41 research outputs found

    Efecto del sistema de producción sobre la calidad sensorial de filete ahumado de trucha arco iris, Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson

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    To determine the sensorial characteristics of smoked fillets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) produced in fast stream (CR) and rustic (RU) production systems; 35 (CR) and 38 (RU) trout were evaluated by two methods; one analytical, using pair comparisons, and one quantitative, by using tests of non structured scale intervals. Nine trained judges evaluated the CR and RU samples for differentiation and intensity of: colour, odour, flavour and texture. Analytical tests for color were made in raw and smoked samples from both production systems. A statistical difference (p<0.O5) was found for the colour parameter in both types of sensorial evaluation. There was a difference (p<0.O5) in colour parameter a* (trend to red) in the raw and cooked fillets for both samples. However, odour was consistently identified as stronger by most judges for RU trouts; flavor intensity and texture tended to be lighter in case of CR samples. It could be concluded that, due to their sensorial characteristics the trouts produced in the rustic production system were prefered by the members of the panel.Para determinar las características sensoriales del filete ahumado de trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) producida bajo los sistemas de corriente rápida (CR) y rústico (RU); se utilizaron 35 filetes de CR y 38 de RU, se empleo el método analítico de comparación por pares y por métodos cuantitativos mediante pruebas de intervalos de escala no estructurada; se utilizaron nueve jueces entrenados para evaluar la diferencia e intensidad de sus propiedades organolépticas de color, olor, sabor y textura; se realizaron pruebas analíticas de medición de color en ambos tipos de muestra tanto en producto crudo como cocido. De acuerdo con los resultados se encontró diferencia estadística significativa (p<0.05) en el parámetro color en ambas pruebas, donde la diferenciación se presentó a favor de CR; con respecto a la intensidad, la diferencia estuvo a favor de RU; en la determinación analítica de la prueba de color se detectó diferencia estadística (p<0.05) en el parámetro a* (tendencia al rojo), tanto en filete crudo como cocido para ambas muestras. El olor fue más intenso para truchas del RU; en cuanto al sabor se presentó diferencia a favor de RU por tener un sabor fuerte, en textura ambas pruebas se dirigieron al CR por que presentó menos fibrosidad. Se puede concluir que debido a sus características sensoriales las truchas producidas en el sistema de producción RU fueron preferidas por los jueces

    Estudio microbiológico de tejido superficial de trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) y del agua circundante

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    Microbial quality of rainbow trout surface tissue (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and production ponds water where it is produced in northwestern Chihuahua state, Mexico, was assessed in trouts (200 fishes) and water (260 sampling) from nine fast stream, thirteen concrete and six dirt fish ponds during summer and winter seasons. Microbial quality was determined by measuring aerobic mesophiles, total coliform count, faecal coliforms and Salmonella spp., samples from the deep washing of the fish surface and the ponds. Temperature and oxygen content of water were also measured. The results for trout washing water indicated only significant differences (P<0.05) for aerobic mesophiles between seasons (398.11 CFU/mL in winter and 19,489.45 CFU/mL in summer), Salmonella spp. was not present in any fish or pond water samples. Aerobic mesophiles showed also higher numbers in water for summer season at water entrance, middle and discharge points of the different fish production ponds. Water temperature and oxygen content were always inside the normal range values considered for trout production in the three types of ponds, but water oxygen content showed significant difference (P<0.05) between the fast stream and dirt pond systems. It can be concluded, from the results obtained that surface tissue of the trout produced in the studied mexican northwestern Chihuahua State, ponds has excellent quality, having very low microbial counts and that water discharged from the production systems evaluated do not deteriorate the ecosystems, according to the government present regulations.Con el objetivo de caracterizar la calidad microbiológica del cultivo de la trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchusmykiss) (200 peces) y del agua de producción (260 muestras) de la misma, se muestrearon en la región noroeste del Estado de Chihuahua, 9 granjas con sistema de producción de corriente rápida, 13 con sistema de concreto y 6 con sistema rústico, en dos épocas del año (invierno y verano). Se determinaron de la superficie de los pescados y del agua: Mesófilos aerobios, Salmonella spp., coliformes totales y fecales, además de la temperatura y el oxígeno. Los resultados encontrados indican que en la trucha sólo hubo diferencias entre época (P<0.05) para mesófilos aerobios (398.11 UFC/mL en invierno y 19,489.45 UFC/mL en verano), no se aisló Salmonella. Se encontró efecto de época para mesófilos aerobios en el agua de entrada, estanques y salida, siendo superior en verano; la temperatura y oxígeno son normales para este cultivo con diferencias (P<0.05) en el nivel de oxígeno entre los sistemas de corriente rápida y rústico. En conclusión la trucha producida en esta zona tiene buena calidad microbiológica superficial y el sistema de producción no deteriora el ecosistema de acuerdo a las regulaciones vigentes

    Calidad de canal y carne de trucha arco iris, Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson, producida en el noroeste del Estado de Chihuahua.

