204 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of clustering technique to teach writing skill viewed from students` linguistic intelligence (an experimental research on descriptive writing for the second semester of english department of IKIPPGRI Madiun in the academic year of 2009

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to know whether (1) clustering technique is more effective than direct instruction in teaching writing for the second semester students of English Department of IKIP PGRI Madiun; (2) the second semester students of English Department of IKIP PGRI Madiun who have high linguistic intelligence have better writing skill than those having low linguistic intelligence; and (3) there is interaction between teaching techniques and students’ linguistics intelligence to teach writing. The research was carried out at IKIP PGRI Madiun from March to July 2010. It is an Experimental Research. Here, the writer takes the data from Second semester students 2B and 2C as the sample of the research. The class B is as an experimental class and class C is as control class. Each of classes consists of 40 students. Dealing with the research instrument of collecting the data, the researcher makes some step: (1) giving the linguistic intelligence test as an internal test; (2) dividing the colleges who have high and low mark; (3) applying the teaching technique to the students; (4) analyzing the students’ mark to decide the teaching technique whether it is effectives or not; and (5) giving post test. The data were obtained from linguistic intelligence test and writing test. To analyze the data, the researcher applied descriptive and inferential statistic using ANOVAand Tukey’s test. The result of the study leads to the conclusion that first, the students who are taught clustering technique have better writing ability than those who are taught using direct instruction. In other word, the use of clustering technique is more effective than direct instruction. Second, the students who have high linguistic intelligence have better writing ability than those who low linguistic intelligence. Third, there is no interaction between teaching technique and students’ linguistic intelligence level for teaching writing. Teaching technique which is used by the teacher in teaching writing for the students’ linguistic level in class does not give a big influence for the success of the teaching and learning process The effect of teaching technique on the students’ writing ability does not depend on the students’ linguistic intelligence level. Finally, the research findings imply that the use of clustering technique can affect the student’s writing competence optimally. It is proved from the research findings showing that students who are taught using clustering technique have better writing competence than those who are taught using direct instruction. Therefore, it is recommended that English teachers are suggested to apply clustering technique in writing activities, to be more creative and innovative in using various kinds of interesting teaching techniques which accompany the materials. The students are suggested to apply clustering technique in writing and to write more by applying the technique so they will be more skillful in writing. For the researchers who intend to conduct the research more detail about the effect of using clustering technique for teaching writing, the writer hopes that the research findings can be used as a starting point and can be utilized as reference


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis lebih mendalam tentang budaya organisasi, kompensasi, kepuasan kerja dan turn over intention di Rumah Sakit Bedah Mitra Sehat Lamongan. Objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Rumah Sakit Bedah Mitra Sehat Lamongan dengan sampel 89 orang karyawan Rumah Sakit Bedah Mitra Sehat Lamongan medis maupun non medis. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur, analisis koefisien korelasi dan analisis koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan analisis deskriptif terhadap budaya organisasi,kompensasi, kepuasan kerja melalui turn over intention , responden memiliki nilai cukup menuju kuat, terdapat pengaruh signifikan budaya organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja, terdapat pengaruh signifikan kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja, terdapat pengaruh signifikan budaya organisasi dan kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja secara simultan dimana pengaruh budaya organisasi lebih dominan jika dibandingkan dengan pengaruh kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja, terdapat pengaruh signifikan kepuasan kerja terhadap turn over intention, terdapat pengaruh signifikan budaya organisasi terhadap turn over intention, dan pengaruh langsung budaya organisasi lebih dominan dibandingkan kompensasi, terdapat pengaruh signifikan kompensasi terhadap turn over intention, pengaruh tidak langsung budaya organisasi terhadap turn over intention melalui kepuasan kerja lebih dominan dibandingkan kompensasi terhadap turn over intention melalui kepuasan kerja, pengaruh tidak langsung kompensasi terhadap turn over intention melalui kepuasan kerja lebih tinggi, dibandingkan budaya organisasi.


