 days and 17 years treated from November/95 to 2000. Basic principles of videolaparoscopy and the postoperative management of several pediatric diseases are described. The results, advantages, and complications were analyzed after a 5-year follow-up period. RESULTS:laparoscopic surgery allowed for a wide series of abdominal procedures conventionally carried out through open surgery, mainly for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, inflammatory acute abdomen, adhesive intestinal obstruction, biliary lithiasis, tumors, cryptorchidism, ovarian diseases, splenectomies, aganglionosis, trauma and others. Morbidity was low (1%), and mortality due to laparoscopy was nonexistent. Conversion to laparotomy occurred in only 14 cases (2.3%), mainly because of trauma. The principal advantages included minimal surgical trauma, pain and reflex ileum, short hospital stay, almost no incisional hernias and better cosmetic scars. CONCLUSIONS: videolaparoscopy seems to be a great advance in modern pediatric surgery, allowing safer and less invasive treatment of a wide series of abdominal diseases at all pediatric ages.OBJETIVO: apresentar a casuística de videolaparoscopias do serviço, analisando as principais indicações para operações videolaparoscópicas em pediatria e considerando as vantagens e desvantagens em relação aos procedimentos convencionais por laparotomia. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva de 612 videolaparoscopias em crianças com idades de 8 dias a 17 anos, operadas de novembro/1995 a 2000. São descritos os princípios básicos da videolaparoscopia e o manejo pós-operatório nas inúmeras indicações pediátricas. Os resultados, vantagens e complicações foram analisados após um período de seguimento de até 5 anos. RESULTADOS: a cirurgia laparoscópica permitiu realizar vários procedimentos abdominais convencionalmente efetuados por via aberta, sobretudo no tratamento do refluxo gastroesofágico, abdome agudo inflamatório, criptorquidia, obstrução por bridas, litíase biliar, tumores, afecções de ovário, esplenectomia, aganglionose, trauma e outros. A morbidade foi baixa (1%) e a mortalidade devido à laparoscopia foi nula. Houve conversão para laparotomia em somente 14 casos (2,3%), sobretudo em trauma. As principais vantagens incluíram mínimos trauma cirúrgico, dor e íleo paralítico, pouco tempo de internação, quase ausência de hérnia incisional e melhor estética. CONCLUSÕES: a videolaparoscopia parece ser um grande avanço da cirurgia pediátrica moderna, permitindo tratar de modo menos invasivo e com segurança grande parte das afecções abdominais em crianças de todas as idades.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UFGInstituto Ortopédico de Goiânia e no Hospital AmparoUNIFESPSciEL

    Canine hair follicular tumours: a retrospective study

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    Hair follicular tumours in dog comprise a large and heterogeneous group of neoplasms that display morphological features resembling one or several portions of the normal hair follicle which constitute a huge effort for its diagnosis. Histopathological evaluation is required to better characterize the different types of canine hair follicular tumours, in order to better understand its biological behaviour and to collaborate with the daily clinical practice. Thus, a retrospective, cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with goal of analyse its frequency and characteristics, in order to contribute to a better understanding of this vast group of tumours. As main results the authors verified a higher incidence of follicular tumours in male dogs, being the most frequent types diagnosed trichoepithelioma, followed by, trichoblastoma, infundibular keratinizing acanthoma and pilomatricoma and the average age of dogs was 8.76 years. Also, malignant tumours represented 31.6% of all canine hair follicular tumours diagnosed (n= 114).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Notas sobre o filme “essencialmente brasileiro”: Embrafilme e o cinema de qualidade

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    In this paper we intend to present a bibliographical study of the novel Morenga, by the German writer Uwe Timm. Taking as object two editions of the work, the first, from 1978, and the third, from 1983, and starting from some questionings about the changes engaged in the presentation of the material to the readers, we will seek to understand how the editing process and the external construction of the two editions of the book connect to its content: the colonial conflict in the region of Colonial Namibia, between 1904 and 1907. To this end, we will briefly present the editions and scrutinize how, by constituting a pre-reading imaginary about the editions, their material elements can help us trace their reception.A partir de una entrevista con el entonces director de la Empresa Brasileira de Filmes (Embrafilmes), Roberto Farias, este artículo busca indagar en la cuestión del “cine de calidad”, responsable de la producción de películas “esencialmente brasileñas”, planteada por él como institución institucional. activista. Abordaremos el tema a partir de tres ejes de discusión: sobre la constitución del concepto de calidad en el cine brasileño de la época; sobre la falta de calidad; y, finalmente, sobre las tensiones entre el extranjero y el nacional. Como conclusión, se advierte que el discurso presentado por Farias tiene grandes contradicciones.A partir de uma entrevista do então diretor da Empresa Brasileira de Filmes (Embrafilmes), Roberto Farias, este artigo busca investigar a questão do “cinema de qualidade”, responsável pela produção de filmes “essencialmente brasileiros”, levantada por ele enquanto militância institucional. Abordaremos o tópico a partir de três eixos de discussão: sobre a constituição do conceito de qualidade no cinema brasileiro da época; sobre a falta de qualidade; e, por fim, sobre as tenções entre o estrangeiro e o nacional. Como conclusão, contata-se que o discurso apresentado por Farias guarda grandes contradições

    Evidence of Air and Surface Contamination with SARS-CoV-2 in a Major Hospital in Portugal

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    As the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hit Portugal, it forced the country to reintro-duce lockdown measures due to hospitals reaching their full capacities. Under these circumstances, environmental contamination by SARS-CoV-2 in different areas of one of Portugal’s major Hospitals was assessed between 21 January and 11 February 2021. Air samples (n = 44) were collected from eleven different areas of the Hospital (four COVID-19 and seven non-COVID-19 areas) using Coriolis® µ and Coriolis® Compact cyclone air sampling devices. Surface sampling was also performed (n = 17) on four areas (one COVID-19 and three non-COVID-19 areas). RNA extraction followed by a one-step RT-qPCR adapted for quantitative purposes were performed. Of the 44 air samples, two were positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA (6575 copies/m3 and 6662.5 copies/m3, respectively). Of the 17 surface samples, three were positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA (200.6 copies/cm2, 179.2 copies/cm2, and 201.7 copies/cm2, respectively). SARS-CoV-2 environmental contamination was found both in air and on surfaces in both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 areas. Moreover, our results suggest that longer collection sessions are needed to detect point contaminations. This reinforces the need to remain cautious at all times, not only when in close contact with infected individuals. Hand hygiene and other standard transmission-prevention guidelines should be continuously followed to avoid nosocomial COVID-19. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding text 1: Acknowledgments: Priscilla Gomes da Silva thanks the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology–FCT for the financial support of her PhD work (2020.07806.BD, CRM: 0026504) contract through the DOCTORATES 4 COVID-19 program. Sofia I.V. Sousa thanks the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the financial support of her work contract through the Scientific Employment Stimulus-Individual Call-CEECIND/02477/2017.; Funding text 2: Funding: This work was financially supported by Base Funding-UIDB/00511/2020 of the Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy–LEPABE—funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC)

    Ovinocultura: controle da verminose, mineralização, reprodução e cruzamentos na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste.

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    bitstream/CPPSE/17580/1/Documentos65.pdfISSN 1518-475