588 research outputs found

    El símbolo perdido: estética y pensamiento en las adaptaciones cinematográficas de obras de Antonio Buero Vallejo

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    Cuatro adaptaciones cinematográficas se han hecho de obras de Antonio Buero Vallejo, cantidad modesta si se compara con la de otros dramaturgos de su talla. En el presente artículo se analizan por primera vez estos filmes en busca de las causas que expliquen el aparente desinterés del cine hacia dicho autor. La tesis que se plantea es la de que existen dos elementos estético-filosóficos en la dramaturgia de Buero, el simbolismo y la “tragedia esperanzada”, difíciles de llevar a la gran pantalla, por lo que los adaptadores han optado siempre por mitigarlos o incluso por anularlos

    Crystalline Composition of Equine Urinary Sabulous Deposits

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    The composition and crystal morphology of 141 equine sabulous deposits were determined by infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The IR analysis revealed that all investigated deposits contained calcium carbonates (calcite, CaCO3, and/or vaterite, CaCO3) as major constituents; 42 samples were composed of calcite and vaterite, 33 of calcite, 18 of calcite/vaterite and calcium oxalate, and 17 of vaterite. The remaining specimens contained calcite/vaterite and other compounds (calcium phosphates, sulphate and/or oxalates and/or silica). The examination of 44 selected samples by means of SEM/EDX, revealed the characteristic morphology and elemental composition of the constituents of the sabulous deposits. Calcite crystals showed a typical spherical shape, as well as other less common rhombohedral habit. Vaterite displayed a flower or star appearance and also a mulberry shape. Less frequent was a spherular habit for vaterite resembling that of calcite. Elemental analysis of both calcite and vaterite crystals showed, besides calcium, varying proportions of magnesium and potassium. It is concluded that calcite and vaterite were mainly present in a substituted form. Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals showed their characteristic bi pyramidal morphology. Calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals, which were less frequent, exhibited dumbbell or hour-glass shape

    Study of the polycarbonate-urethane/metal contact in different positions during gait cycle

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    Nowadays, a growing number of young andmore active patients receive hip replacement.More strenuous activities in such patients involve higher friction and wear rates, with friction on the bearing surface being crucial to ensure arthroplasty survival in the long term. Over the last years, the polycarbonate-urethane has offered a feasible alternative to conventional bearings. A finite element model of a healthy hip joint was developed and adjusted to three gait phases (heel strike, mid-stance, and toe-off), serving as a benchmark for the assessment of the results of joint replacement model. Three equivalent models were made with the polycarbonate-urethane Tribofit system implanted, one for each of the three gait phases, after reproducing a virtual surgery over the respective healthy models. Standard body-weight loads were considered: 230% body-weight toe-off, 275% body-weight mid-stance, and 350% body-weight heel strike. Contact pressures were obtained for the different models. When comparing the results corresponding to the healthy model to polycarbonate-urethane joint, contact areas are similar and so contact pressures are within a narrower value range. In conclusion, polycarbonate-urethane characteristics are similar to those of the joint cartilage. So, it is a favorable alternative to traditional bearing surfaces in total hip arthroplasty, especially in young patients

    Risk factors for symptomatic retears after arthroscopic repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears

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    Background: Factors affecting a rotator cuff symptomatic retear after arthroscopic repair have yet to be clearly identified, since they usually influence the surgical decisions. Methods: Consecutive patients with full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus who underwent arthroscopic repair were retrospectively analyzed. Cases of symptomatic retear, defined as Sugaya type IV and V on magnetic resonance imaging, associated with intensive pain and/or functional impairment were identified at follow-up. The patients with no symptomatic retear were selected as the control group. Information from potential risk factors of symptomatic retear, including depression and subacromial corticosteroid injections, was extracted from the medical records. The statistical analysis included multivariant logistic regression. Results: The symptomatic retear rate was 9.5% in 158 patients. Patients in the symptomatic retear group were more likely to be smoking, to have massive tears, a short acromiohumeral distance, and moderate to severe fatty infiltration. They also had had more frequently subacromial corticosteroid injections and depression. However, following the multiple logistic regression analysis, only massive tears and moderate to severe fatty infiltration remained significantly associated. Similarly, in relation to the study hypothesis, both corticosteroid injections (odds ratio [OR] 6.66, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.49, 29.81; P =.013) and depression (OR 8.26, IC 1.04, 65.62; P =.046) were significantly associated with symptomatic retear risk. Conclusions: This study found support for the hypothesis that both depression and corticosteroid infiltration before surgery are independent risk factors for symptomatic retear after arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff

    Anisotropic magnetoconductance and Coulomb blockade in defect engineered Cr2Ge2Te6 van der Waals heterostructures

