672 research outputs found

    Reducing Poverty in California…Permanently

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    If California were to seriously commit to equalizing opportunity and reducing poverty, how might that commitment best be realized? This is of course a hypothetical question, as there is no evidence that California is poised to make such a serious commitment, nor have many other states gone much beyond the usual lip-service proclamations. There are many reasons for California’s complacency, but an important one is that most people think that poverty is intractable and that viable solutions to it simply don’t exist. When Californians know what needs to be done, they tend to go forward and get it done. When, for example, the state’s roads are in disrepair, there are rarely paralyzing debates about exactly how to go about fixing them; instead we proceed with the needed repairs as soon as the funds to do so are appropriated. The same type of sure and certain prescription might appear to be unavailable when it comes to reducing poverty. It is hard not to be overwhelmed by the cacophony of voices yielding a thick stream of narrow-gauge interventions, new evaluations, and piecemeal proposals.1 Although the research literature on poverty is indeed large and may seem confusing, recent advances have in fact been so fundamental that it is now possible to develop a science-based response to poverty. In the past, the causes of poverty were not well understood, and major interventions, such as the War on Poverty, had to be built more on hunch than science. It is an altogether different matter now. The causes of poverty are well established, and the effects of many possible policy responses to poverty are likewise well established. The simple purpose of this essay is to assemble these advances into a coherent plan that would, if implemented, reduce poverty in California substantially

    Why is there so much Poverty in California? The Causes of California’s Sky-High Poverty and the Evidence Behind the Equal Opportunity Plan for Reducing It

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    The purpose of this report is to describe the current state of poverty in California, to discuss concrete steps that could be taken to reduce poverty in California, and to present the best available evidence on the likely effects of those steps. We take on an important but infrequently-posed question: If California were to seriously commit to reducing poverty, how might that commitment best be realized? This is of course a hypothetical question, as there is no evidence that California is poised to make such a serious commitment, nor have many other states gone much beyond the usual lip service proclamations. It is nonetheless especially striking that California, the highest-poverty state in the country, has not rushed in to rectify the matter.1 There are many reasons for this seeming complacency, but an especially important one is that most people think that poverty is intractable and that viable solutions to it simply don’t exist. When Californians know what needs to be done, they tend to go forward and get it done. When, for example, the state’s roads are in disrepair, there are rarely paralyzing debates about exactly how to go about fixing them; and instead we proceed with the needed repairs as soon as the funds to do so are appropriated. The same type of sure and certain prescription might appear to be unavailable when it comes to fixing poverty. It is hard not to be overwhelmed by the cacaphony of voices yielding a thick stream of narrow-gauge interventions, new evaluations, and piecemeal proposals.

    The criminogenic and psychological effects of police stops on adolescent black and Latino boys

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    Proactive policing, the strategic targeting of people or places to prevent crimes,is a well-studied tactic that is ubiquitous in modern law enforcement. A 2017 National Academies of Sciences report reviewed existing literature, entrenched in deterrence theory, and found evidence that proactive policing strategies can reduce crime. The existing literature, however, does not explore what the short and long-term effects of police contact are for young people who are subjected to high rates of contact with law enforcement as a result of proactive policing. Using four waves of longitudinal survey data from a sample of predominantly black and Latino boys in ninth and tenth grades, we find that adolescent boys who are stopped by police report more frequent engagement in delinquent behavior 6, 12, and 18 months later, independent of prior delinquency, a finding that is consistent with labeling and life course theories. We also find that psychological distress partially mediates this relationship, consistent with the often stated, but rarely measured, mechanism for adolescent criminality hypothesized by general strain theory. These findings advance the scientific understanding of crime and adolescent development while also raising policy questions about the efficacy of routine police stops of black and Latino youth. Police stops predict decrements in adolescents’ psychological well-being and may unintentionally increase their engagement in criminal behavior

    Finding Common Ground When Experts Disagree: Robust Portfolio Decision Analysis

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    Prioritized Agenda for Mental Health Research in Pediatric Rheumatology from the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Mental Health Workgroup

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    Objective Mental health problems are prevalent in youth with rheumatologic disease. Gaps in knowledge exist regarding their effect, as well as strategies for detection and effective treatment. To address these gaps, the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Mental Health Workgroup developed and prioritized an agenda of research topics. Methods We systematically reviewed the literature and identified 5 major research domains in further need of study: (A) mental health burden and relationship to pediatric rheumatologic disease, (B) effect of mental health disorders on outcomes, (C) mental health awareness and education, (D) mental health screening, and (E) mental health treatment. Research topics within these areas were developed by workgroup leaders and refined by the workgroup. Members were surveyed to prioritize the topics by importance, feasibility of study, and actionability. Results Fifty-nine members (57%) completed the survey. Among the proposed research topics, 31/33 were rated as highly important and 4/33 were rated highly for importance, feasibility, and actionability. Topics rated most important related to (A) mental health burden and relationship to rheumatologic disease, and (B) the effect of mental health on outcomes. Topics rated most feasible and actionable were related to (D) mental health screening. Conclusion Addressing gaps in knowledge regarding mental health in youth with rheumatologic disease is essential for improving care. We have identified high priority research topics regarding mental health of pediatric rheumatology patients in need of further investigation that are feasible to study and believed to lead to actionable results in patient care

    The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey of Orion Protostars. I. Identifying and Characterizing the Protostellar Content of the OMC-2 FIR4 and OMC-2 FIR3 Regions

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    We present ALMA (0.87~mm) and VLA (9~mm) observations toward OMC2-FIR4 and OMC2-FIR3 within the Orion integral-shaped filament that are thought to be the nearest regions of intermediate mass star formation. We characterize the continuum sources within these regions on ∼\sim40~AU (0\farcs1) scales and associated molecular line emission at a factor of ∼\sim30 better resolution than previous observations at similar wavelengths. We identify six compact continuum sources within OMC2-FIR4, four in OMC2-FIR3, and one additional source just outside OMC2-FIR4. This continuum emission is tracing the inner envelope and/or disk emission on less than 100~AU scales. HOPS-108 is the only protostar in OMC2-FIR4 that exhibits emission from high-excitation transitions of complex organic molecules (e.g., methanol and other lines) coincident with the continuum emission. HOPS-370 in OMC2-FIR3 with L~∼\sim~360~\lsun, also exhibits emission from high-excitation methanol and other lines. The methanol emission toward these two protostars is indicative of temperatures high enough to thermally evaporate methanol from icy dust grains; overall these protostars have characteristics similar to hot corinos. We do not identify a clear outflow from HOPS-108 in \twco, but find evidence of interaction between the outflow/jet from HOPS-370 and the OMC2-FIR4 region. The multitude of observational constraints indicate that HOPS-108 is likely a low to intermediate-mass protostar in its main mass accretion phase and it is the most luminous protostar in OMC2-FIR4. The high resolution data presented here are essential for disentangling the embedded protostars from their surrounding dusty environments and characterizing them
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