26 research outputs found

    Nefrectomia bilateral para doença renal policística gigante associada à diástase do reto abdominal e hérnia umbilical

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with end-stage renal failure due to huge autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease usually have an umbilical hernia and rectus abdominis diastasis, which are very troublesome. Pretransplant bilateral nephrectomy techniques does not manage the umbilical hernia and rectus abdominis diastasis. We report our experience in performing bilateral nephrectomy and repairing the rectus abdominis diastasis and umbilical hernia through the one, small incision. METHODS: Four patients aged 37 to 43 years with huge polycystic kidneys, an umbilical hernia, and a rectus abdominis diastasis underwent bilateral pretransplant nephrectomy through a midline supraumbilical incision including the umbilical hernia defect. The kidneys were removed through this incision. The incision was closed with the transposition of rectus abdominis muscle, pants-over-vest-style, to correct the diastasis and the umbilical hernia. RESULTS: The average operative time was 160 minutes (range, 130-180); the average larger kidney size was 33 cm (range, 32-34 cm); no major complications occurred; one patient who had preoperative low hemoglobin required blood transfusion. Patients were discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 7 with an esthetically pleasing belly, no rectus abdominis diastasis, and no umbilical hernia. One to two months after bilateral nephrectomy, the patients received a live donor kidney with an uneventful outcome. CONCLUSION: A midline supraumbilical incision is an excellent approach for bilateral nephrectomy of huge polycystic kidneys. In addition, an umbilical hernia and rectus abdominis diastasis may be successfully repaired through same incision with good cosmetic results.INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com insuficiência renal terminal por Doença Renal Policística Autossômica Dominante geralmente apresentam hérnia umbilical e diástase de músculo reto abdominal, que são muito problemáticas. Técnicas de nefrectomia bilateral pré-transplante não dão atenção à hérnia umbilical e à diástase do músculo reto abdominal. Relatamos nossa experiência com nefrectomia bilateral e correção da diastase de músculo reto abdominal e hérnia umbilical através de uma única pequena incisão. MÉTODOS: Quatro pacientes com idade entre 37 a 43 anos com Doença Renal Policística Autossômica Dominante gigante, hérnia umbilical e diástase do múculo reto abdominal foram submetidos à nefrectomia bilateral pré-transplante através de incisão mediana supra-umbilical incluindo o defeito herniário umbilical. Os rins foram removidos através da pequena incisão mediana. A incisão foi fechada com transposição do músculo reto abdominal tipo jaquetão para corrigir a diastase e a hernia umbilical. RESULTADOS: O tempo operatório médio foi 160 minutos (130-180); o tamanho médio do maior rim foi 33cm (32-34); não ocorreram grandes complicações; um paciente, que tinha baixo nível de hemoglobina pré-operatório e precisou de transfusão sangüínea. Pacientes receberam alta hospitalar no 7º pós-operatório com abdome de boa aparência, sem diástase de músculo reto abdominal e sem hérnia umbilical. Os pacientes receberam enxerto renal de doador vivo um ou dois meses após a nefrectomia bilateral, sem intercorrências. CONCLUSÃO: A incisão mediana supra-umbilical é uma abordagem excelente para nefrectomia bilateral de rins policísticos gigantes. Além disso, a hernia umbilical e a diastase de músculo reto abdominal podem ser corrigidas com sucesso pela mesma incisão, com bons resultados cosméticos

    Parathyroidectomy after kidney transplantation: short- and long-term impact on renal function

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    INTRODUCTION: Kidney transplantation corrects endocrine imbalances. Nevertheless, these early favorable events are not always followed by rapid normalization of parathyroid hormone secretion. A possible deleterious effect of parathyroidectomy on kidney transplant function has been reported. This study aimed to compare acute and longterm renal changes after total parathyroidectomy with those occurring after general surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective case-controlled study. Nineteen patients with persistent hyperparathyroidism underwent parathyroidectomy due to hypercalcemia. The control group included 19 patients undergoing various general and urological operations. RESULTS: In the parathyroidectomy group, a significant increase in serum creatinine from 1.58 to 2.29 mg/dl (P < 0.05) was noted within the first 5 days after parathyroidectomy. In the control group, a statistically insignificant increase in serum creatinine from 1.49 to 1.65 mg/dl occurred over the same time period. The long-term mean serum creatinine level was not statistically different from baseline either in the parathyroidectomy group (final follow-up creatinine = 1.91 mg/dL) or in the non-parathyroidectomy group (final follow-up creatinine = 1.72 mg/dL). CONCLUSION: Although renal function deteriorates in the acute period following parathyroidectomy, long-term stabilization occurs, with renal function similar to both preoperative function and to a control group of kidney-transplanted patients who underwent other general surgical operations by the final follow up

