17 research outputs found

    Digital spÄrbarhet av virke i skogsbruket

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    Svenska virkesaffĂ€rer genomförs pĂ„ ett flertal olika vis och en industris virkesförsörjning grundar sig oftast i flera olika virkeskĂ€llor. Att hĂ„lla koll pĂ„ vilken Ă€gare virket hĂ€rstammar ifrĂ„n stĂ€ller höga krav pĂ„ spĂ„rbarhet för skogsbruket. Virke spĂ„ras idag genom olika typer av fysiska mĂ€rkningar medan flera andra nĂ€ringar anvĂ€nder sig av mer avancerade och ibland digitaliserade system. Möjligheten att gĂ„ ifrĂ„n fysisk mĂ€rkning av virket samt förhoppningen om att ett digitalt system ska möjliggöra ett bĂ€ttre informationsflöde fram till industrin ligger som grund för studien. Den teknik som i den hĂ€r studien testades teoretiskt var geofence, vilket bygger pĂ„ att information överförs med hjĂ€lp av geografiska avgrĂ€nsningar. Studien genomfördes i samarbete med Biometria och data samlades in tillsammans med SCA. Med hjĂ€lp av information om olika maskiners virkeshantering och geografiska positioner undersöktes ifall det Ă€r möjligt att skatta var lĂ€ngs vĂ€rdekedjan som virket befinner sig. Resultatet visar att det var möjligt att visa att det virke som upparbetas och beskrivs av skördardata kommer frĂ„n en specifik planerad avverkning. Det var vidare möjligt att aggregera de apterade stockarna pĂ„ ett sĂ„dant sĂ€tt som beskriver en avverkad trakts volymer och virkets egenskaper per sortiment i ett specifikt avgrĂ€nsat omrĂ„de pĂ„ trakten. Flera olika upplösningar testades för aggregeringen samtidigt som osĂ€kerheten skattades för varje upplösning. Detta visade att ökningen av osĂ€kerhet i skattningen var lĂ„g fram till upplösningen 120x120 m medan upplösningar högre Ă€n 80x80 m gav vĂ€ldigt stora ökningar i osĂ€kerhet. DĂ€remot var det inte möjligt att skatta volymer och egenskaper av det virke som hamnar pĂ„ skotarens lass och vidare inte heller vad som finns i vĂ€ltan pĂ„ avlĂ€gget eller pĂ„ lastbilens lass. För att möjliggöra ett digitalt system av den hĂ€r typ krĂ€vs utveckling i datahanteringen. Maskiners spĂ„rloggar behöver en tidsstĂ€mpel för att kunna visa en koppling mellan hantering av virket och en specifik maskinposition. Skulle positionen dessutom tas ut direkt eller skattas i kranspetsen skulle detta sannolikt kunna möjliggöra anvĂ€ndning av höga upplösningar utan att ge allt för hög osĂ€kerhet.Swedish lumber-deals are executed in several ways and the supply for an industry is often based on different sources of lumber. The need to keep track of what owner the lumber originates from places high demands on traceability throughout the supply chain. Today the lumber is tracked trough different types of physical markings, while several other industries use more advances and sometimes digitalized systems. The possibility to step away from physical markings, together with the industry’s hopes for a digital system being capable of enabling better information on the supply flow towards the industry, are the motivations for this study. The technique that in this study was tested theoretically is called geofence, which is based on information being transferred by using geographical delimitations. The study was carried out in collaboration with Biometria and data was collected in collaboration with SCA. Using information about different machines lumber handling and geographical positions it was investigated if it possible to calculate where along the value-chain that the lumber is located. The results show that it was possible to determine that the lumber processed and described by the harvester-data originated from a certain planned harvest-site. It was furthermore possible to aggregate the processed logs in such a way that it described a harvested site’s volume and the qualities of the lumber per assortment in a delimitated area on the site. Several different resolutions were tested for this aggregation while the uncertainty was calculated for each resolution. This showed that the increase in calculated uncertainty was low to a resolution of 120x120 m while resolutions higher than 80x80 m gave high increases of uncertainty. However, it was not possible to calculate volumes and qualities of the timber on the load of the forwarder, neither what was placed in piles on the roadside landing nor on the load of the timber truck. To make a digital system of this type possible, improvements in data management are required. The machine data-logs need to have time stamps in order to be able to prove a connection between handling of the timber and a specific machine position in time and space. If the position where also to be taken directly from, or calculated for, the crane-tip this would most likely enable the usage of high resolutions without giving too high amounts of uncertainty

    ProduktionsjÀmförelse av genetiskt förÀdlad vÄrtbjörk med finskt och svenskt ursprung

