835 research outputs found

    Evolution of social relationships between first-year students at middle school: from cliques to circles

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    People organize their social relationships under a restriction on the number that a single individual can maintain simultaneously (the so-called Dunbar’s number, ~150). Additionally, personal networks show a characteristic layered structure where each layer corresponds to relationships of different emotional closeness. This structure, referred to as Dunbar’s circles, has mostly been considered from a static viewpoint, and their structure and evolution is largely unexplored. Here we study the issue of the evolution of the structure of positive and negative relationships in early adolescence by using data from students in their first year at middle school obtained from surveys conducted in class in two different waves separated by several months. Our results show that, initially, students have a lower number of total relationships but the majority are more intense and over time they report a higher number of total relationships, but the more intense relationships appear in a lower proportion. We have also found differences in the structure of communities at both temporal moments. While in the first instance the communities that appeared are mixed, made up of both boys and girls, in the second they changed so that they were separated primarily by gender. In addition, the size of each community was stabilized around 15 people, which coincides with the size of the second Dunbar’s circle, known as the sympathy group in social psychology. As a consequence, in groups with around 20 students of the same gender, they tend to split in two separate communities of about 10 each, below the second Dunbar’s circle threshold. On the other hand, groups with more stable community structure appear to go through the inverse process of friendship evolution, becoming more focused on their best relationships. All these results suggest how the layered structure of the personal network, as well as the community structure of the social network, emerge directly from the union of both positive and negative relationships. Thus, we provide a new perspective about its temporal evolution that may have relevant applications to improve school life and student performance. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Chimpanzees organize their social relationships like humans

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    Human relationships are structured in a set of layers, ordered from higher (intimate relationships) to lower (acquaintances) emotional and cognitive intensity. This structure arises from the limits of our cognitive capacity and the different amounts of resources required by different relationships. However, it is unknown whether nonhuman primate species organize their affiliative relationships following the same pattern. We here show that the time chimpanzees devote to grooming other individuals is well described by the same model used for human relationships, supporting the existence of similar social signatures for both humans and chimpanzees. Furthermore, the relationship structure depends on group size as predicted by the model, the proportion of high-intensity connections being larger for smaller groups

    Quark-hadron duality, axial anomaly and mixing

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    Interplay between axial anomaly and quark-hadron duality in the presence of strong mixing is considered. The anomaly sum rule for meson transition form factors based on the dispersive representation of axial anomaly and quark-hadron duality in octet channel is analyzed. The comparison of this sum rule to the experimental data on η\eta and η′\eta' mesons transition form factors shows that the interval of duality in this channel is rather small, contradicting the usual understanding of quark-hadron duality. The same values of interval of duality are supported by considering the two-point correlator in the local duality limit. This contradiction may be resolved by introducing of some nonperturbative non-OPE correction to the relevant spectral density. The form and value of this correction are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, reference adde

    Digitally Continuous Multivalued Functions, Morphological Operations and Thinning Algorithms

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    In a recent paper (Escribano et al. in Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4992, pp. 81–92, 2008) we have introduced a notion of continuity in digital spaces which extends the usual notion of digital continuity. Our approach, which uses multivalued functions, provides a better framework to define topological notions, like retractions, in a far more realistic way than by using just single-valued digitally continuous functions. In this work we develop properties of this family of continuous functions, now concentrating on morphological operations and thinning algorithms. We show that our notion of continuity provides a suitable framework for the basic operations in mathematical morphology: erosion, dilation, closing, and opening. On the other hand, concerning thinning algorithms, we give conditions under which the existence of a retraction F:X⟶X∖D guarantees that D is deletable. The converse is not true, in general, although it is in certain particular important cases which are at the basis of many thinning algorithms

    Preoperative Prediction of Catheter Ablation Outcome in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Patients through Spectral Organization Analysis of the Surface Fibrillatory Waves