    Telehealth effectiveness for pre-exposure prophylaxis delivery in Brazilian public services : the Combine! Study

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    Introduction Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery based on user needs can enhance PrEP access and impact. We examined whether telehealth for daily oral PrEP delivery could change the indicators of care related to prophylactic use in five Brazilian public HIV clinics (testing centres, outpatient clinics and infectious disease hospitals). Methods Between July 2019 and December 2020, clients on PrEP for at least 6 months could transition to telehealth or stay with in-person follow-up. Clients were clinically monitored until June 2021. A desktop or mobile application was developed, comprising three asynchronous consultations and one annual in-person consultation visit. Predictors influencing telehealth preference and care outcomes were examined. The analysis encompassed intent-to-treat (first choice) and adjustments for sexual practices, schooling, age, duration of PrEP use and PrEP status during the choice period. Results Of 470 users, 52% chose telehealth, with the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) increasing over time for PrEP use (aOR for 25–months of use: 4.90; 95% CI: 1.32–18.25), having discontinued PrEP at the time of the choice (aOR: 2.91; 95% CI: 1.40–6.06) and having health insurance (aOR: 1.91; 95% CI: 1.24–2.94) and decreasing for those who reported higher-risk behaviour (aOR for unprotected anal sex: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.29–0.88). After an average follow-up period of 1.6 years (95% CI: 1.5–1.7), the risk of discontinuing PrEP (not having the medication for more than 90 days) was 34% lower with telehealth (adjusted hazard ratio: 0.66; 95% CI: 0.45–0.97). When adjusted by mixed linear regression, no differences in adherence (measured by mean medication possession rate) were found between in-person and telehealth (p = 0.486) or at pre- and post-telehealth follow-ups (p = 0.245). Sexually transmitted infections increased between the pre-follow-up and post-follow-up choices and were not associated with in-person or telehealth (p = 0.528). No HIV infections were observed. Conclusions Our findings indicate that telehealth for PrEP delivery can enhance service rationalization and reinforce the prevention cascade. This approach reduces prophylaxis interruptions and is mainly preferred by individuals with lower demands for healthcare services

    Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure

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    CODE AVAILABILITY : Programming R code is openly available together with the database from Figshare.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1 : Template for data collectionSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2 : Data Descriptor WorksheetSpringtails (Collembola) inhabit soils from the Arctic to the Antarctic and comprise an estimated ~32% of all terrestrial arthropods on Earth. Here, we present a global, spatially-explicit database on springtail communities that includes 249,912 occurrences from 44,999 samples and 2,990 sites. These data are mainly raw sample-level records at the species level collected predominantly from private archives of the authors that were quality-controlled and taxonomically-standardised. Despite covering all continents, most of the sample-level data come from the European continent (82.5% of all samples) and represent four habitats: woodlands (57.4%), grasslands (14.0%), agrosystems (13.7%) and scrublands (9.0%). We included sampling by soil layers, and across seasons and years, representing temporal and spatial within-site variation in springtail communities. We also provided data use and sharing guidelines and R code to facilitate the use of the database by other researchers. This data paper describes a static version of the database at the publication date, but the database will be further expanded to include underrepresented regions and linked with trait data.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.http://www.nature.com/sdatahj2024Plant Production and Soil ScienceSDG-15:Life on lan

