213 research outputs found

    Internet and health contents

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    Information and communication technologies provide autonomy possibilities to individuals, concerning their social and individual background, favouring a disposition to escape from traditional control, enabling them to face modern society’s contradictions, without forgetting the relevance of networks in constructing new social movements, possible only in a context of a broader use of information and communication technologies. Therefore, the question that is discussed in this paper is what is the meaning of daily information and communication practices to the health problem individual management? How ICT’s are shaped by individual needs and social contexts, namely in the case of health communication? Individual health and its daily management never involved as much information as nowadays. Great amounts of health and medicine information are available from several sources – whether professional health sources, different kinds of specialists, public and private institutions or patient and/or consumers groups – through a multiplicity of information channels, from media to local or interpersonal base, interacting with doctors and other health professionals, family, friends, work colleagues, etc. Closely connected to network societies problematic and a relevant health component in contemporary societies, is the issue of understanding how Internet and media in general contribute to subjects autonomy. In this paper we will focus on the questions related directly with the internet use for health purposes, in the Portuguese case

    Telecommunications for the Needy: How needed are they?

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    Telecommunications, mobile and non-mobile, play a major role in our society, but their role as tools for escaping poverty remains a policy agenda still with room for progress both in Europe and around the World. Some groups in society, like the needy, have difficulties in accessing and using such technologies in ways that mirror the debates of the late 90s over the "digital divide". For some groups, like the needy, it would be more exact to address the concept of digital poverty rather than digital divide, because without access to telecommunications one might not have the same degree of opportunities to leave poverty or not to fall into poverty [34] [3] [4]. The goal of this paper is to scope the problem by departing from the Portuguese case study. Our research is empirical and highlights the telecommunication ownership and expenditures of the Portuguese population, and specially the most fragile segments within it. Such an effort is undertaken while not ignoring major issues of political economy of the contemporary globalizing networked society. Our main argument in this paper is that, if telecommunications are a needed tool for the lower income segments of the population, that is the needy, a debate around digital poverty associated to mobile telecommunications is needed in Europe too and to address such issues we need public policy commitments.needy, mobile telecommunications, digital poverty, digital divide, telecommunication policies

    The promotion of health literacy in the Portuguese media

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    Comunicación oral presentada en el 3er Congreso Internacional de Comunicación en Salud (3ICHC), celebrado los días 19 y 20 de octubre de 2017 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.The objective of this work is to know if the information that promotes health literacy is in the agenda setting of Portuga

    Health literacy survey Portugal: A contribution for the knowledge on health and communications

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    The Portuguese Health Literacy Survey (HLS-PT) was developed and applied in Portugal on 2014, and its core goals were to contribute to an increase in the knowledge about the level of health literacy in Portugal and identify the main limitations, problems and obstacles associated with health literacy in Portuguese society, and to target the potential for future action in a way that will improve the current reality. In order to permit comparisons with other European countries, this study followed the methodology proposed by The European Health Literacy Survey HLS-EU (HLS-EU Consortium, 2012: Comparative Report on Health Literacy in Eight EU Member States). Our main conclusion shows that literacy level in Portugal is very similar to other countries of the European survey and that information sources are an important instrument to improve health literacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revisão crítica: Uma abordagem aos estudos sobre o uso dos media sociais durante a pandemia Covid-19

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    Since the coronavirus disease (covid-19) was declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization in January 2020, it has led to the loss of millions of human lives and a global economic recession. Recently, there has been a recognized need for effective health communication via social media to deliver accurate information and promote pertinent behavioral change. Thus, this study provides a systematic review to explore what has been done, what conflicts exist, and what knowledge gap remains in terms of social media use during the covid-19 wave, indicating relevant communication strategies. This research is based on 76 relevant papers taken from searches on the Web of Science and Google Scholar. The analysis revealed that much of the literature confirms the positive effect of social media on information propagation and promotion of precautions in the control of covid-19. The spreading of rumors, especially about government performance, in social media is clearly of increasing concern. Currently, heated debate continues about the association between exposure to social media and public mental health. Another fiercely debated question is whether rumors are shared more widely than fact-checking information. Up to date, far too little attention has been paid to information disparities and vulnerable groups on social media.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investment in hybrid organizations in healthcare