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    Genetisk förÀdling av ett trÀdslag innebÀr förbÀttring av tillvÀxtegenskaper och förbÀttring av kvalitén, det kan Àven leda till bÀttre anpassning till miljön vilket Àr viktigt dÄ klimatet Àndras. I Sverige har förÀdlingen av barrtrÀd lett till högre avkastning av skogsproduktion, men för björk finns endast förÀdlat material frÄn ett första generationens plantage i södra Sverige. Finland dÀremot har sedan 60-talet producerat förÀdlade björkfrön och detta har pÄgÄtt i flera generationer. 1997 anlade Skogforsk ett trÀdslagsförsök i syfte att jÀmföra finska björkfrön med de svenska. Försöket anlades pÄ fyra olika platser i Sverige, Norrbotten, VÀsterbotten, VÀsternorrland och VÀrmland. Femton olika frösorter av bÄde glas- och vÄrtbjörk samt med olika grad av förÀdling planterades. Syftet med denna studie var att analysera de mÀtdata som detta försök har genererat under de första 20 Ären och endast för vÄrtbjörk. Det som har analyserats Àr om den högre förÀdlingsgraden hos Finlands material ger upphov till positiva skillnader nÀr det gÀller produktionsegenskaper. Resultatet pÄvisar att det finska materialet vÀxer signifikant bÀttre pÄ höjden pÄ försökets tre sydligaste lokaler. Finska materialet vÀxer ocksÄ bÀttre pÄ diametern pÄ samtliga lokaler men Àr endast statistiskt signifikant pÄ en av de fyra lokalerna. DÀremot kan inga signifikanta skillnader i kvalitativa egenskaper pÄvisas mellan olika de olika sorterna. Slutsatsen blir dÀrmed att det finska materialet vÀxer bÀttre utan att vara sÀmre vad gÀller kvalitén och dÀrmed erhÄller bÀttre produktionsegenskaper.Tree breeding aims to improve tree growth and improved quality of a chosen species, it can also lead to better adaption to the environment which is important due to climate changes. In Sweden tree breeding of conifers has led to increased incomes in the forestry industry, but for birch there is only bred material from the first generation in the south. Finland on the other hand has produced improved birch-seeds since around 1960 and during these years they have been doing birch-breeding for some generations. In 1997 Skogforsk set up a test to compare Finnish birch-seeds to Swedish ones. This test was set up on different locations in Sweden, Norrbotten, VÀsterbotten, VÀsternorrland and VÀrmland. Fifteen different types of both downy- and silverbirch. The purpose of this study was to analyse the data this test has produced over the first 20 years and only for the silverbirch. In the study the breeding grade was analysed and if the Finnish material, with a higher breeding grade than the Swedish material, would give positive effects on tree growth and quality. The result shows that the Finnish seeds grow significantly better on three of the four sites of the test. The diameter was also bigger on every local but only a significant difference on one of four locals. On the other hand, no differences can be shown on quality. The conclusion is therefore that the Finnish material grows faster but does not have worse quality therefore it holds better attributes for production

    Att gilla eller inte gilla

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    Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att undersöka hur konsumenter ur Generation Y resonerar kring att “gilla” ett varumĂ€rkes Facebook-sida och dĂ€rmed bidra med en djupare förstĂ„else kring hur dessa konsumenter anvĂ€nder “gilla”-knappen för att visa identitet. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av begreppen Generation Y och Sociala Medier, som definieras för att avgrĂ€nsa sammanhanget studien avser belysa. Vidare anvĂ€nds CCT som synsĂ€tt för att tolka och förstĂ„ hur teorierna kring varumĂ€rken och sjĂ€lvbild genom eWoM kopplas ihop som centrala delar

    Bone Status in Obese, Non-diabetic, Antipsychotic-Treated Patients, and Effects of the Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Exenatide on Bone Turnover Markers and Bone Mineral Density

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    Background: Low bone mineral density (BMD) may constitute an underestimated comorbidity in schizophrenia patients undergoing long-term antipsychotic treatment. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists are antidiabetic drugs, which may also affect bone turnover.Methods: In planned secondary analyses of a 3 months, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial (n = 45), we explored effects of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide 2 mg once-weekly (n = 23), or placebo (n = 22) on bone turnover markers (BTMs) and BMD in chronic, obese, antipsychotic-treated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Baseline BTMs were compared to sex- and age-adjusted reference values from a Danish population cohort, and T- and Z-scores were calculated for BMD.Results: In women (n = 24), all baseline BTM measurements of procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (PINP) and C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX) were within reference values. In men (n = 21), 5% displayed lower PINP and 14% displayed lower CTX. One patient displayed BMD Z-score Conclusions: Sex- and age-adjusted measures of bone status in chronic, obese, antipsychotic-treated patients appeared comparable to the reference population. Subtle changes in bone markers during 3 months exenatide treatment may suggest beneficial effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on bone status in antipsychotic-treated patients, and further studies should consider the potential influence of prolactin.</p

