66 research outputs found


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    The development of digital technology, especially the smartphone, has a tremendous impact within all persons and structures of society, including the seminarians and their formation in seminaries. They can no longer withdraw and refuse to utilize the various facilities or applications provided by smartphone. Instead, they must learn to use it appropriately, wisely and competently, sharpened by appropriate theological insights that reflect priestly spirituality based on a constant dialogue with God. This requires them to have discretionary skills regarding the use of smartphone. Using a quantitative and qualitative methods, this research focuses on the understanding and experience of discretion in using smartphone among the seminarians in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, based on John Cassian’s thoughts on discernment. The result shows that among the seminarians there is a gap between their understanding and their practice on discretion. On the one hand, they understand very well what discretion is and how it should be applied in using smartphone. However, on the other hand, they often do not practice it so they are easily distracted. This research, therefore, recommends that digital discernment skills among seminarians, both personal and communal, need to be continuously improved during their formation years

    Penatalaksanaan Hydrotherapy Pada Anak Cerebral Palsy Spastic Quadriplegy Dengan Gangguan Kemampuan Fungsional Berdiri Dan Berjalandi Yayasan Sayap Ibu (YSI)Yogyakarta

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    Background : Cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegy the term is used to describe disorders of brain development when the brain is on infancy, where this disorder is characterized with increased tendon reflexes, stretch reflexes excessive, increase muscle tone or hipercontractility muscle and clonus happens four extremity upper although lower. In this case will be found signs, symptoms and the complex problematic with main problem is the existence of postural spasticity and four extremity with activities standing and walking disorder. Aims of Research: To know the implementation of physiotherapy in the case of spastic cerebral palsy quadriplegy with functional impairment standing and walking in reducing spasticity, improve gross motor skills, as well as functional activity in the case of spastic cerebral palsy quadriplegy using aquatic therapy modalities. Result : After treatment for 6 times the obtained results at spastic assessment on right trunk T0: 3 to T6: 2, left trunk T0: 2, to T6: 2, right shoulder T0: 1, to T6: 1, left shoulder T0: 1 to T6: 1, right elbow T0: 2 to T6: 2, left elbow T0: 2 to T6: 2, right wrist T0: 2 to T6: 2, left wrist T0: 1 to T6: 1, right hip T0: 2 to T6: 2, left hip T0: 2 to T6: 2, right knee T0: 3 to T6: 2, left knee T0: 2 to T6: 2, right ankle T0: 3 to T6: 3, left ankle T0: 3 to T6: 2, increase gross motor skills T0: 83.58% to T6: 87.01%, ability fungsional T0: 58% to T6: 58%. Conclution : Aquatic therapy can reduce spasticity, increase gross motor skills (Gross Motor Function Measurement) and can increase functional activity in the caseof cerebral palsy

    Penetapan Harga Berbasis Penerimaan Konsumen di Dual-Channel Supply Chain

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    Dual-Channel Supply Chain (DCSC) is a mixed structure which simultaneously utilizes both offline and online channel to distribute one particular product or service. This structure provides market reach extension in which eventually leads to revenue increase. Whatsoever, aside of this advantage, DCSC also brings some challenging problems. One prominent problem is of about between-channel pricing-problem. In its practice, DCSC actors often apply intuitive offline and online pricing without further analytical evaluation. Yet there is no representative mechanism to address this critical problem. This paper attempts to resolute this challenge by proposing a qualitative estimation mechanism on customer acceptance on online channel relative to offline one. This proposed approach is about to utilize an interplay relationship between offline and online prices. The main parameter to consider is a ratio of customer acceptance parameters. These parameters are elicited from 3 groups of products which are sold under DCSC structure in Indonesian cases to exhibit the different properties in each product group. Numerical experiment result shows that the utilization of this pricing mechanism may increase the financial performance of DCSC under observation

    Lightweight Approach Of Xml Implementation As Industrial Standard For Information Sharing

