10 research outputs found

    The Results of Applying Different Methodologies to 10 Years of Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in Catalonia Using Weather Radar

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    The single polarization C-Band weather radar network of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia covers the entire region (32,000 km2), which allows it to apply a series of corrections that improve preliminary estimations of the rainfall field (hourly and daily). In addition, an automatic re-processing using automatic weather stations helps to incorporate ground-based information. The last process of the quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) is running the end-product again eight days later, when the data have been reviewed and corrected in the case of detecting anomalies in the radar or gauge data. These corrections are applied operationally, with the fields generated and stored automatically. The QPE fields are generated in the GeoTIFF format, allowing easy use with multiple applications and simplifying processes such as quality control. In this way, the analysis of a 10 year period of GeoTIFF QPE daily data compared with ground rainfall values is introduced. The results help to understand different points regarding the functioning of the network such as the dependance on the type of precipitation and the seasonality. In addition, the description of a heavy rainfall episode (22 October 2019) shows the variations and improvements in the different products. The main conclusions refer to how using GeoTIFF combined with point data (rain gauges), it is possible to ensure simple but effective quality control of an operational radar network

    Actitudes del profesorado hacia el alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales derivadas de discapacidad

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    Novenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2003-2004

    Identifying Storm Hotspots and the Most Unsettled Areas in Barcelona by Analysing Significant Rainfall Episodes from 2013 to 2018

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    Urban floods repeatedly threaten Barcelona, damaging the city infrastructure and endangering the safety of the population. The urban planning of the city, the socioeconomic distribution, its topography, and the characteristics of precipitation systems translate into these flood events having a heterogeneous effect across the city. It means that the coping capacity has a strong dependence on local factors that must be considered when management plans are developed by the municipality. This work aims to contribute to the better knowledge of precipitation structures associated with heavy rainfall events and floods in Barcelona based on radar data and an urban rain gauge network. Radar data have been provided by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC), while precipitation data, impact data, and early warnings, have been provided by Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua S.A. (BCASA), for the period 2013-2018. A new radar-based methodology has been developed to identify convective rainfall structures from radar reflectivity volumes (CAPPI and TOP products) to make the analysis easier. The high computing speed of the procedure allows efficient analysis of a large set of convective cells without scarifying temporal resolution of radar data. Both rainfall fields (radar and rain gauge, respectively) have been compared. Then through the identified rainfall convective structures, thunderstorm hotspots have been identified. Considering an alert indicator from BCASA and the reported incidents, episodes with the highest impact have been analysed in depth. Results show 207 significant rainfall episodes in the ROI for the six years, which are mainly concentrated between September and November. The fact that significant episodes are usually produced by highly convective rain corroborates the advantage of using radar images as a tool to detect any maxima even when no rain gauge is there. In 64 of the episodes, the level of pre-alert was achieved with a maximum frequency between August and September. The proposed algorithm shows more than 8000 centroids of convective cells from 189 cases. Whilst maximum surface reflectivity over 45 dBZ is more prone to occur near the coastline, the centroids of storm cells tend to concentrate more inland. The final objective is to improve the actions taken by the organisation responsible for managing urban floods, which have seen Barcelona recognised as a model city for flood resilience by the United Nations

    The Results of Applying Different Methodologies to 10 Years of Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in Catalonia Using Weather Radar

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    The single polarization C-Band weather radar network of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia covers the entire region (32,000 km2), which allows it to apply a series of corrections that improve preliminary estimations of the rainfall field (hourly and daily). In addition, an automatic re-processing using automatic weather stations helps to incorporate ground-based information. The last process of the quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) is running the end-product again eight days later, when the data have been reviewed and corrected in the case of detecting anomalies in the radar or gauge data. These corrections are applied operationally, with the fields generated and stored automatically. The QPE fields are generated in the GeoTIFF format, allowing easy use with multiple applications and simplifying processes such as quality control. In this way, the analysis of a 10 year period of GeoTIFF QPE daily data compared with ground rainfall values is introduced. The results help to understand different points regarding the functioning of the network such as the dependance on the type of precipitation and the seasonality. In addition, the description of a heavy rainfall episode (22 October 2019) shows the variations and improvements in the different products. The main conclusions refer to how using GeoTIFF combined with point data (rain gauges), it is possible to ensure simple but effective quality control of an operational radar network

    Application of Severe Weather Nowcasting to Case Studies in Air Traffic Management

