172 research outputs found

    Cursos de formación de la FGSR

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    Effect of the presence of chlorine in bimetallic PtZn/CeO2 catalysts for the vapor-phase hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde

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    The effect of the reduction temperature has been studied on ceria-supported bimetallic platinum–zinc catalysts prepared from H2PtCl6 and Pt(NH3)4(NO3)2 as the platinum precursors and Zn(NO3)2 as the zinc precursor. The catalysts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and their catalytic behavior has been evaluated in the vapor-phase hydrogenation of toluene and of crotonaldehyde (2-butenal) after reduction at low (473 K) and high (773 K) temperatures. The increase in the reduction temperature produces a strong decrease in the catalytic activity for toluene hydrogenation in both systems, but an important increase of activity for crotonaldehyde hydrogenation, which is more evident for the chlorine-free catalyst. The selectivity towards the hydrogenation of the carbonyl bond to yield the unsaturated alcohol (crotyl alcohol, 2-buten-1-ol) also increases after reduction at high temperature, being somewhat higher for the Cl-containing catalyst. The results are discussed in terms of differences in surface composition of the catalysts.C.I.C.Y.T. (Project BQU 2000-0467)

    Videoconferencia con Isabel en la Web 2.0

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    Este artículo presenta una arquitectura que transforma una aplicación tradicional de videoconferencia en un servicio Web accesible desde cualquier navegador, de tal forma que cambia el modelo de uso y propone un nuevo sistema de colaboración en tiempo real que cuenta con las ventajas intrínsecas de cualquier servicio de la web 2.0. Además esta solución facilita la transición hacia un servicio típico de Cloud Computing en el que se utilizan y se liberan recursos de videoconferencia dependiendo de la demanda en cada moment

    Qüestions ètiques i atenció sanitària en cas d'una pandèmia de grip

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    Ètica; Atenció sanitària; Pandèmia de gripÉtica; Atención sanitaria; Pandemia de gripeEthics; Primary care; Influenza pandemicEn el transcurs d’un brot epidèmic infecciós, poden presentar-se conflictes ètics en l’atenció sanitària, que no pel fet de ser coneguts des de sempre deixen de ser importants en el moment actual. La pandèmia de la nova grip A(H1N1) propicia aquesta revisió, feta amb l’ànim d’orientar i no de dictaminar. Hi ha tres aspectes que sobresurten i que centraran les preocupacions que donen lloc a aquest text. Aquests aspectes són, en primer lloc, la possible saturació del sistema assistencial, amb la necessitat de prioritzar i/o repartir els recursos mèdics disponibles en cas de pandèmia greu. En segon lloc, la restricció de les llibertats individuals per imposició de vacunacions, aïllaments i quarantenes. I, en darrer terme –i no per això menys important–, revisar quins són els deures dels treballadors sanitaris quant a l’atenció als malalts

    Cooperação Territorial e Desenvolvimento: um olhar da escala transregional e as áreas metropolitanas, rurais e turísticas

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    This paper addresses the issue of territorial cooperation as a necessary principle and requisite for a better local and regional development. It is argued that as important as the design of policies with the objective of sustainable territorial development is the way in which these are decided, designed and implemented. As important as ‘What’ is ‘How’. The text is divided into three large blocks. The first one deals with cooperation as a transversal category that applies from three approaches: government and State administration, theories of regional and local economic development, and from the point of view of spatial planning and territorial cohesion; at several scales, therefore with multilevel nature and diverse geographical coverage (international, European, Spanish and Valencian). In the following two sections, examples of cooperation experiences and results obtained (at different scales and between different subjects) are presented as a tool for territorial development in rural areas, first, and tourism, afterwards. The text closes with a brief final synthesis.El artículo aborda la cuestión de la cooperación territorial como un principio y requisito necesario para un mejor desarrollo local y regional. Se sostiene el argumento de que tan importante como el diseño de las políticas con el objeto del desarrollo territorial sostenible (el qué) es la forma en que estas se deciden, diseñan y sobre todo aplican (el cómo). El texto se articula en tres grandes bloques. En el primero se aborda la cooperación como categoría transversal que aplica desde tres enfoques: el gobierno y administración del Estado, las teorías del desarrollo económico regional y local, y desde el punto de vista de la planificación y cohesión territorial; y a diferentes escalas, por tanto de naturaleza multinivel y diversa cobertura geográfica (internacional, europea, española y valenciana). En los dos que siguen se presentan ejemplos de experiencias de cooperación y resultados obtenidos (a distintas escalas y entre diferentes sujetos) como herramienta de desarrollo territorial en ámbitos rurales, primero, y turísticos, después. El texto se cierra con una breve síntesis final de lo tratado.O artigo aborda a questão da cooperação territorial como um principio e requisito necessário para um melhor desenvolvimento local e regional. Sustenta-se o argumento de que tão importante quanto o desenho de políticas com o objetivo de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável (o quê) é a maneira pela qual estas são decididas, projetadas e, acima de tudo, aplicadas (o como). O texto é dividido em três grandes blocos. A primeira trata da cooperação como uma categoria transversal que se aplica a partir de três abordagens: governo e administração do Estado, teorias do desenvolvimento econômico regional e local, e do ponto de vista do planejamento e da coesão territorial; e em diferentes escalas, portanto, de natureza multinível e cobertura geográfica diversificada (internacional, europeua, espanhola e valenciana). Nas duas seções seguintes, são exemplos de experiências de cooperação e resultados obtidos (em diferentes escalas e entre diferentes atores e instituições.) como uma ferramenta para o desenvolvimento territorial em áreas rurais, primeiro, e turísticas, depois. O texto termina com uma breve síntese final

