26 research outputs found

    The Church Going Glocal Mission and Globalisation

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    This phenomenon, which, as this book will show, is not unique for our time, is nevertheless more widespread, more pervasive and more rapidly changing the world in which we live than ever before.https://scholar.csl.edu/edinburghcentenary/1021/thumbnail.jp

    An Independent Review of Monetary Policy and Institutions in Norway

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    The Centre for Monetary Economics (CME) at the Norwegian School of Management BI has for the third time invited a committee of economists for Norges Bank Watch, with the objective to evaluate the monetary-policy regime in Norway and Norges Bank’s conduct of monetary policy. The new committee for Norges Bank Watch 2002 consists of Professor Lars E.O. Svensson (chair), Princeton University, Chief Economist Kjetil Houg, Alfred Berg, Doctorate Student Haakon O.Aa. Solheim, Norwegian School of Management BI, and Professor Erling Steigum, Norwegian School of Management BI. The aim of Norges Bank Watch is to contribute to the general discussion on monetary policy and institutions among the political system, the academic community and other interested parties. Two years ago, Norges Bank Watch 2000 suggested that the Bank’s actual interpretation of its stable exchange-rate mandate should be formalized as a flexible inflation-targeting regime. In March 2001, the government introduced a formal inflation target regime. As was the case in last year’s report, we do not have the ambitions to suggest another major change of the system, but we hope to highlight important aspects of the present regime and we recommend a number of possible improvements of the regime.

    Identifying Refugees and Other Migrant Groups in European Large-scale Surveys: An Explorative Analysis of Integration Outcomes by Age Upon Arrival, Reasons for Migration and Country-of-birth Groups Using the European Union Labour Force Survey 2014 Ad Hoc Module

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    The aim of this article is to explore the association between self-reported reasons for migration, age upon arrival and Eurostat’s country-of-birth classification, and to study these measures in relation to education, employment and language skills. The European Union Labour Force Survey 2014 (11,345 women; 9,825 men) was used to study the immigrant working-age population (20–64 years) from seven West European countries with a substantial number of refugees. A third had arrived as children (0–19 years). Each reason for migration was well represented within all country-groups and the proportion of respondents reporting each reason was fairly similar across the country-groups. Regression analysis identified significant variation in education, employment and language skills by reasons for migration within country-groups and vice versa, with (female) refugees and family migrants arriving as adults faring worse than other migrants in language skills and employment. There were few significant gender differences. We recommend implementing reasons for migration and age upon arrival as core variables in quantitative migration studies

