490 research outputs found

    Valoración médico legal de lesiones y muerte por fulguración

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    La fulguración es una de las causas de muerte más frecuentes por fenómenos naturales. En el presente trabajo se hace una revisión de los hallazgos más frecuentes en los casos de lesiones y muerte por fulguración así como su valoración médico forense.Lighting strike is one of the most frequent causes of death due to natural phenomena. In the present paper we review the most common findings in cases of injury and death by lightning strike and also forensic evaluation

    Lesiones y muerte por electrocución

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    La lesión más característica en las muertes causadas por la electricidad es la marca eléctrica de Jellinek; sin embargo, la frecuencia de su aparición no es muy alta. Por otra parte, la ausencia de lesiones características en el examen interno dificulta de forma importante el diagnóstico de muerte por electrocución. En el presente trabajo se hace una revisión de los hallazgos más frecuentes en los casos de lesiones y muerte por electrocución, así como su valoración médico forense.The most usual injury in deaths caused by electrocution is the electric mark of Jellinek; however, the frequency of its appearance is not very high. On the other hand, the absence of characteristic injuries in the internal review makes it more difficult the diagnosis of death by electrocution. In the present article we review the most common findings in cases of injury and death by electrocution and also forensic evaluation

    Spirituality in Patients at the End of Life—Is It Necessary? A Qualitative Approach to the Protagonists

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    Spirituality is the most unknown aspect of palliative care despite being the need that is most altered in the last moments of life. Objective. To identify on the one hand the spiritual needs of patients who are at the end of life and on the other hand, the way in which nursing professionals can work to provide effective accompaniment in this process. Method. A qualitative study was conducted which applied different data collection techniques. This was done to describe the phenomenon from a holistic perspective in relation to experts’ perceptions of the competencies required by health professionals and palliative patients’ spiritual needs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted within both populations. In order to analyze the qualitative data collected through interviews, discourse was analyzed according to the Taylor–Bodgan model and processed using Atlas.ti software. Results. Three well-differentiated lines of argument are extracted from the discourse in each of the groups, on the one hand in the group of patients they define the concept of spirituality, system of values and beliefs, and the Factors that influence the spirituality of patients at the end of life (differentiating palliative care areas/other areas) and on the other, the professionals agree with the patients in the line of argument of concept of spirituality although they define more metaphysical categories and the other two lines of argument that result are the spiritual attention in this process and the need for formation in spirituality. Conclusions. The provision of spiritual care gives meaning to the actions of nursing professionals when it comes to providing end-of-life care, achieving holistic care, humanizing death, and promoting a dignified en

    Progression in healthy ageing: frailty, cognitive decline and gender in the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing

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    ABSTRACT Background and Objectives: Lifespan is getting longer at a global level. More people, therefore, live past 65 years of age. Ageing favors frailty, a condition that makes the body more susceptible to diseases. We present updated information of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA), and particularly, the Cognitive Decline (CD) group in Action Group 3 (A3), focused in the prevention of frailty and functional decline. Moreover, details of one of the commitments in CD, which deals with the specificities of women in frailty and ageing (Chronic Ailment Reduction after Menopause, CARMEN), will be presented as well. Objectives of EIPAHA are to increase life expectancy of European citizens in two years by 2020 and to improve their quality of life. Methods: We revised literature and the web of the European Commission in what refers to EIP on AHA, A3 action group, and CD. Furthermore, we have summarized the main aspects of the CARMEN commitment. Results: We have sketched the main traits of the selected targets. A series of measures has been taken for favoring prevention of frailty and for health promotion of elderly people; this will help to increase the Europeans average healthy lifespan by two years under conditions of improved quality of life. Conclusions: A new awareness of the need for prevention of frailty and cognitive decline is extending. Early diagnosis of frailty and functional decline are considered as effective measures against age-related comorbidities

    Study of the leisure influence on attitude for leisure and mental health in a sample of portuguese seniors

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    Increased human longevity has been attributed to technological and medical advances, as well as improved hygiene and nutritional conditions, access to health care, changes in eating habits and cognitive development strategies (Osório, 2007). The present study examined the influence of leisure actions in the psychological well-being, leisure attitude and distress of seniors. The sample consisted of 403 participants (37,2% male; 62,8% female). Concerning the perception of health condition, 82,6% subjects were considered independent and 17,4% participants were considered dependent. The instruments used were the MHI (Ribeiro, 2001) and the LAS (Freire & Fonte, 2007). Main results exposed that participants in leisure activities presented high level of well-being and attitude for leisure (p<0,05). Seniors that present big levels of distress indicated an intention to participate in activities of leisure that aided to decrease that symptom. Results showed that seniors health perception influenced the practice of a leisure activity [Hotelling’s Trace = 0,077; F (3; 341) = 8,733; p = 0,00]. The results found helped to recognize the necessity, and importance, of leisure activities between seniors. Keywords: well-being; mental health; leisure; elderly

