16 research outputs found

    Bir yavru kedide aelurostrongylus abstrusus enfeksiyonu ve radyografik bulgular

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    A two-month-old female kitten suffering from respiratory signs, lethargy, and anorexia for fifteen days was brought to Balikesir University Small Animal Internal Medicine Clinics of Veterinary Faculty. During pulmonary auscultation, stridors in the cranial pulmonary lobes were detected. Laterolateral and ventrodorsal radiographs were obtained. A live larva of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus was also detected in the patient's direct fecal smear. The patient had recovered after treated with suitable antibiotics and anthelmintics. The parasite is determined in young adults or older cats, and it can cause serious infection. It can cause serious radiological findings in the lungs in kittens besides clinical symptoms. In conclusion, a differential diagnosis list in kittens that have dyspnea and serious pulmonary radiological findings must involve A. abstrusus infection.Balıkesir Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Küçük Hayvan İç Hastalıkları Kliniği'ne Kliniği'ne 15 gündür solunum bulguları, uyuşukluk ve iştahsızlık şikayeti olan iki aylık dişi yavru kedi getirildi. Pulmoner oskültasyon sırasında, kraniyal pulmoner loblarda stridorlar tespit edildi. Hastanın laterolateral ve ventrodorsal radyografileri çekildi. Hastanın direkt dışkı yaymasında da canlı bir Aelurostrongylus abstrusus larvası tespit edildi. Hasta, uygun antibiyotik ve antelmintiklerle tedavi edildikten sonra iyileşti. Genç yetişkinlerde veya yaşlı kedilerde belirlenen parazit ciddi enfeksiyonlara neden olabilir. Ayrıca kedilerde klinik semptomların yanı sıra akciğerlerde ciddi radyolojik bulgulara neden olabilir. Sonuç olarak, nefes darlığı ve akciğerlerinde ciddi radyolojik bulguları olan yavru kedilerde ayırıcı tanı listesi A. abstrusus enfeksiyonunu içermelidir

    Procjena serumskoga srčanog troponina I u ovaca s akutnom mliječnokiselinskom acidozom buraga.

