57 research outputs found

    Simptomatologia dels ossos supernumeraris més freqüents en el peu

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    Treball Final de Grau de Podologia, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2021-2022, Tutor: Elena de Planell i MasIntroducció: Els ossos supernumeraris són estructures ossificades accessòries, generalment congènites, situades pròximes a un altre os o una articulació, inclús es poden trobar, com els sesamoides, en el recorregut d’un tendó. Normalment,són asimptomàtics,s’exposen diferent tipologia d’ossicles que estan més predisposats a patir processos patològics com l’os trigonum, l’os vesalianum, el navicular accessori, el talus secundarius, l’os subtibiale i el peroneus longus. Objectius: Conèixer la diferent simptomatologia dels ossicles accessoris simptomàtics en el peu. Determinar les proves per imatge per realitzar un diagnòstic dels ossicles accessoris. Categoritzar el pla de tractament pels ossicles accessoris simptomàtics del peu. Materials i mètodes: S’han realitzat 6 fórmules de cerca bibliogràfica a les bases de dades mèdiques Pubmed i Scopus dels últims cinc anys, una per os. Resultats: Van incloure’s 39 articles que es disposaren en taules diferenciades per ossicle on es presenta principalment la simptomatologia, l’origen, la clínica, les proves per imatge i el tractament. Conclusions: el dolor i l’edema són presents en tots els ossicles accessoris simptomàtics, amb diferents afectacions circumdants intrínseques a cadascun. La prova per imatge per excel·lència és la radiografia tot i que es secunden d’altres proves complementàries que mostren l’estat dels teixits tous adjacents. El tractament inicial té un abordatge conservador multidisciplinari on l’objectiu principal és fer desaparèixer la simptomatologia. Si aquest enfocament conservador fracassa, és ostensible que la cirurgia artroscòpica amb exèresis de l’ossicle serà d’elecció

    Estudio de la obesidad y el sedentarismo como factor de riesgo desde un enfoque basado en la Educación para la salud.

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    Actualmente hay una elevada tendencia al consumo de productos elaborados e indus-triales, por lo que se produce una mayor prevalencia del sobrepeso y de la obesidad in-fantil y juvenil. Esto lo hemos podido ver en diferentes estudios, un ejemplo de ello sería el Thao (2007-2009). Además, a esto se le añade la falta de ejercicio físico. Pero cada vez son más sociedades las que son conscientes de esta situación, por lo que se han puesto diferentes programas en marcha para invertir esta tendencia, programas como la Red de Escuelas Promotoras de Salud, Estrategia para la Nutrición, Actividad Física y Prevención de la Obesidad (NAOS), el estudio EnKid, la estrategia Pasear, en-tre otros, que se explican a lo largo del trabajo. Por estas razones, surge la necesidad de incentivar una alimentación sana y la práctica de actividad física desde el primer periodo de la infancia cuya finalidad es invertir los malos hábitos alimentarios y promover la práctica deportiva. Por otro lado, se van a realizar tres propuestas didácticas para que los alumnos tengan conocimiento acerca de los hábitos que deben seguir para su mejor desarrollo

    Roles de género y salud mental en las mujeres: su influencia en la demanda de atención psicológica

