1,967 research outputs found

    The Apollo spacecraft: A chronology volume 4, 21 January 1966 - 13 July 1974

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    This final volume of the chronology is divided into three parts: (1) preparation for flight, the accident, and investigation; (2) recovery, spacecraft redefinition, and the first manned flight; and (3) man circles the moon, the Eagle lands, and manned space exploration. Congressional documents, official correspondence, government and contractor reports, memoranda, working papers, and minutes of meetings were used as primary sources. A relatively few entries are based on press releases and newspaper and magazine articles

    Einfluss der Sakrumfraktur auf das funktionelle Langzeitergebnis von Beckenringverletzungen

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    Zusammenfassung: In der Akutphase umfasst die Behandlung der Beckenringverletzung mit Beteiligung des iliosakralen Komplexes die effiziente Blutungskontrolle und Stabilisierung des Beckenrings. Für das Langzeitresultat sind jedoch neurologische Ausfälle, Fehlverheilungen des hinteren Beckenrings mit tieflumbalen Schmerzen und urologische Komplikationen entscheidend. Zwischen 1991 und 2000 wurden in unserer Klinik 173Patienten mit Sakrumfrakturen behandelt. Diese wurden im Rahmen einer lateralen Kompressionsfraktur (AO-Klassifikation TypB2) oder einer "vertical-shear-" (Typ-C-)Verletzung mit einer Dislokation von 1cm wurden operativ (n=33, 19%) versorgt. 112Patienten wurden nach durchschnittlich 4,9Jahren nachkontrolliert. Von den 39Patienten mit neurologischen Ausfällen (35%) zeigten lediglich 4 eine vollständige neurologische Erholung. Chronische tieflumbale Schmerzen traten selten (n=8, 7%) und nur bei einer Typ-C-Verletzung auf. Die geringe Inzidenz an lumbalen Schmerzen rechtfertigt die konservative Therapie wenig dislozierter (<1cm) Sakrumfrakturen. Entscheidend für das Langzeitergebnis sind neurologische Defizite, die bei 30% aller Patienten persistiere

    J004457+4123 (Sharov 21): not a remarkable nova in M31 but a background quasar with a spectacular UV flare

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    We announce the discovery of a quasar behind the disk of M31, which was previously classified as a remarkable nova in our neighbour galaxy. The paper is primarily aimed at the outburst of J004457+4123 (Sharov 21), with the first part focussed on the optical spectroscopy and the improvement in the photometric database. Both the optical spectrum and the broad band spectral energy distribution of Sharov 21 are shown to be very similar to that of normal, radio-quiet type 1 quasars. We present photometric data covering more than a century and resulting in a long-term light curve that is densely sampled over the past five decades. The variability of the quasar is characterized by a ground state with typical fluctuation amplitudes of ~0.2 mag around B~20.5, superimposed by a singular flare of ~2 yr duration (observer frame) with the maximum at 1992.81 where the UV flux has increased by a factor of ~20. The total energy in the flare is at least three orders of magnitudes higher than the radiated energy of the most luminous supernovae, provided that it comes from an intrinsic process and the energy is radiated isotropically. The profile of the flare light curve appears to be in agreement with the standard predictions for a stellar tidal disruption event where a ~10 M_sun giant star was shredded in the tidal field of a ~2...5 10^8 M_sun black hole. The short fallback time derived from the light curve requires an ultra-close encounter where the pericentre of the stellar orbit is deep within the tidal disruption radius. Gravitational microlensing provides an alternative explanation, though the probability of such a high amplification event is very low.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 14 pages, 11 figure

    The changing immune system in sepsis: Is individualized immuno-modulatory therapy the answer?