    LeiemarkedsundersĂžkelsen 2005

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    LeiemarkedsundersĂžkelsen 2005 viser at leietakere i Norge i gjennomsnitt betalte 4579 kroner i mĂ„nedlig leie for en bolig i 2. kvartal 2005. Hva forteller dette tallet? Hva ”skjuler” det? Og hva har vi kokt sammen for Ă„ komme frem til et gjennomsnittstall? I rapporten vil man se at dette gjennomsnittstallet ”skjuler” en mengde informasjon, og er kanskje verdilĂžst i seg selv. For hva kan tenkes Ă„ forklare en husleie? De tre B’er som brukes som forklaring pĂ„ boligpriser – Beliggenhet, Beliggenhet og Beliggenhet? Eller er det slik at leiemarkedet skiller seg markant fra eiermarkedet selv om bolig er fellesnevner begge steder? Og hva med begrepet gjengs leie, er det et operativt begrep? Og markedsleie – hva mener vi med det? Rapporten drĂžfter disse begrepene, og viser ogsĂ„ hvordan resultatene varierer ut fra forutsetninger man setter om blant annet utleieforhold, hvor i landet man leier, hvem man leier av og attributter ved boligen. LeiemarkedsundersĂžkelsen 2005 har avdekket de store utfordringene det er Ă„ utarbeide en god husleiestatistikk for hele leiemarkedet. Resultatene og analysen i denne rapporten er basert pĂ„ intervju med nesten 4000 leietakere i 2. kvartal 2005 og gir et svĂŠrt differensiert bilde av leiemarkedet. Leiemarkedet er som ventet vesentlig forskjellig fra eiermarkedet. Mens en kjĂžper og selger i et eiermarked mĂžtes en gang, vil en leietaker og utleier opprette en relasjon. Det fĂ„r betydning for prisdannelsen, og de ulike elementene mĂ„ tallfestes for at en skal kunne gi anslag pĂ„ typiske leier. Klassene av viktigste elementer er: egenskaper ved boligen, egenskaper ved leietaker, egenskaper ved eier-leierrelasjonen og innholdet i leieforholdet. De fĂŠrreste vil betvile at de beskrevne egenskaper kan ha betydning for pris. Statistisk sentralbyrĂ„ finner i denne analysen at i tillegg til rene, hedoniske kvaliteter pĂ„ en leid bolig, spiller de ovenfor beskrevne faktorer en viktig rolle i prissettingen. Priseffektene er ogsĂ„ gjennomgĂ„ende store. Det har vist seg Ă„ vĂŠre utfordrende Ă„ etablere et utvalg av leietakere i mangel av et register for Ă„ identifisere leietakere, eventuelt leieboliger. Gjennom den nye loven for borettslag er det foreslĂ„tt Ă„ opprette en registerordning for andeler i borettslag - et sĂ„kalt borettsregister. Et operativt borettsregister vil vĂŠre et vesentlig bidrag nĂ„r populasjoner innenfor boligmarkedet skal defineres og avgrenses. Det er et paradoks at man per i dag ikke har en samlet oversikt over verken leieboliger eller leietakere. Et borettsregister med bruk av bolignummer som identifikasjon av boenheten, som kombineres med dagens GAB-register (Register over Grunneiendommer, Adresser og Bygninger) , vil samlet utgjĂžre gode redskaper til Ă„ skaffe seg oversikt over populasjonen. Det anbefales at man i en ny leiemarkedsundersĂžkelse for 2006 benytter adresse som enhet i etableringen av hovedutvalget. I tillegg anbefales det Ă„ trekke et personutvalg blant unge ettersom leieandelen er relativ hĂžy blant disse. Et Ăžnske om leiestatistikk for detaljerte geografiske omrĂ„der, som prissoner innen enkelte storbyer, krever et relativt stort antall husleieobservasjoner. Av ressursmessige hensyn vil det neppe vĂŠre hensiktsmessig Ă„ samle inn et sĂ„pass hĂžyt antall observasjoner direkte gjennom spĂžrreundersĂžkelsen. En utnyttelse av registerinformasjon fra store utleieaktĂžrer anbefales derfor som et supplement. Leieprisene varierer langs flere dimensjoner. BĂ„de geografisk beliggenhet, attributter ved selve boligen og relasjoner mellom leietaker og utleier viser seg Ă„ ha betydning for leienivĂ„et. Fra et geografisk perspektiv skiller det gjennomsnittlige husleienivĂ„et i Oslo/Akershus seg klart fra resten av landet ved Ă„ ligge pĂ„ et hĂžyere nivĂ„, 5873 kroner per mĂ„ned mot 4101 kroner i TrĂžndelag. Sett ut fra attributter pĂ„ boligen er det - ikke overraskende - stĂžrrelsen pĂ„ boligen som pĂ„virker leienivĂ„et. LeiemarkedsundersĂžkelsen 2005 har avdekket at ulike relasjoner mellom leietaker og utleier har en signifikant pĂ„virkning pĂ„ leienivĂ„et. Spesielt vil slekts- og vennskapsforhold medfĂžre rabatt i husleien. LeiemarkedsundersĂžkelsen viser ogsĂ„ at leieforhold med profesjonelle utleiere gir klart hĂžyere leie. For eksempel er gjennomsnittlig leie per mĂ„ned 3805 kroner hvis man leier av "slekt/venner" mens man betaler i gjennomsnitt 5211 kroner nĂ„r man leier av "privat gĂ„rdeier/gĂ„rdselskap". Men igjen dukker spĂžrsmĂ„let opp – kan disse boligene sammenlignes? I regresjonsanalysen i kapittel 4 gĂ„r vi langt i Ă„ dekomponere husleien i enkeltfaktorer. PĂ„ grunnlag av erfaringene med LeiemarkedsundersĂžkelsen 2005 har Statistisk sentralbyrĂ„ ogsĂ„ foretatt en forelĂžpig vurdering av kostnadene med en tilsvarende undersĂžkelse for 1. kvartal 2006. Forutsetningene i kostnadsberegningene er en tredelt datafangst (papir/web, telefon og besĂžk) for Ă„ Ăžke antall leieobservasjoner, innhenting av registerinformasjon med oversampling for Oslo og Bergen og tilleggsutvalg av unge under 25 Ă„r. En slik leiemarkedsundersĂžkelse vil ha en kostnadsramme som er noe hĂžyere (20-30 prosent) enn for undersĂžkelsen i 2005, hovedsakelig pĂ„ grunn av besĂžksintervju

