10 research outputs found

    A Run-Through of Mathematics : The way teachers plans and carries out a run-through of Maths topic for a plenary session

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    Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka hur lÀrarare kan gÄ tillvÀga för att planera och genomföra en genomgÄng i Àmnet matematik som inkluderar alla elever. För att samla in material anvÀnde vi oss utav 4 observationer i Ärskurs 2 och 3 samt intervjuer med respektive lÀrare. Den insamlade datan kopplades till den teoretiska bakgrunden för att sÀkerstÀlla resultatet. Sammanfattningsvis har studien visat att dagens lÀrare lÀgger mycket fokus pÄ genomgÄngar pÄ grundnivÄ för att sedan kunna individanpassa arbetet. En mycket viktig del i genomgÄngen Àr att eleverna Àr delaktiga genom diskussioner för att reda ut frÄgetecken för att underlÀtta det individuella arbetet

    Alopecipatienters upplevelser

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    Alopeci innebĂ€r hĂ„ravfall av olika anledningar. Det finns tre autoimmuna typer av alopeci; areata, totalis och universalis, och en androgen som Ă€r mer kĂ€nd som manligt hĂ„ravfall. Den autoimmuna alopecin drabbar ca 1,7% av befolkningen, jĂ€mnt fördelat över könen, medan cirka 96% av alla mĂ€n fĂ„r androgent hĂ„ravfall i nĂ„gon utstrĂ€ckning. Det finns ingen behandling för autoimmun alopeci, dĂ€remot finns det ett fĂ„tal olika behandlingsalternativ för manligt hĂ„ravfall, men endast med mĂ„ttlig kliniskt bevisad effekt. Tidigare forskning visade att personer som tappade hĂ„ret mĂ„dde psykiskt dĂ„ligt dĂ„ det pĂ„verkade deras sociala liv negativt, de fick Ă„ngest och blev deprimerade, och pĂ„ bloggar skrivna av svenska patienter med alopeci finns bekrĂ€ftelse pĂ„ dessa forskningsresultat. Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av sjukdomen och fĂ„ svar pĂ„ hur de hanterar sin sjukdom samt hur deras möten med vĂ„rden ser ut. Resultaten visade att patienter med denna sjukdom i stor utstrĂ€ckning mĂ„dde psykiskt dĂ„ligt till följd av sitt tillstĂ„nd, i synnerhet kvinnor. Patienter upplevde att de inte togs pĂ„ allvar nĂ€r de sökte vĂ„rd för sitt hĂ„ravfall och att lĂ€kare mest var intresserade av att behandla sjĂ€lva hĂ„ravfallet och inte brydde sig om de psykologiska aspekterna av sjukdomen. I diskussionsdelen behandlas bland annat bristen pĂ„ överförbara resultat inom alopeciforskningen samt bristen pĂ„ tillgĂ€nglig svensk forskning pĂ„ omrĂ„det.Alopecia is a condition of hair loss for different reasons. There are three auto im-mune types of alopecia; areata, totalis and universalis, and one androgenetic type known as male pattern baldness. The prevalence of auto immune alopecia is about 1,7% of the population, evenly distributed over gender, while about 96% of Swedish men will present with androgenetic hair loss to some extent. There is no treatment for auto immune alopecia, but there are a few treatment options for male pattern baldness, but only with limited clinical effect. Existing research showed that people with hair loss were experiencing a psychological impact affecting their social life, they experienced anxiety and became depressed, and in blogs by Swedish patients with alopecia, these results are confirmed. The aim of this review was to describe patients’ experiences and to find answers to how they cope with their disease and also their experiences from seeking help at care-giving instances. The results showed that patients with this disease, women to a greater extent than men, often present with psychological symptoms related to their condition, Patients felt that they were not taken seriously when seeking medical care for their condition and that doctors were merely interested in treating the hair loss, not the psychological impact of the disease. The lack of transferable results from research on alopecia is discussed and also the lack of available Swedish research

    Preanalytical factors and their effect on the liver markers ALAT, ASAT and bilirubin : A literature review