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    Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is known to be a sensitive cardio biomarker to determine the myocardial damage in diseases affecting the cardiac muscles. However, there has not been sufficient research about cTnI concentration, which is the most sensitive indicator of myocardial damage in sheep with acute ruminal lactic acidosis (ARLA). For this reason this study aimed to evaluate the serum cTnI concentration in sheep with ARLA. Those diagnosed with ARLA (n = 20) from the total of 40 Akkaraman (White karaman) sheep, aged between 1-2 years used in this study comprised the affected group and the healthy ones (n = 20) comprised the control group. Ruminal fluid was obtained from the animals from both groups with the help of a stomach tube, and examined immediately. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of the sheep and the serum was separated. Serum cTnI concentration was measured with a commercial immunoassay system, using the one-step sandwich method. Serum enzyme (ALT, AST, CK-MB and LDH) activities were determined via a clinical biochemistry autoanalyzer. The average serum cTnI concentration was at the level of 0.035 ± 0.015 ng/mL (range; 0.02-0.06 ng/mL) in the control group sheep. It was determined that there was a substantial increase in the group with ARLA and the average concentration reached the level of 0.103 ± 0.080 ng/mL (range; 0.03-1.7 ng/mL) (P<0.0001). It was observed that another cardio marker, CK-MB, was found in the group with ARLA 454.50 ± 191.88 U/L (range; 214-861 U/L) and increased in comparison with the control group 224.35 ± 83.33 U/L (range; 133-421 U/L) (P<0.0001). An increase in LDH (P<0.001) and AST (P<0.001) from liver enzymes in the group with ARLA and ALT activities compared to the control group was identified (P<0.01). In conclusion, this present study determined that the serum cTnI concentration was high in sheep with ARLA and it was concluded that it could be useful to evaluate cTnI concentration as an important marker to determine the prognosis in sheep with ARLA.U bolestima koje zahvaćaju srčani mišić, srčani troponin I (cTnI) poznat je kao osjetljivi biomarker za određivanje oštećenja srčanog mišića. Ipak, nema puno istraživanja o koncentraciji cTnI kao najosjetljivijeg indikatora za oštećenje srčanog mišića kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom buraga. Zbog navedenog, u ovom istraživanju namjera je bila procijeniti koncentraciju serumskog cTnI kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom. Ovce s dijagosticiranom akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom (n = 20) u skupini od ukupno 40 akaraman (bijeli karaman) ovaca, u dobi od jedne do dvije godine, činile su pokusnu skupinu bolesnih jedinki. Preostale ovce (n = 20) činile su kontrolnu skupinu zdravih jedinki. Tekućina buraga od svih pretraženih životinja dobivena je sondiranjem i odmah analizirana. Uzorci krvi uzeti su iz jugularne vene te je iz njih izdvojen serum. Koncentracija serumskog cTnI mjerena je komercijalnim imunoenzimnim testom, sendvič postupkom. Aktivnosti serumskih enzima (ALT, AST, CK-MB i LDH) utvrđene su uporabom kliničkog biokemijskog autoanalizatora. Prosječna serumska koncentracija cTnI u kontrolnoj skupini ovaca bila je na razini 0,035 ± 0,015 ng/mL (raspon: 0,02 - 0,06 ng/mL). U skupini ovaca s acidozom utvrđeno je postojano povećanje koncentracije cTnI koja je dosegla razinu od 0,103 ± 0,080 ng/mL (raspon: 0,03 - 1,7 ng/mL) (P<0,0001). U pokusnoj skupini opaženo je povećanje i drugog srčanog markera CK-MB koji je u ovoj skupini iznosio 454,50 ± 191,88 U/I (raspon: 214 - 861 U/I), a u kontrolnoj 224,35 ± 83,33 U/I (raspon: 133 - 421 U/I) (P<0,0001). Također je ustanovljeno da su ovce s acidozom u odnosu na ovce kontrolne skupine imale povišene jetrene enzime LDH (P<0,001) i AST (P<0,001), odnosno ALT (P<0,01). Zaključeno je da ovce s acidozom imaju povećanu koncentraciju serumskog cTnI koji može poslužiti kao važan biljeg za prognozu bolesti

    Determination of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus Prevalence and Risk Factors in Cats from Balıkesir

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    Objective:The lungworms are nematodes that live as parasites in cat lungs. It is reported that the most common lungworm is Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in cats, and also Capillaria aerophila is observed. The lungworms can cause infection of the lower respiratory tract, often resulting in bronchitis and pneumonia. In this study, it was aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of A. abstrusus in cats in the Balıkesir province.Methods:This study was carried out on 100 cats in Balıkesir province. Fresh stool samples (>15 g) were collected for detection of lungworms after recorded all cat information (breed, age, sex, etc.). Parasite-specific L1 forms were determined from the stool samples by the Baerman-Wetzel technique.Results:A. abstrusus L1’s were found in 5 of the 100 stool samples examined. While symptoms of respiratory system disease were observed in 2 of the cats with lungworm, no clinical finding of the presence of parasites was found in 3 of them.Conclusion:A. abstrusus was observed at a level of 5% in this first prevalence study in cats in Balıkesir province

    Procjena serumskoga srčanog troponina I u ovaca s akutnom mliječnokiselinskom acidozom buraga.

