855 research outputs found

    A spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number reacting flows subject to electric fields

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    We propose an algorithm for low Mach number reacting flows subjected to electric field that includes the chemical production and transport of charged species. This work is an extension of a multi-implicit spectral deferred correction (MISDC) algorithm designed to advance the conservation equations in time at scales associated with advective transport. The fast and nontrivial interactions of electrons with the electric field are treated implicitly using a Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov approach for which a preconditioning strategy is developed. Within the MISDC framework, this enables a close and stable coupling of diffusion, reactions and dielectric relaxation terms with advective transport and is shown to exhibit second-order convergence in space and time. The algorithm is then applied to a series of steady and unsteady problems to demonstrate its capability and stability. Although developed in a one-dimensional case, the algorithmic ingredients are carefully designed to be amenable to multidimensional applications

    Aportaciones al estudio de la metáfora en la física cuántica a partir de textos en inglés y en español

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    El presente artículo realiza un análisis cualitativo de las principales metáforas conceptuales y esquemas de imagen (Lakoff, 1993, Ungerer y Schmid, 1996) que estructuran el conocimiento de la física cuántica. Destacan las metáforas de la cuantificación y la discontinuidad de la materia, y el esquema de la confrontación y de la guerra, utilizado en la conceptualización de las partículas elementales. A continuación, presenta un análisis contrastivo en inglés y en español de las principales expresiones metafóricas, hallándose que el esquema de la guerra (Lakoff y Johnson, 1980, 1999; Ortony, 1993), que incluye a su vez el concepto de poder y confrontación, está presente en ambas lenguas. Sin embargo, este análisis contrastivo también pone de manifiesto que, aunque las metáforas conceptuales trascienden las fronteras lingüísticas, no siempre resultan ser isomórficas en los dos idiomas. De aquí que algunos de los términos, generados en lengua inglesa por científicos alemanes, se ven afectados por una reinterpretación semántica al traducirse al español

    Primate-Specific Origins and Migration of Cortical GABAergic Neurons

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    Gamma-aminobutyric-acidergic (GABAergic) cells form a very heterogeneous population of neurons that play a crucial role in the coordination and integration of cortical functions. Their number and diversity increase through mammalian brain evolution. Does evolution use the same or different developmental rules to provide the increased population of cortical GABAergic neurons? In rodents, these neurons are not generated in the pallial proliferative zones as glutamatergic principal neurons. They are produced almost exclusively by the subpallial proliferative zones, the ganglionic eminence (GE) and migrate tangentially to reach their target cortical layers. The GE is organized in molecularly different subdomains that produce different subpopulations of cortical GABAergic neurons. In humans and non-human primates, in addition to the GE, cortical GABAergic neurons are also abundantly generated by the proliferative zones of the dorsal telencephalon. Neurogenesis in ventral and dorsal telencephalon occurs with distinct temporal profiles. These dorsal and ventral lineages give rise to different populations of GABAergic neurons. Early-generated GABAergic neurons originate from the GE and mostly migrate to the marginal zone and the subplate. Later-generated GABAergic neurons, originating from both proliferative sites, populate the cortical plate. Interestingly, the pool of GABAergic progenitors in dorsal telencephalon produces mainly calretinin neurons, a population known to be significantly increased and to display specific features in primates. We conclude that the development of cortical GABAergic neurons have exclusive features in primates that need to be considered in order to understand pathological mechanisms leading to some neurological and psychiatric diseases

    Desarrollo de las competencias lingüísticas a través del Portfolio de Inglés Académico y Profesional

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    La implantación del nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior exige una nueva metodología del aprendizaje en la que el sistema de evaluación adquiera una relevancia determinante. Con respecto al conocimiento de la lengua inglesa, el Marco de referencia europeo para el aprendizaje, la enseñanza y la evaluación de lenguas (MCERL) ha establecido unos niveles comunes para todos los países miembros basados en las competencias comunicativas del alumno que permite llevar a cabo comparaciones entre los distintos certificados de lenguas. A su vez, el departamento de política lingüística del Consejo de Europa ha desarrollado el Portfolio Europeo de Lenguas como método de evaluación y de reflexión por parte del alumno, con dos funciones fundamentales: la pedagógica y la informativa. Sin embargo, este portfolio no considera los aspectos específicos del uso de idiomas en el contexto universitario y profesional. Por este motivo, el grupo de investigación DYSCIT ha redactado un portfolio específico para el aprendizaje del inglés Académico y Profesional (ACPEL). Este portfolio ha sido elaborado para determinar las competencias lingüísticas que abarcan todos los niveles del marco europeo de referencia, así como las destrezas en la lengua extranjera (lectura, escritura, comprensión oral y expresión oral). En este artículo, tras exponer una breve descripción del Marco Europeo de competencias clave para el aprendizaje permanente y del Marco Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas, se presenta el proceso de elaboración del Portfolio de Inglés Académico y Profesional. Ofrece, además, un banco con más de 350 descriptores clasificados por destrezas, así como los resultados del aprendizaje en términos de “can do statements”, lo que lo convierte en un instrumento para la evaluación y el seguimiento del aprendizaje y de gran utilidad para el alumno de arquitectura e ingeniería

    Constitutive metaphor and mental mappings: meaning construction in the language of science and technology

