43 research outputs found
Pandemi Covid-19 telah berdampak pada kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia termasuk kelompok usaha kecil menengah (UKM). UKM aneka cemilan “Hikmah”, yang memproduksi dan menjual berbagai macam cemilan juga mengalami penurunan produksi dan penjualan lebih dari 50%. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membina kelompok UKM dalam memperbaiki produksi, mutu produk, serta menerapkan digital marketing sehingga dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas, praktis, dan sangat cocok diterapkan di era adaptasi kebiasaan baru pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan dampak yang signifikan pada Mitra UKM aneka cemilan yaitu peningkatan penggunaan teknologi modern dengan diberikan alat-alat produksi penunjang produktivitas UKM, diantaranya adalah mesin penggiling bumbu dengan kapasitas 500 gram/menit, dan mesin perajang bawang yang beroperasi secara kontinyu. Keterampilan mitra UKM juga mengalami peningkatan melalui pelatihan cara produksi pangan olahan yang baik (CPPOB) dan pelatihan digital marketing dengan konsep Less Contact Economy. Melalui kegiatan ini mitra UKM dapat memperbaiki proses produksi, mutu produk, dan penjualan melalui digital marketing sehingga dapat bertahan ditengah pandemi Covid 19
Minyak goreng merupakan salah satu produk hilir kelapa sawit yang menjadi andalan dalam era hilirisasi industri. Penurunan angka permintaan minyak goreng sawit selama masa pandemi COVID-19, membawa perhatian bagi para pemegang kepentingan di sektor industri kelapa sawit nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sikap dan perilaku konsumen minyak goreng sawit di Kota Bandung, salah satu wilayah pasar potensial minyak goreng sawit yang terkena dampak pandemi. Sampel terdiri dari 100 responden rumahtangga, yang diambil dari empat wilayah di Kota Bandung dengan menggunakan metode quota sampling. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebagian besar konsumen di Kota Bandung menggunakan minyak goreng sawit setiap hari, membeli 2-6 L minyak goreng sawit per bulan, dengan rentang harga Rp. 12.000-13.000,- per liter, dan tidak menggunakan produk minyak goreng nabati berbahan dasar lainnya. Variabel sikap individu, norma subyektif dan kontrol perilaku menunjukan korelasi yang nyata dan signifikan terhadap intensi pembelian minyak goreng sawit selama masa pandemi. Konsumen tidak memiliki persepsi, pengalaman, atau pengaruh norma subjektif yang negatif terkait konsumsi minyak goreng sawit selama masa pandemi. Konsumen juga tidak merasa terkendala oleh penerapan kebijakan pembatasan aktivitas sosial dan melemahnya daya beli selama pandemi. Selama masa pandemi, mayoritas konsumen di Kota Bandung tetap akan membeli dan menggunakan minyak goreng sawit dengan volume, frekuensi, pilihan jenis produk dan harga yang tetap, dengan mengedepankan faktor keamanan dan kepraktisan
Peranan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat dalam Mencapai Tujuan Ekonomi Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) di Indonesia
Smallholder oil palm plantations have a high contribution to economic growth. In addition, smallholder oil palm plantations also play an important role in achieving Indonesia’s SDGs economic goals. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global platform with 17 main development goals and 169 target indicators. One of the main goals of SDGs is poverty alleviation. However, the problem of poverty in Indonesia is still relatively high. Based on data compiled by BPS, the number of poor people in Indonesia tends to fluctuate from 2013 to 2022. The concept of SDGs in poverty alleviation is in accordance with smallholder oil palm plantations, which have large market and employment opportunities. This study aims to determine the role of smallholder oil palm plantations in achieving Indonesia’s SDGs economic goals and factors affecting the poverty rate using quarterly data from 2013 to 2022. The research design uses qualitative descriptive approach with process documentation method using color mapping and Eviews12 software. The results show that the role of smallholder oil palm plantations in achieving Indonesia’s SDGs economic goals is categorized “Very Contributing” with an average score of 2,45. Factors that have a negative effect on poverty rate are palm oil production and labor. The price has a positive effect on poverty rate. While, the GDP of farms has no effect on the poverty rate. This is due to the inequality in economic growth patterns in Indonesia and the GDP advantage is not perceived equally by all people