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    Sepsis remains the leading cause of death in most intensive care units. Advances in understanding the immune response to sepsis provide the opportunity to develop more effective therapies. The immune response in sepsis can be characterized by a cytokine-mediated hyper-inflammatory phase, which most patients survive, and a subsequent immune-suppressive phase. Patients fail to eradicate invading pathogens and are susceptible to opportunistic organisms in the hypo-inflammatory phase. Many mechanisms are responsible for sepsis-induced immuno-suppression, including apoptotic depletion of immune cells, increased T regulatory and myeloid-derived suppressor cells, and cellular exhaustion. Currently in clinical trial for sepsis are granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor and interferon gamma, immune-therapeutic agents that boost patient immunity. Immuno-adjuvants with promise in clinically relevant animal models of sepsis include anti-programmed cell death-1 and interleukin-7. The future of immune therapy in sepsis will necessitate identification of the immunologic phase using clinical and laboratory parameters as well as biomarkers of innate and adaptive immunity

    Pathway-specific differences between tumor cell lines and normal and tumor tissue cells

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    BACKGROUND: Cell lines are used in experimental investigation of cancer but their capacity to represent tumor cells has yet to be quantified. The aim of the study was to identify significant alterations in pathway usage in cell lines in comparison with normal and tumor tissue. METHODS: This study utilized a pathway-specific enrichment analysis of publicly accessible microarray data and quantified the gene expression differences between cell lines, tumor, and normal tissue cells for six different tissue types. KEGG pathways that are significantly different between cell lines and tumors, cell lines and normal tissues and tumor and normal tissue were identified through enrichment tests on gene lists obtained using Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM). RESULTS: Cellular pathways that were significantly upregulated in cell lines compared to tumor cells and normal cells of the same tissue type included ATP synthesis, cell communication, cell cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, purine, pyrimidine and pyruvate metabolism, and proteasome. Results on metabolic pathways suggested an increase in the velocity nucleotide metabolism and RNA production. Pathways that were downregulated in cell lines compared to tumor and normal tissue included cell communication, cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), and ECM-receptor interaction. Only a fraction of the significantly altered genes in tumor-to-normal comparison had similar expressions in cancer cell lines and tumor cells. These genes were tissue-specific and were distributed sparsely among multiple pathways. CONCLUSION: Significantly altered genes in tumors compared to normal tissue were largely tissue specific. Among these genes downregulation was a major trend. In contrast, cell lines contained large sets of significantly upregulated genes that were common to multiple tissue types. Pathway upregulation in cell lines was most pronounced over metabolic pathways including cell nucleotide metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation. Signaling pathways involved in adhesion and communication of cultured cancer cells were downregulated. The three way pathways comparison presented in this study brings light into the differences in the use of cellular pathways by tumor cells and cancer cell lines

    Maternal Depressive Symptoms Not Associated with Reduced Height in Young Children in a US Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Shorter stature is associated with greater all cause and heart disease mortality, but taller stature with increased risk of cancer mortality. Though childhood environment is important in determining height, limited data address how maternal depression affects linear growth in children. We examined the relationships between antenatal and postpartum depressive symptoms and child height and linear growth from birth to age 3 years in a U.S. sample. Methods: Subjects were 872 mother-child pairs in Project Viva, a prospective pre-birth cohort study. The study population is relatively advantaged with high levels of income and education and low risk of food insecurity. We assessed maternal depression at mid-pregnancy (mean 28 weeks' gestation) and 6 months postpartum with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (score > = 13 on 0–30 scale indicating probable depression). Child outcomes at age 3 were height-for-age z-score (HAZ) and leg length. HAZ was also available at birth and ages 6 months, 1, 2, and 3 years. Findings: Seventy (8.0%) women experienced antenatal depression and 64 (7.3%) experienced postpartum depression. The mean (SD) height for children age 3 was 97.2 cm (4.2), with leg length of 41.6 cm (2.6). In multivariable linear regression models, exposure to postpartum depression was associated with greater HAZ (0.37 [95% confidence interval: 0.16, 0.58]) and longer leg length (0.88 cm [0.35, 1.41]). The relationship between postpartum depression and greater HAZ was evident starting at 6 months and continued to age 3. We found minimal relationships between antenatal depression and child height outcomes. Conclusion: Our findings do not support the hypothesis that maternal depression is associated with reduced height in children in this relatively advantaged sample in a high-income country
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