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    Effective and time-efficient aircraft assistance and guidance in severe weather environments remains a challenge for air traffic control. Air navigation service providers around the globe could greatly benefit from specific and adapted meteorological information for the controller position, helping to reduce the increased workload induced by adverse weather. The present work proposes a radar-based nowcasting algorithm providing compact meteorological information on convective weather near airports for introduction into the algorithms intended to assist in air-traffic management. The use of vertically integrated liquid density enables extremely rapid identification and short-term prediction of convective regions that should not be traversed by aircraft, which is an essential requirement for use in tactical controller support systems. The proposed tracking and nowcasting method facilitates the anticipation of the meteorological situation around an airport. Nowcasts of centroid locations of various approaching thunderstorms were compared with corresponding radar data, and centroid distances between nowcasted and observed storms were computed. The results were analyzed with Method for the Object-Based Evaluation from the Model Evaluation tools software (MET-10.0.1, Developmental Testbed Center, Boulder, CO, US) and later integrated into an assistance arrival manager software, showing the potential of this approach for automatic air traffic assistance in adverse weather scenarios

    Is an NWP-Based Nowcasting System Suitable for Aviation Operations?

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    The growth of air transport demand expected over the next decades, along with the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfalls and severe storms due to climate change, will pose a tough challenge for air traffic management systems, with implications for flight safety, delays and passengers. In this context, the Satellite-borne and IN-situ Observations to Predict The Initiation of Convection for ATM (SINOPTICA) project has a dual aim, first to investigate if very short-range high-resolution weather forecast, including data assimilation, can improve the predictive capability of these events, and then to understand if such forecasts can be suitable for air traffic management purposes. The intense squall line that affected Malpensa, the major airport by passenger traffic in northern Italy, on 11 May 2019 is selected as a benchmark. Several numerical experiments are performed with a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model using two assimilation techniques, 3D-Var in WRF Data Assimilation (WRFDA) system and a nudging scheme for lightning, in order to improve the forecast accuracy and to evaluate the impact of assimilated different datasets. To evaluate the numerical simulations performance, three different verification approaches, object-based, fuzzy and qualitative, are used. The results suggest that the assimilation of lightning data plays a key role in triggering the convective cells, improving both location and timing. Moreover, the numerical weather prediction (NWP)-based nowcasting system is able to produce reliable forecasts at high spatial and temporal resolution. The timing was found to be suitable for helping Air Traffic Management (ATM) operators to compute alternative landing trajectories

    Tolerancia al mercurio de variedades de Lupinus albus inoculadas con Bradyrhizobium en suelos contaminados por mercurio

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    Trabajo presentado en la III Conferencia Iberoamericana de Interacciones Beneficiosas Microorganismo-Planta-Ambiente (IBEMPA), celebrada en Lima (Perú), del 6 al 10 de noviembre de 2017En nuestro grupo se está estudiando el potencial fitorremediador de suelos contaminados por metales pesados de la simbiosis leguminosa-rizobio. Se ha demostrado, en cultivo semi-hidropónico y concentraciones entre 0 y 200 ¿M de HgCl2 en la solución de riego, que la inoculación de plantas de altramuz (L. albus) con la cepa L-7AH de Bradyrhizobium canariense, tolerante al mercurio, confiere a las plantas la capacidad de desarrollarse en presencia de este metal pesado y acumularlo en altas concentraciones, especialmente en raíces y nódulos. Crecimiento, eficiencia fotosintética y actividad nitrogenasa de las plantas inoculadas con L-7AH eran similares a los de las plantas control (sin Hg), mientras que en las inoculadas con la cepa sensible, L-3, todos los parámetros disminuían significativamente y apenas acumulaban Hg. Estos resultados sugerían que la simbiosis L. albus-B. canariense L-7AH podría ser útil para la fitorremediación, mediante fitoestabilización, de suelos contaminados por Hg. Para evaluar la capacidad fitorremediadora de estas plantas, se utilizaron suelos de las localidades de Almadenejos y Las Cuevas (Ciudad Real, España) con diferentes contenidos totales en Hg (22 y 2.6 g kg-1, respectivamente), que se mezclaron con vermiculita (1:1) para evitar su compactación. Se sembraron semillas de altramuz de las variedades G1 y N1 y se inocularon con B. canariense L-7AH, o L-3, o no se inocularon. Tras 6 semanas de riego con agua estéril, todas las plantas mostraban un aspecto similar. Se midieron parámetros de crecimiento, fotosíntesis, actividades enzimáticas del metabolismo antioxidante y nitrogenasa, sin encontrar diferencias significativas. El análisis físico-químico de los suelos, sin embargo, mostró que éstos presentaban una gran diferencia en su pH, siendo 6.9 el de Almadenejos y 5.1 el de Las Cuevas, lo cual afecta al porcentaje de Hg ligado a ácidos húmicos que es del 2.1% y del 13.1%, respectivamente. En esas condiciones, la concentración de Hg biodisponible es probablemente muy similar en ambos suelos, lo que explicaría los resultados del presente ensayo.Agradecemos la financiación a MINECO (AGL2013-40758-R) y CSIC i-COOP (2016SU0005)