Indonesia is the country with the largest oil palm plantation in the world. One of the companies that manages oil palm plantations is PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) VIII Tambaksari afdeling sindangsari plantation, Subang. Before it became an oil palm plantation land, most people planted pineapple crops. After the existence of oil palm plantations, many communities were helped by the economy. However, some communities with farmers' livelihoods have complained that pineapple plantations continue to narrow because they are prepared for oil palm development. Based on these problems, this study aims to describe the characteristics of communities around oil palm plantations and find out the community's perception of the existence of oil palm plantations at PTPN VIII Kebun Tambaksari Afdeling Sindangsari, Subang in terms of social impacts and economic impacts using descriptive analysis and scoring analysis. The method used in this study is quantitative with a type of survey research. The results showed that the company had a positive impact on the communities around the PTPN VIII Kebun Tambaksari oil palm plantation on social impact indicators which included the quality of education, facilities and infrastructure, social values with an average score of 68.08 included in the positive category and economic impact indicators which included labor, new work ventures, and the number of residents and job opportunities with an average score of 71.47 included in the positive category
Risk Management of Granola Potato Seeds Production: A Study in Kertasari, West Java, Indonesia
The quality of potato seeds is important to support increased production. The majority of farmers do not certify potato seeds, which can result in various risks for potato seed production activities. This research aims to identify the risks of potato seed production and formulate risk control strategies for potato seeds production. The research uses house of risk method. The results of this study show thirty-nine identified risk events. The most impactful risk event was rotten potato. Thirty-two identified risk agents with two priorities must be handled first. The most effective ways in handling strategy are training, the certification of potato seed breeder farmers, potato seed certification, as well as purchasing breeder seeds from vegetable crop research center and from other seed breeders. This research suggests the needs to produce quality potato seeds by certifying potato seed and to update the competency certification of potato seed breeders
Perkembangan Agribisnis Teh Selama Pandemi Covid – 19 di PTPN VIII Kebun Kertamanah, Pangalengan, Jawa Barat
PTPN VIII Kertamanah PTPN Plantation is a country’s company under the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises that engaged in the production of tea which has a good reputation in West Java. However, national’s tea production was tending to decrease in these past months and even get worsen because of the Covid – 19 pandemics which also has an impact on the plantation sector. This study aims to determine the tea agribusiness performance, internal and external factors in the company, and decide the viable tea agribusiness development strategies. This research uses descriptive-qualitative design and study case research technique. In needs to explaining the tea agribusiness performance is done descriptively, meanwhile for finding the right developing strategy there needs to be a matrix analysis of IFAS, EFAS, IE, and SWOT. Based on the descriptive data analysis, the production input procurement subsystem supports the production / cultivation and processing subsystem. Furthermore, those two subsystems support the running of the marketing subsystem. The smooth activites of all subsystems are supported by several supporting institutuions. The SWOT analysis resulted nine alternative strategies as like: (1) Mantaining performance and quality, (2) Opening job labor, (3) Making an inovation, (4) Maximazing the use of technology, (5) Maximazing company’s assets, (6) Work together with government and counseller, (7) Making a more detailed plan, (8) Take advantage of the superior factory program, and (9) Increasing promotion as long as the interesting education.PTPN VIII Kebun Kertamanah merupakan perusahaan negara yang berada di bawah naungan Kementerian BUMN yang bergerak pada produksi tanaman teh yang memiliki reputasi yang baik di Jawa Barat. Akan tetapi hasil produksi teh nasional cenderung menurun beberapa tahun terakhir serta diperkeruh dengan adanya pandemi Covid – 19 yang turut berdampak pada sektor perkebunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan agribisnis teh, mengetahui faktor internal dan eksternal pada perusahaan, serta menentukan strategi pengembangan agribisnis teh yang tepat. Desain penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan teknik penelitian studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah wawancara, observasi, dan studi literatur. Dalam menjelaskan keragaan agribisnis dilakukan secara deskriptif, sedangkan dalam menentukan strategi pengembangan yang tepat, digunakan analisis matriks IFAS, EFAS, IE, dan SWOT. Berdasarkan penguraian data secara deskriptif, subsistem pengadaan input produksi mendukung berjalannya subsistem produksi / budidaya dan subsistem pengolahan, selanjutnya kedua subsistem tersebut mendukung berjalannya subsistem pemasaran. Kelancaran kegiatan seluruh subsistem ditunjang oleh beberapa lembaga penunjang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT diperoleh sembilan alternatif strategi sebagai berikut : (1) Mempertahankan kinerja dan kualitas, (2) Membuka lapangan kerja, (3) Melakukan inovasi, (4) Memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi, (5) Memaksimalkan aset perusahaan, (6) Bekerjasama dengan aparatur pemerintahan dan lembaga penyuluh, (7) Melakukan perencanaan dengan lebih mendetail, (8) Memanfaatkan program pabrik unggulan, dan (9) Meningkatkan promosi sekaligus edukasi yang menarik
Economic value of Bandung Orchid Forest, West Java
Indonesia has various tourist attractions. Agro-tourism is one of the potential tourism. Orchid Forest is an agro-tourism object that combines pine forest areas with orchid cultivation. Tourist attractions that utilize the potential of natural resources have an unknown economic value. This research aims to know the economic value of Orchid Forest and what factors influence the frequency of visits. This research used an individual travel cost method (ITCM) to estimate the economic value of Orchid Forest. The results indicate factors that significantly influence the frequency of visits are respondents' age and residence distance. The value of consumer surplus is Rp 102,000 and the economic value of Orchid Forest in 2019 was Rp 70,365,618,000. This value will give a new perspective for public authorities for the protection and further development of tourist attractions in the future
Proses keputusan pembelian konsumen merupakan suatu kemungkinan tindakan yang dapat terjadi dan berhubungan dengan berbagai hal seperti faktor budaya dan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik konsumen, proses keputusan pembelian, serta hubungan faktor budaya dan sosial dengan proses keputusan pembelian minyak goreng sawit warga Korea. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional study. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 42 responden yang dipilih melalui teknik snowball sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen penelitian berupa angket selanjutnya dilakukan analisis deskriptif dan korelasi rank spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas responden adalah ibu rumah tangga yang memiliki pendapatan bulanan keluarga sebesar >Rp50.000.000,00. Frekuensi pembelian minyak goreng adalah sebulan sekali dengan kuantitas sebanyak 1-2 liter. Alasan utama konsumen melakukan proses pembelian adalah untuk memperoleh produk berkualitas baik dengan harga terjangkau. Sumber informasi diperoleh dari toko dengan jenis informasi yang menjadi fokus utamanya adalah kualitas. Konsumen merasa puas dan berniat membeli kembali minyak goreng sawit. Faktor budaya memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, positif, dan kuat dengan keputusan pembelian sementara faktor sosial memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, positif, dan rendah dengan keputusan pembelian. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai informasi mengenai perilaku Konsumen Korea khususnya dalam proses keputusan pembelian minyak goreng sawit
Edible flowers are the main business commodity at PT Ijo Kreasi Indonesia, Bandung City. The floriculture business has a promising prospect both in the domestic and foreign markets. This can be seen from the growth floriculture enthusiasts from year to year. However, the Covid-19 pandemic affected the edible flowers business because the company's main market were hotels and restaurants, so that during the pandemic there was 50-60% decrease in flowers sales. Therefore, PT Ijo Kreasi Indonesia needs to identify the financial feasibility of the edible flowers business during the pandemic to see the company's prospects in the future. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the business is feasible or not. This study uses a quantitative design with descriptive analysis method. Analysis of the data used is descriptive quantitative analysis that is through the calculation of BEP, NPV, Net B/C, Payback Period, IRR, and sensitivity analysis. The results of this research based on each aspect show positive results that the company has met the business criteria so that are feasible to run and have prospects for the future