698 research outputs found

    Recycling of carbon fibre composites

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    A clear case for carbon fibre recovery and reuse exists on environmental grounds due to the high cost and energy use of virgin fibre production. On a specific energy basis, carbon fibres can be recovered at around 10% of the energy required to manufacture virgin fibres but the scale of the recovery process can make a large difference to overall cost effectiveness. This study will describe the technical and economic challenges associated with the recycling of carbon fibres, the state of the art in recycling technologies and the re-use of fibres in high performance composites

    Ethnographies of the Fairs of Açor Chestnut and Soalheira Cheese

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    [Resumen] El presente artículo supone la conclusión de una investigación antropológica más amplia que se ha realizado los últimos cuatro años (2014-2017) sobre diversas fiestas del Municipio de Fundão (Portugal), concretamente sobre la fiestas de los Cencerros (“Chocalhos”) de Alpedrinha (2014); la Fiesta de la Cereza (“Festa da Cereja”) de Alcongosta (2015); el Festival de los Níscaros (“Festival dos Miscaros ”) de Alcaide (2016) -etnografías ya publicadas-; a las que ahora viene a sumarse para completar el ciclo festivo, el estudio de la Feria del Queso (“Feira do Queijo”) de Soalheira (2017) y la Fiesta de las castañas” de la Maúnça en Açor (2017). El objetivo de la etapa final de tal investigación también ha sido además del de completar el mencionado calendario con el estudio de una de las celebraciones más antiguas y quizá la más genuina (Açor), el de aportar una reflexión final sobre la importancia de estos nuevos rituales en la actualidad realizando un análisis de su estructura, de su evolución y una prospectiva sobre su posible futuro. Ya hemos comprobado cómo estas fiestas, que no son del calendario tradicional religioso, están orientadas al incremento del consumo y el comercio de productos rurales autóctonos de calidad, así como a fomentar el turismo y una identidad positiva para los aldeanos. Y también conocemos que este nuevo ciclo festivo es intencionadamente fomentado por las autoridades municipales. En el artículo se retoman, ya al completo, sus orígenes, sus semejanzas y diferencias, y se ensaya poner de manifiesto las oposiciones del código simbólico estructural de las mismas[Abstract] This article supposes the conclusion of a more extensive anthropological investigation that has been realized in the last four years (2014-2017) on diverse festivals of the Municipality of Fundão (Portugal), concretely on the parties of the "Rattles" of Alpedrinha (2014) ; the "Festival of the cherry" of Alcongosta (2015); the "Mushroom Festival" of Alcaide (2016); and the "the chestnuts festival" of the Maunça in Açor (2017), and now being added to complete the festive cycle, the study of the Cheese Fair in Soalheira. The objective of the final stage of such research has also been to complete the mentioned calendar with the study of one of the oldest and perhaps the most genuine (Açor) celebrations, to provide a final reflection on the importance of these new rituals currently performing an analysis of its structure, its evolution and a prospective about its possible future. We have already seen how these holidays, which are not part of the traditional religious calendar, are aimed at increasing the consumption and trade of quality rural native products, as well as promoting tourism and a positive identity for villagers. And we also know that this new festive cycle is intentionally encouraged by the municipal authorities. This article goes back to its origins, its similarities and differences, and tries to reveal the oppositions of the structural symbolic code of the sam

    Mechanism of Bacterial Inactivation by (+)-Limonene and Its Potential Use in Food Preservation Combined Processes

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    This work explores the bactericidal effect of (+)-limonene, the major constituent of citrus fruits' essential oils, against E. coli. The degree of E. coli BJ4 inactivation achieved by (+)-limonene was influenced by the pH of the treatment medium, being more bactericidal at pH 4.0 than at pH 7.0. Deletion of rpoS and exposure to a sub-lethal heat or an acid shock did not modify E. coli BJ4 resistance to (+)-limonene. However, exposure to a sub-lethal cold shock decreased its resistance to (+)-limonene. Although no sub-lethal injury was detected in the cell envelopes after exposure to (+)-limonene by the selective-plating technique, the uptake of propidium iodide by inactivated E. coli BJ4 cells pointed out these structures as important targets in the mechanism of action. Attenuated Total Reflectance Infrared Microspectroscopy (ATR-IRMS) allowed identification of altered E. coli BJ4 structures after (+)-limonene treatments as a function of the treatment pH: ß-sheet proteins at pH 4.0 and phosphodiester bonds at pH 7.0. The increased sensitivity to (+)-limonene observed at pH 4.0 in an E. coli MC4100 lptD4213 mutant with an increased outer membrane permeability along with the identification of altered ß-sheet proteins by ATR-IRMS indicated the importance of this structure in the mechanism of action of (+)-limonene. The study of mechanism of inactivation by (+)-limonene led to the design of a synergistic combined process with heat for the inactivation of the pathogen E. coli O157:H7 in fruit juices. These results show the potential of (+)-limonene in food preservation, either acting alone or in combination with lethal heat treatments

