408 research outputs found

    Internet technologies in self-study process (english language)

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    The article describes some of the Internet technologies in the self-study processВ статье рассматривается возможность использования Интернет технологий в организации самостоятельной работы студенто

    Topological constraints on spiral wave dynamics in spherical geometries with inhomogeneous excitability

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    We analyze the way topological constraints and inhomogeneity in the excitability influence the dynamics of spiral waves on spheres and punctured spheres of excitable media. We generalize the definition of an index such that it characterizes not only each spiral but also each hole in punctured, oriented, compact, two-dimensional differentiable manifolds and show that the sum of the indices is conserved and zero. We also show that heterogeneity and geometry are responsible for the formation of various spiral wave attractors, in particular, pairs of spirals in which one spiral acts as a source and a second as a sink -- the latter similar to an antispiral. The results provide a basis for the analysis of the propagation of waves in heterogeneous excitable media in physical and biological systems.Comment: 5 pages, 6 Figures, major revisions, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Ethnical and cultural particularity of gluttonic discourse

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    The article is devoted to ethnic perculiarity and originality of the Russian and British lingvocultures in line with gustative preference

    Global mapping of maximum emission heights and resulting vertical profiles of wildfire emissions

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    The problem of characteristic vertical profile of smoke released from wildland fires is considered. A methodology for bottom-up evaluation of this profile is suggested and a corresponding global dataset is calculated. The profile estimation is based on: (i) a semi-empirical formula for plume-top height recently suggested by the authors, (ii) satellite observations of active wildland fires, and (iii) meteorological conditions evaluated for each fire using output of the numerical weather prediction model. Injection profiles of the plumes from all fires recorded globally from March 2000 till November 2012 are estimated with a time step of 1 h. The resulting 4-dimensional dataset is split into daytime and nighttime subsets. The subsets are projected onto a global grid with a resolution of 1° × 1° × 500 m, aggregated to a monthly level, and normalised by total emissions in each vertical column. Evaluation of the obtained dataset was performed in several ways. Firstly, the quality of the semi-empirical formula for plume-top computations was evaluated using updated MISR fire Plume Height Project data. Secondly, the upper percentiles of the profiles are compared with an independent dataset of space lidar CALIOP. Thirdly, the results are compared with the distribution suggested for AEROCOM modelling community. Finally, the inter-annual variations of the calculated profiles are estimated


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    there has been less illegal business, but it has not completely disappeared, as well as the pros and cons of introducing this labeling system for its participants.В данной статье раскрывается понятие маркировки меховых изделий. Рассматриваются виды нанесения маркировки на меховые изделия. Делается вывод, что с появлением обязательной маркировки меховых изделий стало меньше нелегального бизнеса, но окончательно он не исчез, а также о плюсах и минус введения данной системы маркировки для её участников

    Effect of El Niño on the mesosphere/lower thermosphere winds over Collm (51.3°N, 13°E)

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    Mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) zonal winds measured by a VHF meteor radar at Collm, Germany (51.3°N, 13.0°E) during late winter 2015/2016 show very strong westerly winds above about 90 km, but not below that height. This anomaly appears during a very strong El Niño event. The comparison of Niño3 equatorial sea surface temperature index and the Collm MLT wind time series starting in 2004 shows that in January and especially in February zonal winds are positively correlated with the Niño3 index. The signal is strong for the upper altitudes (above 90 km) accessible to the radar observations, but weakens with decreasing height. This reflects the fact that during El Niño years the westerly winter middle atmosphere wind jet is weaker on an average, and this is also the case with the easterly lower thermospheric jet. The El Niño effect on the meridional wind is weak. The experimental results can be qualitatively reproduced by numerical experiments using the MUAM mechanistic global circulation model with prescribed tropospheric temperatures and latent heat release for El Niño and La Niña conditions.Der Zonalwind in der oberen Mesosphäre/unteren Thermosphäre über Collm (51.3°N, 13.0°E) in der zweiten Hälfte des Winter 2015/2016 weist eine besonders starke westliche Komponente oberhalb von etwa 90 km auf. Diese Anomalie erfolgte während eines sehr starken El Niño-Ereignisses. Der Vergleich von Collmer Zonalwinden seit 2004 und dem Niño3-index zeigt im Januar und besonders Februar eine positive Korrelation. Diese ist stark oberhalb von 90 km, nimmt aber nach unten hin ab. Dies spiegelt die Tatsache wider, dass während El Niño-Jahren im Mittel der stratosphärische/mesosphärische Westwindjet schwächer ist. Dieses Signal kehrt aber in der oberen Mesosphäre um, so dass der thermosphärische Ostwindjet ebenfalls schwächer ist. Der Effekt auf den meridionalen Wind ist schwächer. Die Beobachtungen können mit Modellexperimenten qualitativ reproduziert werden

    El Niño influence on the mesosphere/lower thermosphere circulation at midlatitudes as seen by a VHF meteor radar at Collm (51.3 ° N, 13 ° E)

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    Mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) zonal winds continuously measured by a VHF meteor radar at Collm, Germany (51.3° N, 13.0° E) in the height range 82 – 97 km from 2004 to date are analyzed with respect to the signature of El Niño. The comparison of Niño3 equatorial SST index and MLT wind time series shows that in January and especially in February zonal winds are positively correlated with the Niño3 index. We note a delay of about one month of the MLT zonal wind effect with respect to equatorial sea surface temperature variability. The signal is strong for the upper altitudes (above 90 km) accessible to the radar observations, but weakens with decreasing height. This reflects the fact that during El Niño years the westerly winter middle atmosphere wind jet is weaker, and this is also the case with the easterly lower thermospheric jet. Owing to the reversal of the absolute El Niño signal from negative to positive with altitude, at the height of the maximum meteor flux, which is around 90 km, the El Niño signal is weak. The experimental results can be qualitatively reproduced by numerical experiments using a mechanistic global circulation model with prescribed tropospheric temperatures and latent heat release for El Niño and La Niña conditions