    Characterisation of HNF1A variants in paediatric diabetes in Norway using functional and clinical investigations to unmask phenotype and monogenic diabetes

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    Aims/hypothesis Correctly diagnosing MODY is important, as individuals with this diagnosis can discontinue insulin injections; however, many people are misdiagnosed. We aimed to develop a robust approach for determining the pathogenicity of variants of uncertain significance in hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 alpha (HNF1A)-MODY and to obtain an accurate estimate of the prevalence of HNF1A-MODY in paediatric cases of diabetes. Methods We extended our previous screening of the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry by 830 additional samples and comprehensively genotyped HNF1A variants in autoantibody-negative participants using next-generation sequencing. Carriers of pathogenic variants were treated by local healthcare providers, and participants with novel likely pathogenic variants and variants of uncertain significance were enrolled in an investigator-initiated, non-randomised, open-label pilot study (ClinicalTrials.gov registration no. NCT04239586). To identify variants associated with HNF1A-MODY, we functionally characterised their pathogenicity and assessed the carriers’ phenotype and treatment response to sulfonylurea. Results In total, 615 autoantibody-negative participants among 4712 cases of paediatric diabetes underwent genetic sequencing, revealing 19 with HNF1A variants. We identified nine carriers with novel variants classified as variants of uncertain significance or likely to be pathogenic, while the remaining ten participants carried five pathogenic variants previously reported. Of the nine carriers with novel variants, six responded favourably to sulfonylurea. Functional investigations revealed their variants to be dysfunctional and demonstrated a correlation with the resulting phenotype, providing evidence for reclassifying these variants as pathogenic. Conclusions/interpretation Based on this robust classification, we estimate that the prevalence of HNF1A-MODY is 0.3% in paediatric diabetes. Clinical phenotyping is challenging and functional investigations provide a strong complementary line of evidence. We demonstrate here that combining clinical phenotyping with functional protein studies provides a powerful tool to obtain a precise diagnosis of HNF1A-MODY.publishedVersio

    The Internationalization Process of Born Global Companies: A study of born globals without prior internationalization experience