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    Preanalytiska faktorer sÄsom provhantering och förvaring utgör den vanligaste felkÀllan inom laboratoriemedicin, vilket tyder pÄ bristande kunskap kring faktorer som pÄverkar provers stabilitet. ALAT, ASAT och bilirubin Àr markörer för utvÀrdering och behandling inom leverdiagnostik, varpÄ tillförlitliga provsvar Àr av stor vikt.Syfte: Att granska tidigare studier och göra en sammanstÀllning av stabiliteten för ALAT, ASAT och bilirubin vid olika typer av förvaring innan och efter centrifugering, olika centrifuginstÀllningar, samt i rör med olika tillsatser.Metod: En allmÀn litteraturstudie gjordes genom systematisk sökning och bearbetning av vetenskapliga artiklar relaterade till syftet.Resultat: Studierna om analytstabilitet hos centrifugerade prover hade en stor spridning mellan resultaten som kan förklaras av studiernas olika upplÀgg, frÀmst med tanke pÄ att de pÄgick under olika lÄng tid. GÀllande jÀmförelse av provrör skiljde det som mest fem dagar mellan PST och Barricor-rör i en av studierna. Studierna om centrifugering visade inte pÄ nÄgon skillnad i stabilitet med de instÀllningar av centrifugalkraft och tid som anvÀndes.Slutsats: Bristen pÄ studier med liknande studiedesign gör det svÄrt att dra nÄgra sÀkra slutsatser kring stabiliteten vid olika förvaring. Resultatet antyder att varken olika rörtillsatser, centrifuginstÀllningar eller fördröjd centrifugering upp till 24 timmar pÄverkar stabiliteten för ALAT, ASAT eller bilirubin.Preanalytical factors such as specimen handling are the most common source of error in laboratory medicine, suggesting a lack of knowledge about factors affecting sample stability. ALAT, ASAT and bilirubin are markers that underlie evaluation and treatment in liver diagnostics, therefore reliable test answers are of great importance.Objective: To review previous studies and compile the stability of ALAT, ASAT and bilirubin for different storage before and after centrifugation, different centrifuge settings, and in tubes with different additives.Method: A literature review was done through systematic search and processing of scientific articles related to the objective.Results: The studies on analyte stability of centrifuged samples showed great variance between the results, mainly due to the studies lasting for different lengths of time. One study comparing test tubes showed a five day difference for ASAT between PST and Barricor tubes. Centrifugation studies showed no difference in stability with the centrifugal settings used.Conclusion: The lack of studies with similar study designs makes it difficult to draw any certain conclusions about the stability in different storage conditions. The result suggests that neither different tube additives, centrifuge settings nor delayed centrifugation up to 24 hours affect the stability of ALAT, ASAT or bilirubin

    Hur förÀndras livsvÀrlden efter en plötslig amputation? Ett patientperspektiv

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    I Sverige amputeras cirka 2500 personer varje Är, 80 procent av dessa beror pÄ cirkulationsrubbningar, andra orsaker kan vara trauma eller olycka. Vi lever genom vÄra kroppar och nÀr kroppen förÀndras kommer Àven livsvÀrlden att förÀndras. NÀr en person genomgÄr en plötslig amputation pÄverkas personens vÀlbefinnande och det blir ocksÄ en omtumlande upplevelse att tvingas in i en ny livssituation, dÄ arbetsliv, sociala livet och personliga livet pÄverkas av skadan. DÄ sjuksköterskans uppgift Àr att frÀmja patientens hÀlsa och minska dennes lidande, Àr det viktigt att han/hon vet hur det Àr att ha drabbats av en plötslig amputation och hur patientens livsvÀrld har förÀndrats. Syftet med denna studie Àr att beskriva hur patienter upplever att livsvÀrlden förÀndrats efter en plötslig amputation. En kvalitativ litteraturstudie anvÀndes som metod för att fÄ en ökad förstÄelse för det valda fenomenet. Resultatet presenteras i teman och subteman, dessa visar pÄ att en person som drabbats av plötslig amputation genomgÄr en fysiskt och psykisk förÀndring, personen mÄste lÀra sig att anpassa sig till detta. Personerna som genomgÄtt en amputation anvÀnde olika strategier för att hantera det som intrÀffat, exempelvis; trÀffa och samtala med andra som genomgÄtt amputation eller söka stöd hos anhöriga. Det som var viktigast för alla informanterna var att uppfattas som normala av omgivningen och de ville inte bli stÀmplade som ett handikapp. En viktig del i detta var att ha en vÀlanpassad protes. I diskussionen ges praktiska implikationer samt förslag pÄ nya forskningsfrÄgor.Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildnin