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    Ninety nine different weight and length rainbow trouts were used to characterize their carcass and meat quality. Carcass yield was assessed by total dissection whereas the meat quality variables pH, color, water holding capacity, electric conductivity, protein, fat, ashes and moisture content, were measured in the filet. An asymptotic relationship between trout length and weight was found in this study; trouts weighing 200 g or less had 85.5% carcass yield whereas 300 g or more trouts yielded over 88.0%. Filet yield increased with total weight with 53.14 and 55.25 % of carcass weight, respectively. Protein content also increased with carcass weight, but fat content remained low at all weights. Significant differences were found between low (128.79 g) and high (361.0 g) weight trouts in color (L* 48.41 vs. 41.21, b* 13.58 vs. 8.96) and electric conductivity (9.18 vs. 13.3 µ).Water holding capacity was over 55.0% in trouts weighing 250 g or more. It was concluded that trouts weighing over 200 g have a higher carcass yield and meat quality than lighter trouts.Para caracterizar los rendimientos de canal y calidad de carne, se utilizaron 99 truchas de diferentes pesos, se realizó una disección completa para determinar los rendimientos de la canal, mientras que la calidad de la carne se midió en el filete, las variables medidas fueron: pH, color, capacidad de retención de agua, conductividad eléctrica, proteína, grasa, cenizas y humedad. Se encontró que la relación entre longitud y peso fue asintótica. Las truchas con un peso menor a 200 g tienen un rendimiento en canal, del 85.49%, mientras que las de más de 300 g tienen rendimientos superiores al 88%, el rendimiento del filete aumentó al incrementarse el peso total, siendo de 53.14 y 55.25 del peso de la canal, respectivamente. El porcentaje de proteína se incremento al aumentar el peso de la trucha, mientras que el contenido de grasa continuo bajo en todos los pesos, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las truchas con un peso de 128.79 g y las de 361.00 g en el color, luminosidad (L* ) y tendencia al amarillo (b* ) (L* 48.41 a 41.21 y b* 13.58 a 8.96) y conductividad eléctrica (9.18 a 13.3µ); la capacidad de retención de agua fue mayor a 55% en truchas de más de 250 g. En conclusión, la trucha de 200 g ó más, tiene valores más altos de rendimiento en canal y de calidad de carne en comparación con truchas más livianas

    Calidad de canal y carne de tres variedades de trucha arco iris Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)

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    Three different origin rainbow trout varieties were used to determine the variability of their carcass and meat quality; were used 80 Danish, 80 American and 80 Mexican, at different weight intervals; 175 224 g (I1), 225 274 g (I2), 275 324 g (I3) and 325 374 g (I4). Results indicated that Mexican trout had better carcass yields 88.35% at I3 and 87.34% at I4. For meat quality American trout at I2 had highest pH (7.14) and at I3 the highest luminosity value 47.53, the Danish at I2 had the highest water retention capacity 54.65%, this variety also has better protein content 21.58% at I4 and the lowest fat content (2.48%) at I2. Based in these results could be concluded that, Mexican trout due to their high carcass yield must be marketed at I3 or I4 weight ranges. That American trout could be used for filet marketing at I4 and that Danish trout had better qualifications in meat quality for processing.Para determinar la calidad de canal y carne de tres variedades de trucha arco iris, se emplearon 240 peces (Danesa, 80; Americana, 80 y Mexicana, 80), en cuatro intervalos de peso: 175 224 g (I1), 225 274 g (I2), 275 324 g (I3) y 325 375 g (I4). Los resultados indican que los mayores rendimientos de canal se dieron en la variedad mexicana en los I3 (88.35%) y I4 (87.34%). El valor máximo de rendimiento de filete se obtuvo en el I4 (54.67%) de la variedad americana. En la calidad de la carne, la variedad americana presentó el mayor pH en I2 (7.14). La danesa presentó los porcentajes más elevados de capacidad de retención de agua en el I2 (54.65%). Los mayores valores de luminosidad fueron para la trucha de la variedad americana en I3 (47.53). La danesa presentó el valor más alto de proteína cruda en I4 (21.58%) y el valor más bajo de grasa en el I2 (2.48%). Se concluye que por el alto rendimiento en canal la variedad mexicana puede comercializarse en los intervalos de de peso 3 y 4. Por su mayor rendimiento en filete se recomienda sacrificar las truchas de origen americano en el I4. Por otra parte las características de calidad de la carne como el pH, color y capacidad de retención de agua, indican que las danesas tienen mejores cualidades para su procesamiento

    ColoLipidGene: Signature of lipid metabolism-related genes to predict prognosis in stage-II colon cancer patients