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    Background: Observations of born global firms breaking with the traditional paradigm of stage-wise internationalization processes led to the emergence of the field of International Entrepreneurship (IE), an intersection between International Business and entrepreneurship. Literature calls for stronger theoretical foundation in IE research and increased use of theory from the field of entrepreneurship. A recent research stream employs effectuation theory from the entrepreneurship domain in modeling the internationalization process, though in various ways. There is also a consensus that experience is necessary to found born global companies and to do it using effectual logic. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of the internationalization process and the role of experience in born global firms. It aims to contribute to the recent stream of research employing effectuation theory on internationalization processes. For practitioners, it aims to increase the knowledge of effectuation as viable internationalization logic and the role of experience to born globals. Method: An empirical case study has been conducted using two case companies which recently have gone through an internationalization process, both without prior internationalization experience. Transcribed and coded interviews with founders from both firms were analyzed using a theoretical framework developed from a literature review. Results: The results show that both case companies, despite lack of prior internationalization experience, comply with the definitions of being born globals and their internationalization processes seem to follow an effectual logic. Both firms show tendencies to rely on key resources within their network for knowledge and confidence. Theoretical Implications: This thesis firstly shows that prior internationalization experience is not necessarily required for founding born globals using effectual logic. Effectuation is also shown to be a viable theoretical framework for understanding the early internationalization process of born global firms, also those without prior internationalization experience. This thesis suggests that a possible substitute for experience among inexperienced born globals is knowledgeable key resources within their network. Practical Implications: Entrepreneurs and stakeholders of born global firms in an early internationalization process are recommended to acknowledge the likely effectual character of the process, for example by focusing on exploiting contingent opportunities rather than making detailed plans of the process ahead. It is also recommended to be attentive to the importance of key knowledge resources in the network for firms without prior internationalization experience. Originality / value: Few studies have employed effectuation theory to understand the early stages of the internationalization process of born global firms, and especially on firms without prior internationalization experience. This thesis increases the generalizability of effectuation as theoretical framework to understand internationalization, and develops the understanding of experience’s role in born global firms. Limitations and future research: The thesis had a limited time frame, and future research is recommended to incorporate a temporal perspective through for example longitudinal studies of born global firms from inception toward successful internationalization. By including firms with and without prior internationalization experience in the sample, knowledge could also be gained as to how this influences their behavior and potential success. Keywords: International Entrepreneurship, Born Globals, Effectuatio

    Employment after spinal cord injury in Norway: A cross-sectional survey

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    Two research questions are addressed: 1) What predicts employment among persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Norway? 2) How do the employed compare with the non-employed in their job motivation, labour discrimination, quality of life, everyday coping, health and pain suffering? We use a cross-sectional survey from 2012. With a 51% response rate, 320 Norwegians aged 21–66 years with SCI participated. After injury, 69.5% were employed, and 44.5% remained employed at the time of the interview. There was no gender difference in employment. Among men and women, age at onset of SCI, ability to continue working in the same organisation and education was associated with employment. For men paraplegia and vocational rehabilitation were also significant. Occupational class was non-significant among both men and women. Job motivation and work ability could have affected past employment, and both the employed and non-employed supported the statement that employers discriminate against wheelchair users.publishedVersion© 2018 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    Norges Bank Watch 2002

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    The Centre for Monetary Economics (CME) at the Norwegian School of Management BI has for the third time invited a committee of economists for Norges Bank Watch, with the objective to evaluate the monetary-policy regime in Norway and Norges Bank’s conduct of monetary policy. The committee for Norges Bank Watch 2002 consists of Professor Lars E.O. Svensson (chair), Princeton University, Chief Economist Kjetil Houg, Alfred Berg, Doctorate Student Haakon O.Aa. Solheim, Norwegian School of Management BI, and Professor Erling Steigum, Norwegian School of Management BI. The committee met in Oslo in June 2002, had discussions with key officials at Norges Bank and the Ministry of Finance, and has worked on its report until September 2002

    Employment after Spinal Cord Injury in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Two research questions are addressed: 1) What predicts employment among persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Norway? 2) How do the employed compare with the non-employed in their job motivation, labour discrimination, quality of life, everyday coping, health and pain suffering? We use a cross-sectional survey from 2012. With a 51% response rate, 320 Norwegians aged 21–66 years with SCI participated. After injury, 69.5% were employed, and 44.5% remained employed at the time of the interview. There was no gender difference in employment. Among men and women, age at onset of SCI, ability to continue working in the same organisation and education was associated with employment. For men paraplegia and vocational rehabilitation were also significant. Occupational class was non-significant among both men and women. Job motivation and work ability could have affected past employment, and both the employed and non-employed supported the statement that employers discriminate against wheelchair users