1,958 research outputs found

    What the Brand brands: A reading from the contribution of Sectoral Brands to the competitiveness of the regions

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    [EN] Global brands have encouraged the penetration of products in markets, but new contexts have emerged, where brands add value to the productive sectors and promote the creation and growth of new companies. An approach and analysis of the contemporary construction of the sector brand and the value it provides to insert countries, territories, cities and products in global markets is carried out. On the other hand, in the Latin American context, we can observe the emergence of emerging brands that have their origin in the need to meet the demand of priority sectors or undertakings derived from the identification of unattended market niches, with the potential to become trademarks in a higher level.Del-Pino Espinoza, A.; Veloz De La Torre, F. (2020). What the Brand brands: A reading from the contribution of Sectoral Brands to the competitiveness of the regions. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10020OCS1

    El rol del Terapeuta Ocupacional en la prevención primaria de obesidad en niños y niñas entre seis meses y dos años

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    Tesis (Magíster en Terapia Ocupacional, Mención Salud Física)La presente investigación busca conocer el rol de la Terapia Ocupacional en la prevención primaria de obesidad en niños y niñas entre seis meses y dos años, por medio de una investigación cualitativa que permite obtener información desde la perspectiva de los Terapeutas Ocupacionales entrevistados. La relevancia de la investigación radica en que la obesidad infantil es un campo escasamente abordado por los Terapeutas Ocupacionales, tanto en su formación como en su ejercicio, a pesar de relacionarse con aspectos ocupacionales esenciales de la Terapia Ocupacional y donde ésta podría aportar estableciéndose los niños y niñas con obesidad como un campo de intervención de la profesión. La investigación revela el rol actual y el rol esperado de los y las Terapeutas Ocupacionales en relación al contexto, hábitos y desempeño ocupacional respecto de la obesidad infantil, que permite respaldar la idea propuesta sobre la pertinencia y necesidad de la participación de estos profesionales en equipos que aborden, desde la prevención y promoción, la obesidad infantil

    Adaptation of a culturally relevant nutrition and physical activity program for low-income, Mexican-origin parents with young children.

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    Latino children experience higher rates of obesity than do non-Latino white children. Family-centered nutrition interventions can slow the rate of weight gain in this population. Niños Sanos, Familia Sana (Healthy Children, Healthy Family) is a 5-year, community-based, participatory research study that targets rural Mexican-origin farmworker families with children aged 2 to 8 years in California's Central Valley. Adaptation of a culturally relevant obesity prevention program involved qualitative research to tailor key obesity prevention messages, pilot testing and implementation of key messages and activities at family nights, and continual modification to incorporate culturally innovative elements. Of the 238 families enrolled, 53% (125) attended the recommended minimum of 5 (of 10 possible) classes during the first year. A university and community partnership can guide development of a culturally tailored obesity prevention program that is suitable for reaching a high-risk Mexican-origin audience through cooperative extension and other public health programs

    Febre tifóide em escolares de estratos sócio-econômicos baixo e alto

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    The relationship between the hygienic habits of children who had typhoid fever (TF) who had recently begun attending school and their family group, is assessed. It is supposed that children, independently of their SES, acquired TF because of inadequate habits which facilitated the oral-fecal cycle. The sample was formed of 40 child-mother dyads: 20 of low SES (group A) and 20 of high SES (group B), the child of each of which had had TF. Results showed that the hygienic habits of children with respect to the oral-fecal cycle, their perception of school toilet cleanliness as well as the mothers' explanation of their children's hygienic habits is very similar in the two groups. The importance of these results is that the SES is seem to be irrelevant in the case of TF but that the hygienic habits of the children are of importance. Public health policy should be modified to include the teaching of proper hygienic habits (oral-fecal cycle).Objetiva-se estudar e avaliar os hábitos de higiene de crianças que já freqüentavam escola por um ou dois anos e que recentemente tiveram febre tifóide. Levantou-se a hipótese de que as crianças, independentemente do nível socio-ecômico, teriam adquirido febre tifóide devido as seus inadequados hábitos de higiene, os quais facilitariam o ciclo fecal-oral. A amostra foi formada por 40 diadas (mãe-filho): 20 de baixo nível sócio-econômico (grupo A) e 20 de alto nível sócio-econômico (grupo B) que haviam tido febre tifóide. Os resultados indicaram que os hábitos de higiene das crianças em relação ao ciclo fecal-oral, as observações sobre a limpeza do toalete e as explicações das mães a respeito dos hábitos higiênicos de seus filhos, são muito semelhantes em ambos os grupos. Os resultados sugerem ser irrelevante o nível sócio-econômico, no caso da febre tifóide, mas que os hábitos de higiene são importantes. Sugere-se que as políticas de saúde pública sejam modificadas, incluindo o ensino de hábitos de higiene adequados, principalmente aqueles que se referem ao ciclo fecal-oral

    Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems.

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    Unlike practices in electrical and mechanical equipment engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) do not have a set of standardized and harmonized practices for assurance and certification that ensures safe, secure and reliable operation with typical software and hardware architectures. This paper presents a recent initiative called AMASS (Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems) to promote harmonization, reuse and automation of labour-intensive certification-oriented activities via using model-based approaches and incremental techniques. AMASS will develop an integrated and holistic approach, a supporting tool ecosystem and a self-sustainable community for assurance and certification of CPS. The approach will be driven by architectural decisions (fully compatible with standards, e.g. AUTOSAR and IMA), including multiple assurance concerns such as safety, security and reliability. AMASS will support seamless interoperability between assurance/certification and engineering activities along with third-party activities (external assessments, supplier assurance). The ultimate aim is to lower certification costs in face of rapidly changing product features and market needs.This project has received funding from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 692474. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, Franc

    Gonadal maturity scale of Peruvian weakfish Cynoscion analis (Jenyns, 1842)

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    En este trabajo se realiza la validación de la escala de madurez gonadal macroscópica de cachema Cynoscion analis. Se analizaron 242 muestras de gónadas provenientes del Seguimiento de la Pesquería Artesanal y los Cruceros de Evaluación de Recursos Demersales del 2005. A cada individuo se le asignó un estadio de madurez macroscópica. Posteriormente, se analizó el desarrollo ovocitario y espermatogénico en cortes histológicos de gónadas. Se describieron seis estadios de maduración que van desde el estadio 0 (virginal) hasta el 5 (recuperación en hembras, post expulsante en machos). Se compara la descripción de esta escala con trabajos anteriormente realizados.Boletín IMARPE vol. 30 N°s 1-2, 2015: p. 79-86Instituto del Mar del Per

    Redes de equipamientos para potenciar los caseríos del distrito de Mórrope

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    La presente investigación se realizó teniendo como muestra de estudio los 30 caseríos - anexos y 4 centros poblados del distrito de Mórrope; con la finalidad de solucionar el problema: crecimiento poblacional disperso, para ello, se planteó los siguientes objetivos: reconocer las diferentes funciones de cada caserío tanto exógeno como endógeno; identificar las dinámicas del territorio, para afianzar el policéntrismo y proponer redes de equipamientos en los caseríos del distrito de Mórrope, para así promover las relaciones: económicas, sociales, políticas y culturales, por ello, para conocer los problemas que ocasionan la dispersión poblacional, se realizó una visita de campo a la muestra de estudio, recopilando datos, mediante la técnica de observación, los puntos analizados fueron los siguientes: en primer lugar, se analizó el sistema ambiental, en donde se estudió: el sistema de movilidad, ocupación espacial, valor patrimonial, medio ambiente y los diferentes riesgos que existen en el distrito; en segundo lugar, se analizó el proceso de ocupación: proceso histórico y la expansión rural; en tercer lugar, se analizó el sistema socioeconómico: socio demográfico, economía y producción; finalmente, se propone una dinámica policéntrica articulada, generando núcleos de mayor a menor dinamismo, que permitan la descentralización del distrito de Mórrope y además generar ejes transversales, para conseguir una mejor interacción en los caseríos del distrito de Mórrope. Por consiguiente, se propone equipamientos en algunos caseríos, basándonos en la densidad poblacional y las diferentes distancias que hay entre caseríos, según el Manual para la elaboración de los planes de acondicionamiento territorial en el marco de la reconstrucción con cambios para, generar redes de equipamientos como: educación, salud, recreación y deporte, cultural, comercio y usos especiales, para mejorar la imagen del territorio