    PTRF acts as an adipokine contributing to adipocyte dysfunctionality and ectopic lipid deposition

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    Adipose tissue (AT) expands under obesogenic conditions. Yet, when the growth exceeds a certain limit, AT becomes dysfunctional and surplus lipids start depositing ectopically. Polymerase I and transcription release factor (PTRF) has been proposed as a mechanism leading to a dysfunctional AT by decreasing the adipogenic potential of human adipocyte precursors. However, whether or not PTRF can be secreted by the adipocytes into the bloodstream is not yet known. For this work, PTRF presence was investigated in plasma. We also produced a recombinant PTRF (rPTRF) and examined its impact on the functional interactions between the adipocyte and the hepatocyte in vitro. We demonstrated that PTRF can be found in human plasma, and is at least in part, carried by exosomes. In vitro treatment with rPTRF increased the hypertrophy and senescence of 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In turn, those rPTRF-treated adipocytes increased lipid accumulation in hepatocytes. Lastly, we found a positive correlation between circulating PTRF and the concentration of PTRF in the visceral fat depot. All these findings point toward the presence of an enlarged and dysfunctional visceral adipose tissue which secretes PTRF. This circulating PTRF behaves as an adipokine and may partially contribute to the well-known detrimental effects of visceral fat accumulation

    Model based mapping of a novel prototype spark ignition opposed-piston engine

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    Blower-scavenged opposed-piston two-stroke engines possess inherent thermodynamic advantages over four stroke engines. Increasingly well demonstrated in compression ignition form, they are less so in spark ignition form, where there is clearly room for further investigation. Using CONVERGE® CFD, in this work therefore the fuelling requirements of a novel and under-construction small-displacement, two-stroke, spark-ignition, blower-scavenged opposed-piston engine prototype were estimated using three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations. Trapped air mass values generated from motored simulations were used to populate a fuel-agnostic table of speed/scavenge pressure conditions, which will significantly aid the configuration of the engine ECU. This table was tested using targeted fuelled simulations, based on bulk in-cylinder equivalence ratio. Results indicate it was able to predict the required fuel within ±2 % at 1500 rpm, 120/150/180 kPa and 3000 rpm, 150/180 kPa, within ±10 % at 3000 rpm, 120 kPa and 5000 rpm, 180 kPa, and within ±20 % at 5000 rpm, 150 kPa. It performed less well at 5000 rpm, 120 kPa where it overestimated the required fuel by over 43 %, although this was to be expected given the reduced scavenging performance at high speed, low scavenge pressure conditions. The swirl-imparting geometry also appeared to aid in flame front propagation

    La vibración sexual preventiva en poblaciones de Bufo spinulosus de Chile

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    Se registraron las vibraciones sexuales preventivas en poblaciones de Bufo spinulosus de Chile. El porcentaje de los individuos con este reflejo fué del 100% en Copiapó, Vallenar, Paposo y Santiago de Chile (machos y hembras); del 8% en San Pedro de Atacama (machos y hembras). Hay escasa o nula diferencia entre todas estas poblaciones por la frecuencia vibratoria y su “range” (términos medios entre 4.77 y 4.88 vibr./seg. en los machos; 3.98 y 4.80 en las hembras; “ranges” entre 3_6). La vibración preventiva en esta especie se mantiene como carácter sistemático, acercándola a los Bufo del grupo marinus~paracnemis y arenarum, o alvarius, y también es carácter ambosexual, con diferencia en la contracción muscular entre machos y hembras.All males and females specimens of Bufo spinulosus populations from Copiapó, Vallenar, Paposo and Santiago de Chile, exhibited the warning vibration when handled. Only 8% of specimens from population of San Pedro de Atacama (Puna de Atacama: 2.800 mtr„ Chile), present the same vibration when handled and clasped. Kymograph records were made, and data on counts of vibration per second summarized. The frecuency is low in all these populations (males: 4.77-4.88; females: 3.98 - 4.80), and the taxonomic indicative value of the character was considered.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    La vibración sexual preventiva en poblaciones de Bufo spinulosus de Chile