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    The prevalence of certain diagnoses, such as eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder, is higher among women than among men. When it comes to women’s mental health, focusing on social aspects influencing the way women fall ill becomes crucial. Using a sample of 368 women, we studied the classification ability of a number of clinical variables and sociocultural factors (conformity to gender norms) in order to ascertain whether or not women were receiving psychological care and determine the importance of each of the variables when predicting which women were receiving therapy. Our results showed that women were more likely to be receiving psychological treatment when scoring high on certain clinical variables (such as Suicidal Ideation and Borderline Features) and on a number of variables related to conforming to gender norms (Care for Children, Nice in Relationships, and Sexual Fidelity). Therefore, we believe that integrating the gender perspective into educational, health-related, and psychological care programmes is essential so that gender roles can become more diverse and less constricting of people’s potential, resulting in improved health.La prevalencia de determinados diagnósticos –trastorno de la conducta alimentaria, depresión, ansiedad y trastorno límite– es superior en mujeres que en hombres. Considerando la salud mental en mujeres, resulta imprescindible poner el foco en los aspectos sociales que influyen en la forma de enfermar. Se estudia en una muestra de 368 mujeres la capacidad de clasificación de algunas variables clínicas y factores socioculturales (conformidad con las normas de género) para determinar si una mujer está recibiendo asistencia psicológica o no, así como la importancia de cada una de esas variables a la hora de pronosticar qué mujeres estarían recibiendo terapia. Los resultados mostraron que cuando las mujeres puntúan alto en algunas variables clínicas (como Ideaciones Suicidas y Rasgos Límites) y en algunas relacionadas con conformidad con las normas de género (Cuidadora de Niños/as, Agradable en las relaciones y la Fidelidad Sexual) era más probable que estén recibiendo tratamiento psicológico. Por lo tanto, se considera que la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en programas de educativos, de salud y atención psicológica es fundamental para que los roles de género puedan ser más diversos y constriñan menos las potencialidades de las personas, lo que influirá en que tengan una mejor salud

    A role for the Tgf-β/Bmp co-receptor Endoglin in the molecular oscillator that regulates the hair follicle cycle.

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    The hair follicle is a biological oscillator that alternates growth, regression, and rest phases driven by the sequential activation of the proliferation/differentiation programs of resident stem cell populations. The activation of hair follicle stem cell niches and subsequent entry into the growing phase is mainly regulated by Wnt/β-catenin signalling, while regression and resting phases are mainly regulated by Tgf-β/Bmp/Smad activity. A major question still unresolved is the nature of the molecular switch that dictates the coordinated transition between both signalling pathways. Here we have focused on the role of Endoglin (Eng), a key co-receptor for members of the Tgf-β/Bmp family of growth factors. Using an Eng haploinsufficient mouse model, we report that Eng is required to maintain a correct follicle cycling pattern and for an adequate stimulation of hair follicle stem cell niches. We further report that β-catenin binds to the Eng promoter depending on Bmp signalling. Moreover, we show that β-catenin interacts with Smad4 in a Bmp/Eng-dependent context and both proteins act synergistically to activate Eng promoter transcription. These observations point to the existence of a growth/rest switching mechanism in the hair follicle that is based on an Eng-dependent feedback cross-talk between Wnt/β-catenin and Bmp/Smad signals.pre-print1347 K

    The deleterious effects induced by an acute exposure of human skin to common air pollutants are prevented by extracts of Deschampsia antarctica.

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    The homeostatic and regenerative potential of the skin is critically impaired by an increasing accumulation of air pollutants in human ecosystems. These toxic compounds are frequently implicated in pathological processes such as premature cutaneous ageing, altered pigmentation and cancer. In this scenario, innovative strategies are required to tackle the effects of severe air pollution on skin function. Here we have used a Human Skin Organotypic Culture (HSOC) model to characterize the deleterious effects of an acute topic exposure of human skin to moderately high concentrations of common ambient pollutants, including As, Cd, Cr, dioxins and tobacco smoke. All these toxic compunds inflict severe damage in the tissue, activating the AHR-mediated response to xenobiotics. We have further evaluated the potential of an aqueous leaf extract of the polyextremophile plant Deschampsia antarctica (Edafence) to protect human skin against the acute exposure to toxic pollutants. Our results indicate that pre-treatment of HSOC samples with this aqueous extract conuterbalances the deleterious effects of the exposure to toxic comunds and triggers the activation of key genes invoved in the redox system and in the pro-inflammatory/wound healing response in the skin, suggesting that this natural compound might be effectively used in vivo to protect human skin routinely in different daily conditions.post-print1974 K

    Uncoupling of Mitosis and Cytokinesis Upon a Prolonged Arrest in Metaphase Is Influenced by Protein Phosphatases and Mitotic Transcription in Fission Yeast