    Evaluation of the quantity of formaldehyde released by some endodontic sealers

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    Analisou-se, por meio de espectrofotometria, a liberação de formaldeído de cimentos endodônticos à base de óxido de zinco e eugenol, resinas epóxica e polimetacrilato, hidróxido de cálcio e biocerâmico, estudados em diferentes oportunidades: durante a espatulação; decorrido três vezes o tempo de endurecimento e, por fim, na extração de sua massa endurecida. As amostras foram adquiridas pela coleta do volume da água utilizada em cada período e, determinada a curva de calibração da liberação do formaldeído e análise controle com água, foram submetidas à análise colorimétrica com adição dos reagentes: 5,0 mL de solução tampão, 0,5 mL de solução de parafenilenodiamina e 2,5 mL de peróxido de hidrogênio em balões volumétricos de 50,0 mL mantendo-os em repouso por 20 minutos. Após, foi realizada leitura em espectrofotômetro duplo feixe nos comprimentos de onda 326, 334 e 462 nm. Detectou-se formaldeído em todos os cimentos à base de resina epóxica, no EndoREZ® e no Endomèthasone N, quantificado apenas no Sealer 26 (7.40 mg.L-1) e Endomèthasone N (9.13 mg.L-1) durante a espatulação; no AH Plus® (4.44 mg.L-1) e no Endomèthasone N (18.14 mg.L-1) durante o endurecimento, e somente no Endomèthasone N depois de endurecido (9.43 mg.L- 1). Concluiu-se que, durante a espatulação, todos os cimentos de resina epóxica liberaram formaldeído, com quantificação apenas para o Sealer 26, o Endomèthasone N apresentou a maior quantidade, e o Endorez liberou a substância em quantidade insuficiente para quantificação. Após a espatulação, todos os de resina epóxica liberaram formaldeído, com quantificação no AH Plus e o Endomèthasone N apresentou a maior quantidade da substância, que também foi encontrada no Endorez, sem quantificação. Endurecidos, todos os cimentos de resina epóxica e o Endorez liberaram formaldeído em quantidade insuficiente para quantificação, e o cimento Endomèthasone N liberou a maior quantidade dessa substância.This study evaluated, by means of spectrophotometry, the release of formaldehyde in zinc oxide, epoxy resins and polymethylmethacrylate, calcium hydroxide and bioceramic based endodontic sealers in different situations: during mixing; after 3 time the setting time and, at extraction of its hardened mass. The samples were acquired by means of collection of the volume of water used in each period and - after determining the calibration curve of formaldehyde release and analyzing the control with water - were submitted to colorimetric analysis with the addition of the following reagents: 5.0mL of buffered solution, 0.5mL of paraphenylenediamine and 2.5mL of hydrogen peroxide to a 50.0mL volumetric flask, which was kept at rest for 20 minutes. Double-beam spectrophotometer readings were performed at 326, 334 and 462nm wavelengths. Formaldehyde was detected in all epoxy resin based sealers, in EndoREZ and in Endomèthasone N, quantified only in Sealer 26 (7.40 mg.L-1) and Endomèthasone N (9.13 mg.L-1) during mixing, and in AH Plus (4.44 mg.L-1) and Endomèthasone N (18.14 mg.L-1) during the setting time, and only in Endomèthasone N after setting (9.43 mg.L-1). It can be concluded that during mixing all epoxy resin based sealers released formaldehyde, with quantification being possible only for Sealer 26, Endomèthasone N showed higher quantities, and Endorez released the substance in insufficient quantity for detection. After mixing, all epoxy resin based sealers released formaldehyde, whereas quantification was possible for AH Plus and Endomèthasone N presented the highest quantity of the substance, that was also found in Endorez, but could not be quantified. When set, all epoxy resin sealers and Endorez released formaldehyde in insufficient quantity for quantification, and Endomèthasone N released the greater amount of this substance

    (Res)Significando gráficos estatísticos no ensino fundamental com o Software SuperLogo 3.0

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    Muitas das pesquisas relacionadas à Educação Estatística têm evidenciado dificuldades por parte dos alunos quanto ao desenvolvimento de habilidades no que concerne à construção, leitura e interpretação de dados representados por meio de gráficos. Como alternativa, apresentamos neste trabalho uma discussão quanto às características e contribuições do software SuperLogo 3.0 para a atribuição de sentido a essas representações, bem como para a compreensão e tomada de consciência quanto aos conceitos matemáticos nelas implícitos. Os resultados apontam que a estrutura de linguagem de programação desse software favorece a (res)significação da construção de gráficos e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento das competências necessárias para a interpretação adequada dessas representações

    Bilateral nephrectomy of huge polycystic kidneys associated with a rectus abdominis diastasis and umbilical hernia