    Videoconference capacity Leasing on Hybrid Clouds.

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    This paper proposes a new methodology focused on implementing cost effective architectures on Cloud Computing systems. With this methodology the paper presents some disadvantages of systems that are based on single Cloud architectures and gives some advices for taking into account in the development of hybrid systems. The work also includes a validation of these ideas implemented in a complete videoconference service developed with our research group. This service allows a great number of users per conference, multiple simultaneous conferences, different client software (requiring transcodification of audio and video flows) and provides a service like automatic recording. Furthermore it offers different kinds of connectivity including SIP clients and a client based on Web 2.0. The ideas proposed in this article are intended to be a useful resource for any researcher or developer who wants to implement cost effective systems on several Cloud

    A cost-effective methodology applied to videoconference services over hybrid clouds

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    This paper tackles the optimization of applications in multi-provider hybrid cloud scenarios from an economic point of view. In these scenarios the great majority of solutions offer the automatic allocation of resources on different cloud providers based on their current prices. However our approach is intended to introduce a novel solution by making maximum use of divide and rule. This paper describes a methodology to create cost aware cloud applications that can be broken down into the three most important components in cloud infrastructures: computation, network and storage. A real videoconference system has been modified in order to evaluate this idea with both theoretical and empirical experiments. This system has become a widely used tool in several national and European projects for e-learning and collaboration purposes

    The scientific impact of Francisco Rodríguez-Reinoso in carbon research and beyond

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    This review article is dedicated to the memory of Francisco (Paco) Rodríguez-Reinoso (Granada 1941 - Alicante 2020). Paco dedicated more than 56 years of his life to research on carbon materials, covering from their synthesis and characterization, to their evaluation using a range of processes such as gas adsorption/separation, heterogeneous catalysis, and drug delivery, among others. His extensive research was mainly performed in the Advanced Materials Laboratory (LMA) located at the University of Alicante, Spain. This research has been reflected in more than 400 research articles in high quality international journals. This review article summarizes some of Paco’s main achievements in carbon-related research emphasizing his main contributions and perspectives in the field

    Anthocyanin composition in fig (Ficus carica L.)

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    [EN] The anthocyanin composition was analysed in fig fruit (Ficus carica L.) from five different varieties (Colar, Cuello de Dama (green), Cuello de Dama (dark purple), Granilla and Bursa Siyahi). Fifteen anthocyanin pigments were detected, most of them containing cyanidin (Cy) as aglycone; some pelargonidin (Pg) derivatives were also found. Rutinose and glucose were present as substituting sugars, as well as acylation with malonic acid. Minor levels of peonidin 3-rutinose (Pn 3-rutinoside) in the pulp were also detected. Other noticeable aspects in the pigment composition of the fig were the detection of anthocyanidin-derived pigments, namely 5-carboxypyranocyanidin-3-rutinoside, a cyanidin 3-rutinose dimer and five condensed pigments containing C–C linked anthocyanins (Cy and Pg) and flavanol (catechin and epicatechin) residues. Total anthocyanin content in the skin ranged between 32 and 97 mgg 1 and between 1.5 and 15 mgg 1 in the pulp. The main anthocyanin in both parts of the fruit was Cy 3-rutinoside (48–81% in skin and 68–79% in pulp) usually followed by Cy 3-glucoside (5–18% in skin and 10–15% in pulp). Malonyl derivatives were more abundant in the skin (1.2–6.5%) than in the pulp (1.0–2.6%)

    Responsive inclusive design (RiD): a new model for inclusive software development.

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    The design and development of technological solutions based on software for all types of people, including people with disabilities, is still a pending issue in most software application development projects today. Situations like the 2020 pandemic drastically reflect how people with disabilities tend to be left outside the application design and construction guidelines. There are multiple initiatives and previous works that advocate user involvement from the beginning of the project; however, in this work, we go a step further by presenting a model for designing and constructing software applications (RiD—Responsive inclusive Design) defined for inclusive software. RiD extends the involvement of the user with disabilities to the entire software life cycle, in different roles, and taking into account the changing nature of the user profile in the evolution of the product. This article also presents the EDICO case study, an accessible and inclusive scientific editor for the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE), which was successfully implemented applying the RiD principles.post-print1229 k