43 research outputs found


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    In a judicial review, Constitutional Court normatively perform merely only as a negative legislator which is only to invalidate or abolish the norms. Nowadays, the facts show that Constitutional Court in some cases not only invalidate the norm, but also has made verdicts that is forming a law. This study aimed, to identify and analyze more deeply whether the Constitutional Court has made a positive function of legislature through its decisions. To analyze the various legal implications arising from the decision of the Constitutional Court which makes the new norm, and how to realize it. This is normative research with case approach, the conceptual approach and the statute approach. Decisions that can be categorized as positive legislature are Decision No. 46 / PUU-VIII / 2010, No. 102 / PUU-VII / 2009, and No. 110-111-112-113 / PUU-VII /2009. Those Constitutional Court verdicts that contain positive legislature are considered as a part of progressive law enforcement. Those verdicts were made based on legal, philosophical, and sociological consideration which can not be separated from law interpretation. Law can not be seen only from its textual view, but we also have to live up the benefits from its contextual view.Keywords: Constitutional Court, Negative Legislator,Positive Legislato

    Positive Legislature Mahkamah Konstitusi di Indonesia

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    In a judicial review, Constitutional Court normatively perform merely only as a negative legislator which is only to invalidate or abolish the norms. Nowadays, the facts show that Constitutional Court in some cases not only invalidate the norm, but also has made verdicts that is forming a law. This study aimed, to identify and analyze more deeply whether the Constitutional Court has made a positive function of legislature through its decisions. To analyze the various legal implications arising from the decision of the Constitutional Court which makes the new norm, and how to realize it. This is normative research with case approach, the conceptual approach and the statute approach. Decisions that can be categorized as positive legislature are Decision No. 46 / PUU-VIII / 2010, No. 102 / PUU-VII / 2009, and No. 110-111-112-113 / PUU-VII / 2009. Those Constitutional Court verdicts that contain positive legislature are considered as a part of progressive law enforcement. Those verdicts were made based on legal, philosophical, and sociological consideration which can not be separated from law interpretation. Law can not be seen only from its textual view, but we also have to live up the benefits from its contextual view. Key words: constitutional court, negative legislator, positive legislator Abstrak Secara normatif kedudukan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam pengujian undang-undang hanya sebatas sebagai negative legislator yaitu penghapus atau pembatal norma. Kenyataan yang berkembang dewasa ini menunjukkan bahwa Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam beberapa perkara membuat putusan yang tidak hanya membatalkan norma, namun lebih merumuskan norma. Penelitian ini bertujuan, untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis lebih dalam apakah Mahkamah Konstitusi mempunyai fungsi membuat positive legislature melalui putusan-putusannya. Untuk menganalisa berbagai implikasi hukum yang ditimbulkan dari putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang membuat norma baru serta bagaimana mewujudkannya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif dengan tiga pendekatan, yakni pendekatan kasus pendekatan konsep dan pendekatan Perundang-undangan. Putusan yang dapat dikategorikan bersifat positive legislature yaitu Putusan Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010, Putusan Nomor 102/PUU-VII/2009 dan Putusan Nomor 110-111-112-113/PUU-VII/. Putusan MK yang mengandung positive legislature tersebut sebagai bagian dari penegakan hukum progresif. Dibuatnya putusan yang bersifat mengatur tersebut didasarkan pada pertimbangan hukum, filosofis dan sosiologis yang tidak terlepas dari penafsiran hukum. Hukum tidak hanya dilihat dari kacamata teks undang-undang belaka melainkan menghidupkan kemaslahatan dalam kontektualitasnya. Kata kunci: mahkamah konstitusi, negative legislature, positive legislatur

    Environmental Refugees: Study of the Legal Policies of ASEAN Countries on the Phenomenon of Refugees due to Climate Change

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    This research is conducted by using normative juridical method that will analyse the concept of refugees in the Convention of Geneva 1959 which is examined by the framework of protection against movement of people including due to climate change factor in A/RES 73/195 which is the adoption of the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration as well as protection against refugees due to climate change 1951 in the Ratify it. The author argues that, the refugee problem caused by global climate change is not a future discourse that is far from reality, this problem becomes a necessity along with the development effort, especially the development of Not consider the concept of sustainability of the world ecosystem. So the minimum protection must be done either by the state Convention ratification 1951 nor the state Non ratification of this Convention on the Protection of refugees In General that is listed In standard This convention should be provided also against Environmental Refugees on the basis that the term refugee contained in this term should include against refugees due to the unlikely climate change returning to its home country due to an environment that has not supported life Refugees.Keywords: ASEAN; Policies; Climate Change; Environmental refugees AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif yang akan menganalisis konsep pengungsi dalam Konvensi Jenewa 1959 yang dikaji dalam kerangka perlindungan terhadap pergerakan orang termasuk akibat faktor perubahan iklim dalam A/RES 73/195 yang merupakan adopsi Global Compact untuk migrasi yang aman, tertib dan teratur serta perlindungan terhadap pengungsi akibat perubahan iklim 1951 di Ratifikasi itu. Penulis berpendapat bahwa, masalah pengungsi akibat perubahan iklim global bukanlah wacana masa depan yang jauh dari kenyataan, masalah ini menjadi keniscayaan seiring dengan upaya pembangunan, terutama pengembangan konsep keberlanjutan ekosistem dunia. Jadi perlindungan minimal harus dilakukan baik oleh negara ratifikasi Konvensi 1951 maupun negara Non ratifikasi Konvensi ini tentang Perlindungan Pengungsi Secara Umum yang tercantum Dalam standar Konvensi ini harus diberikan juga terhadap Pengungsi Lingkungan atas dasar bahwa istilah pengungsi yang termuat dalam istilah ini harus mencakup terhadap pengungsi akibat perubahan iklim yang tidak mungkin kembali ke negara asalnya karena lingkungan yang belum mendukung kehidupan Pengungsi.Kata Kunci: ASEAN; Kebijakan; Perubahan iklim; Pengungsi lingkunga

