170 research outputs found

    Optimization of spray-drying conditions for lulo (Solanum quitoense L.) pulp

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    The spray drying of lulo was optimized by using the central composite design of the response surface methodology, to study the effect of inlet air temperature (120-180 degrees C), arabic gum concentration (0-10% w/w), and maltodextrin DE16.5-19.5 concentration (0-10% w/w) on some product and process aspects. Arabic gum and maltodextrin, more than inlet air temperature, improved the product yield, reduced the hygroscopicity and the water content of the obtained powder, and contributed to the retention of its nutritive and functional properties through an increase in ascorbic acid, vitamin C, total phenol and total flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity. Significant (p < 0.05) response surface models were obtained in every case, with the linear terms of solute concentration being the factors that affected the response variables most significantly. The overall optimum spray drying conditions for obtaining lulo powder were 125 degrees C inlet air temperature, 3% (w/w) arabic gum, and 13.4% (w/w) maltodextrin DE16.5-19.5. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors thank the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for the financial support given throughout the Project ADSIDEO-COOPERACION 2010 "Adaptacion de procesos de secado para favorecer la comercializacion de super frutas de origen colombiano".Igual Ramo, M.; Ramires, S.; Mosquera, LH.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2014). Optimization of spray-drying conditions for lulo (Solanum quitoense L.) pulp. Powder Technology. 256:233-238. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2014.02.003S23323825

    Kimi hazır yemek konservelerinin cam kavanozda sterilizasyonu konusunda araştırma

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    ABSTRACT A RESEARCH ON THE STERILIZATION OF SOME READY TO EAT MEALS IN GLASS JARS ERSUS, Seda M.Sc. in Food Eng. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ünal YURDAGEL January 1999, 99 pages In this thesis, three different types of ready to eat meals namely "canned stewed spotted-red beans in vegetable oil", "canned mixed vegetables with meat ready to serve" and "canned stuffed vine leaves in vegetable oil" were investigated. In trials "canned stewed spotted-red beans in vegetable oil" and "canned mixed vegetables with meat ready to serve" ready to eat meals were sterilized in glass jars, at two different temperatures (115° and 120°C) for periods that corresponded to the aimed Fo 3 and Fo 6 values, respectively. Canned stuffed vine leaves in vegetable oil, in glass jars, was sterilized at 108°C according to industrial sterilization conditions. As a result of physical, chemical, organoleptical and microbiological analysis, microbiological safety and quality attributes of ready to eat meals were determined. Keywords: Ready to eat foods, sterilization, Fo value, glass jar.rv ÖZET KİMİ HAZIR YEMEK KONSERVELERİNİN CAM KAVANOZDA STERİLİZASYONU KONUSUNDA ARAŞTIRMA ERSUS, Seda Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ünal YURDAGEL Ocak 1999, 99 sayfa Bu tezde, "barbunya pilaki", "etli türlü" ve "yaprak sarma" olmak üzere üç çeşit hazar yemek konservesi kullanılmıştır. Denemelerde hazır yemek konservelerinden "barbunya pilaki" ve "etli türlü" hazır yemek konservesi cam kavanozda ve iki farklı sterilizasyon sıcaklığında (1 15° ve 120°C) amaçlanan sırası ile Fo 3 ve Fo 6 değerine ulaşmak için gerekli süreler kadar sterilize edilmiştir. Yaprak sarma hazır yemek konservesi ise 108°C sıcaklıkta sanayii şartlarında, cam kavanoz içinde sterilize edilmiştir. Yapılan fiziksel, kimyasal, duyusal ve mikrobiyolojik analizler sonucunda üç çeşit hazır yemek konservesinin ısıl işlem koşullarına bağlı olarak, tercih nedeni olan kalite özellikleri ve mikrobiyolojik yönden güvenilirliği irdelenmiştir

    ÔØ Å ÒÙ× Ö ÔØ Determination of membrane integrity in onion tissues treated by pulsed electric fields: Use of microscopic images and ion leakage measurements Determination of Membrane Integrity in Onion Tissues Treated by Pulsed Electric Fields: Use of Mic

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    Abstract The influence of electrical field strength and number of pulses on cell rupture of onion tissues was investigated by two different methods to understand the changes in cell viability of plant tissues after pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment. The impact of pulsed electric field parameters on cell integrity of 20 mm diameter, 4 mm thick disks of Sabroso onions (Allium cepa L.) was determined by ion leakage measurements and microscopic method. The effect of treatments on cellular integrity was visualized by neutral red staining of the onion cells. Cell rupture is essential for optimal process design before extraction of desirable compounds and/or drying of plant tissues. Experimental results were obtained for onion disks treated with electrical pulses at field strengths of E≈ 167 V/cm and 333 V/cm, pulse width of ti=100 µs, frequency of f=1 Hz and the number of pulses, n=1 to 100. At 167 V/cm electric field strength treatment cell rupture was not observed however ion leakage increased and air spaces around cell walls disappeared, most likely due to changes in cell membrane permeability. Irreversible cell rupture occurred at 333 V/cm. Ion leakage values and ruptured cells count was increased with increasing pulse number. 92.2±5.9 % of the onion cells were ruptured after 333 V/cm and 100 pulse treatment. Small plant cells that are located near vascular bundles and upper epidermis showed higher resistance to pulsed electric field treatments. 1 A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT Keywords: pulsed electric fields, plant tissue structure, onion, neural red staining, ion leakage Industrial Relevance: The aim of this study was to determine the response of plant tissues with different cell type to the pulse electric field treatment. Two different methods, neutral red staining and ion leakage, were used to visualize and determine the cell rupture on onion tissues. Industry may choose one of these methods to evaluate treatment efficiency on the basis of cell rupture; especially ion leakage measurements which require lower investment cost and easy to apply or microscopic method for visualize the cells layer by layer. The paper stresses the importance of cell type, size and distribution of cells were found to the ability to resist cell rupture during pulsed electric field treatment. It is critical to explain overall changes caused by PEF on the structure of plant tissue at a cellular level in order to optimize the quality of PEF processed foods

    Ebegümeci Yaprağından Alternatif Bitkisel Protein TozuÜretimi ve Farklı Yöntemlerle Protein İzolasyonununOptimizasyonu

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    Bu projede; ebegümeci (Malva sylvestris) yaprağından yüksek verimde katma değeri yüksek bitkisel protein eldesi ve elde edilen protein tozlarının fonksiyonel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda, protein ekstraksiyonunu etkileyen parametrelerin optimizasyonu ve enzim destekli ekstraksiyon işlemi uygulanmıştır. İki farklı ticari enzimin ekstraksiyon koşulları yanıt yüzey yöntemiyle optimize edilmiştir. Ekstraksiyon aşamalarını takiben izoelektrik, amonyum sülfat ve izoelektrik-amonyum sülfat olmak üzere 3 farklı yöntem ile proteinler, liyofilizasyon yöntemi ile kurutularak toz formda elde edilmiştir. Çöktürme yöntemlerinin ektraksiyon verimliliği ve bitkisel proteinlerin fonksiyonel özellikleri üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştı