25 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to provide insights into the consumer protection in e-commerce in Indonesian context. In 2015, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which includes Indonesia as a member, was established for a regional economic integration by reducing the transactions costs of trade, improving trade and business facilities, as well as enhancing the competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises sector. AEC is expected to promote electronic transactions. Even though Indonesia has the Law Number 8 Year 1999 on Consumer Protection, this law does not regulate specifically on electronic transactions. In response to this limitation, Indonesia has issued the Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions and Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2012 on the Implementation of Systems and Electronic Transactions. This is followed by enactment of Law Number 7 Years 2014 on Trade, which regulates general domestic trade, foreign trade, border trade and commerce through the electronic system. The law aims to stem the flood of products imported into Indonesia so that the use of domestic products can be increased. This paper concludes that legislations which regulate consumer protection in electronic transactions are still inadequate thus Indonesia is not fully ready to deal with the consumer protection in e-commerce. Keywords: Electronic contracts, consumer protection, Indonesia, ASEAN Economic Community.Cite as: Agustin, E. & Kurniawan, F. (2017). Consumer protection in electronic contracts: The case of Indonesia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(1), 159-169.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss1pp159-16

    Program Stimulasi Kesiapan Anak Masuk Sekolah Dasar Bagi Orang Tua di Kelurahan Jetaksari Kecamatan Sayung Kabupaten Demak

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    Program pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua dalam memberikan stimulasi yang tepat agar anak usia 6-7 tahun siap memasuki sekolah dasar. Pada saat berada di taman kanak-kanak (TK), guru TK memberikan berbagai stimulasi diantaranya keterampilan motorik halus dan kasar, kemampuan mengenali objek dan kegunaanya, bersosialisasi, mengenal moral sesuai usianya serta menghitung benda. Disamping itu, orang tua memberikan stimulasi yang mengarah pada aktivitas yang ditujukan agar anak cepat beradaptasi dengan tugas akademik di sekolah dasar. Akan tetapi, tidak jarang orang tua kemudian lebih menekankan anak lancar menulis, membaca, dan berhitung.  Padahal dalam kesiapan masuk sekolah juga harus memperhatikan kesiapan fisik dan motorik, emosi, sosial, bahasa, dan ketertarikan untuk belajar. Sebanyak 29 orang tua anak TK (RA) Al Khusaini mengikuti kegiatan ini dan untuk mengetahui kesiapan anak masuk sekolah dilakukan Tes Kesiapan Sekolah menggunakan NST (Nijmeegse Schoolbekwaamheids Test) terhadap 15 anak usia 5,0 sampai 5,9 tahun dari total 29 anak TK B. Hasil tes NST menunjukkan ada 7 anak berada pada kategori siap dan sisanya belum siap, selain itu orang tua diberi angket pengetahuan mengenai kesiapan anak masuk sekolah. Data menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar orang tua memandang melatih kemampuan membaca, menulis dan berhitung yang paling penting sehingga lebih menekankan aspek ini dalam menstimulasi. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini diketahui bahwa orang tua setelah kegiatan pendampingan mengetahui aspek-aspek kesiapan anak masuk sekolah dan cara-cara menstimulasinya yang akan mendukung keberhasilan anak belajar di SD

    Indonesian Marriage Law Reform: The Way to Strengthen the Protection of Children’s Rights against Child Marriage

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    The Act Number 1 Year 1974 on Marriage stipulates the minimum ages requirement to enter into a marriage, which are 19 years for men and 16 years for women. It is expected that at that ages, each party has a mature soul and physic to enter into a marriage life. However, it is possible for those who have not reached the age to enter into marriage if there is a dispensation granted by the courts or other official designated by the parents of each party in the marriage. In 2012, a judicial review was filed to the Constitutional Court against the provisions of the minimum age limit in the Act Number 1 Year 1974 on Marriage to raise the limit of minimum age for women from 16 to 18 years. However, the Constitutional Court considered the provisions is constitutional. Then in 2017, the same provision of Marriage Law is submitted for the second time by different applicant to be reviewed again by the Constitutional Court. On the other hand, Indonesia has participated in the formulation of a variety of international human rights instruments which have an impact on children, and is a party to a number of them, including the CRC and the CEDAW. This paper elaborates the stipulation on minimum age requirement to enter into marriage and the conformity of Indonesian Marriage Act  to the principles and provisions on the international human rights instruments.   Keywords: Child Marriage, Children’s Rights, Indonesian Marriage Law, Minimum Age


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    Abstract Testament is the last will of a testator toward his wealth that will be executed after death. Each type and form of the will can be made either in an authentic deed before a public notary or privately made deed. The duty and responsibility of notary is to save and send a list of wills that have been made to the Property and Heritage Agency (BHP) and Central Register of Wills (DWP). In order to implemet the efficiency of the registration system, on March 28, 2014, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as Kemenkumham) has launched the online system for wills registration by the Notary. But in practice, there are still many who have not registered Notarial wills online to Kemenkumham. From this condition the issue is regarding the legal effect of the deed not registered online and the liability of notaries who do not register the will online. This paper is a normative legal research using statute, conceptual and historical approach. The study concluded that the status of a will that is not registered online at Kemenkumham is still as authentic documents, but it does not meet the principle of publicity that may result in the lack of knowledge of the heirs or the third parties. If there are losses, then heirs may sue the notary on the basis of onrechtmatigedaad where the notary did not meet its legal obligations.   Abstrak Wasiat merupakan kehendak terakhir dari seorang pewaris terhadap harta kekayaan miliknya yang harus dilaksanakan setelah ia meninggal dunia. Notaris bertugas dan berkewajiban untuk menyimpan dan mengirim daftar wasiat yang telah dibuatnya ke Balai Harta Peninggalan (BHP) dan Daftar Pusat Wasiat (DWP). Dalam rangka untuk mewujudkan efisiensi dari sistem pendaftaran tersebut, pada tanggal 28 Maret 2014, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia (selanjutnya disebut Kemenkum HAM RI) melakukan launching sistem pendaftaran wasiat secara online oleh Notaris. Namun pada prakteknya masih banyak Notaris yang belum mendaftarkan wasiat secara online ke Kemenkum HAM RI. Dari hal tersebut muncul isu hukum mengenai akibat hukum dari akta wasiat yang tidak didaftarkan secara online dan mengenai tanggung gugat notaris yang  tidak mendaftarkan wasiat secara online. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif, menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan historis (historical approach). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kedudukan akta wasiat yang tidak didaftarkan secara online pada Kemenkumham adalah tetap sebagai akta otentik, namun tidak memenuhi asas publisitas yang dapat membuat pihak ketiga atau ahli waris dianggap tidak mengetahui adanya suatu wasiat yang ditujukan bagi mereka. Apabila terdapat kerugian yang ditimbulkan, maka ahli waris dapat menggugat notaris atas dasar perbuatan melanggar hukum dimana notaris yang bersangkutan tidak memenuhi kewajiban hukumnya

    A Review of Indonesian Nationality Law

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    Stateless people are often denied access to the same rights and services as citizens. Furthermore, statelessness is often the result of discrimination against women, an issue that SDGs aim to address. This paper analyses how the Indonesian Nationality Law protects children at risk of statelessness. It also raises some legal challenges when applying the law with regards to the country's SDG achievements. Discussion of the nationality law in Indonesia is not new, but scrutinising it in connection to Indonesia's achievement of SDGs has yet to be carried out by other authors. This paper is legal research using statute and conceptual approaches. The study shows that by reforming its nationality law, the Indonesian Government has allowed women to confer their nationality on their children equally with men. However, some challenges related to the implementation of this new law and its regulations still have the potential to cause issues of discrimination and statelessness for Indonesian children, which relates strongly to the issues addressed by SDGs. Additionally, this paper will be useful for the development of constitutional law, especially human rights and nationality laws in Indonesia.   Keywords: Children’s Rights, Indonesian Nationality Law, Non-discrimination Principle, SDGs, Statelessnes

    Evidence of Contract Dispute Settlement in Electronic Trials in Indonesia in the Construction of the Ius Constitutum and Ius Constituendum

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    Trial mechanism in Indonesia has changed through the enactment of Supreme Court Regulations in 2018 and 2019, including electronic trial and evidence. However, it was problematic because the change was partial. Although Indonesia has started to implement the electronic trial, the legal principle of evidence is using conventional procedural law, including the settlement of contract disputes. This article aims to analyze and find the mechanism of examining the evidence of contract dispute resolution in electronic courts in Indonesia in the ius constitutum and  ius constituendum. This article suggests a comprehensive construction ius constituendum  of contract dispute settlement evidence in Indonesia electronic trials. Keywords: Evidence, Contract Dispute Settlement, Electronic Trial. eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI11.416

    Elaborating Appropriate Models of the Sustainable Financing Instrument in Public Private Partnerships (PPP) In Infrastructure Projects

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    One alternative to accelerate infrastructure development in Indonesia is by involving the private sectors in the financing and development. In principle, Public Private Partnerships (PPP) can be classified into two, namely: a partnership project which idea came from the initiation of the government (solicited) and partnership project which idea came from the initiation of the business entities (unsolicited). To facilitate the implementation of the Public Private Partnership (PPP), the financing instruments that exist currently may be used to support the implementation of the Public Private Partnership (PPP). The importance of involving a third party other than investor and the government is related to the fulfillment of capital requirements and risks sharing in the event of loss. Although the rules clearly have been enacted, the infrastructure projects in Public Private Partnership (PPP) seem less attractive to investors. One of the causes is that the capital required by investors is too great with very high risk when investment in infrastructure is slow yielding. It is important to propose the scheme of sustainable financing which may allocate the PPPs’ risks proportionally.Until now, the government is too fixated with large cooperation projects with the private sectors, while the scheme offered is a Build-Operation-Transfer (BOT) scheme. This scheme is sometimes burden the investors, because the greatest risk is in the hands of investors. Regarding the financing of the Public Private Partnership (PPP), conventional financing such as a bank guarantee or sharia financing (‘kafalah’) can be carried out. Two such financing can be used in the Public Private Partnership (PPP), so it will increase the interest of investors to build infrastructure using Public Private Partnership (PPP). It is because such financing can overcome the difficulties of gaining large capital and also reduce the burden of risk borne by investors


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    Pembiayaan merupakan aspek terpenting yang mempengaruhi intensitas keterlibatan sektor swasta dalam proyek infrastruktur. Minimnya pembiayaan swasta dalam pembangunan infrastruktur, utamanya didasari faktor hukum, diantaranya perubahan kebijakan dan regulasi selama masa investasi yang diperparah dengan disharmonisasi regulasi terkait dengan prinsipprinsip hukum bisnis yang memberi kepastian berinvestasi, misalnya pemberian jaminan perbankan. Di sisi lain, jaminan pemerintah tidak dapat diberikan terhadap seluruh proyek infrastruktur, dan apabila terjadi dispute, tidak mudah dicairkan karena harus memperhatikan prinsip pengelolaan dan pengendalian risiko keuangan APBN. Sehingga konsep risk sharing sulit untuk terlaksana dan jelas menghalangi tujuan percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur. Tulisan ini mengelaborasi hambatan-hambatan hukum dalam proses penyediaan infrastruktur, termasuk mengevaluasi peraturan perundang-undangan terkait dan kesesuaiannya dengan prinsip hukum bisnis, khususnya hukum kontrak yang menjadi syarat utama hubungan hukum para pihak. Penulisan menerapkan metode penelitian hukum melalui pendekatan perundangundangan dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko hukum dalam proyek infrastruktur berupa risiko lokasi, risiko desain, konstruksi, dan uji operasi, risiko finansial dan risiko operasional, sedangkan regulasi terkait belum menyediakan sistem pengawasan yang baik sehingga belum menjamin keberlanjutan skema kerjasama pemerintah dan swasta serta belum menjamin alokasi risiko yang tidak menyimpang dari prinsip pengelolaan dan pengendalian risiko keuangan APBN. Sehingga diperlukan payung hukum yang koheren antar sektor terkait pembangunan infrastruktu

    Unifikasi dalam Pembuatan Keterangan Waris di Indonesia

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    Pemisahan penduduk lndonesia berdasarkan etnis dan golongan muncul pada masa penjajahan kolonial Belanda- Hal tersebut diberlakukan demi kepentingan politik pada masa penjajahan kolonial Belanda di lndonesia, yaitu dengan cara mengeluarkan aturan penggolongan penduduk dan hukum yang berlaku untuk tiap golongan didasarkan pada ketentuan pasal 131 tndische staatregeling (ls) dan 163 ls yang membagi 3 (tiga) golongan penduduk dan hukum yang berlaku untuk masing-masing golongan. Hal yang sangat disayangkan namun masih terjadi sampai saat ini adalah dampak pemberlakuan atur:an penggolongan penduduk dan hukum yang berlaku untuk tiap golongan pada masa penjajahan kolonial Belanda nampaknya masih tidak bisa ditinggalkan dalam penerbitan aturan aturan keperdataan pada masa kemerdekaan lndonesia. salah safunya adalah terkait penerbitan Keterangan Waris. Adanya penggolongan terhadap penduduk lndonesia sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda dahulu menyebabkan terjadinya pembedaan terhadap bentuk dan pejabat yang berwenang untuk membuat keterangan waris. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Departemen Dalam Negeri Direktorat Pendaftaran Tanah Nomor DPTl12l63!12169 juncto pasal 111 ayat (1) c angka 4 Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria (pMNA) Nomor 3 Tahun 1997,dibedakan tentang siapa saja yang berwenang untuk membuat keterangan waris. Pembagian tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: penduduk golongan Eropa dan Warga Negara lndonesia (WNl) keturunan Tionghoa, keierangan warisnya dibuat di hadapan Notaris; Untuk penduduk pribumi, keterangan waris cukup dibuat di bawah tangan, yang disaksikan dan dibenarkan (disahkan) oleh Lurah dan dikuatkan oleh Camat setempat; Untuk WNI keturunan Timur Asing (lndia, Arab), yang berwenang membuat keterangan warisnya adalah Balai Harta peninggalan (BHp). Beragamnya pejabat ataupun instansi yang mengeluarkan keterangan waris ini tentunya memiliki konsekuensi hukum tersendiri apabila produk hukum yang dikeluarkan melahirkan suatu persoalan hukum, hal tersebut dikarenakan kewenangan maupun fungsi masing-masing pejabat atau instansi yang barbeda-beda