94 research outputs found

    Rapid detection and quantitation of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in experimentally challenged rainbow trout by real-time RT-PCR

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    A quantitative real-time RT-PCR (Q-RT-PCR) was developed to detect and determine the amount of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) in organs of experimentally infected rainbow trout. Primers and TaqMan probes targeting the glycoprotein (G) and the nucleoprotein (N) genes of the virus were designed. The efficiency, linear range and detection limit of the Q-RT-PCR were assessed on cell cultured virus samples. VHSV N gene amplification was more efficient and more sensitive than the VHSV G amplicon. On cell culture grown virus, samples could be accurately assayed over a range of seven logs of infectious particles per reaction. To demonstrate the utility of Q-RT-PCR in vivo, bath infection trials were carried out and samples from fish spleen, kidney, liver and blood were harvested and tested for VHSV. Q-RT-PCR was a more reliable method than either conventional RT-PCR or the cell culture assay for virus diagnosis. Results of VHSV RNA detection in fish shortly after infection as well as on asymptomatic fish several weeks after experimental challenge are presented here. This is the first report showing the utility of Q-RT-PCR for VHSV detection and quantitation both in vitro and in vivo. The suitability of this method to test the efficacy of antiviral treatments is also discussed

    Characterization of an infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus carrier cell culture with resistance to superinfection with heterologous viruses

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    A state of persistence of a non susceptible fish cell line with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) was established in vitro by experimental infection. The persistently infected culture showed sustained production of infectious virus and could be continuously passaged for months. A distinct feature of this culture is that only a very small fraction of the cells harbours virus replication, in contrast to other reported IPNV-persistently infected cells from salmonid fish, where nearly all the cells express viral antigens. In spite of the small number of detectable IPNV-infected cells, the carrier culture shows resistance to superinfection with homologous as well as heterologous viruses. Temperature shift-up experiments indicate that viral interference is due to continuous replication of IPNV in the culture. Quantitation of Mx gene expression suggested that the interference phenomenon could be mediated by the activation of the interferon (IFN) system. However, conditioned medium from the IPNV-infected cell cultures only marginally protected other cells against VHSV infection, indicating that other type I IFN-independent mechanism may be underlying the resistance of the persistently infected culture to infection with heterologous viruses. Our study defines a novel in vitro model of IPNV persistence and contributes to the understanding of the widespread distribution of aquabirnaviruses in marine and fresh water environments by establishing a carrier state in non susceptible fish species

    A sandwich ELISA to detect VHSV and IPNV in turbot

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    Abstract: The recent demonstration that reared turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L) is a natural host for salmonid rhabdoviruses has made their rapid detection relevant to these fish species. A unique protocol to select and use non-competitive monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) for two high-sensitivity sandwich ELISAs has been developed to detect both infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) and viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in turbot kidney extracts to assess the possibility of using them in field diagnosis. For maximum sensitivity, turbot kidney extracts can be two-fold diluted with high-ionic strength buffers and assayed for the presence of the major viral proteins (VMS rhabdovirus nucleoprotein N/Nx and/or IPN birnavirus protein VP3). The use of control plates coated with irrelevant mouse antibodies (IgG1 and IgG2a) in parallel ELISAs allows for a precise estimation of possible false positives. Turbot kidney extracts with low levels of virus might now be assayed directly without using cell culture, with high precision and in a short time during the acute phase of these viral diseases in reared turbot.Acuidoro, SL; INI

    Zebrafish fin immune responses during high mortality infections with viral haemorrhagic septicemia rhabdovirus. A proteomic and transcriptomic approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite rhabdoviral infections being one of the best known fish diseases, the gene expression changes induced at the surface tissues after the natural route of infection (infection-by-immersion) have not been described yet. This work describes the differential infected versus non-infected expression of proteins and immune-related transcripts in fins and organs of zebrafish <it>Danio rerio </it>shortly after infection-by-immersion with viral haemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis detected variations on the protein levels of the enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and cytoskeleton components but it detected very few immune-related proteins. Differential expression of immune-related gene transcripts estimated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction arrays and hybridization to oligo microarrays showed that while more transcripts increased in fins than in organs (spleen, head kidney and liver), more transcripts decreased in organs than in fins. Increased differential transcript levels in fins detected by both arrays corresponded to previously described infection-related genes such as complement components (<it>c3b, c8 </it>and <it>c9</it>) or class I histocompatibility antigens (<it>mhc1</it>) and to newly described genes such as secreted immunoglobulin domain (<it>sid4</it>), macrophage stimulating factor (<it>mst1</it>) and a cluster differentiation antigen (<it>cd36</it>).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The genes described would contribute to the knowledge of the earliest molecular events occurring in the fish surfaces at the beginning of natural rhabdoviral infections and/or might be new candidates to be tested as adjuvants for fish vaccines.</p

