214 research outputs found

    Análisis del desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles multiplataforma

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    The development of mobile phone applications is a huge market nowadays. There are many companies investing lot of money to develop successful and profitable applications. The problem emerges when trying to develop an application to be used by every user independently of the platform they are using (Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, etc.). For this reason, on the last years many different technologies have appeared that making the development of cross-platform applications easier. In this thesis one of these technologies, Appcelerator Titanium, will be analysed. During the analysis process we will explain what a mobile phone application is. Also will be explained what a cross-platform mobile application is and what their features are. Finally, Appcelerator Titanium is introduced, presenting the features this technology provides. In order to show the results on a more visual way, a cross-platform mobile phone application that will be installed natively on Android and iOS platforms will be developed. It will contain the most important features that a mobile phone application should have. The general conclusions extracted from this thesis and the application is that cross-platform mobile applications have some advantages compared with the regular mobile applications, but the development process depends on frameworks that are not mature enough. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________El desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles es un mercado muy grande en estos tiempos que corren. Existen muchas compañías que están invirtiendo mucho dinero para desarrollar aplicaciones exitosas y rentables. El problema surge cuando las empresas quieren desarrollar aplicaciones para ser usadas por el mayor número de personas posibles. Hoy en día existen múltiples dispositivos en el mercado (Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Win-dows Phone, etc) que hacen más difícil esa tarea. Por esta razón en los últimos años han surgido diferentes tecnologías que ayudan al desarrollo de aplicaciones multiplataforma. En este proyecto una de estas tecnologías es analizada. Durante el proceso de análisis se explica qué es una aplicación móvil. Además se explica qué es una aplicación móvil multiplataforma especificando sus características. Finalmente se introduce al lector a la tecnología Appcelerator Titanium explicando las características de esta herramienta. Con el fin de mostrar los resultados de una manera más visual, durante el análisis se desarrolla una aplicación móvil multiplataforma de prueba que es instalada nativamente en un dispositivo Android y otro iOS. Esta aplicación contiene algunas de las caracterís-ticas más importantes que toda aplicación móvil debería tener. Como punto final y a modo de conclusiones de este proyecto se puede extraer que las aplicaciones móviles multiplataforma tienen algunas ventajas comparadas con las aplicaciones móviles tradicionales, pero el nivel de madurez en los procesos de desarrollo y en las herramientas usadas para su creación son todavía demasiado bajos.Ingeniería en Informátic

    Insight into social physics: uncovering the structure and dynamics of social relationships

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    This thesis investigates the emerging interdisciplinary field of social physics, which applies concepts and methods from physics, mathematics and anthropology to understand human behaviour in social systems. Our research seeks to elucidate how humans organise their social relationships and how they evolve over time by examining the universal principles underpinning these phenomena. The basis of our investigation is the concept of “social atom”, which serves as a foundation for studying ego-networks at the micro-level and exploring the collective behaviour of social systems at the macro-level. We embark on two complementary research approaches to address this complex problem. Our first approach involves conducting field research by surveying high school students about their friendships and enmities over two academic years. This empirical data enables us to analyse the organisation and evolution of social relationships, providing valuable insights that can be shared with school principals to foster a more positive social atmosphere and prevent important issues such as bullying. Our second approach aligns with the conventional scientific method. It involves the formulation of hypotheses, the development of network models and their testing. To do that, we employ exponential random graph models and density functional theory, a technique originating from statistical mechanics for analysing lattice gases. This approach demonstrates that social networks can exhibit phenomena comparable to those observed in fluids or gases, such as phase transitions. These findings contribute to a more profound understanding of the behaviour exhibited by social systems. Moreover, we expand the applicability of these models to include other species, such as primates, demonstrating their relevance beyond human social relationships. We establish a formalism that can be employed to address social physics problems more effectively by synthesising the insights derived from both research approaches. This integrative method advances our understanding of the discipline and paves the way for more accurate and effective solutions. Through the combination of field research, network modelling and the extension of these models to other species, this thesis makes a substantial contribution to the field of social physics. Our research provides a solid foundation for future studies and applications aimed at improving the understanding and management of complex social systems by uncovering the fundamental mechanisms governing human social behaviour.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Matemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Luis Mario Floria Peralta.- Secretario: Alberto Antonioni.- Vocal: María Pereda Garcí

    Homenaje a Juan Urrutia

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    Juan Urrutia ha sido profesor de economía en las Universidades del País Vasco y Carlos III de Madrid. Su impulso a la investigación en el área de economía ha tenido un impacto decisivo en estas dos universidades. En este documento se recogen los textos de las intervenciones que se realizaron en un acto de homenaje a Juan Urrutia que se celebró el 12 de diciembre de 2001 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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    Juan Urrutia ha sido profesor de economía en las Universidades del País Vasco y Carlos III de Madrid. Su impulso a la investigación en el área de economía ha tenido un impacto decisivo en estas dos universidades. En este documento se recogen los textos de las intervenciones que se realizaron en un acto de homenaje a Juan Urrutia que se celebró el 12 de diciembre de 2001 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