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    Se registraron las vibraciones sexuales preventivas en poblaciones de Bufo spinulosus de Chile. El porcentaje de los individuos con este reflejo fué del 100% en Copiapó, Vallenar, Paposo y Santiago de Chile (machos y hembras); del 8% en San Pedro de Atacama (machos y hembras). Hay escasa o nula diferencia entre todas estas poblaciones por la frecuencia vibratoria y su “range” (términos medios entre 4.77 y 4.88 vibr./seg. en los machos; 3.98 y 4.80 en las hembras; “ranges” entre 3_6). La vibración preventiva en esta especie se mantiene como carácter sistemático, acercándola a los Bufo del grupo marinus~paracnemis y arenarum, o alvarius, y también es carácter ambosexual, con diferencia en la contracción muscular entre machos y hembras.All males and females specimens of Bufo spinulosus populations from Copiapó, Vallenar, Paposo and Santiago de Chile, exhibited the warning vibration when handled. Only 8% of specimens from population of San Pedro de Atacama (Puna de Atacama: 2.800 mtr„ Chile), present the same vibration when handled and clasped. Kymograph records were made, and data on counts of vibration per second summarized. The frecuency is low in all these populations (males: 4.77-4.88; females: 3.98 - 4.80), and the taxonomic indicative value of the character was considered.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    La vibración sexual preventiva en poblaciones de Bufo spinulosus de Chile

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    Se registraron las vibraciones sexuales preventivas en poblaciones de Bufo spinulosus de Chile. El porcentaje de los individuos con este reflejo fué del 100% en Copiapó, Vallenar, Paposo y Santiago de Chile (machos y hembras); del 8% en San Pedro de Atacama (machos y hembras). Hay escasa o nula diferencia entre todas estas poblaciones por la frecuencia vibratoria y su “range” (términos medios entre 4.77 y 4.88 vibr./seg. en los machos; 3.98 y 4.80 en las hembras; “ranges” entre 3_6). La vibración preventiva en esta especie se mantiene como carácter sistemático, acercándola a los Bufo del grupo marinus~paracnemis y arenarum, o alvarius, y también es carácter ambosexual, con diferencia en la contracción muscular entre machos y hembras.All males and females specimens of Bufo spinulosus populations from Copiapó, Vallenar, Paposo and Santiago de Chile, exhibited the warning vibration when handled. Only 8% of specimens from population of San Pedro de Atacama (Puna de Atacama: 2.800 mtr„ Chile), present the same vibration when handled and clasped. Kymograph records were made, and data on counts of vibration per second summarized. The frecuency is low in all these populations (males: 4.77-4.88; females: 3.98 - 4.80), and the taxonomic indicative value of the character was considered.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Família é afetos: 'a opção sexual é coisa dele'. Discursos de filhos com pais não heteros

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    This qualitative study makes a contribution to the interdisciplinary field of study about childhood and family and adopts a socio-anthropological approach. Analyzing the content of 8 interviews/conversations, we have elicited the meaning of family from four children whose parents name themselves as not heterosexual, all of them living in the metropolitan region of Recife-PE- Brazil. We have identified the construction and constitution of a familiar context and we have analyzed some elements that characterize the relationship between children and parents. Family is primarily defined by children as a social construction, based on affection, without considering the sexual identity of those who develop the parenthood.This qualitative study makes a contribution to the interdisciplinary field of study about childhood and family and adopts a socio-anthropological approach. Analyzing the content of 8 interviews/conversations, we have elicited the meaning of family from four children whose parents name themselves as not heterosexual, all of them living in the metropolitan region of Recife-PE- Brazil. We have identified the construction and constitution of a familiar context and we have analyzed some elements that characterize the relationship between children and parents. Family is primarily defined by children as a social construction, based on affection, without considering the sexual identity of those who develop the parenthood.Este estudo qualitativo busca contribuir para o campo interdisciplinar dos estudos sobre infância e família, e adota uma perspectiva de análise sócio-antropológica. Analisando o conteúdo de oito entrevistas/conversas, nós obtivemos informações sobre os significados de família para crianças cujos pais se autonomeavam como não-heterossexuais, todos eles vivendo na região metropolitana de Recife (PE) -Brasil. Identificamos a construção e constituição do contexto familiaranalisando alguns elementos que caracterizam a relação entre as crianças e os pais. A família é definida pelas crianças principalmente como uma construção social com base no afeto, sem considerar a identidade sexual daqueles que exercem a paternidad