    Transcriptome profiles associated to VHSV infection or DNA vaccination in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

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    DNA vaccines encoding the viral G glycoprotein show the most successful protection capability against fish rhabdoviruses. Nowadays, the molecular mechanisms underlying the protective response remain still poorly understood. With the aim of shedding light on the protection conferred by the DNA vaccines based in the G glycoprotein of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) we have used a specific microarray highly enriched in antiviral sequences to carry out the transcriptomic study associated to VHSV DNA vaccination/infection. The differential gene expression pattern in response to empty plasmid (pMCV1.4) and DNA vaccine (pMCV1.4-G860) intramuscular administration with regard to non-stimulated turbot was analyzed in head kidney at 8, 24 and 72 hours post-vaccination. Moreover, the effect of VHSV infection one month after immunization was also analyzed in vaccinated and non-vaccinated fish at the same time points. Genes implicated in the Toll-like receptor signalling pathway, IFN inducible/regulatory proteins, numerous sequences implicated in apoptosis and cytotoxic pathways, MHC class I antigens, as well as complement and coagulation cascades among others were analyzed in the different experimental groups. Fish receiving the pMCV1.4-G860 vaccine showed transcriptomic patterns very different to the ones observed in pMCV1.4-injected turbot after 72 h. On the other hand, VHSV challenge in vaccinated and non-vaccinated turbot induced a highly different response at the transcriptome level, indicating a very relevant role of the acquired immunity in vaccinated fish able to alter the typical innate immune response profile observed in non-vaccinated individuals. This exhaustive transcriptome study will serve as a complete overview for a better understanding of the crosstalk between the innate and adaptive immune response in fish after viral infection/vaccination. Moreover, it provides interesting clues about molecules with a potential use as vaccine adjuvants, antiviral treatments or markers for vaccine efficiency monitoring

    Rainbow trout surviving infections of viral haemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv) show lasting antibodies to recombinant g protein fragments

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    P. 929-935Rainbow trout antibodies (Abs) binding to recombinant fragments (frgs) derived from the protein G of the viral haemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV)-07.71 strain, could be detected by ELISA (frg-ELISA) in sera from trout surviving laboratory-controlled infections. Abs were detected not only by using sera from trout infected with the homologous VHSV isolate but also with the VHSV-DK-201433 heterologous isolate, which had 13 amino acid changes. Sera from healthy trout and/or from trout surviving infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) infection, were used to calculate cut-off absorbances to differentiate negative from positive sera. Specific anti-VHSV Abs could then be detected by using any of the following frgs: frg11 (56-110), frg15 (65-250), frg16 (252-450) or G21-465. While high correlations were found among the ELISA values obtained with the different frgs, no correlations between any frg- ELISA and complement-dependent 50 % plaque neutralization test (PNT) titres could be demonstrated. Between 4 to 10 weeks after VHSV-infection, more trout sera were detected as positives by using heterologous frg-ELISA rather than homologous PNT. Furthermore, the percentage of positive sera detected by frg11-ELISA increased with time after infection to reach 100 %, while those detected by complement-dependent PNT decreased to 29.4 %, thus confirming that the lack of neutralising Abs does not mean the lack of any anti-VHSV Abs in survivor trout sera. Preliminary results with sera from field samples suggest that further refinements of the frg-ELISA could allow detection of anti-VHSV trout Abs in natural outbreaks caused by different heterologous VHSV isolates.The homologous frg-ELISA method could be useful to follow G immunization attempts during vaccine development and/or to best understand the fish Ab response during VHSV infections. The viral frgs approach might also be used with other fish species and/or viruses.S

    Targeting and stimulation of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) innate immune system with LPS/dsRNA-loaded nanoliposomes

