1,318 research outputs found

    Highly Reliable and Repeatable Soldering Technique for Assembling Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide Devices

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    [EN] In this paper, a novel mymargin soldering technique that improves the fabrication process of empty substrate integrated waveguide (ESIW) devices is presented. Up until now, in order to fabricate an ESIW device, the tin solder paste was distributed, before assembling, on the contact surface between layers, in order to ensure a good electrical contact. This process has a low degree of repeatability (random soldering thickness and distribution of tin) and reliability (a significant number of nonworking prototypes due to tin overflow). In this paper, we propose the mechanization of a set of plated vias just next to the metalized walls of the ESIW in the central layer. Next, in the top and bottom covers that close this ESIW, additional plated vias are drilled in the same position so that, when the device is assembled (using screws or rivets), metalized holes can be seen passing through the whole structure from top to bottom. These holes are then used as soldering vias that can guide the tin paste straight to the point where it is needed. When the paste is dried, soldered vias ensure a very good electrical contact between layers. In addition, the fluid tin fills any small gap that appears between layers, thus providing a very good electrical contact and mechanical union. This novel soldering technique has been validated with experimental results. Several prototypes of filters centered at 13 and 35 GHz have been fabricated, proving the repeatability and reliability of the proposed soldering technique.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economiy Competitividad, Spanish Government, under Project TEC2016-75934-C4-3-R and Project TEC2016-75934-C4-1-R.Martinez, JA.; Belenguer, A.; Esteban González, H. (2019). Highly Reliable and Repeatable Soldering Technique for Assembling Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide Devices. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (Online). 9(11):2276-2281. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCPMT.2019.2915688S2276228191

    Hole spin driving by strain-induced spin-orbit interactions

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    Hole spins in semiconductor quantum dots can be efficiently manipulated with radio-frequency electric fields owing to the strong spin-orbit interactions in the valence bands. Here we show that the motion of the dot in inhomogeneous strain fields gives rise to linear Rashba spin-orbit interactions (with spatially dependent spin-orbit lengths) and g-factor modulations that allow for fast Rabi oscillations. Such inhomogeneous strains may build up spontaneously due to process and cool down stress. We discuss spin qubits in Ge/GeSi heterostructures as an illustration. We highlight that Rabi frequencies can be enhanced by one order of magnitude by shear strain gradients as small as 3×1063\times 10^{-6} nm1^{-1} within the dots. This underlines that spin in solids can be very sensitive to strains and opens the way for strain engineering in hole spin devices for quantum information and spintronics.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics and thermodynamics of linear quantum open systems

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    We analyze the behavior of a network of quantum oscillators coupled with a number of external environments. We show that the dynamics is such that the quantum state of the network always obeys a local master equation with a simple analytical solution. We use this to study the emergence of thermodynamical laws in the stationary regime, achieved for sufficiently long times if the environments are dissipative. We show that the validity of the second law implies the impossibility of building a quantum refrigerator without moving parts (therefore, a quantum absorption refrigerators requires non-linearity as an crucial ingredient, as recently proposed by Kosloff and others cite{Kosloff1,Kosloff2}). We also show that the third law imposes strong constraints on the low frequency behavior of the environmental spectral densities.Comment: 4 pages of main text, 6 pages of supplementary material, 1 figure; substantially modified, detailed derivations presented in the supplementary materia

    Hole spin manipulation in inhomogeneous and non-separable electric fields

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    The usual models for electrical spin manipulation in semiconductor quantum dots assume that the confinement potential is separable in the three spatial dimensions and that the AC drive field is homogeneous. However, the electric field induced by the gates in quantum dot devices is not fully separable and displays significant inhomogeneities. Here, we address the electrical manipulation of hole spins in semiconductor heterostructures subject to inhomogeneous vertical electric fields and/or in-plane AC electric fields. We consider Ge quantum dots electrically confined in a Ge/GeSi quantum well as an illustration. We show that the lack of separability between the vertical and in-plane motions gives rise to an additional spin-orbit coupling mechanism (beyond the usual linear and cubic in momentum Rashba terms) that modulates the principal axes of the hole gyromagnetic g-matrix. This non-separability mechanism can be of the same order of magnitude as Rashba-type interactions, and enables spin manipulation when the magnetic field is applied in the plane of the heterostructure even if the dot is symmetric (disk-shaped). More generally, we show that Rabi oscillations in strongly patterned electric fields harness a variety of g-factor modulations. We discuss the implications for the design, modeling and understanding of hole spin qubit devices

    Charcot's arthrophathy

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    Effect of resistance training and hypocaloric diets with different protein content on body composition and lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic obese women

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    Lifestyle changes such as following a hypocaloric diet and regular physical exercise are recognized as effective non-pharmacological interventions to reduce body fat mass and prevent cardiovascular disease risk factors. Purpose: To evaluate the interactions of a higher protein (HP) vs. a lower protein (LP) diet with or without a concomitant progressive resistance training program (RT) on body composition and lipoprotein profile in hypercholesterolemic obese women. Methods: Retrospective study derived from a 16-week randomized controlled-intervention clinical trial. Twentyfive sedentary, obese (BMI: 30-40 kg/m²) women, aged 40-60 with hypercholesterolemia were assigned to a 4-arm trial using a 2 x 2 factorial design (Diet x Exercise). Prescribed diets had the same calorie restriction (-500 kcal/day), and were categorized according to protein content as: lower protein ( 22% daily energy intake, HP). Exercise comparisons involved habitual activity (control) vs. a 16-week supervised whole-body resistance training program (RT), two sessions/wk. Results: A significant decrease in weight and waist circumference was observed in all groups. A significant decrease in LDL-C and Total-Cholesterol levels was observed only when a LP diet was combined with a RT program, the RT being the most determining factor. Interestingly, an interaction between diet and exercise was found concerning LDL-C values. Conclusion: In this study, resistance training plays a key role in improving LDL-C and Total-Cholesterol; however, a lower protein intake (< 22% of daily energy intake as proteins) was found to achieve a significantly greater reduction in LDL-C

    Characterizing large-scale quantum computers via cycle benchmarking

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    Quantum computers promise to solve certain problems more efficiently than their digital counterparts. A major challenge towards practically useful quantum computing is characterizing and reducing the various errors that accumulate during an algorithm running on large-scale processors. Current characterization techniques are unable to adequately account for the exponentially large set of potential errors, including cross-talk and other correlated noise sources. Here we develop cycle benchmarking, a rigorous and practically scalable protocol for characterizing local and global errors across multi-qubit quantum processors. We experimentally demonstrate its practicality by quantifying such errors in non-entangling and entangling operations on an ion-trap quantum computer with up to 10 qubits, with total process fidelities for multi-qubit entangling gates ranging from 99.6(1)% for 2 qubits to 86(2)% for 10 qubits. Furthermore, cycle benchmarking data validates that the error rate per single-qubit gate and per two-qubit coupling does not increase with increasing system size.Comment: The main text consists of 6 pages, 3 figures and 1 table. The supplementary information consists of 6 pages, 2 figures and 3 table