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    The study of scientific and technical language, where metaphor is central, is enriched by the cognitive linguistics approach. This paper is based on the research project that culminated in the Bilingual Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Metaphors and Metonymies, developed to depict metaphorical terms and mental mappings, thus unfolding cognitive metaphors in science and technology. Although terminological metaphors as a whole exceed widely in number those that constitute part of conceptual metaphors, the importance of the latter radicates in its relevance as a constitutive element of scientific thought and language. Focusing on the analysis of metaphorical terms from earth sciences, agronomy, and mechanical engineering, the study reveals the presence of several conceptual metaphors, typified as ‘humanizing’, ‘organicist’, and ‘objectual’, according to their source domain’s nature. The work presents some very productive conceptual metaphorical patterns found in knowledge representation in engineering, in English and in Spanish, and shows evidence that metaphorical reasoning is a mechanism present at the core of creative scientific development albeit certain socio-cultural variations. This contribution opens a door for further research on the role of metaphor in constructing meaning within all branches of science and technology, as well as on the study of knowledge representation variations in different languages and cultures

    Análisis de la metáfora conceptual en un corpus del discurso aeronáutico: desarrollo del modelo cognitivo idealizado AIR TRANSPORT IS LAND TRANSPORT

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    Esta comunicación expone los resultados de un proyecto de investigación sobre la metáfora en la conceptualización de la aeronáutica y analiza la forma en que conforma nuestro conocimiento sobre esta disciplina. En su aspecto teórico, parte de la Teoría Cognitiva de la Metáfora (Lakoff y Johnson 1980, 1999; Lakoff 1993), y se centra en su función en la construcción de nuevas teorías e hipótesis (Knudsen 2003; Collins y Gentner 1995). La descripción de la navegación aérea y los sucesos que se producen en el espacio se organizan en torno a diferentes metáforas conceptuales básicas que se manifiestan en el estudio de la terminología y de la macroestructura de los textos. Para ilustrarla, se desarrollará el modelo cognitivo idealizado >. Los resultados contribuyen a demostrar que el significado en la ciencia y tecnología se construye mediante operaciones mentales complejas que se realizan en el subconsciente. This paper presents some of the findings of a research project concerned with the role of metaphor in the conceptualization of aeronautics and analyses the way in which it determines our knowledge in this field. Theoretically, it is based on the Cognitive theory of Metaphor (Lakoff and Johnson 1980, 1999; Lakoff 1993), and focuses on the construction of new theories and hypothesis in science. The metaphors found in the corpus draw upon a variety of basic conceptual domains, which can be observed by means of the study of both terminology and the macrostructure of the text; as an example,, the Idealized Cognitive Model > will be developed. Thus, results are expected to contribute to reveal how meaning is constructed in this field of technology by means of complex mental operations at a subconscious level

    Fátima Miranda / Échos d’une voix nomade1

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    This contribution has not chosen to analyze the creations of Fátima Miranda (which, in any way would resist to the limits imposed by the white page), to achieve a exhaustive catalog of his works and its performance or to draw up a exhaustive biography. The track will be an analytical history where the individual proposals of the artist are in constant dialog with the historicity of their mode of action within the current artistic landscape. Some prominences of the approach artistic, aesthetic but also anthropological and philosophical de Fátima Miranda will be highlighted. The points of entry will be the question of the femininity and feminism, the inscription of its approach in the field of performance and contemporary artistic practices as well as the connection between the voice and the body. Will Be also referred to the archaeological relation to the creation and the history of musical cultures that search the Spanish artist. A contribution of this kind committed its author in the biographical track with the inevitable questions that accompany this enterprise. What objective take? Of the coincidence? That of the interpretation? Of the shift? Of the fiction? In the clearing? What rights to grant? What are the limits not to cross? It is in these between-two that is located the challenge of when that one wishes to avoid autobiography (to be read in the other), monologue (forget the other) or sacralization (hagiography of the other). If the precision and the acuteness that we will fail to bring to the works or events are obvious; it is also known that there is not a neutral level and that any observation imposed, even if unintentionally, its angle of view or what is looking to the east in function of the angle of view. The look (here musicological) is not designed as a recording device but as a condensed of its multiple historicities (individual, social, ideological). This means that it will be question here to question the relation polyphonic and dialogical that there is between a researcher and his “object” of study

    Distinct Origin of GABA-ergic Neurons in Forebrain of Man, Nonhuman Primates and Lower Mammals

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    In this mini-review we present recent data about origin of GABA-ergic (gama-aminobutyric acid) neurons in the mammalian forebrain, including the diencephalon and telencephalon. The interest in GABA-ergic neurons, which in cerebral cortex mostly correspond to local circuit neurons (interneurons), has increased in the past decade. Many studies have shown that in lower mammals all hippocampal and almost all neo-cortical GABA-ergic neurons are born in the specific region named ganglionic eminence, and not locally in proliferative layers all around telencephalic vesicle. The ganglionic eminence, that represents a region with thick proliferative-subventricular layer in the ventral (basal) part of telencephalon, was classically thought to give neurons to basal ganglia and septal nuclei, whereas proliferative layers of dorsal telencephalon give neurons to cerebral cortex including hippocampus. It was thought that neurons migrate from proliferative layer to their target region following a radial orientation. However, data in lower mammals showed that this is the case only for glutamatergic principal cells, i.e. projection neurons. GABA-ergic neurons use long distance tangentional migration, parallel to pial surface to reach, from ganglionic eminence, their targeting layer in the cerebral cortex. Especially intriguing, but frequently neglecting, several studies suggest that mammalian evolution might use different developmental rules to provide GABA-ergic neurons to an expending brain. In this review we focus on specific events underlying GABA-ergic neuron development in human and non-human primates. Disturbances of the GABAergic network are found in many neurological and psychiatric disorders, some of them might result from altered production or migration of these neurons during development. Therefore, it is crucial to understand human-specific mechanisms that regulate the development of GABA-ergic neurons