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    Innovation in health is a pressing need throughout the world, whether to solve public health challenges, to assure the sustainability of national health services or even improve the population’s quality of life. Investors have been showing a growing interest in projects with social character; furthermore, there has been a growing emergence of hybrid organizations that combine social and financial goals. Due to the social impact closely associated with innovation in health, many projects in this industry are considered hybrid organizations. Therefore, there is a window of opportunity for investment that organizations in the healthcare industry should use in their advantage. It is crucial, however, that these organizations learn how to effectively capture investment. Through an exploratory study, this dissertation aims to understand what are the main factors that hybrid organizations in the healthcare industry must focus in order to capture investment. Using a qualitative approach, 15 specialists in this industry were interviewed: founders/ CEOs of the companies, investors and accelerators. By analyzing the interviews, and considering the specificities of the health industry, six factors were identified: Innovation, Market Drive, Team, Stakeholder Validation, and Intellectual Property. Still companies must not focus on one factor only, since, excelling at just one of them may be insufficient to capture investment. Entrepreneurs must deliver a compelling combination of these six factors in order maximize their chances of attracting the necessary capital.Seja para resolver problemas de saúde pública, de sustentabilidade dos serviços nacionais de saúde ou para melhorar a qualidade de vida das populações, a inovação em saúde é uma necessidade premente por todo o mundo. Atualmente tem-se registado um crescente interesse dos investidores em projetos com carácter social, verificando-se o surgimento de organizações híbridas que combinam objetivos sociais e financeiros. O impacto social inerente à inovação na área de saúde leva a que seja possível considerar muitas das empresas neste mercado como organizações híbridas. Existe então uma janela de oportunidade que estas organizações podem aproveitar, no entanto é essencial que estas tenham consciência de como conseguem satisfazer as suas necessidades de financiamento. Assim sendo, esta dissertação tem como objetivo, através de um estudo exploratório, perceber quais os fatores nos quais as organizações híbridas se devem focar para captarem o financiamento necessário. Para este fim foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa, tendo sido entrevistados 15 especialistas na indústria: fundadores/ diretores de empresas, investidores e aceleradores. Através das entrevistas foi possível identificar seis fatores que, tendo em conta as especificidades da indústria da saúde, aumentam a atratividade dos projetos aos olhos de investidores: Inovação, Foco no Mercado, Equipa, Validação de Stakeholders, Propriedade Intelectual, Impacto Social. No entanto um empreendedor não se deve focar em primar apenas num fator, pois isso poderá não ser suficiente para captar o financiamento necessário. Os projetos devem oferecer uma combinação dos seis fatores de maneira a aumentarem as suas hipóteses de atrair o capital necessário

    Business concept design of an innovative product: partnership between Nmusic and Rovio Entertainment Ltd.

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    Field Lab in Entrepreneurial Innovative VenturesNmusic and Rovio Entertainment Ltd. identified a business opportunity that will merge the digital music and games industries. The growth of digital consumption, enabled by a wide access to technological devices, supports the market potential of this new product. This Work Project focuses on the new product design and development processes, mainly supported by a) gaming literature that explores critical features and players’ motivations, and b) market research that allows complementing the existent literature and identifying customer needs and their relative importance. Those needs were interpreted and translated into product characteristics in order to generate Angry Birds Music.NSBE - UN

    Open access and multilingual approach to communication journals – the case and the editor’s perspective of Observatorio (OBS*) journal and the importance of open science for the knowledge society

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    This paper is about the contribution of the network society to a more open and cross-cultural way of making and publishing science. Basically, and speaking of Observatorio (OBS*) e-journal that has been published by OberCom-Lisbon, we believe that it might be relevant to note the tendency that science, in relation to its distribution model, has been showing lately. We think more traditional ways of publishing science in closed platforms (as paper format), where legitimacy was only dependent on the strict editorial team, has definitely lost its space in scientific publications on open online platforms, where legitimacy is now managed from the contribution of several experts: a model named Open Science. The open science movement replaces the traditional, hierarchical and centralized logic with more dynamic horizontal collaboration among peers: a form of community production, decentralized and self-selective. One can say that the growth of the OBS* e-journal in Portugal, rather than other scientific journals in the same areas, but in more traditional formats, clearly demonstrates that a self-centred science with fewer users and whose distribution of produced knowledge implies bigger reliance on funding, is giving rise to a more open science with more users, for whom the transmission of produced knowledge is more autonomous, effective, cheaper, etc

    La difusión de los juegos de la "Maison Des Petits" en España

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    El material Discat, creado por Mina Audemars y Louise Lafendel en la Maison des Petits, en Ginebra, fue utilizado por ellas para el aprendizaje matemático de los niños entre 3 y 8 años. El trabajo estudia la difusión de este material en España, entre 1925 y 1936, utilizando como fuentes los libros, artículos de revistas, catálogos de material escolar y anuncios comerciales que se publicaron en España en esa época.

    Fuentes para la elaboración de un mapa editorial de libros de texto en España

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    ResumenIndependientemente del debate sobre el uso o abuso de los libros de texto y el de su utilidad como recursos educativos, su repercusión en los centros escolares está directamente relacionada con la cuota de mercado de las editoriales. Uno de los errores que pueden tener los estudios sobre el contenido de los libros de texto es no tener en cuenta su repercusión real en los centros educativos, es decir, su difusión, entre otras razones porque no se publican datos relacionados con el volumen de ventas de un libro de texto determinado, de una editorial, de una materia y de un nivel educativo. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las fuentes de las que se suelen extraer datos para sustentar los estudios que tienen como objeto el análisis de libros de texto. Examinaremos las fuentes provenientes tanto de los organismos y entidades públicas, como del propio sector editorial, en un ámbito en el que se demanda más información y transparencia. Entre las conclusiones, las fuentes analizadas aportan datos globales de las editoriales, pero no de cada editorial, ni la concreción por materias, ni por niveles educativos; el mercado lo dominan las llamadas empresas muy grandes y grandes. Este estudio puede ser muy útil para quienes investiguen sobre cualquier campo relacionado con los libros de texto y tengan en cuenta sus cifras de comercializaciión