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    Lipid metabolism plays an essential role in carcinogenesis due to the requirements of tumoral cells to sustain increased structural, energetic and biosynthetic precursor demands for cell proliferation. We investigated the association between expression of lipid metabolism-related genes and clinical outcome in intermediate-stage colon cancer patients with the aim of identifying a metabolic profile associated with greater malignancy and increased risk of relapse. Expression profile of 70 lipid metabolismrelated genes was determined in 77 patients with stage II colon cancer. Cox regression analyses using c-index methodology was applied to identify a metabolic-related signature associated to prognosis. The metabolic signature was further confirmed in two independent validation sets of 120 patients and additionally, in a group of 264 patients from a public database. The combined analysis of these 4 genes, ABCA1, ACSL1, AGPAT1 and SCD, constitutes a metabolic-signature (ColoLipidGene) able to accurately stratify stage II colon cancer patients with 5-fold higher risk of relapse with strong statistical power in the four independent groups of patients. The identification of a group of 4 genes that predict survival in intermediate-stage colon cancer patients allows delineation of a high-risk group that may benefit from adjuvant therapy, and avoids the toxic and unnecessary chemotherapy in patients classified as low-risk groupThis work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España (Plan Nacional I + D + i AGL2013–48943-C2–2-R and IPT-2011–1248-060000), Comunidad de Madrid (P2013/ABI-2728. ALIBIRDCM) and European Union Structural Funds. CIBEREHD is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. This is a collaborative study between the Molecular Oncology Unit of The Institute of Advanced Studies of Madrid IMDEA Food and the Grupo Español Multidisciplinar en Cáncer Digestivo (GEMCAD

    Association of Functional Polymorphisms of KIR3DL1/DS1 With Behçet's Disease

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    Behçet's disease (BD) is an immune-mediated vasculitis related to imbalances between the innate and adaptive immune response. Infectious agents or environmental factors may trigger the disease in genetically predisposed individuals. HLA-B51 is the genetic factor stronger associated with the disease, although the bases of this association remain elusive. NK cells have also been implicated in the etiopathogenesis of BD. A family of NK receptors, Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR), with a very complex organization, is very important in the education and control of the NK cells by the union to their ligands, most of them, HLA class I molecules. This study aimed to investigate the contribution of certain KIR functional polymorphisms to the susceptibility to BD. A total of 466 BD patients and 444 healthy individuals were genotyped in HLA class I (A, B, and C). The set of KIR genes and the functional variants of KIR3DL1/DS1 and KIR2DS4 were also determined. Frequency of KIR3DL1004 was lower in patients than in controls (0.15 vs. 0.20, P = 0.005, Pc = 0.015; OR = 0.70; 95% CI 0.54-0.90) in both B51 positive and negative individuals. KIR3DL1004, which encodes a misfolded protein, is included in a common telomeric haplotype with only one functional KIR gene, KIR3DL2. Both, KIR3DL1 and KIR3DL2 sense pathogen-associated molecular patterns but they have different capacities to eliminate them. The education of the NK cells depending on the HLA, the balance of KIR3DL1/KIR3DL2 licensed NK cells and the different capacities of these receptors to eliminate pathogens could be involved in the etiopathogenesis of BD

    Spanish cohort of VEXAS syndrome : clinical manifestations, outcome of treatments and novel evidences about UBA1 mosaicism

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    The vacuoles, E1-enzyme, X linked, autoinflammatory and somatic (VEXAS) syndrome is an adult-onset autoinflammatory disease (AID) due to postzygotic UBA1 variants. To investigate the presence of VEXAS syndrome among patients with adult-onset undiagnosed AID. Additional studies evaluated the mosaicism distribution and the circulating cytokines. Gene analyses were performed by both Sanger and amplicon-based deep sequencing. Patients' data were collected from their medical charts. Cytokines were quantified by Luminex. Genetic analyses of enrolled patients (n=42) identified 30 patients carrying UBA1 pathogenic variants, with frequencies compatible for postzygotic variants. All patients were male individuals who presented with a late-onset disease (mean 67.5 years; median 67.0 years) characterised by cutaneous lesions (90%), fever (66.7%), pulmonary manifestations (66.7%) and arthritis (53.3%). Macrocytic anaemia and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and ferritin were the most relevant analytical abnormalities. Glucocorticoids ameliorated the inflammatory manifestations, but most patients became glucocorticoid-dependent. Positive responses were obtained when targeting the haematopoietic component of the disease with either decitabine or allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Additional analyses detected the UBA1 variants in both haematopoietic and non-haematopoietic tissues. Finally, analysis of circulating cytokines did not identify inflammatory mediators of the disease. Thirty patients with adult-onset AID were definitively diagnosed with VEXAS syndrome through genetic analyses. Despite minor interindividual differences, their main characteristics were in concordance with previous reports. We detected for the first time the UBA1 mosaicism in non-haematopoietic tissue, which questions the previous concept of myeloid-restricted mosaicism and may have conceptual consequences for the disease mechanisms

    Now, the part of intuition. Research, Art and Creation, 2018

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    Catálogo de Exposición del Máster en Investigación en Arte y Creación de la UCM. Muestra celebrada del 25 de septiembre al 10 de octubre de 2018 en la Sala de Exposiciones de la Facultad de Bellas Artes. C / Pintor el Greco 2, Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid. Comisariado de Javier Mañero Rodicio.Exhibition catalog of the Master in Art and Creation Research of the UCM. September 25 to October 10, 2018 in the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts. C / Pintor El Greco 2, University City. 28040 Madrid. Curated by Javier Mañero Rodicio.Fac. de Bellas ArtesFALSEFacultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.pu