    Alopecipatienters upplevelser

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    Alopeci innebĂ€r hĂ„ravfall av olika anledningar. Det finns tre autoimmuna typer av alopeci; areata, totalis och universalis, och en androgen som Ă€r mer kĂ€nd som manligt hĂ„ravfall. Den autoimmuna alopecin drabbar ca 1,7% av befolkningen, jĂ€mnt fördelat över könen, medan cirka 96% av alla mĂ€n fĂ„r androgent hĂ„ravfall i nĂ„gon utstrĂ€ckning. Det finns ingen behandling för autoimmun alopeci, dĂ€remot finns det ett fĂ„tal olika behandlingsalternativ för manligt hĂ„ravfall, men endast med mĂ„ttlig kliniskt bevisad effekt. Tidigare forskning visade att personer som tappade hĂ„ret mĂ„dde psykiskt dĂ„ligt dĂ„ det pĂ„verkade deras sociala liv negativt, de fick Ă„ngest och blev deprimerade, och pĂ„ bloggar skrivna av svenska patienter med alopeci finns bekrĂ€ftelse pĂ„ dessa forskningsresultat. Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av sjukdomen och fĂ„ svar pĂ„ hur de hanterar sin sjukdom samt hur deras möten med vĂ„rden ser ut. Resultaten visade att patienter med denna sjukdom i stor utstrĂ€ckning mĂ„dde psykiskt dĂ„ligt till följd av sitt tillstĂ„nd, i synnerhet kvinnor. Patienter upplevde att de inte togs pĂ„ allvar nĂ€r de sökte vĂ„rd för sitt hĂ„ravfall och att lĂ€kare mest var intresserade av att behandla sjĂ€lva hĂ„ravfallet och inte brydde sig om de psykologiska aspekterna av sjukdomen. I diskussionsdelen behandlas bland annat bristen pĂ„ överförbara resultat inom alopeciforskningen samt bristen pĂ„ tillgĂ€nglig svensk forskning pĂ„ omrĂ„det.Alopecia is a condition of hair loss for different reasons. There are three auto im-mune types of alopecia; areata, totalis and universalis, and one androgenetic type known as male pattern baldness. The prevalence of auto immune alopecia is about 1,7% of the population, evenly distributed over gender, while about 96% of Swedish men will present with androgenetic hair loss to some extent. There is no treatment for auto immune alopecia, but there are a few treatment options for male pattern baldness, but only with limited clinical effect. Existing research showed that people with hair loss were experiencing a psychological impact affecting their social life, they experienced anxiety and became depressed, and in blogs by Swedish patients with alopecia, these results are confirmed. The aim of this review was to describe patients’ experiences and to find answers to how they cope with their disease and also their experiences from seeking help at care-giving instances. The results showed that patients with this disease, women to a greater extent than men, often present with psychological symptoms related to their condition, Patients felt that they were not taken seriously when seeking medical care for their condition and that doctors were merely interested in treating the hair loss, not the psychological impact of the disease. The lack of transferable results from research on alopecia is discussed and also the lack of available Swedish research

    Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 in Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibody-Associated Vasculitis : Biomarker Potential and Association with Polymorphisms in the MCP-1 and the CC Chemokine Receptor-2 Gene