    Arquitectura biomimética: Centro de Investigación Biológica, Hospital de Navarra. España

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    The biomimetic architecture seeks sustainable solutions in nature, without purely replicate their ways, but through the understanding of the rules that govern them, using design ideas in structures and facades. Explain how they can transfer those ideas of the natural world to an architectural project as is the case of the Biological Research Center of the Hospital of Navarra in Spain.La arquitectura biomimética busca soluciones sostenibles en la naturaleza, sin replicar puramente sus formas, sino que a través de la comprensión de las normas que la rigen, utiliza ideas de diseño en estructuras y fachadas. En el presente trabajo explicaremos cómo pueden traspasar esas ideas de la naturaleza a un proyecto arquitectónico, como es el caso del Centro de Investigación Biológica (CIB) del Hospital de Navarra en España

    A Upf3b-mutant mouse model with behavioral and neurogenesis defects.

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    Nonsense-mediated RNA decay (NMD) is a highly conserved and selective RNA degradation pathway that acts on RNAs terminating their reading frames in specific contexts. NMD is regulated in a tissue-specific and developmentally controlled manner, raising the possibility that it influences developmental events. Indeed, loss or depletion of NMD factors have been shown to disrupt developmental events in organisms spanning the phylogenetic scale. In humans, mutations in the NMD factor gene, UPF3B, cause intellectual disability (ID) and are strongly associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). Here, we report the generation and characterization of mice harboring a null Upf3b allele. These Upf3b-null mice exhibit deficits in fear-conditioned learning, but not spatial learning. Upf3b-null mice also have a profound defect in prepulse inhibition (PPI), a measure of sensorimotor gating commonly deficient in individuals with SCZ and other brain disorders. Consistent with both their PPI and learning defects, cortical pyramidal neurons from Upf3b-null mice display deficient dendritic spine maturation in vivo. In addition, neural stem cells from Upf3b-null mice have impaired ability to undergo differentiation and require prolonged culture to give rise to functional neurons with electrical activity. RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis of the frontal cortex identified UPF3B-regulated RNAs, including direct NMD target transcripts encoding proteins with known functions in neural differentiation, maturation and disease. We suggest Upf3b-null mice serve as a novel model system to decipher cellular and molecular defects underlying ID and neurodevelopmental disorders

    The Impact of the California Drought on Food Security among Rural Families of Mexican Origin

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    Introduction: The year 2015 marks the fourth year of a drought in California. With no signs of the drought improving, communities in California are left to prioritize their water usage. In the Central Valley, the limited water supply has forced farmers to prioritize on acreage and planting, decisions that trickle down and may impact farmworker families. Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of a drought in California on family decision-making and coping strategies in the context of broader community changes affecting rural families of Mexican-origin. Methods: This study recruited participants from the Niños Sanos, Familia Sana (NSFS, Healthy Children, Healthy Family) childhood obesity intervention study, conducted from 2011-2015. The primary occupation of two-thirds of the NSFS families was agricultural work. Based on the US Department of Agriculture 18-item food security assessment tool, a baseline household survey among 336 families in 2012 revealed that 45% of the households were food insecure. In 2015, a bilingual graduate student moderated four focus groups in a convenience sample of 26 NSFS families, who were recruited by promotoras (local lay workers). Males and females were assigned to different focus group discussions, each of which lasted 1 ½ hours. Two researchers reviewed transcriptions of the audio recordings and analyzed them for emerging themes. Results/Conclusions: In this Mexican-origin rural population, households headed by less educated mothers, older fathers, and adults engaged in farm work were most vulnerable to food insecurity. The focus groups revealed community changes including out-migration of families, increased food prices, and changes in employment (fewer hours, less predictable, need to travel further to find work). These changes have led families to shift their family decision-making and economize to cope with the unpredictable nature of the agricultural workforce. Paying bills and rent takes priority over food, clothing, medicine and other expenses. All groups mentioned having to deny child requests and family outings. Women noted increased stress on the family and concern about keeping families together. Men expressed the desire to avoid disruption to their children’s lives but were actively considering moving elsewhere. As a community, they have remained united and working together to withstand the challenges the drought has introduced