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    Depletion of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) activator Cdc20 arrests cells in metaphase with high levels of the mitotic cyclin (Cyclin B) and the Separase inhibitor Securin. In mammalian cells this arrest has been exploited for the treatment of cancer with drugs that engage the spindle assembly checkpoint and, recently, with chemical inhibitors of the APC/C. While most cells arrested in mitosis for prolonged periods undergo apoptosis, others skip cytokinesis and enter G1 with unsegregated chromosomes. This process, known as mitotic slippage, generates aneuploidy and increases genomic instability in the cancer cell. Here, we analyze the behavior of fission yeast cells arrested in mitosis through the transcriptional silencing of the Cdc20 homolog slp1. While depletion of slp1 readily halts cells in metaphase, this arrest is only transient and a majority of cells eventually undergo cytokinesis and show steady mitotic dephosphorylation. Notably, this occurs in the absence of Cyclin B (Cdc13) degradation. We investigate the involvement of phosphatase activity in these events and demonstrate that PP2A-B55Pab1 is required to prevent septation and, during the arrest, its CDK-mediated inhibition facilitates the induction of cytokinesis. In contrast, deletion of PP2A-B56Par1 completely abrogates septation. We show that this effect is partly due to this mutant entering mitosis with reduced CDK activity. Interestingly, both PP2A-B55Pab1 and PP2A-B56Par1, as well as Clp1 (the homolog of the budding yeast mitotic phosphatase Cdc14) are required for the dephosphorylation of mitotic substrates during the escape. Finally, we show that the mitotic transcriptional wave controlled by the RFX transcription factor Sak1 facilitates the induction of cytokinesis and also requires the activity of PP2A-B56Par1 in a mechanism independent of CDK

    Analysis of progressive muscle relaxation on psychophysiological variables in basketball athletes

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a progressive muscle relaxation program on psychological (stress levels, anxiety, and mood states) and physiological (blood pressure and heart rate) variables in basketball athletes. Fifty-nine basketball players, aged 14 to 19 years, and members of Bauru Basket team, were recruited for this study and grouped into control group (CG, n = 30) and intervention group (IG, n = 29). The participants were evaluated, before and after the intervention, by the following means: Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), to measure the pre-competitive anxiety state, i.e., how anxious each athlete felt just before the competition; Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), an instrument for early detection of overtraining syndrome; Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport), to identify the extent to which each athlete was physically or mentally stressed and the athlete’s current capability for recovery; Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ), specifically developed for athletes. The IG athletes participated in 12 progressive muscle relaxation sessions, a practice for tensing or tightening a specific muscle until an ideal state of relaxation is reached. Each participant had blood pressure and heart rate measured before and after every session. The CG athletes were evaluated similarly to those in the IG but without relaxation. The results showed statistically significant differences in cognitive anxiety (p = 0.039) and specific stress (p = 0.016) between CG and IG before the intervention; in addition, a significant heart rate decrease (p < 0.01) between IG and CG was noted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Elaboración de una galería fotográfica de microorganismos aislados de procesos patológicos animales

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    Se ha elaborado una galería de fotografías a partir de 77 casos clínicos diferentes. Dentro de cada uno de ellos se dispone tanto de fotos macroscópicas como microscópicas, hasta un total de 383 fotografías

    Identification of response signatures for tankyrase inhibitor treatment in tumor cell lines

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    Small-molecule tankyrase 1 and tankyrase 2 (TNKS1/2) inhibitors are effective antitumor agents in selected tumor cell lines and mouse models. Here, we characterized the response signatures and the in-depth mechanisms for the antiproliferative effect of tankyrase inhibition (TNKSi). The TNKS1/2-specific inhibitor G007-LK was used to screen 537 human tumor cell lines and a panel of particularly TNKSi-sensitive tumor cell lines was identified. Transcriptome, proteome, and bioinformatic analyses revealed the overall TNKSi-induced response signatures in the selected panel. TNKSi-mediated inhibition of wingless-type mammary tumor virus integration site/b-catenin, yes-associated protein 1 (YAP), and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase/AKT signaling was validated and correlated with lost expression of the key oncogene MYC and impaired cell growth. Moreover, we show that TNKSi induces accumulation of TNKS1/2-containing b-catenin degradasomes functioning as core complexes interacting with YAP and angiomotin proteins during attenuation of YAP signaling. These findings provide a contextual and mechanistic framework for using TNKSi in anticancer treatment that warrants further comprehensive preclinical and clinical evaluations.publishedVersio