405 research outputs found

    Decoding complex biological networks - tracing essential and modulatory parameters in complex and simplified models of the cell cycle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the most well described cellular processes is the cell cycle, governing cell division. Mathematical models of this gene-protein network are therefore a good test case for assessing to what extent we can dissect the relationship between model parameters and system dynamics. Here we combine two strategies to enable an exploration of parameter space in relation to model output. A simplified, piecewise linear approximation of the original model is combined with a sensitivity analysis of the same system, to obtain and validate analytical expressions describing the dynamical role of different model parameters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We considered two different output responses to parameter perturbations. One was qualitative and described whether the system was still working, i.e. whether there were oscillations. We call parameters that correspond to such qualitative change in system response <it>essential</it>. The other response pattern was quantitative and measured changes in cell size, corresponding to perturbations of <it>modulatory </it>parameters. Analytical predictions from the simplified model concerning the impact of different parameters were compared to a sensitivity analysis of the original model, thus evaluating the predictions from the simplified model. The comparison showed that the predictions on essential and modulatory parameters were satisfactory for small perturbations, but more discrepancies were seen for larger perturbations. Furthermore, for this particular cell cycle model, we found that most parameters were either essential or modulatory. Essential parameters required large perturbations for identification, whereas modulatory parameters were more easily identified with small perturbations. Finally, we used the simplified model to make predictions on critical combinations of parameter perturbations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The parameter characterizations of the simplified model are in large consistent with the original model and the simplified model can give predictions on critical combinations of parameter perturbations. We believe that the distinction between essential and modulatory perturbation responses will be of use for sensitivity analysis, and in discussions of robustness and during the model simplification process.</p

    Selkeyttäviä vuoropuheluja moniammatilliseen yhteistyöhön

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    Taking up one's worries : A handbook on early dialogues

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    The objective of this handbook is to lower the threshold for early intervention for practitioners working among children and adolescents. In situations where attempts at providing help continue unchanged, the practitioner may become worried about the child’s or adolescent’s wellbeing. Indeed, the professional may feel the need for additional resources to help resolve the problem. How should a professional express his or her worries in order to create fruitful co-operation? The anticipation method for taking up worries has been developed in co-operation with psychosocial and educational professionals. It is based on requesting the parent’s help and co-operation in diminishing the professional’s worries; the tone of the conversation is different when other people are not defined as problematic, which also opens up a perspective for long-term dialogue. The concepts of worry and respectful early intervention are clarified through so-called zones of worry, which facilitate the assessment of the available possibilities and co-operation needs. The handbook is intended for all professionals working among children and adolescents. In particular, it is drafted for professionals in basic services such as day-care personnel, nurses at schools, prenatal clinics, child health clinic, as well as school personnel. The handbook may also prove useful for professionals providing specialized services.Myynnissä myös elektronisena julkaisuna e-kirjakauppa Ellibsissä: https://www.ellibs.com/fi/book/9789523430112/taking-up-ones-worries-a-handbook-on-early-dialogues</a

    Huoli puheeksi : opas varhaisista dialogeista

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    Oppaan tarkoituksena on madaltaa lasten ja nuorten kanssa työskentelevien työntekijöiden kynnystä varhaiseen puuttumiseen. Työntekijä saattaa olla huolissaan, kuinka lapselle tai nuorelle on käymässä, jos auttamisyritykset jatkuvat ennallaan. Mieleen nousee ehkä tarve saada lisää voimavaroja tilanteen ratkontaan. Mutta kuinka ilmaista asiansa niin, että saadaan aikaan hyvää yhteistyötä? Puheeksioton ennakointimenetelmä on kehitelty yhdessä psykososiaalisen työn ja opetustyön ammattilaisten kanssa. Menetelmän ideana on pyytää huoltajien apua ja yhteistyötä työntekijän huolten vähentämiseksi. Keskustelun sävy on toisenlainen silloin, kun muita ei määritellä ongelmallisiksi. Näin avautuvat myös dialogin jatkumisen näköalat. Huolen käsitettä ja kunnioittavaa varhaista puuttumista selvennetään muun muassa ns. huolen vyöhykkeistön avulla. Se auttaa arvioimaan omia toimintamahdollisuuksia ja yhteistyön tarpeita. Oppaassa esitettyä tapa ottaa huolet puheeksi varhain ja dialogisesti kehiteltiin alun perin lasten, nuorten ja perheiden kanssa työskentelevien tueksi tilanteisiin, joissa työntekijät empivät ottaa vaikeita asioita esiin ja lykkäävät toimiin ryhtymistä. Nyttemmin oppaassa esitettyä tapaa hyödynnetään myös muissa yhteyksissä. Huolten ottaminen puheeksi Oppaassa esitettyä tapa ottaa huolet puheeksi varhain ja dialogisesti kehiteltiin alun perin lasten, nuorten ja perheiden kanssa työskentelevien tueksi tilanteisiin, joissa työntekijät empivät ottaa vaikeita asioita esiin ja lykkäävät toimiin ryhtymistä. Nyttemmin oppaassa esitettyä tapaa hyödynnetään myös muissa yhteyksissä. Huolten ottaminen puheeksi kunnioittavasti ja yhteistyötä vaalien on tärkeää myös esimerkiksi aikuispalveluissa, toiminnassa ikäihmisten kanssa.Myynnissä myös elektronisena julkaisuna e-kirjakauppa Ellibsissä: https://www.ellibs.com/fi/book/9789523430099/huoli-puheeksi-opas-varhaisista-dialogeista</a

    Huolen harmaa vyöhyke

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    Lawn as a cultural and ecological phenomenon: A conceptual framework for transdisciplinary research

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    AbstractGlobalisation and urbanisation are driving the worldwide homogenisation of urban landscapes. The flora and fauna of cities in different parts of the world are very similar, irrespective of geography and climate. One of the most powerful symbols of modern urban landscapes is the lawn. There are just a few management options for urban lawns, regardless of how they are used and where in the city they are situated. Today, lawns occupy much of the green open spaces in cities (70–75%) and are located in private front and rear gardens, public parks, cemeteries, golf courses and along roads. Most people in the Western world view lawns as a ‘natural’ and even compulsory element of the urban landscape, without questioning their social, symbolic, ecological or aesthetic values. In this article we discuss the conceptual framework and methodological approaches being used in an ongoing transdisciplinary collaboration project including stakeholders to study lawns in Sweden as a social and ecological phenomenon. The overall aim is to understand the role of lawns in sustainable urban planning, design and management. The transdisciplinary approach allows us to exchange knowledge between scientific disciplines in order to influence the studies within each subject throughout the project and to achieve a multi-dimensional understanding of the lawn as a phenomenon. The involvement and close collaboration of stakeholders in the project allows us to obtain first-hand information on planning issues connected to lawns and existing planning data from cities and to focus on true implementation aspects rather than just theoretical recommendations

    Successful radioimmunotherapy of established syngeneic rat colon carcinoma with 211At-mAb.

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    Most carcinomas are prone to metastasize despite successful treatment of the primary tumor. One way to address this clinical challenge may be targeted therapy with α-emitting radionuclides such as astatine-211 (211At). Radioimmunotherapy utilizing α-particle emitting radionuclides is considered especially suitable for the treatment of small cell clusters and single cells, although lesions of different sizes may also be present in the patient. The aim of this study was primarily to evaluate the toxicity and secondarily in vivo efficacy of a 211At-labeled monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against colon carcinoma with tumor diameters of approximately 10 mm