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    Information sharing in supply chain has emerged as one critical factor in maintaining company's responssiveness. This ability is needed to overcome both the supplier and customer requirements in sharing their data to accomplish their operational routines. A lot of efforts have been devoted in such research area including XML (eXtensible Markup Language) technology. However, a stepwise approach on how to utilize this advance technology is still lacking. This paper proposed a lightweight approach to implement XML in information sharing firmly. The main XML characteristics will be exploited so that the advantages of utilizing this mark up language may be highlighted. Based on these important remarks a lightweight approach of implementing XML is possible to be composed. The expected outcome is a step-by-step guidance for data exchanger to utilize XML simply but precisely and accurately. A case study of information sharing in commerce is elaborated to enhance our understanding on how to implement this approach in real domain problem

    Kualitas subject specific pedagogy (SSP) IPA berbasis model iqra’ dan literasi mitigasi bencana merapi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas produk dan mengukur respon guru IPA terhadap Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) yang telah dikembangkan. SSP terdiri dari empat komponen yaitu silabus, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Lembar Kerja Peserta didik (LKS), dan lembar penilaian. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian Study and Development dengan model prosedural adaptasi Borg Gall yang melibatkan 5 tahap utama. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar penilaian kualitas untuk ahli dan skala respon untuk guru IPA menggunakan skala Likert berbentuk ceklis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas SSP menurut penilaian ahli sangat baik dengan persentase keidealan 92,20%. Respon guru IPA pada uji coba skala kecil adalah setuju, sedangkan pada uji coba lapangan skala besar adalah sangat setuju. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa SSP yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu perangkat pembelajaran IPA yang terintegrasi pendidikan sadar bencana Merapi untuk SMP/MTs. 


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan maksud untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari substitusi pasir kuarsa dengan limbah bottom ash dalam pembuatan beton RPC terdahap sifat fisis dan sifat mekanis dari campuran beton RPC. Benda uji dibuat dengan menggunakan cetakan silinder berdimensi 15 cm x 30 cm dan ukuran 10 x 20 cm dengan total 60 buah. Bahan campuran dalam beton RPC adalah agregat halus, bottom ash, semen, silica fume, superplasticizer, dan air. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan jenis pasir yaitu pasir kuarsa. Bottom Ash yang digunakan berasal dari PLTU Sanggau. Semen yang digunakan adalah semen conch. Benda uji dibuat dengan substitusi  bottom ash sebesar 0%, 15%, 30%, dan 50% dari berat volume pasir. Sifat fisis yang diuji adalah berat volume beton. Sifat mekanis yang diuji adalah kuat tekan beton, kuat tarik belah beton, dan modulus elastisitas beton. Berat volume beton RPC rata - rata umur 28 hari pada variasi 0%, 15%, 30%, dan 50% adalah 2242,12 kg/m3, 2127,58 kg/m3, 2000,30 kg/m3, dan 1955,76 kg/m3. Kuat tekan beton RPC rata - rata umur 28 hari pada variasi 0%, 15%, 30%, dan 50% adalah 62,450 MPa, 46,540 MPa, 45,180 MPa, dan 1955,76 MPa. Kuat tarik belah beton RPC rata – rata umur 28 hari pada variasi 0%, 15%, 30%, dan 50% adalah 13,690 MPa, 10,890 MPa, 10,300 MPa, dan 7,75 MPa. Modulus elastisitas beton RPC rata – rata umur 28 hari pada variasi 0%, 15%, 30%, dan 50% adalah 33873 MPa, 27417,67 MPa, 24361,67 MPa, dan 22658 MPa. Kata Kunci : Berat Volume, Beton RPC, Bottom Ash, Kuat Tarik Belah, Kuat Tekan, Modulus Elastisita

    Measurement of Cost & Benefit for Implementation of Risk Management in the Production Process

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    The paper aims to measure the overhead costs and economic benefits of risk management activities in the production process - a manufacturing company. This research uses Activity Based Management (ABM) approach to allocate and track overhead costs in risk management activities. The overhead costs of risk management activities include the costs of identifying, analyzing, evaluating and controlling risks in order to achieve the quality objectives of the production process. The company obtains economic benefits, first, from reducing overhead costs incurred per period from the results of improvements to non-value-added or high-cost activities; second, cost savings obtained from the achievement of quality objectives per period. The results of this study indicate that the ABM approach used is appropriate in measuring the overhead costs and economic benefits of risk management activities in a business proces
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