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    Herein we report the use of immunostimulant-loaded nanoliposomes (called NLcliposomes) as a strategy to protect fish against bacterial and/or viral infections. This work entailed developing a method for in vivo tracking of the liposomes administered to adult zebrafish that enables evaluation of their in vivo dynamics and characterisation of their tissue distribution. The NLc liposomes, which co-encapsulate poly(I:C) and LPS, accumulate in immune tissues and in immunologically relevant cells such as macrophages, as has been assessed in trout primary cell cultures. They protect zebrafish against otherwise lethal bacterial (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1) and viral (Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus) infections regardless of whether they are administered by injection or by immersion, as demonstrated in a series of in vivo infection experiments with adult zebrafish. Importantly, protection was not achieved in fish that had been treated with empty liposomes or with a mixture of the free immunostimulants. Our findings indicate that stimulation of the innate immune system with co-encapsulated immunostimulants in nano-liposomes is a promising strategy to simultaneously improve the levels of protection against bacterial and viral infections in fish

    Behavioural fever is a synergic signal amplifying the innate immune response

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    Behavioural fever, defined as an acute change in thermal preference driven by pathogen recognition, has been reported in a variety of invertebrates and ectothermic vertebrates. It has been suggested, but so far not confirmed, that such changes in thermal regime favour the immune response and thus promote survival. Here, we show that zebrafish display behavioural fever that acts to promote extensive and highly specific temperature-dependent changes in the brain transcriptome. The observed coupling of the immune response to fever acts at the gene-environment level to promote a robust, highly specific time-dependent anti-viral response that, under viral infection, increases survival. Fish that are not offered a choice of temperatures and that therefore cannot express behavioural fever show decreased survival under viral challenge. This phenomenon provides an underlying explanation for the varied functional responses observed during systemic fever. Given the effects of behavioural fever on survival and the fact that it exists across considerable phylogenetic space, such immunity-environment interactions are likely to be under strong positive selection

    Autophagy-inducing peptides from mammalian VSV and fish VHSV rhabdoviral G glycoproteins (G) as models for the development of new therapeutic molecules

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    It has not been elucidated whether or not autophagy is induced by rhabdoviral G glycoproteins (G) in vertebrate organisms for which rhabdovirus infection is lethal. Our work provides the first evidence that both mammalian (vesicular stomatitis virus, VSV) and fish (viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus, VHSV, and spring viremia carp virus, SVCV) rhabdoviral Gs induce an autophagic antiviral program in vertebrate cell lines. The transcriptomic profiles obtained from zebrafish genetically immunized with either Gsvcv or Gvhsv suggest that autophagy is induced shortly after immunization and therefore, it may be an important component of the strong antiviral immune responses elicited by these viral proteins. Pepscan mapping of autophagy-inducing linear determinants of Gvhsv and Gvsv showed that peptides located in their fusion domains induce autophagy. Altogether these results suggest that strategies aimed at modulating autophagy could be used for the prevention and treatment of rhabdoviral infections such as rabies, which causes thousands of human deaths every year

    Identification of diverse defense mechanisms in rainbow trout red blood cells in response to halted replication of VHS virus [version 2; referees: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    Background: It has been described that fish nucleated red blood cells (RBCs) generate a wide variety of immune-related gene transcripts when viruses highly replicate inside them and are their main target cell. The immune response and mechanisms of fish RBCs against viruses targeting other cells or tissues has not yet been explored and is the objective of our study. Methods: Rainbow trout RBCs were obtained from peripheral blood, ficoll purified and exposed to Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia virus (VHSV). Immune response was evaluated by means of RT-qPCR, flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) protein profiling. Results: VHSV N gene transcripts incremented early postexposure and were drastically decreased after 6 hours postexposure (hpe). The expression of type I interferon ( ifn1) gene was significantly downregulated at early postexposure (3 hpe), together with a gradual downregulation of interferon-inducible mx and pkr genes until 72 hpe. Type I IFN protein was downregulated and interferon-inducible Mx protein was maintained at basal levels. Co-culture assays of RBCs, previously exposed to UV-inactivated VHSV, and TSS (stromal cell line from spleen) revealed IFN crosstalk between both cell types. On the other hand, anti-microbial peptide β-defensin 1 and neutrophil chemotactic factor interleukin 8 were slightly upregulated in VHSV-exposed RBCs. iTRAQ profiling revealed that VHSV exposure can induce a global protein downregulation in rainbow trout RBCs, mainly related to RNA stability and proteasome pathways. Antioxidant/antiviral response is also suggested to be involved in the response of rainbow trout RBCs to VHSV. Conclusions: A variety of mechanisms are proposed to be implicated in the antiviral response of rainbow trout RBCs against VHSV halted infection. Ongoing research is focused on understanding the mechanisms in detail.This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC starting grant 2014 GA639249)
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