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    This is the final version. Available from the American Physical Society via the DOI in this record.We demonstrate anisotropic tunnel magnetoconductance by controllably engineering charging islands inthe layered semiconducting ferromagnet Cr2Ge2Te6. This is achieved by assembling vertical van der Waalsheterostructures comprised of graphene electrodes separated by crystals of Cr2Ge2Te6. Carefully applyingvertical electric fields in the region of (E∼25–50 mV/nm) across the Cr2Ge2Te6causes its dielectric breakdownat cryogenic temperatures. This breakdown process has the effect of introducing subgap defect states withinthe otherwise semiconducting ferromagnetic material. Low-temperature electron transport through chargingislands reveals Coulomb blockade behavior with a strongly gate-tuneable anisotropic magnetoconductance,which persists up toT∼60 K. We report average tunnel magnetoresistance values of 100%. This work opensnew avenues and material systems for the development of nanometer-scale electrically controlled spintronicdevices.Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE)Royal SocietyEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Cementless hydroxyapatite coated hip prostheses

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    More than twenty years ago, hydroxyapatite (HA), calcium phosphate ceramics, was introduced as a coating for cementless hip prostheses. The choice of this ceramic is due to its composition being similar to organic apatite bone crystals. This ceramic is biocompatible, bioactive, and osteoconductive. These qualities facilitate the primary stability and osseointegration of implants Our surgical experience includes the implantation of more than 4,000 cementless hydroxyapatite coated hip prostheses since 1990 The models implanted are coated with HA in the acetabulum and in the metaphyseal area of the stem.The results corresponding to survival and stability of implants were very satisfactory in the long-term. From our experience, HA-coated hip implants are a reliable alternative which can achieve long termsurvival, provided that certain requirements aremet: good design selection, sound choice of bearing surfaces based on patient life expectancy,meticulous surgical technique, and indications based on adequate bone quality

    Luz blanca en la normativa española como mejora de la sostenibilidad

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    En la actualidad, en nuestro país debido al índice de reproducción cromática en las lámparas del alumbrado exterior, el color que suelen presentar es un color amarillento, lo cual puede tener graves consecuencias en la seguridad de los ciudadanos al distorsionar algunos aspectos de la realidad. Es por este motivo que pretendemos resaltar las bondades que presenta la luz blanca, como la mejora de la eficiencia energética o en el comportamiento de los usuarios a la hora de aprovechar los espacios públicos en horarios nocturnos. Para asegurarnos que la introducción de la Luz Blanca en la normativa no presenta inconvenientes, esta investigación se presenta dividida en tres campos diferentes: Crimen, Seguridad Vial y Eficiencia Energética, con el propósito de evaluar el mayor número de factores que afectan al alumbrado exterior

    Eficiencia energética del alumbrado exterior en España

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    El alumbrado público en España representa entre un 40% y 60 % del total del consumo eléctrico de las ciudades, lo que supone unos gastos de electricidad y mantenimiento en torno a los 1.200 millones de euros al año. Sin embargo, los avances realizados en esta materia pueden ayudar a reducir este consumo energético hasta en un 45%. Si echamos un vistazo al resto de los países de la Unión Europea, podemos comprobar como España es el país que presenta un mayor consumo energético en alumbrado exterior por habitante, llegando a duplicar el valor de países como Alemania o Reino Unido. Por este motivo pretendemos realizar un pequeño análisis sobre el estado de nuestras instalaciones, para lo cual realizaremos una comparación con uno de los países más eficientes de la Unión Europea, el Reino Unido. Esta comparación nos ayudará a analizar algunos de los aspectos que consideramos que han sido pasados por alto en la normativa de eficiencia energética de alumbrado exterior de España, los cuales podrían suponer un aumento en la eficiencia de nuestros sistemas de alumbrado, con el correspondiente ahorro energético que esto podría conllevar

    treatment of brain disease in the mucopolysaccharidoses

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    Abstract The mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) disorders are a group of lysosomal storage diseases caused by lysosomal enzyme deficits that lead to glycosaminoglycan accumulation, affecting various tissues throughout the body based on the specific enzyme deficiency. These disorders are characterized by their progressive nature and a variety of somatic manifestations and neurological symptoms. There are established treatments for some MPS disorders, but these mostly alleviate somatic and non-neurological symptoms and do not cure the disease. Patients with MPS I, II, III, and VII can present with neurological manifestations such as neurocognitive decline and behavioral problems. Treatment of these neurological manifestations remains challenging due to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) that limits delivery of therapeutic agents to the central nervous system (CNS). New therapies that circumvent this barrier and target brain disease in MPS are currently under development. They primarily focus on facilitating penetration of drugs through the BBB, delivery of recombinant enzyme to the brain by gene therapy, or direct CNS administration. This review summarizes existing and potential future treatment approaches that target brain disease in MPS. The information in this review is based on current literature and presentations and discussions during a closed meeting by an international group of experts with extensive experience in managing and treating MPS