19 research outputs found


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    This study examines the relationship among reading app reviews, trying apps, attitude and intention to use the communication apps. Attitude towards apps and intention to use apps change as a result of app reviews and trials. An experiment was conducted in a rural area testing twelve communication apps with 80 participants who were not communication app users. The relationship of the variables was analyzed using statistical regression. This study found that treatments do not affect attitude or intention to use. Meanwhile, significantly, attitude can moderately predict intention to use. Intention to use communication apps was not related to app reviews and trials but related to participants' attitudes. The findings suggest that this experiment did not use an appropriate method to confirm theoretical modelling of the TAM, TRA and TPB. Future research involving other variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use etc.) is needed to reveal comprehensive modelling to predict the intention to use.  Penelitian ini mengkaji hubungan membaca review aplikasi, mencoba aplikasi, sikap, dan niat menggunakan aplikasi komunikasi. Sikap terhadap aplikasi dan niat menggunakan aplikasi berubah sebagai hasil dari review dan mencoba aplikasi. Eksperimen dilakukan di wilayah perdesaan untuk menguji dua belas aplikasi komunikasi dengan 80 partisipan yang bukan pengguna aplikasi komunikasi. Hubungan antarvariabel dianalisis menggunakan regresi statistik. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan perlakuan pada eksperimen tidak memengaruhi sikap maupun niat menggunakan aplikasi. Namun, sikap dapat memprediksi niat menggunakan aplikasi pada level moderat. Niat menggunakan aplikasi komunikasi tidak terhubung dengan review dan mencoba aplikasi tetapi terhubung dengan sikap partisipan. Hasil temuan menunjukkan eksperimen ini tidak cocok untuk mengonfrmasi model teori TAM, TRA, dan TPB. Penelitian selanjutnya yang melibatkan variabel lain (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, dsb) diperlukan untuk membuat model komprehensif yang dapat memprediksi niat menggunakan aplikasi

    Televisi dan Remaja: Implikasi Televisi pada Interaksi Sosial, Pembelajaran dan Politik Remaja

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    This study examines the effects of television in adolescents, where television involves teens in their daily lives. The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of television and explain what influences television's influence on adolescents in Vocational High Schools. This type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative, where the research method used in this study uses numerical based data and determines the population and sample. which is done by giving questions or an online questionnaire (questionnaire) to teenagers at SMK Ghama Caraka. Population criteria studied were adolescents aged 15-17 years. Respondents were asked as many as 30 people and taken using purposive sampling, namely the determination of sample techniques with certain considerations or with certain characteristics used with the questionnaire. Analysis of the data used in this research is to use descriptive statistics. This research data management uses SPSS 24 for windows to help analyze statistical data. And the results of this study prove that there is an influence of television on adolescents in SMK Ghama Caraka in social interaction, learning and politics in adolescents. Keywords: adolescents; effects; televisio


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of Brand Image and hotel service quality on customer satisfaction and intentions with four dimensions of service quality that increase the potential for increasing customer satisfaction, employee behavior, room facilities, protection, and food quality. The methodology in this study uses a questionnaire that was adopted and adapted from previous studies. The survey was conducted by issuing questionnaires to 30 Swiss-bel hotel customers which were then analyzed using simple linear regression to discuss Brand Image and service quality on customer satisfaction. The results showed that customer satisfaction and Brand Image produced the greatest influence at 0.920. Get the lowest results from physical evidence and customer satisfaction that only get results of 0.282. This study shows that service quality is important because it can lead to increased customer satisfaction, and it can also help increase motivation for others that can be realized. Hotel operators and decision makers in the hotel sector must get to improve service quality because they have the potential to gain customer satisfaction


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    Personal branding studies have become popular in the last decade, but have been practically used for a long time. Personal branding is widely implemented in celebrities, social media and including politics. In the political context, personal branding is one of the strategies for winning elections. Especially in Indonesia it happened because of the change from representative democracy to direct democracy. This has resulted in every Indonesian citizen being able to directly elect candidates for political leadership at both national and local levels. This study aims to describe the personal branding strategy of legislative candidates in the election. Personal branding in the legislature has not appeared much in academic discourse compared to personal branding of the president or regional head. The research used a qualitative approach with a case study of Ir. Ridwan Bae is a politician from the Golkar Party in the Southeast Sulawesi constituency. Three informants were interviewed in a structured and in-depth manner. The results of the interviews were analyzed by thematic analysis using three stages of qualitative coding. Based on the results of the analysis, there are three personal branding strategies, namely image, rational attribution and emotional attribution. In forming this image, there are three important things to pay attention to, namely the general description of the persona, uniqueness and authenticity. Rational attributes used in personal branding strategies are leadership, ability, credibility and consistency. Finally, there are three elements of emotional attributes, namely being role models, party attributions and values


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    The 2019 simultaneous general election formed discourse in society with massive information seeking, rapid information dissemination and discussions related to the general election. Before the election starts, every candidate has the opportunity to campaign. The campaign is an opportunity that is always given to pairs of presidential and legislative candidates. This study aims to describe the search for information about elections by first-time voters and their perceptions regarding campaign props. This study uses a qualitative approach using a case study strategy. The data collection technique used in-depth interviews with four first-time voters who live in Depok, West Java. Based on the results of coding and thematic analysis that has been carried out, there are four main themes that have emerged regarding the search for election information among first-time voters. The four main themes are political engagement, banners as campaign props, social media and information seeking. This study concludes that early voters use social media and campaign props as information source for the election decision

    The Information of Government’s Social Media and Websites to Citizen Engagement in Indonesia

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    Social media and government websites can become communication tools to encourage participation and interaction between citizens and government institutions. Digital media may lead to citizens’ trust and citizen engagement toward the government. The purpose of this study is to examine the model of attention to social media, attention to official government websites, perceptions of transparency, public trust, and civic engagement in the Indonesian context. This study used a quantitative survey approach (N = 263). Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Square (SEM) is used to assess four hypotheses. This study reveals that Attention to Social Media and Attention to Government Websites moderately explain the influence on Perceived Transparency. Moreover, perceived transparency significantly and strongly influences citizens’ trust and Citizen Engagement is quite stronger explained by the Citizen Trust. This study reveals that the information exposure on the government website and social media leads to citizen engagement mediated by the perceived transparency and citizens’ trust

    Queens of the Digital Realm: Unveiling of Female Social Media through Personal Branding Analysis

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    Personal branding is a crucial aspect of communication, particularly in social media. Someone who can influence others, usually referred to as an influencer, must have positive personal branding from the public perspective. An influencer can come from various industries besides entertainment, including politics and lifestyle. The research was conducted to examine personal branding as displayed by Maria Rahajeng and Tsamara Amany through their Instagram personal account, @tsamaradki, and @mariarahajeng, and to describe the alignment of their personal branding with the eight main concepts of Montoya's concepts. This study employed a postpositivist qualitative research methodology that focused on the personal branding phenomenon formed by the two influencers. This study uses eight main concepts of personal branding Montoya in analyzing content posted by the two influencers. Data was gathered from the influencer’s accounts through feeds, Instagram stories, reels, and comment features. Research results show that the personal branding displayed by Maria Rahajeng and Tsamara Amany differs according to the context of their work, where the two influencers show their respective advantages. Both influencers possess contrasting abilities in various aspects of Montoya’s eight main concepts in personal branding, setting them apart from one another


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    This study aims to analyze the rhetoric of the thoughts and ideas of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) as the sixth President of the Republic of Indonesia. Through his speech (July 24 ‘18), on YouTube, and later written on CNN online media, related to the process of forming a political party coalition that brought Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate in the 2019 election. The theory used in this study was qualitative-descriptive with an analytical approach critical discourse from Teun A. Van Dijk seen in dimensions; (1) text structure, (2) social cognition, and (3) social context, then associated with mass communication theory from HarollD Laswell. The results of this study are summarized with the mass communication model in form, function and meaning. The results obtained from this study create a model of mass communication with text structure (form), social cognition (function) and social context (meaning)

    Analisis Penyerapan Aspirasi Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan Kunjungan Kerja: Studi pada Masyarakat Provinsi Sumatera Utara (SUMUT 1)

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    The working visit or recess of the DPR RI is carried out to realize the aspirations of the right people on target to achieve political goals. This activity is also inseparable from the things considering that it follows local government policies and the DPRD to be said to be a successful activity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the aspiration absorption strategy through recess activities. This research method uses a qualitative-descriptive approach with in-depth interviews with three informants, namely members of the Indonesian Parliament and representatives of the electoral district of North Sumatra 1. The study results state that the strategy for absorbing people's aspirations is carried out through various forms of aspiration by involving community groups. The main structure of a method for capturing aspirations is through face-to-face dialogue with communities. People's aspirations were complete when they had felt the benefits directly. Keywords: community aspirations, political communication, recess, communication strateg