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    Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is known to be a sensitive cardio biomarker to determine the myocardial damage in diseases affecting the cardiac muscles. However, there has not been sufficient research about cTnI concentration, which is the most sensitive indicator of myocardial damage in sheep with acute ruminal lactic acidosis (ARLA). For this reason this study aimed to evaluate the serum cTnI concentration in sheep with ARLA. Those diagnosed with ARLA (n = 20) from the total of 40 Akkaraman (White karaman) sheep, aged between 1-2 years used in this study comprised the affected group and the healthy ones (n = 20) comprised the control group. Ruminal fluid was obtained from the animals from both groups with the help of a stomach tube, and examined immediately. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of the sheep and the serum was separated. Serum cTnI concentration was measured with a commercial immunoassay system, using the one-step sandwich method. Serum enzyme (ALT, AST, CK-MB and LDH) activities were determined via a clinical biochemistry autoanalyzer. The average serum cTnI concentration was at the level of 0.035 ± 0.015 ng/mL (range; 0.02-0.06 ng/mL) in the control group sheep. It was determined that there was a substantial increase in the group with ARLA and the average concentration reached the level of 0.103 ± 0.080 ng/mL (range; 0.03-1.7 ng/mL) (P<0.0001). It was observed that another cardio marker, CK-MB, was found in the group with ARLA 454.50 ± 191.88 U/L (range; 214-861 U/L) and increased in comparison with the control group 224.35 ± 83.33 U/L (range; 133-421 U/L) (P<0.0001). An increase in LDH (P<0.001) and AST (P<0.001) from liver enzymes in the group with ARLA and ALT activities compared to the control group was identified (P<0.01). In conclusion, this present study determined that the serum cTnI concentration was high in sheep with ARLA and it was concluded that it could be useful to evaluate cTnI concentration as an important marker to determine the prognosis in sheep with ARLA.U bolestima koje zahvaćaju srčani mišić, srčani troponin I (cTnI) poznat je kao osjetljivi biomarker za određivanje oštećenja srčanog mišića. Ipak, nema puno istraživanja o koncentraciji cTnI kao najosjetljivijeg indikatora za oštećenje srčanog mišića kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom buraga. Zbog navedenog, u ovom istraživanju namjera je bila procijeniti koncentraciju serumskog cTnI kod ovaca s akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom. Ovce s dijagosticiranom akutnom mliječno-kiselinskom acidozom (n = 20) u skupini od ukupno 40 akaraman (bijeli karaman) ovaca, u dobi od jedne do dvije godine, činile su pokusnu skupinu bolesnih jedinki. Preostale ovce (n = 20) činile su kontrolnu skupinu zdravih jedinki. Tekućina buraga od svih pretraženih životinja dobivena je sondiranjem i odmah analizirana. Uzorci krvi uzeti su iz jugularne vene te je iz njih izdvojen serum. Koncentracija serumskog cTnI mjerena je komercijalnim imunoenzimnim testom, sendvič postupkom. Aktivnosti serumskih enzima (ALT, AST, CK-MB i LDH) utvrđene su uporabom kliničkog biokemijskog autoanalizatora. Prosječna serumska koncentracija cTnI u kontrolnoj skupini ovaca bila je na razini 0,035 ± 0,015 ng/mL (raspon: 0,02 - 0,06 ng/mL). U skupini ovaca s acidozom utvrđeno je postojano povećanje koncentracije cTnI koja je dosegla razinu od 0,103 ± 0,080 ng/mL (raspon: 0,03 - 1,7 ng/mL) (P<0,0001). U pokusnoj skupini opaženo je povećanje i drugog srčanog markera CK-MB koji je u ovoj skupini iznosio 454,50 ± 191,88 U/I (raspon: 214 - 861 U/I), a u kontrolnoj 224,35 ± 83,33 U/I (raspon: 133 - 421 U/I) (P<0,0001). Također je ustanovljeno da su ovce s acidozom u odnosu na ovce kontrolne skupine imale povišene jetrene enzime LDH (P<0,001) i AST (P<0,001), odnosno ALT (P<0,01). Zaključeno je da ovce s acidozom imaju povećanu koncentraciju serumskog cTnI koji može poslužiti kao važan biljeg za prognozu bolesti

    The Antioxidant Status and Biochemical Parameters in Kid Goats Naturally Infected with Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus

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    Background: Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute and highly contagious viral disease of small ruminants. The disease is high economical importance because of the high mortality rate. Oxidative stress is an active field of research in small ruminant medicine and has been implicated in numerous disease processes including sepsis, mastitis, acidosis, enteritis, pneumonia, respiratory, and joint diseases. Compared to human medicine, only a limited number of conditions have been investigated in regard to the effects of oxidative stress in small ruminants. The aim of this study was to determined and compared the oxidative status and some biochemical parameters in kid goats with PPR.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed on 15 healthy hair of kid goats (control group) and 15 kids naturally infected with Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR). Competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (C-ELISA) was used for serological detection of PPRV specific antibodies, and a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed for the detection of PPR virus. Concentrations of plasma biochemical parameters were analysed by a clinical chemistry analyser, and blood biochemical indices determined, including total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate amino transferase (AST), γ- glutamyl transferase (GGT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL). The plasma CAT activity, plasma GSHPx activity and plasma lipid peroxidation level was measured according to the specific methods. Besides, vitamin C values were colorimetrically determined using a phosphotungustic method acid method and vitamin E values were determined spectrophotometrically method. Plasma MDA concentrations were markedly increased in the group of kid goats with PPR (P < 0.001) whereas GSHPx (P < 0.01), and CAT (P < 0.01) activities were significantly depressed as well as concentrations of vitamins E (P < 0.05) and vitamin C (P < 0.001). Significant differences between groups were showed relative to plasma total protein (P < 0.05), albumin (P < 0.05), ALP (P < 0.05), AST (P < 0.01), GGT (P < 0.05), LDH (P < 0.05), glucose (P < 0.001), VLDL (P < 0.05), LDL (P < 0.01), and HDL (P < 0.05)Discussion: The clinical and postmortem findings of PPRV infection may be sufficient for the diagnosis in the endemic areas, yet labaratory confirmation is essential for definitive diagnosis because of the clinical similarity of PPR to rinderpest. In this study used both C-ELISA and RT-PCR in the diagnosis of suspected disease. The decrease level of VLDL, LDL, and HDL in the kids with PPR were consistent findings with liver damage, and the cause of decrease could be inadequate synthesis of cholesterol that main structure of lipoproteins due to liver dysfunction. Plasma MDA concentrations were found to be increased in the kid goats with PPR compared to the control group, while decreases of GSHPx and CAT activities were observed. Because of GSHPx and CAT are involved in the conversion of radicals into less effective metabolites, these changes coupled to the increase of MDA concentrations, suggest that an excessive ROS production occurred during PPR infection. This study has highlighted the occurrence of an oxidative stress with important differences in antioxidant status as reflected by assessment of some enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in kids infected by PPRV. In conclusion, this study has highlighted the occurrence of an oxidative stress with important differences in antioxidant status as reflected by assessment of some enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in kids infected by PPRV. Furthermore, the liver was effected by PPRV infection

    Phenotyping determination of in vivo CYP2D6 enzyme activity used as a probe debrisoquine in Swiss Black, Holstein, Simmental and eastern anatolian red cow breeds

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    Mevcut araştırma; İsviçre Esmeri (İE), Holştayn (HOL), Simental (Sİ) ve Doğu Anadolu Kırmızısı (DAK) ırkı ineklerde prob ilaç olarak debrizokin (DEB) kullanılarak sitokrom P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) enzim aktivitesinin fenotipik belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada her ırktan 15 adet olacak şekilde toplam 60 adet inek kullanıldı. İneklere DEB, 0.5 mg/kg dozunda uygulandı. Uygulamayı takiben 12 ve 24. saatlere kadar çıkarılan idrar örnekleri toplandı. İdrar örneklerinde DEB metabolik oranları (DMO) ve DEB rekoveri oranları (DRO) hesaplandı. 12. saat DMO değerleri DAK ırkı ineklerde diğer ırklara göre anlamlı şekilde yüksek olarak bulunurken (P<0.01), DRO değerleri DAK ırkı ineklerde diğer ırklara göre anlamlı şekilde düşük tespit edildi (P<0.01). DAK ırkı ineklerde CYP2D6 enzim aktivitesinin fenotipi zayıf metabolizer (ZM) olarak değerlendirilirken; İE, HOL ve Sİ ırkı ineklerde ise yaygın metabolizer (YM) olarak değerlendirildi. Sonuç olarak; ineklerde in vivo CYP2D6 enzim aktivitesi fenotipinin belirlenmesinde prob ilaç olarak DEB’in 0.5 mg/kg dozunda uygulandıktan sonra 12. saatte kadar alınan idrar örneklerinin kullanılabileceği ifade edilebilir. Ayrıca, DAK ırkı ineklerde CYP2D6 sübstratı olan ilaçlarla tedavi uygulanmasında bu ilaçların daha yavaş metabolize olacağı, vücutta kalış ve etki sürelerinde artış olacağı sonucuna varılabilir.In the current study was carried out to determine phenotyping of in vivo CYP2D6 enzyme activity used as a probe debrisoquine (DEB) in Swiss Black (SB), Holstein (HOL), Simmental (SI) and Eastern Anatolian Red (EAR) cows. In the study, totally 60 cows, fifteen cows from each breed, were used. DEB was application at 0.5 mg/kg. Urine samples were collected throughout 12. and 24th h after DEB application. The metabolic (DMR) and recovery (DRR) rates of DEB in urine samples were calculated to evaluate the in vivo activity of CYP2D6 enzyme activity. The DMR value of EAR at 12th h were significantly higher than those others (P&lt;0.01) while this value significantly lower in EAR compared to that of others (P&lt;0.01). The phenotyping CYP2D6 enzyme activity of EAR at 12th h was considered as poor metaboliser (PM) while this phenotype was extensive metabolizer (EM) in SB, HOL and SI cows. In conclusion, it can be considered that urine samples taken at 12th h after DEB administration at dose of 0.5 mg/kg as probe can be used to determine in vivo phenotyping of CYP2D6 enzyme activity in cows. Besides, in implementation of treatment with drugs that are substrates of CYP2D6 in cows, it can be concluded that these drugs will be metabolized more slowly, and the duration time of body and effect durations of action will be increased in EAR cows

    Treatment of dermatophilosis with oxytetracycline and tylosin combination in Saanen goat kids

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    In this study, it was aimed to determine the treatment efficacy of oxytetracycline and tylosin combination in Saanen goat kids with Dermatophilus congolensis infection. Samples, were collected from the 27 of 4-5-month-old Saanen goat kids, and analyzed from bacteriological, mycological and ectoparasitological aspects. D. congolensis was isolated from the samples as pure culture. In the mycological analysis of the samples, no microorganisms were found, while flea was detected in ectoparasitological examinations. A combination of oxytetracycline and tylosin was recommended for dermatophilosis treatment, and the lesions regressed 5 days after the treatment and disappeared over time. It was concluded that D. congolensis infection in Saanen goats kids were observed for the first time in Turkey and can be treated successfully with oxytetracycline and tylosin combination

    Increased Circulatory Extrarenal 1 alpha,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 in Bilaterally Nephrectomized Rats

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    Background: Extrarenal 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 (1,25-D) locally produced by immune cells plays crucial roles in the regulation of the immune system. However, in vivo status of extrarenal 1,25-D and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-D) in acute inflammatory conditions are unknown. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the extrarenal 1,25-D level in circulation in bilaterally nephrectomized rats, induced by low-dose lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Methods: Renal 1,25-D synthesis was terminated through bilateral nephrectomy in rats. The rats received intraperitoneal LPS (50 mu g/kg BW) three times and the experiment was ended 24 hours after nephrectomy. Serum 1,25-D, 25-D, calcium, phosphorus, intact parathyroid hormone, and calcitonin levels were measured and immunohistochemistry was applied to detect the sources of extrarenal 1,25-D synthesis. Results: Circulatory 1,25-D concentration remarkably increased in both LPS-treated and non-treated bilaterally nephrectomized rats. Elevated circulatory 1,25-D did not have hypercalcemic endocrinal effects. The increased 1,25-D level also resulted in a concurrent rapid and dramatic depletion of circulatory 25-D. Conclusion: Extrarenal 1,25-D could enter into the systemic circulation and, therefore, might have systemic effects besides its autocrine and paracrine functions.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [2140681]This work was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Project Number: 2140681)