    Constitutional Rights of Labour During Covid 19 Pandemic: A Study of India and Indonesia

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    The Covid 19 pandemic, and the legal sanction for lockdowns and curfews in 2020, had a profound impact on workers even as economic downturn, reduction of labour demand, unemployment, severe financial distress, forced migration or confinement, assailed the labour sector. The informal, contractual, migratory, daily wage, and blue-collar workers across the world were especially vulnerable and most deleteriously affected, by the pandemic. A review of the legislative, legal, and judicial responses to labour rights during the pandemic, in different States provides crucial insights into how the variegated national Constitutional philosophies regarding labour and associated rights, were originally conceived, and are presently perceived, negotiated, and implemented resulting in divergent outcomes in praxis. This article based on secondary sources, critically analyses the jurisprudence underlying the legislative, legal and judicial reflexivity to labour rights during the pandemic lockdown in 2020 and 2021 in India and Indonesia, which are the two hegemonic developing economies of Asia in their respective regions, to identify the lacunae and susceptibilities in constitutional conception and its legal articulation which may be amenable to reforms for making law more socially responsive for a more egalitarian and humane society

    Additional Criminals To Corporations As An Efforts To Create Criminal Impact With Decision

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    Corporations are always a problem when asked for criminal responsibility. In addition to their own separate ways, separate regulations are needed to examine and prosecute corporations that carry out criminal acts. Like the case that has occurred, the KPK has positioned PT NKE as a legal subject to hold criminal liability. Prosecutors prosecute, and necessary crimes also provide additional penalties for a ban on participating in state auctions for six months. The study was conducted in a descriptive analysis and literature review approach. This study examined philosophically historically the existence of additional crimes to provide a conviction that pledged perpetrators. The conclusion that can be obtained from studying different criminal offences other than the main criminal to the corporation as a legal breakthrough in conducting regular excavation from existing regulations to create a criminal punishment that has a deterrent effect on the corporation that commits a criminal offence.Keywords: Additional Crimes; Corporations; Deterrent Effects. AbstrakKorporasi selalu menjadi masalah ketika dimintai pertanggungjawaban, selain diperlukan cara tersendiri juga diperlukan regulasi tersendiri dalam upaya memeriksa dan mengadili korporasi yang melaklukan tindak pidana. Seperti kasus yang telah terjadi, KPK telah memposisikan PT NKE sebagai subyek hukum sehingga dapat dimintai pertanggugjawaban pidana. JPU melakukan penuntutan selain pidana pokok juga memberikan pemidanaan tambahan berupa larangan mengikuti lelang negara selama enam bulan. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif analisis dan pendekatan kajian pustaka serta dalam penelitian ini mengkaji secara historis filosofis  adanya pidana tambahan sehingga dapat memberikan pemidanaan yang menjera pelaku. Kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh dari penelitian penjatuhan pidana tambahan selain pidana pokok kepada korporasi sebagai upaya terobosan hukum dalam melakukan penggalian hukum dari peraturan yang telah ada untuk menciptakan pemidanaan yang memiliki efek jera kepada korporasi yang melakukan tindak pidana.Kata Kunci: Pidana Tambahan; Korporasi; Efek Jera

    Strengthening the Open Proportional Election System after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 114/PUU-XX/2022 from the Perspective of People's Sovereignty

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    The focus of this research is the open proportional election system after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 114/PUU-XX/2022. This study aimed to analyze the legal implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 114/PUU-XX/2022 from the perspective of people’s sovereignty. Research methods with a normative approach were analyzed in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results showed that the basis for consideration of the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 114/PUU-XX/2022, as the Petitioners’ application is not grounded in law in its entirety. The Constitutional Court rejected the arguments presented considering its ruling, the Constitutional Court used textual interpretation or original intent and systematic interpretation. The Constitutional Court considered the open proportional election system closer to the concept of elections in the 1945 NRI Constitution. The constitution mandates consideration of the Constitutional Court is still very relevant, especially in terms of continuing to apply the open proportional system. The legal implications of the Constitutional Court decisions are legal certainties of election implementation, strengthening the open proportional election system, and increasing. Suggestions to ensure legal certainty, vote laws are not often changed, and changes to an electoral system are adjusted to the dynamics and needs of conducting elections, as well as the real needs of the community as holders of popular sovereignty Keywords: general elections, electoral system, people’s sovereignt

    Privatization of Water Resource Management in the Discourse of Local Government Autonomy

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    Water is an inseparable element of human life. Data from National Geographic shows that Indonesia holds 6% of the world’s water supply or about 21% of Asia Pacific water supply. Indonesia’s potential water resource reserves are around 3,900 billion cubic meters per year. That potential lies in 5,886 streams and 521 lakes. The amount of potential water can be utilized around 690 billion liters per year. As much as 82 percent of surface water nationally is in Kalimantan, Papua, and Sumatra. Unfortunately, the potential of water is prone to run out because it is not managed responsibly. Regional autonomy that becomes the basis of independence of natural resource management in each region, is often misinterpreted. As a result, many areas experience drought in the dry season and floods in the rainy season. Through normative legal research methods, this study tries to find the root cause of water privatization in the regional autonomy regime. The problematic was then analyzed using prescriptive methods to find new concepts related to legal protection efforts against the symptoms of privatization of water management in the region. The results of this study show that: 1) Symptoms of privatization of water management are almost all over Indonesia; and 2) Legal protection efforts that can be done is to amend the Law on Water Resources and issue Local Regulations relating to the conservation and protection of water resources in the region. The recommendations given through this research are in the form of efforts to provide proper education on the management of water resources in the region

    Implementation of Legal Protection for the Poor to Get Health Services

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    ABSTRACT Legal protection of health services for poor patients is directed to be able to apply the principles of a comprehensive, integrated, equitable, and affordable. This is principally stated in Law 36/2009 on Health. However, services in the health sector as one of the implementations of legal protection, especially for the poor, are still not optimal. To overcome these problems, the authors provide two problem formulations, namely how the implementation of legal protection for the poor to obtain health services and how the government's efforts to provide legal protection for the poor to obtain health services. The research method used is a sociological juridical approach. Sources of data include primary and secondary data, data collection through interviews and further analysis. Based on the results of research and discussion, namely: First, the implementation of legal protection for the poor for health services has not run optimally. This is often found in the behavior of doctors who are less professional in serving the poor. Second, the government's efforts to provide protection to the poor have been implemented. One of them is the issuance of a health insurance card. This effort has a significant impact in its implementation so that it is more proactive in responding to health service problems experienced by poor patients

    Analysis of the Mechanism for Dismissal of Judges of the Constitutional Court by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia

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    The Constitutional Court Law has regulated mechanisms related to the dismissal of constitutional judges. However, in practice, Constitutional Court judges can be dismissed unilaterally by the House of Representatives. This is not based on existing legal provisions regarding the dismissal of Constitutional Court judges. The formulation of the problem in this study is to analyze the mechanism for dismissing judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia by the House of Representatives and the juridical implications. This research aimed to find out and analyze the mechanism of dismissal of constitutional judges by the DPR RI and find out its juridical implications. The research method used is normative juridical research method. The results of this study are first, the mechanism for dismissing judge Aswanto carried out by the DPR that has violated the mechanism for dismissing judges contained in the Constitutional Court law. Therefore, the dismissal carried out by the DPR is contrary to the law. Second, the juridical implications, among others, will become a precedent for other proposing institutions to carry out the dismissal of Constitutional Court judges, reducing the independence of the Constitutional Court. The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court cannot play a major role in the mechanism for dismissing MK judges. Keywords: mechanism, dismissal, constitutional judge, constitutional cour

    Overview Of Legal Assurance About Crimes Against The Dignity Of The President And Vice President In Indonesia Post The Decision Of The Constitutional Court

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    In the Indonesian constitution, the President is the holder of government power as well as the head of state. The Constitutional Court in Indonesia through its Decision Number 013-022/PUU-IV/2006 and Number 6/PUUV/2007 stated that the articles contained in the Criminal Code are in principle contrary to basic human rights. This study aims, First, to analyze the reformulation of articles on crimes against the dignity of the President and Vice President after the decision of the Constitutional Court. Second, reformulation of the regulation of criminal offenses against the dignity of the President and Vice President in the future. The research method used is normative juridical by examining library materials, both primary legal materials, and secondary legal materials. The results of the research, firstly, the articles on insulting the President and the Vice President do not explicitly mention limitations so that it can create legal uncertainty. Second, the provisions regarding haatzai articlesen and lese majeste do not have a binding force so that their inclusion in the draft Criminal Code is unconstitutional. The implications of the decision of the Constitutional Court in the legal system in Indonesia require that policymakers pay attention to the principles of human rights which in practice prioritize equality before the law, protection of freedom of opinion by the constitutional mandate