    Analysis of the development of cross-platform mobile phone applications

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    The development of mobile phone applications is a huge market nowadays. There are many companies investing lot of money to develop successful and profitable applications. The problem emerges when trying to develop an application to be used by every user independently of the platform they are using (Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, etc.). For this reason, on the last years many different technologies have appeared that making the development of cross-platform applications easier. In this thesis one of these technologies, Appcelerator Titanium, will be analysed. During the analysis process we will explain what a mobile phone application is. Also will be explained what a cross-platform mobile application is and what their features are. Finally, Appcelerator Titanium is introduced, presenting the features this technology provides. In order to show the results on a more visual way, a cross-platform mobile phone application that will be installed natively on Android and iOS platforms will be developed. It will contain the most important features that a mobile phone application should have. The general conclusions extracted from this thesis and the application is that cross-platform mobile applications have some advantages compared with the regular mobile applications, but the development process depends on frameworks that are not mature enough

    Analysis of the development of cross-platform mobile phone applications

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    The development of mobile phone applications is a huge market nowadays. There are many companies investing lot of money to develop successful and profitable applications. The problem emerges when trying to develop an application to be used by every user independently of the platform they are using (Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, etc.). For this reason, on the last years many different technologies have appeared that making the development of cross-platform applications easier. In this thesis one of these technologies, Appcelerator Titanium, will be analysed. During the analysis process we will explain what a mobile phone application is. Also will be explained what a cross-platform mobile application is and what their features are. Finally, Appcelerator Titanium is introduced, presenting the features this technology provides. In order to show the results on a more visual way, a cross-platform mobile phone application that will be installed natively on Android and iOS platforms will be developed. It will contain the most important features that a mobile phone application should have. The general conclusions extracted from this thesis and the application is that cross-platform mobile applications have some advantages compared with the regular mobile applications, but the development process depends on frameworks that are not mature enough

    Las subastas y sus aplicaciones económicas

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    En el presente trabajo realizaremos una revisión de la historia de las subastas desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad y las múltiples aplicaciones en las que se utilizan hoy en día. También veremos los diferentes tipos de subasta que hay, así como ejemplos de aplicación de cada uno y las posibles estrategias por las que puede optar en cada tipo de juego el pujador. Para ello, haremos un repaso sobre la teoría de juego ya que es la base de la teoría de las subasta y posteriormente veremos la teoría de subastas y el modelo de referencia. Adicionalmente, compararemos dos medios de adjudicación como son la subasta y el concurso y veremos las principales ventajas e inconvenientes de cada uno, así como la importancia de realizar un buen diseño para obtener buenos resultados, para ejemplificar esta comparación veremos la variedad de los resultados obtenidos en los diferentes países europeos por las adjudicaciones de las licencias de telefonía móvil 3G

    Using the Xeon Phi platform to run speculatively-parallelized codes

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    Producción CientíficaIntel Xeon Phi accelerators are one of the newest devices used in the field of parallel computing. However, there are comparatively few studies concerning their performance when using most of the existing parallelization techniques. One of them is thread-level speculation, a technique that optimistically tries to extract parallelism of loops without the need of a compile-time analysis that guarantees that the loop can be executed in parallel. In this article we evaluate the performance delivered by an Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor when using a software, state-of-the-art thread-level speculative parallelization library in the execution of well-known benchmarks. We describe both the internal characteristics of the Xeon Phi platform and the particularities of the thread-level speculation library being used as benchmark. Our results show that, although the Xeon Phi delivers a relatively good speedup in comparison with a shared-memory architecture in terms of scalability, the relatively low computing power of its computational units when specific vectorization and SIMD instructions are not fully exploited makes this first generation of Xeon Phi architectures not competitive (in terms of absolute performance) with respect to conventional multicore systems for the execution of speculatively parallelized code.2018-04-01Castilla-Leon Regional Government (VA172A12-2); MICINN (Spain) and the European Union FEDER (MOGECOPP project TIN2011-25639, HomProg-HetSys project TIN2014-58876-P, CAPAP-H5 network TIN2014-53522-REDT)

    Multi-Device Controllers: A Library To Simplify The Parallel Heterogeneous Programming

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    Producción CientíficaCurrent HPC clusters are composed by several machines with different computation capabilities and different kinds and families of accelerators. Programming efficiently for these heterogeneous systems has become an important challenge. There are many proposals to simplify the programming and management of accelerator devices, and the hybrid programming, mixing accelerators and CPU cores. However, in many cases, portability compromises the efficiency on different devices, and there are details concerning the coordination of different types of devices that should still be tackled by the programmer. In this work, we introduce the Multi-Controller, an abstract entity implemented in a library that coordinates the management of heterogeneous devices, including accelerators with different capabilities and sets of CPU-cores. Our proposal improves state-of-the-art solutions, simplifying data partition, mapping and the transparent deployment of both, simple generic kernels portable across different device types, and specialized implementations defined and optimized using specific native or vendor programming models (such as CUDA for NVIDIA’s GPUs, or OpenMP for CPU-cores). The run-time system automatically selects and deploys the most appropriate implementation of each kernel for each device, managing data movements and hiding the launch details. The results of an experimental study with five study cases indicates that our abstraction allows the development of flexible and highly efficient programs that adapt to the heterogeneous environment.2020-01-012020-01-01MICINN (Spain) and ERDF program of the European Union: HomProg-HetSys project (TIN2014-58876-P), CAPAP-H6 (TIN2016-81840-REDT), and COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)