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    Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody- (ANCA-) associated vasculitis (AAV) are relapsing-remitting disorders with unpredictable prognosis. There is a need of biomarkers for distinguishing which patients will have a more severe outcome and also for predicting relapses in disease activity. This study confirms the previous results of urinary MCP-1 (uMCP-1) as a prognostic marker and explores its potential as a marker of disease activity. Method. 114 patients with AAV were followed regularly between 2002 and 2011 at SkÄne University Hospital. Urine samples, blood samples, and clinical status were registered. The urine samples were analyzed in an in-house-developed ELISA. PCR-RLFP was used to analyze the MCP-1 and CCR2 genes. Results. Patients with severe prognosis had significantly higher levels of uMCP-1 compared to patients with nonsevere prognosis and healthy controls. Patients with renal damage had higher levels compared to patients who did not have renal damage. There was also a tendency of higher uMCP-1 levels in active disease as compared to remission. AA in the -2518 position in the MCP-1 gene was associated with a more severe outcome compared to the A/G or the G/G genotype. The A/A genotype were also associated with higher levels of uMCP-1. No significant associations were seen for the CCR2-V64I. Conclusion. This study confirmed the connection between high uMCP-1 levels and poor prognosis and also disease activity. It also suggests an association of the A/A genotype at position -2518 in the MCP-1 gene and poor prognosis in AAV. uMCP-1 is clearly a candidate biomarker of potential clinical value. The A/A genotype association needs further evaluation

    Assessing erythroferrone and iron homeostasis in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnancies : A retrospective study

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    Introduction: Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-related disorder associated with maternal hypertension and placental dysfunction. A significant micronutrient during pregnancy is iron, which is important in cellular functions. While iron absorption increases in pregnancy, little is known about the exact mechanisms regulating maternal iron levels and transfer through the placenta in normal and complicated pregnancies. Methods: In this retrospective study, we investigated the regulation of maternal and placental iron availability and storage, in normotensive and pregnancies complicated by early- or late-onset PE. Methods used were analysis of clinical records, ELISA analysis on plasma samples, immunofluorescent and Prussian Blue analysis on placenta biopsies. Results: Focusing on erythroferrone (ERFE) as a new marker and hormonal regulator of iron, our results demonstrated altered maternal ERFE levels in PE. We are the first to report the expression of ERFE in trophoblasts and indicate its lower levels in early-onset PE placentas. These changes were associated with lower placental transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) in syncytiotrophoblasts in both early- and late-onset PE. In addition, maternal plasma ERFE levels were elevated in both early- and late-onset PE and hepcidin levels reduced in early-onset PE. Unaltered maternal plasma IL-6 levels suggest mechanism other than inflammation being involved in altered iron regulation in PE pregnancy. Discussion: Our data supports a deregulation in maternal iron bioavailability in early- and late-onset PE vs normotensive pregnancies. The exact role of placental ERFE in regulating maternal-placental-fetal iron transport axis requires further investigation

    Antibacterial activity of apramycin at acidic pH warrants wide therapeutic window in the treatment of complicated urinary tract infections and acute pyelonephritis

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    BACKGROUND The clinical-stage drug candidate EBL-1003 (apramycin) represents a distinct new subclass of aminoglycoside antibiotics for the treatment of drug-resistant infections. It has demonstrated best-in-class coverage of resistant isolates, and preclinical efficacy in lung infection models. However, preclinical evidence for its utility in other disease indications has yet to be provided. Here we studied the therapeutic potential of EBL-1003 in the treatment of complicated urinary tract infection and acute pyelonephritis (cUTI/AP). METHODS A combination of data-base mining, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, time-kill experiments, and four murine infection models was used in a comprehensive assessment of the microbiological coverage and efficacy of EBL-1003 against Gram-negative uropathogens. The pharmacokinetics and renal toxicology of EBL-1003 in rats was studied to assess the therapeutic window of EBL-1003 in the treatment of cUTI/AP. FINDINGS EBL-1003 demonstrated broad-spectrum activity and rapid multi-log CFU reduction against a phenotypic variety of bacterial uropathogens including aminoglycoside-resistant clinical isolates. The basicity of amines in the apramycin molecule suggested a higher increase in positive charge at urinary pH when compared to gentamicin or amikacin, resulting in sustained drug uptake and bactericidal activity, and consequently in potent efficacy in mouse infection models. Renal pharmacokinetics, biomarkers for toxicity, and kidney histopathology in adult rats all indicated a significantly lower nephrotoxicity of EBL-1003 than of gentamicin. INTERPRETATION This study provides preclinical proof-of-concept for the efficacy of EBL-1003 in cUTI/AP. Similar efficacy but lower nephrotoxicity of EBL-1003 in comparison to gentamicin may thus translate into a higher safety margin and a wider therapeutic window in the treatment of cUTI/API. FUNDING A full list of funding bodies that contributed to this study can be found in the Acknowledgements section