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with end-stage renal failure due to huge autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease usually have an umbilical hernia and rectus abdominis diastasis, which are very troublesome. Pretransplant bilateral nephrectomy techniques does not manage the umbilical hernia and rectus abdominis diastasis. We report our experience in performing bilateral nephrectomy and repairing the rectus abdominis diastasis and umbilical hernia through the one, small incision. METHODS: Four patients aged 37 to 43 years with huge polycystic kidneys, an umbilical hernia, and a rectus abdominis diastasis underwent bilateral pretransplant nephrectomy through a midline supraumbilical incision including the umbilical hernia defect. The kidneys were removed through this incision. The incision was closed with the transposition of rectus abdominis muscle, pants-over-vest-style, to correct the diastasis and the umbilical hernia. RESULTS: The average operative time was 160 minutes (range, 130-180); the average larger kidney size was 33 cm (range, 32-34 cm); no major complications occurred; one patient who had preoperative low hemoglobin required blood transfusion. Patients were discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 7 with an esthetically pleasing belly, no rectus abdominis diastasis, and no umbilical hernia. One to two months after bilateral nephrectomy, the patients received a live donor kidney with an uneventful outcome. CONCLUSION: A midline supraumbilical incision is an excellent approach for bilateral nephrectomy of huge polycystic kidneys. In addition, an umbilical hernia and rectus abdominis diastasis may be successfully repaired through same incision with good cosmetic results.INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com insuficiência renal terminal por Doença Renal Policística Autossômica Dominante geralmente apresentam hérnia umbilical e diástase de músculo reto abdominal, que são muito problemáticas. Técnicas de nefrectomia bilateral pré-transplante não dão atenção à hérnia umbilical e à diástase do músculo reto abdominal. Relatamos nossa experiência com nefrectomia bilateral e correção da diastase de músculo reto abdominal e hérnia umbilical através de uma única pequena incisão. MÉTODOS: Quatro pacientes com idade entre 37 a 43 anos com Doença Renal Policística Autossômica Dominante gigante, hérnia umbilical e diástase do múculo reto abdominal foram submetidos à nefrectomia bilateral pré-transplante através de incisão mediana supra-umbilical incluindo o defeito herniário umbilical. Os rins foram removidos através da pequena incisão mediana. A incisão foi fechada com transposição do músculo reto abdominal tipo jaquetão para corrigir a diastase e a hernia umbilical. RESULTADOS: O tempo operatório médio foi 160 minutos (130-180); o tamanho médio do maior rim foi 33cm (32-34); não ocorreram grandes complicações; um paciente, que tinha baixo nível de hemoglobina pré-operatório e precisou de transfusão sangüínea. Pacientes receberam alta hospitalar no 7º pós-operatório com abdome de boa aparência, sem diástase de músculo reto abdominal e sem hérnia umbilical. Os pacientes receberam enxerto renal de doador vivo um ou dois meses após a nefrectomia bilateral, sem intercorrências. CONCLUSÃO: A incisão mediana supra-umbilical é uma abordagem excelente para nefrectomia bilateral de rins policísticos gigantes. Além disso, a hernia umbilical e a diastase de músculo reto abdominal podem ser corrigidas com sucesso pela mesma incisão, com bons resultados cosméticos

    Sensing CA 15-3 in point-of-care by electropolymerizing <i>O</i>-phenylenediamine (oPDA) on Au-screen printed electrodes

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    <div><p>This work presents an alternative device for cancer screening in liquid biopsies. It combines a biomimetic film (i) with electrochemical detection (ii). The biomimetic film (i) was obtained by electro-polymerizing amine-substituted benzene rings around a CA 15–3 target. This protein target was previously adsorbed on a gold (Au) support and incubated in charged monomers (4-Styrenesulfonate sodium and 3-Hydroxytyraminium chloride). The protein was further eliminated by enzymatic activity, leaving behind vacant sites for subsequent rebinding. Electrochemical detection (ii) was achieved on an Au working electrode, designed on commercial screen-printed electrodes. Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and ellipsometric readings were used to follow the chemical modification of the Au surface. The ability of the material to rebind CA15-3 was monitored by electrochemical techniques. The device displayed linear responses to CA15-3 ranging from 0.25 to 10.00 U/mL, with detection limits of 0.05 U/mL. Accurate results were obtained by applying the sensor to the analysis of CA15-3 in PBS buffer and in serum samples. This biosensing device displayed successful features for the detection of CA 15–3 and constitutes a promising tool for breast cancer screening procedures in point-of-care applications. Moreover, its scale-up seems feasible as it contains a plastic antibody assembled <i>in situ</i>, in less than 1 minute, and the analysis of serum takes less than 30 minutes.</p></div