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    Catheter ablation (CA) is a commonly used treatment for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). Since its medium/long-term success rate remains limited, preoperative prediction of its outcome is gaining clinical interest to optimally select candidates for the procedure. Among predictors based on the surface electrocardiogram, the dominant frequency (DF) and harmonic exponential decay (g) of the fibrillatory waves ( f -waves) have reported promising but clinically insufficient results. Hence, the main goal of this work was to conduct a broader analysis of the f -wave harmonic spectral structure to improve CA outcome prediction through several entropy-based measures computed on different frequency bands. On a database of 151 persistent AF patients under radio-frequency CA and a follow-up of 9 months, the newly introduced parameters discriminated between patients who relapsed to AF and those who maintained SR at about 70%, which was statistically superior to the DF and approximately similar to g. They also provided complementary information to g through different combinations in multivariate models based on lineal discriminant analysis and report classification performance improvement of about 5%. These results suggest that the presence of larger harmonics and a proportionally smaller DF peak is associated with a decreased probability of AF recurrence after CA

    Highly dispersed Ptδ+ on TixCe(1−x)O2 as an active phase in preferential oxidation of CO

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    Structure–activity relationships for 1 wt.% Pt catalysts were investigated for a series of TixCe(1−x)O2 (x = 1, 0.98, 0.9, 0.5, 0.2 and 0) supports prepared by the sol–gel method. The catalysts prepared by impregnation were characterized in detail by applying a wide range of techniques as N2-isotherms, XRF, XRD, Raman, XPS, H2-TPR, Drifts, UV–vis, etc. and tested in the preferential oxidation of CO in the presence of H2. Also several reaction conditions were deeply analyzed. A strong correlation between catalyst performance and the electronic properties let us to propose, based in all the experimental results, a plausible reaction mechanism where several redox cycles are involved.Financial support from Generalitat Valenciana and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) through projects PROME-TEOII/2014/004 and MAT2010-21147 is gratefully acknowledged. EOJ also thanks the CNPq – Brazil for her grant. EVRF gratefully acknowledge the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) for his Ramon y Cajal grant (RYC-2012-11427)

    Search for an exotic three-body decay of orthopositronium

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    We report on a direct search for a three-body decay of the orthopositronium into a photon and two penetrating particles, o-Ps -> gamma + X1 + X2. The existence of this decay could explain the discrepancy between the measured and the predicted values of the orthopositronium decay rate. From the analysis of the collected data a single candidate event is found, consistent with the expected background. This allows to set an upper limit on the branching ratio < 4.4 \times 10^{-5} (at the 90% confidence level), for the photon energy in the range from 40 keV < E_gamma< 400 keV and for mass values in the kinematical range 0 gamma + X1 + X2 decay mode as the origin of the discrepancy.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Flatte-like distributions and the a_0(980)/f_0(980) mesons

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    We explore the features of Flatte-like parametrizations. In particular, we demonstrate that the large variation in the absolute values of the coupling constants to the pi-eta (or pi-pi) and KKbar channels for the a_0(980) and f_0(980) mesons that one can find in the literature can be explained by a specific scaling behaviour of the Flatte amplitude for energies near the KKbar threshold. We argue that the ratio of the coupling constants can be much better determined from a fit to experimental data.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Characterization of soil erosion indicators using hyperspectral data from a Mediterranean rainfed cultivated region

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    The determination of surface soil properties is an important application of remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery. Moreover, different soil properties can be associated with erosion processes, with significant implications for land management and agricultural uses. This study integrates hyperspectral data supported by morphological and physico-chemical ground data to identify and map soil properties that can be used to assess soil erosion and accumulation. These properties characterize different soil horizons that emerge at the surface as a consequence of the intensity of the erosion processes, or the result of accumulation conditions. This study includes: 1) field and laboratory characterization of the main soil types in the study area; 2) identification and definition of indicators of soil erosion and accumulation stages (SEAS); 3) compilation of the site-specific MEDiterranean Soil Erosion Stages (MEDSES) spectral library of soil surface characteristics using field spectroscopy; 4) using hyperspectral airborne data to determine a set of endmembers for different SEAS and introducing these into the support vector machine (SVM) classifier to obtain their spatial distribution; and 5) evaluation of the accuracy of the classification applying a field validation protocol. The study region is located within an agricultural region in Central Spain, representative of Mediterranean agricultural uses dominated by a gently sloping relief, and characterized by soils with contrasting horizons. Results show that the proposed method is successful in mapping different SEAS that indicate preservation, partial loss, or complete loss of fertile soils, as well as down-slope accumulation of different soil materials
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