178 research outputs found

    Multivariate analysis of sensory data of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Graciano during ripening. Correlation with the phenolic composition of the grape skins

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate sensory changes in grape skins during ripening and to obtain a correlation with their phenolic composition. Flavan-3-ols (monomers and dimers), prodelphinidins, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins and flavonols were determined by HPLC-DAD-MS. In addition, skin dilaceration, tannic intensity, astringency, acidity, aroma intensity (AI) and type of aroma were evaluated. Multivariate analysis showed the evolution of these samples during ripening and the relationship among sensory scores and phenolic composition of grapes skins. Skin dilaceration, type of aroma and to a lesser extent AI tend to increase during ripening. The contents in the phenolic compounds in grape skins present a similar pattern to the aforementioned sensory parameters. Nevertheless, tannic intensity, astringency, dryness and acidity present an opposite pattern which indicates a decrease of these sensory scores during ripening.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2008-05569-C02-01Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CSD2007-0006

    Analysis of sealing vs tensile bond strength of eight adheisve restorative material systems

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    Purpose: Using a simulated perfusion system, the intent was to determine: 1) the sealing ability of eight restorative materials (five composite resins and three compomers) used together with their corresponding dentin bonding systems, 2) their tensile bond strength, and 3) the correlation (if any) between both parameters. Materials and Methods: Permeability in crown segments from sound human third molars (n = 140) subjected to simulated perfusion (32 cm of distilled water) was measured before and after restoring with each material, and the percentage of decrease in permeability ((PPD) was recorded. Specimens were tater subjected to tensile tests to determine the tensile bond strength (TBS) of the interface. Finally, parameters were analyzed for correlation. Results: For the eight adhesive systems, the percentage of reduction in permeability was relatively hlgh [mean in %, (SD)]: F2000 93.6 (5.7),S B188.6 (11.31,S SC 86.0 (5.7), PB20 81.1 (15.9)C,O M 77.5 (10.8), OPTS 75.3 (20.6)D,Y R 73.7 (12.7)S,S PR 65.5 (19.8)T.B S values were relatively low [mean (SD)], in MPa: F2000 1.8 (0.71, SB1 4.9 (1.4)S,S C 2.6 (1.4), PB20 4.3 (1.21,C OM 2.4 {1.1),O PTS 4.5 (1.7)D,Y R L6 (0.6), SSPR.4.2 (1.5). We could not demonstrate any statistically significant correlation between both parameters for these results (maximum significance [F20001: r = 0.39, p = 0.206). Conclusion: No material completely ceased to filtrate through the interface. The low TBS values were probably due to the large size of adhesive areas. No significant correlation was found between PPD and TBS for the materials tested. There was a statistically significant relationship (r2 = 0.063, p = 0.018) between TBS and TEA (total bonded area), described by the equation TBS = 5.9 - 0.03'TBA

    Revealing Archaeological Sites under Mediterranean Forest Canopy Using LiDAR: El Viandar Castle (husum) in El Hoyo (Belmez-Córdoba, Spain)

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    Light detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology is a valuable tool for archaeological prospection in areas covered by dense vegetation. Its capacity to penetrate dense forest environments enables it to detect archaeological remains scattered over orographically complex areas. LiDAR-derived digital terrain models (DTMs) have made an exceptional contribution towards identifying topographic landscapes of archaeological interest. In this study, we focus on an area of intense historic settlement from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Ages, which today is completely covered by Mediterranean forest. Due to the dense canopy, and the fact that it is a protected area on private land, it has never been analyzed. To reveal the settlement, we primarily used a series of LiDAR mapping surveys to gather data and analyzed other open access remote sensing resources from the National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN). The IGN LiDAR data proved to be of particular interest. These resources enabled us to detect an ancient fortress (El Viandar Castle) and its surrounding settlement. LiDAR, in conjunction with other products, was fundamental in identifying the site. Equally, the mapping surveys enabled us to analyze the limits and scope of the IGN airborne LiDAR and other free access remote sensing products. Our background in this research demonstrates that low-cost products applied to LiDAR research in archaeology have major limitations when it is necessary to have a high level of spatial resolution in order to define the layout and the main components of an archaeological site

    Sealing and dentin bond strength of adhesive systems in selected areas of perfused teeth

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    Objectives: (1) Test the sealing capacity and tensile strength of various adhesive systems: Scotch Bond 1 (Single Bond in USA)(SB1) + Z100, Syntac Sprint (SYN) + Tetric Ceram, Prime and Bond 2.1 (PB21) + TPH Spectrum, F2000 (Adhesive 1 Compomer) (F2000) and Optibond Solo (OPT) + Prodigy, to perfused teeth (30 cm distilled H2O), in select areas. (2) Determine the relationship between sealing ability and size of adhesive area (BA) with tensile strength (TS). Methods: Segments of human third molars (n=67) sealed with amalgam on their coronal side were connected to a perfusion system (30 cm distilled H2O), to measure the basal permeability. Access cavities were drilled through the amalgam to expose dentin (area range: 8.7±20.8 mm2) and measure the permeability of that area. Cavities were sealed with one of the test materials and permeability measured prior to tensile testing. The percentage of decrease in permeability (PPD) that occurred with the different combinations of materials was also measured. Results. Tensile strength: there were no statistically signi®cant differences among groups. Permeability: ANOVA showed that there were statistically signi®cant differences in the mean % decrease in permeability (PPD) among groups (p= 0:018): Student-Newman-Keuls test (p=0:05) detected that the mean PPD of F2000 ranked statistically higher than that of SB1. Relationship among variables: a linear correlation was found defined by the formula TS= 7:47+ 0:008·PPD - 0:23·BA; with a significance of the model p=0.0097. Significance: None of the materials studied reduced permeability up to 100%. They all produced low tensile bond strengths (maximum mean value of groups: 5.51 MPa (OPT))

    Responsive inclusive design (RiD): a new model for inclusive software development.