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    Abstrak  Janger Karisma Dewata Banyuwangi mujudake paguyuban janger kang misuwur ing tlatah Banyuwangi. Janger Karisma Dewata Banyuwangi nduweni maneka warna lakon ing antarane Tumenggung Laras Miring, Jaya Kusuma, Sameprangin kembar, Penthul Dadi Ratu, lsp.  Penthul Dadi Ratu mujudake lakon janger Karisma Dewata Banyuwangi kang narik kawigaten amarga cerita kang dibabar sesambungan karo cerita Sabda Palon. Lakon Penthul Dadi Ratu (LPDR) bakal dikaji kanthi tintingan stilistika kang uga disengkuyun karo tintingan struktural. Saka maneka warna aspek-aspek stilistik sajrone LPDR iku, ing panliten iki kababar underan panliten yaiku (1) Kepriye wujud carita LPDR?, (2) Kepriye wujud lelewane basa  LPDR?, (3) Kepriye wujud retorika LPDR?. (4) Piwulang apa kang kinadhut sajrone LPDR?. Dene tujuwan panliten yaiku (1) njlentrehake karaterikstik Janger Karisma Dewata kanthi LPDR (2) njlentrehake wujud lelewane basa LPDR, (3) njlentrehake aspek retoris LPDR, (4) njlentrehake piwulang kang kinadhut sajrone LPDR. Panliti iki diajab bisa asung paedah, (1) tumrap masyarakat sarana mbangun kawruh lan nambahi ilmu saka LPDR, (2) tumrap karya seni, kanggo menehi sumbangan pangrembakane karya seni, (3) tumrap mahasiswa, kanggo acuan nindakake panliten sabanjure, (4) tumrap panliten, kanggo sarana nambah wawasan nyinaoni kepriye mangun kawasan kang dadi pikoleh ing pawiyatan. Panliten iki kantintingan kanthi stilistika. Gegayutan karo tintingan kasebut, kaandharake konsep lan teori yaiku (1) drama, (2) struktur, (3) lelewane basa, (4) aspek retoris. Panliten iki kalebu panliten dheskriptif kualitatif kang gegayutan karo tintingan stilistika. Sumber data ing panliten iku yaiku rekaman kaset LPDR. Data ing panlite iki yaiku tetembungan, ukara, lan wacana kang ana gegayutane karo prakara kang arep ditilti, Instrumen utawa alat pangumpule data kang utama yaiku panliti dhewe. Tata cara ngumpulake data sajrone panliten iki nggunakake metode pustaka  lan tata cara nganalisis datane nggunakake metode hermeneutik. Asiling panliten iki yaiku ing babagan struktur mung diwatesi reringkasane carita, tema, lan paraga. Tema saka LPDR yaiku tema kritik sosial. Kayata pacelathon-pecalathon kang dibabarake dening paraga-paraga LPDR kang ngandhut pasemon-pasemon tumrap masyarakat kepriye anggone dadi pandhega. Kejaba mbabarake struktur carita, panliten iku uga nganalisis aspek-aspek stilistik. Sajrone LPDR uga ditemokake aspek-aspek stilistik. Aspek-aspek stilistik kasebut diperang dadi loro yaiku lelewane basa lan aspek retoris. Yen aspek-aspek stilistik bisa kadhudhah, apa kang dadi piwulang sajrone LPDR bisa kababar tumrap pamirsane.   Kata Kunci            : aspek stilistik, lelewane basa, aspek retoris       Abstract Janger Karisma Dewata Banyuwangi merupakan salah satu groub janger yang terkenal di Banyuwangi. Janger Karima Dewata Banyuwangi mempunyai banyak lakon antara lain Tumenggung Laras Miring, Jaya Kusuma, Samparangin kembar, Penthul Dadi Ratu, lsp. Penthul Dadi Ratu merupakan lakon dari Janger Karisma Dewata Banyuwangi yang menarik untuk ditonton. Penthul Dadi Ratu menceritakan cerita tradisional yaiku cerita Sabda Palon. Lakon Penthul Dadi Ratu (LPDR) akan dikaji dengan kajian stilistika yang dibantu dengan kajian struktural.        Dari berbagai macam aspek-aspek stilistik didalam LPDR. Peneltian ini merumuskan rumusan masalah (1) Bagaimana wujud cerita LPDR, (2) Bagaimana wujud gaya bahasa LPDR?, (3) Bagaimana aspek retoris LPDR, (4) Amanat apa yang terkandung dalam LPDR. Disamping itu tujuwan peneliti yaitu (1) menjelaskan karateristik Janger Karisma Dewata yang menggunakan LPDR, (2) menjelaskan wujud gaya bahasa, (3) menjelaskan aspek retoris LPDR, (4) menjelaskan amanat apa yang terkandung dalam LPDR.        Penelitian mempunyai manfaat untuk (1) untuk masyarakat, membangun ilmu dan pengetahuan dari LPDR, (2) untuk karya seni, memberikan perkembangan terhadap adanya sebuah karya seni, (3) untuk mahasiswa, sebagai pedoman untuk melakukan penelitian selanjutnya (4) untuk paneliti untuk belajar memperoleh manfaat dari peneltian. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian stilistika. Sehubungan dengan kajiaan kasebut dijelaskan teori dan konsep yaitu (1) drama, (2) struktur, (3) lelewane basa, (4) aspek retoris.        Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriktif kualitatif yang berhubungan dengan kajian stilistika. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu rekaman LPDR. Data penelitian ini yaitu kata, kalimat, dan wacana. Instrumen atau cara menggumpulkan data alat utamanya adalah penelti sendiri. Tata cara mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode pustaka dan cara menganalisis data menggunakan metode hermeneutik.        Hasil penelitian ini yaitu struktur yang hanya dibatasi ringkasan cerita, tema dan tokoh. Tema dari LPDR yaitu kritik sosial. Pacelathon-pacelathon yang ditampilkan oleh tokoh-tokoh LPDR kang mengandung sindirian bagaimana menjadi pemimpin yang baik.        Didalam  LPDR juga ditemukan aspek-aspek stilistik. Aspek-aspek stilistik tadi dibagi menjadi dua yaitu gaya bahasa dan aspek retoris. Jika aspek-aspek stilsitik bisa dianalisis maka amanat yang terkandung dalam LPDR bisa dirasakan masyarakat.   Kata Kunci            : aspek stilistik, lelewane basa, aspek retori