    Bone Status in Obese, Non-diabetic, Antipsychotic-Treated Patients, and Effects of the Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist Exenatide on Bone Turnover Markers and Bone Mineral Density

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    Background: Low bone mineral density (BMD) may constitute an underestimated comorbidity in schizophrenia patients undergoing long-term antipsychotic treatment. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists are antidiabetic drugs, which may also affect bone turnover.Methods: In planned secondary analyses of a 3 months, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial (n = 45), we explored effects of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide 2 mg once-weekly (n = 23), or placebo (n = 22) on bone turnover markers (BTMs) and BMD in chronic, obese, antipsychotic-treated patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Baseline BTMs were compared to sex- and age-adjusted reference values from a Danish population cohort, and T- and Z-scores were calculated for BMD.Results: In women (n = 24), all baseline BTM measurements of procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (PINP) and C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX) were within reference values. In men (n = 21), 5% displayed lower PINP and 14% displayed lower CTX. One patient displayed BMD Z-score &lt; −2, and 23% of patients (17% of women and 29% of men) displayed −2.5 &lt; T-scores &lt; –1 indicating osteopenia, but none had osteoporosis. After treatment, PINP decreased at trend level significance (P = 0.05), and body mass index BMD increased for L2–L4 (P = 0.016). No changes in bone markers were significant after correction for mean prolactin levels.Conclusions: Sex- and age-adjusted measures of bone status in chronic, obese, antipsychotic-treated patients appeared comparable to the reference population. Subtle changes in bone markers during 3 months exenatide treatment may suggest beneficial effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on bone status in antipsychotic-treated patients, and further studies should consider the potential influence of prolactin

    To create profitability for small companies which work with IT-projects 

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    Problem: How does project managing appear in small IT-consulting companies and how does the project manager carry out their projects to create successful solutions for their customers? Purpose: The research has the purpose to analyze and review how IT-consults in small companies work and lead their projects to create profitability for the company, which leads to a good development for the company.   Methodology: The research is made on eight research objects in IT-consulting business and the sizes of them are between 1-49 employees. The research is made with a qualitative method to get closer to the research objects. Therefore the research is made in forms of interviews. The analysis is grounded on a comparison between the research data and the theories that are used in the research. Theoretical perspectives: The theories which have been used in the research are Involvement theory (Fill, 1999), PAFF-metoden (Marcusson &amp; Ahlin, 2002), Projektledning (Tonnquist, 2006), Jakten pĂ„ det effektiva projektet (Engwall, 1999) och MervĂ€rde (Grönroos, 2002) Empirical foundation: The research data are founded from the interviews of the eight research objects, they have the fictive names: Gondor, Minas Morgul, Minas Tirith, Mordor, Osgiliath, Rivendell, Rohan and The Shire.  Analysis/Result: Each study object starts their projects with a pre-study phase, as the PAFF-method describes it. Each study object majorly involves their customers, which is equal to Fill’s theory about high involvement buying processes. This shows that the study objects are aware that they sell solutions that require high involvement of the customers. Four of the study object enjoy seeing that the customer contributes with high engagement and maintain a good level of ambition for the project; this is consistent with Engwall’s theory about organizational ideal types.  Conclusion: The project manager chooses not to rupture the present institutionalism. The project manager initiates the project with a pre-study phase. The project manager is sure to involve their customers. The service guaranty the project manager uses is “problem-free-guaranty”. The role of the project manager is to plan and organize the project; the project manager should also be a good communicator

    Understanding Gardar Sahlberg with neural nets : On algorithmic reuse of the Swedish SF archive

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    In this article, we re-trace the history of the Swedish SF archive and reflect on how this collection of historic newsreels has been reappropriated and remixed throughout more recent media history. In particular, we focus on the work of director and film historian Gardar Sahlberg, who made extensive use of the SF archive, first in a series of documentary films, then in a number of historical TV programmes. We are interested in how historic film footage travels and circulates through time, but foremost we explore how algorithms can help identify instances of audio-visual reuse in large datasets. Hence the article discusses algorithmic ways of examining archival film reuse, introducing a method for mapping video reuse with the help of artificial intelligence or more precisely machine learning that uses so-called convolutional neural nets. The article presents the Video Reuse Detector (VRD), a tool that uses machine learning to identify visual similarities within a given audio-visual database such as the SF archive