    Education connection regarding the cycle in social integration. Proposals for flexible curriculum in uncertainty times

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    La crisis económica que vivimos ha incentivado la participación en la escena colectiva. Ello genera una serie de implicaciones estratégicas para la transformación socioeducativa desde el grupo clase, a partir de metodologías exploratorias como la investigación acción. Este trabajo presenta además, las principales percepciones de los estudiantes del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Integración Social con la intención de describir un perfil. Incentivamos esta metodología apoyados en las propuestas que Tarín y Navarro (2006) identifican respecto la relación educativa, al señalar que la efectividad de los contenidos curriculares quedan vinculados a las conexiones afectivas que logre activar el educador sobre el grupo aula; en este marco los aprendizajes se potencian, ya que el compromiso y la implicación del docente se asocian a los objetivos del currículum, pues la proximidad en un mismo plano relacional posibilita la detección de riesgos, favorece la interacción, revitaliza un clima positivo y transformador de la realidad social.The current economic crisis has encouraged participation in the collective space which implies a new strategy for socio transformation from the group class from exploratory methodologies such as action research. This work is also the main motivations and interests of the students of Higher Level Training Course in Social Integration with the intention of describing a profile and to him the contributions made by the educational relationship. We encourage this methodology supported proposals Tarin and Navarro (2006), in this respect by stating that the effectiveness of the curriculum are linked to the charisma and affection with which the educator connect achieve the group classroom learning are more effective when the commitment and involvement of teachers are associated with the objectives of the curriculum, since the proximity in the same plane enables the detection of risks, promotes interaction and potentially a key positive development climate projective transform reality and social

    Psychological frailty in aging: Lifespan trajectories and emerging risks

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    In the study of aging, "frailty" is the state that increases the individual's vulnerability to stress factors. In the context of biomedical sciences, the concept of frailty has been operationalized differently, and the most used is the frailty phenotype. However, different constructs have emerged in recent decades complementing the traditional one of physical frailty. From a biopsychosocial, gerontological outlook, multidimensional and dynamic perspectives that include physical, functional, cognitive, and psychosocial domains (e.g., cumulative deficit model), are currently more relevant (Rockwood and Mitnitski, 2007; Gobbens et al., 2010)

    The importance of early parenting for later child outcomes: A study with Spanish families with children with disabilities

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    Children with different disability conditions have varied developmental trajectories, which perhaps influences parent-child interaction. For these and all infants, an optimal home environment that includes good parenting and positive parent-child interactions predicts better developmental outcomes (Spiker et al., 2005). Interventions using a family-centered, parenting-focused approach result in better parenting behavior that contributes to improved early child development (Avellar & Suplee, 2013; Roggman & Cardia, 2016). Information on parent-child interaction patterns is needed to guide intervention in natural contexts of families (Fuligni & Brooks-Gunn, 2013). Parent-child interaction data were collected from 44 mothers and 35 fathers interacting with their children (23 to 47 months) who had a disability and were in one of eight Spanish Early Interventions Centers. Mothers and fathers, separately, auto-recorded 10-minute play sessions at home. Parental interactions were assessed using PICCOLO (Roggman et al., 2013), a standardized measure of parenting. Two independent observers coded the interactions; strong intra-class correlation coefficients were found (.82 to .97 for mothers, .77 to .89 for fathers). The BSID-III scales (Bayley, 2015) assessed children’s development. Mothers scored slightly higher than did fathers. Scores varied by PICCOLO domains but were consistent with other PICCOLO studies of typical developing children (Roggman et al., 2013). Mother and father’s scores correlated indicating that the higher the scores of mothers in any dimension correlated with those of the parents combined. Positive significant Pearson correlations were found between parenting and child’s development with different patterns of father and mother domains predicting better language and cognitive outcomes. Although barriers to optimal parenting need further investigation, PICCOLO can be a useful tool to support optimal parenting.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Natural visibility graphs for diagnosing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

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    “NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, [Volume 54, October 2016, Pages 337-342] DOI 10.1016/j.endm.2016.09.058 ¨Reaction times are described as a measure of perception, decision making, and other cognitive processes. For each individual, they usually follow an ex-gaussian distribution. However, this approach omits relationships between consecutive answers to tasks geared to evaluate attention. We show how natural visibility graphs (NVG s) can provide a further insight for analyzing these times and in the prediction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among young students.Mira-Iglesias, A.; Conejero, JA.; Navarro-Pardo, E. (2016). Natural visibility graphs for diagnosing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 54:337-342. doi:10.1016/j.endm.2016.09.058S3373425