    Digital Photographs As Authentic Materials In Teaching Writing

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    Digital photograph is one of the authentic materials which can be used in the classroom. It is the genuine material designed to help the students in writing process. It is not in the form of printed photograph but in the electronic form. In this study, digital photographs were used to help the students in writing paragraph. It aimed at investigating the use of digital photographs in paragraph writing on the students’ writing quality. The research was conducted by using quasi-experimental design. The students were given the treatment by using digital photographs and the other group was not given the treatment by using digital photographs. The subjects of the research were the second semester students of the English Department, IKIP PGRI Madiun. The students in the experimental group were assigned to write a paragraph by using digital photographs, while those in the control group were assigned to write a paragraph without digital photograph. The data were analyzed by utilizing t-test. The result of the study showed that there was a significant difference between the students who wrote paragraph supplied with the digital photographs and those who wrote paragraph without using digital photographs. It could be shown that digital photographs had a significant effect on writing quality. Keywords: writing, authentic materials, digital photographs


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    This study aims to describe the types of violations of the principle of cooperation in dialogue between groups in the novel Koala Kumal by Raditya Dika. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data source of this research is Raditya Dika's Koala Kumal novel which consists of 12 stories. Data collectiontechniques used include techniques for reading, listening, and taking notes. The research instrument used was a cooperative principle indicator in the form of a table. Data analysis techniques with qualitative descriptive methods with steps to collect data, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study show two conclusions. First, the form of violation of the principle of cooperation that occurs is (1) the maxim of quantity, (2) the maxim of quality, (3) the maxim of relevance, and (4) the maxim of the method or implementation. Second, namely the three objectives of violating the principle of cooperation, namely (1) representative purpose: providing information or giving explanations, ensuring, expressing expectations, and affirming, (2) directive objectives: insinuating, mocking, giving advice, and criticizing or protesting, and (3) expressive goals: lying, boasting, expressing dislike, expressing concern, seducing or teasing, praising, confused, and creating humor

    Effect of Computer Mediated Communication and Face-to-Face Communication on the Students' Writing

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    This research aimed to investigate the effect of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and face-to-face (F2F) communication on the students' writing. The subjects were the English department students of the fourth semester at the private University in Madiun. The researchers employed the students in class A and B as the research subjects. The research method used was a quasi-experimental design. The research design was divided into pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Both of the two groups were given pre-test to see the homogeneity of the two groups. The experimental group was given CMC, and the comparison group was given F2F communication. Then, both of the two groups were given post-test. The data collection technique was done by giving the students a writing test. Data analysis was done by employing the independent t-test. The result shows that the students' writing after employing F2F communication is more effective than students' writing after employing CMC. The students like to share the ideas directly than they employ CMC because it is more complicated. In addition, it is because the students find difficulty in sharing the ideas through CMC, so, F2F communication is better than CMC on the students' writing quality

    The Effect of Graphic Organizers on ELT Students’ Writing Quality

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    Graphic organizers are used in ELT classroom to help the students learn better. It refers to the way the students use graphic organizers in writing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of graphic organizers on ELT students’ writing quality. This study was a quasi-experimental research design. The experimental group was taught by using graphic organizers. The control group was administered by using conventional strategy. The participants of the research were the second semester students of English Department, in one of the private universities in Madiun. The data were analyzed by utilizing independent t-test and one-way ANOVA based on the level of significance at .05. The result of the study shows that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the students in the experimental and control groups. The students who are taught by using graphic organizers are better than the students who are taught using conventional strategy. The students in the experimental group perform better on writing quality in terms of content, vocabulary, and mechanics than those who do in the control group. It can be concluded that graphic organizers have a significant effect on ELT students’ writing quality. It is effective to be used in order to help the students write better. The students are successful in generating the ideas of writing and it can create a social community. We recommend for the future researchers to realize other various graphic organizer models into research

    The Relationship between Students’ Speaking Skill and Students’ Self-Esteem of Mover F Class of NCL Madiun

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    The purpose of this study is to know "The Relationship between Students' Speaking Skills and Students' Self-Esteem of NCL Madiun's Mover F Class." This study's problem formulation is whether there is a relationship between students' speaking skills and NCL Madiun's mover class students' self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relationship between students' speaking ability and self-esteem in the NCL Madiun mover class. Mover F class NCL Madiun students took part in this study. There are 180 students in the NCL Madiun Mover class, which is divided into ten classes. The purposeful sampling technique was used in this study, and the sample consisted of 19 students from Mover F class, with 12 boys and 9 girls. The type of data used is quantitative data. Data were gathered using speaking tests and self-esteem questionnaires. According to the findings, the average score for speaking skills was 73.53, while the average value for self-esteem was 72. Pearson's product-moment correlation produces 797 results and a sig value of less than 0.05, corresponding to 0.0001. The researcher comes to the conclusion that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, implying that there is a relationship between students' speaking abilities and self-esteem in the NCL Madiun Mover F class. Students who have high self-esteem outperform students who have low self-esteem
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