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    The design and development of technological solutions based on software for all types of people, including people with disabilities, is still a pending issue in most software application development projects today. Situations like the 2020 pandemic drastically reflect how people with disabilities tend to be left outside the application design and construction guidelines. There are multiple initiatives and previous works that advocate user involvement from the beginning of the project; however, in this work, we go a step further by presenting a model for designing and constructing software applications (RiD—Responsive inclusive Design) defined for inclusive software. RiD extends the involvement of the user with disabilities to the entire software life cycle, in different roles, and taking into account the changing nature of the user profile in the evolution of the product. This article also presents the EDICO case study, an accessible and inclusive scientific editor for the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE), which was successfully implemented applying the RiD principles.post-print1229 k

    Temas de instrumentos y regímenes de cooperación internacional

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    La obra del Profesor Escribano-Úbeda Portugués aborda algunos de los ejes temáticos de mayor relevancia para el Derecho Internacional y las Relaciones Internacionales en el contexto del orden internacional contemporáneo

    Análisis del Informe del Comité contra la Tortura de Naciones Unidas de 2009 sobre Colombia

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    El Comité contra la Tortura de Naciones Unidas en su Informe de 2009 sobre Colombia valora positivamente algunos avances del Estado colombiano en la ratificación de las normas del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, aunque el Informe 2009 señala varios motivos de preocupación y recomendaciones para Colombia en temas como el reforzamiento de la independencia del Fiscal General de la Nación; la amnistía de facto; la amenaza a la independencia del Poder Judicial; las ejecuciones extrajudiciales; las desapariciones forzadas; la erradicación de detenciones masivas; la práctica de la tortura en centros penitenciarios; la violencia sexual como arma de guerra; la utilización militar de niños y niñas en el conflicto armado; o la reparación integral para las víctimas de tortura y otros tratos crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.Palabras claves: Colombia, Comité contra la Tortura, Naciones Unidas, Derecho Internacional.&nbsp

    Root silicon addition induces Fe deficiency in cucumber plants, but facilitates their recovery after Fe resupply. A comparison with Si foliar sprays

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    Silicon has not been cataloged as an essential element for higher plants. However, it has shown beneficial effects on many crops, especially under abiotic and biotic stresses. Silicon fertilization was evaluated for the first time on plants exposed to fluctuations in an Fe regime (Fe sufficiency followed by Fe deficiency and, in turn, by Fe resupply). Root and foliar Si applications were compared using cucumber plants that were hydroponically grown in a growth chamber under different Fe nutritional statuses and Si applied either to the roots or to the shoots. The SPAD index, Fe, and Mn concentration, ROS, total phenolic compounds, MDA concentration, phytohormone balance, and cell cycle were determined. The results obtained showed that the addition of Si to the roots induced an Fe shortage in plants grown under optimal or deficient Fe nutritional conditions, but this was not observed when Si was applied to the leaves. Plant recovery following Fe resupply was more effective in the Si-treated plants than in the untreated plants. A relationship between the ROS concentration, hormonal balance, and cell cycle under different Fe regimes and in the presence or absence of Si was also studied. The contribution of Si to this signaling pathway appears to be related more to the induction of Fe deficiency, than to any direct biochemical or metabolic processes. However, these roles could not be completely ruled out because several hormone differences could only be explained by the addition of SiThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project: AGL2013-44474-R and the FEDER/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities Project: RTI2018-096268-B-I00. This work was partially supported by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) and Structural Funds 2014-2020 (ERDF and ESF) (Project AGRISOST-CM S2018/BAA-4330

    La cadena productiva del ecoturismo como contribución al desarrollo local

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue implementar un procedimiento para el desarrollo de la cadena productiva del ecoturismo como contribución al desarrollo local. Para ello se establecen los fundamentos de la concepción de su desarrollo a partir de factores claves explicativos de su estado de desarrollo e implementación de acciones para su transformación. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron: revisión documental, entrevistas abiertas no estructuradas a especialistas y empresarios, observación, sistema estructural y triangulación; además, se empleó el programa informático Statistic Program for Social Sciences versión 20.0, coeficiente de Kendall, análisis estructural de la matriz de impactos cruzados-multiplicación aplicada a una clasificación (MIC-MAC) y matriz de alianzas y conflictos: tácticas, objetivos y recomendaciones La aplicación en el municipio Bartolomé Masó, provincia Granma, Cuba, demostró la viabilidad del procedimiento, confirmó las posibilidades de desarrollar la cadena productiva del ecoturismo desde lo local, así como superar las carencias teóricas y prácticas encontradas

    La cadena productiva del ecoturismo como contribución al desarrollo local

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue implementar un procedimiento para el desarrollo de la cadena productiva del ecoturismo como contribución al desarrollo local. Para ello se establecen los fundamentos de la concepción de su desarrollo a partir de factores claves explicativos de su estado de desarrollo e implementación de acciones para su transformación. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron: revisión documental, entrevistas abiertas no estructuradas a especialistas y empresarios, observación, sistema estructural y triangulación; además, se empleó el programa informático Statistic Program for Social Sciences versión 20.0, coeficiente de Kendall, análisis estructural de la matriz de impactos cruzados-multiplicación aplicada a una clasificación (MIC-MAC) y matriz de alianzas y conflictos: tácticas, objetivos y recomendaciones La aplicación en el municipio Bartolomé Masó, provincia Granma, Cuba, demostró la viabilidad del procedimiento, confirmó las posibilidades de desarrollar la cadena productiva del ecoturismo desde lo local, así como superar las carencias teóricas y prácticas encontradas