    Air Traffic Control in Adverse Weather Situations: 4D Arrival Trajectory Planning and Route Advisories Using New Weather Forecast Models

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    In the H2020 project 'Satellite-borne and INsitu Observations to Predict The Initiation of Convection for ATM' (SINOPTICA), an air traffic controller support system was extended to organize approaching traffic even under severe weather conditions. During project runtime, traffic days with extreme weather events in the Po Valley were analyzed, an arrival manager was extended with a module for 4D diversion trajectory calculation, two display variants for severe weather conditions in an air traffic controller primary display were developed, and the airport Milano Malpensa was modelled for an air traffic simulation. On the meteorological side, three new forecasting techniques were developed to better nowcast weather events affecting tactical air traffic operations and used to automatically organize arrival traffic. Additionally, short-range weather forecasts with high spatial resolution were elaborated using radar-based nowcasting and a numerical weather prediction model with data assimilation. This nowcast information was integrated into the extended arrival manager for the sequencing and guiding of approaching aircraft even in adverse weather situations. The combination of fast and reliable weather nowcasts with a guidance support system enables severe weather diversion coordination in combination with a visualization of its dynamics on traffic situation displays

    EINA360 2020

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    Aquesta publicació és un recull del treball realitzat pels estudiants i exestudiants d’EINA. Mitjançant una selecció de projectes, es mostra el rigor acadèmic i la capacitat d’anàlisi i experimentació que tenen els alumnes del Grau de Disseny i dels diferents Màsters i Postgraus d’EINA. Aquesta filosofia, que fomenta el potencial innovador del disseny i l’art, també es recull en la praxis professional que duen a terme els nostres alumni. Tots els projectes publicats són una síntesi de l’aprenentatge enriquidor, obert a diferents sistemes de pensament i llenguatges, amb què EINA treballa des de la seva fundació el 1967. Una metodologia en constant evolució a d’avançar-se a les necessitats i exigències de la nostra societat canviant, per poder donar resposta als nous reptes i fer realitat nous productes, nous serveis i noves experiències. En definitiva, aquesta publicació és el testimoni de la trajectòria de l’escola com a plataforma de cultura i coneixement de generacions de professionals del disseny i l’art que participen activament en el desenvolupament d’una societat més sostenible, ètica, reflexiva i compromesa.Esta publicación es una recopilación del trabajo realizado por los estudiantes y exestudiantes de EINA. Mediante una selección de proyectos se muestra el rigor académico y la capacidad de análisis y experimentación que tienen los alumnos del Grado de Diseño y de los diferentes Másters y Postgrados de EINA. Esta filosofía, que fomenta el potencial innovador del diseño y el arte, también se recoge en la praxis profesional que llevan a cabo nuestro alumni. Todos los proyectos publicados son una síntesis del aprendizaje enriquecedor, abierto a diferentes sistemas de pensamiento y lenguajes, con que EINA trabaja desde su fundación en 1967. Una metodología en constante evolución con el fin de adelantarse a las necesidades y exigencias de nuestra sociedad cambiante, para poder dar respuesta a los nuevos retos y hacer realidad nuevos productos, nuevos servicios y nuevas experiencias. En definitiva, esta publicación es el testimonio de la trayectoria de la escuela como plataforma de cultura y conocimiento de generaciones de profesionales del diseño y el arte que participan activamente en el desarrollo de una sociedad más sostenible, ética, reflexiva y comprometida.This publication is a collection of the work of EINA’s students past and present, a selection of projects from the Degree in Design and the various Masters’ and Postgraduate programmes, chosen for their academic rigor and analytic and experimental capacity. This foundation, which fosters the innovative potential of design and art, is also reflected in the professional practice of our alumni. All of the published projects are a synthesis of the enriching learning style, open to different systems of thought and language, which EINA has prioritized since its founding in 1967. It is a methodology in constant evolution, whose aim is to advance to meet the needs and demands of our changing society, so as to be able to respond to new challenges and make new products, new services and new experiences a reality. In short, this publication is witness to the trajectory of the school as the platform for knowledge and culture behind generations of art and design professionals who actively participate in the development of a more sustainable, ethical, thoughtful and committed society