713 research outputs found

    Modelling Ascending Stair Evacuation

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    The thesis presents a basic validation study on the use of evacuation models for the simulation of ascending stair evacuation. The validation of the evacuation models is performed against a benchmark experiment consisting of a 50-floor ascending evacuation. The aim is to find which models – depending on the input calibration effort -can provide conforming results against the benchmark experiment regarding total evacuation time and walking speeds at each floor. This is performed by selecting five evacuation models for validation, representing different types of modelling assumptions. These models are then used to simulate ascending evacuation applying default settings and modified settings. The study indicates that models under consideration are not conservative when applying their default settings but models which have the possibility to alter the reducing speed factors per floor generally give better conforming results to the experimental results. The study also shows that the models estimation of the walked distance is a crucial factor.Validation study on the use of evacuation models for simulation of long ascending stair evacuation Properties which slow down walking speed with walked vertical distance and the estimation of the distance walked are the crucial factors when evacuation models simulate evacuation in long ascending stairs. Increased urbanisation leads to the construction of more and often complex underground facilities to cope with an increasing demand of e.g. transportation facilities. In case of evacuation from such a facility, long ascending stairs may have to be travelled and it can be assumed that physical fatigue can influence the walking speed negatively and thus the total time of evacuation. There is limited information and validation available on the reliability of evacuation models in long ascending stair evacuation cases. Since these evacuation models are used for designing purposes it is a crucial topic to study. The validation study of the ascending evacuation scenario in long stairs using a full scale experiment as benchmark was performed and focused on the simulated total evacuation time and walking speed. Three different input configurations were applied to the models to find possible changes in the results in relation to the degree of user effort in the input calibration phase. The configurations were; default settings, applied reducing speed factors and a modified distribution of the initial walking speed. The evacuation models’ (EXIT89, FDS+Evac, Pathfinder, Simulex and STEPS) default settings do in general underestimate the evacuation time while with applied reducing speed factors the evacuation time is better conforming to the 50 floor benchmark experiment study. Modification of the models initial walking speed distribution does not give better corresponding results and should thus be kept default. It is the models possibility to simulate deceleration of walking speed that is an important factor and not the model type (continuous, coarse- or fine network). The validation study also indicates that the vertical distance walked should be determining for decelerating walking speed and thus indirectly fatigue, not the horizontal distance walked. Surprisingly, since it was not a factor thought of at the commencement of the study, the models’ assumptions affecting the travelled distance is one of the most settling factors. Large divergences in walked distance, where the evacuation model STEPS estimate the distance to approximately 30 % less than the benchmark experiment, shows that the calculation of walked distance should be thoroughly considered when using evacuation models for simulations as it will affect walking speed and the total evacuation time. EXIT89 and Simulex are not applicable for simulation of evacuation in long stairs since deceleration of walking speed not is available. The models, FDS+Evac, Pathfinder and STEPS, are not recommended for simulation of ascending evacuation in long stairs with default settings but with the application of reducing speed factors. They can be used for simulation of evacuation cases similar to the benchmark experiment, approximately 50 floor ascending stair evacuation, with considerable user input regarding deceleration of walking speed

    Turkiet i EU?

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    Germany is the country in the EU with the biggest population of Turks, about 2, 8 million. Does this influence Germany’s thoughts about a Turkish EU membership? The paper will survey the German debate about a Turkish membership in the EU and also try to analyse if there are some hidden motives behind the arguments. It focuses on the debate between the political parties in the German parliament. The material mainly come form party programmes and from German news papers but there are also some material from German television. The result shows a division between the parties. The Social Democrats, the Environmental Party and the Left Party all advocate a Turkish membership in the EU. The Christian Democrats want to have a special cooperation with Turkey instead of a full membership. In the middle of all parties is the Free Democratic Party who wants the future to decide if Turkey is going to be a member or not. The main characters of the debate are the two biggest parties the Social Democrats and the Christian Democrats

    Handbok för livet Om hedersrelaterat våld i Sverige i vår tid

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    Syftet med uppsatsen är definiera och försöka förstå hedersrelaterat våld. Frågorna som ställs är: Vad är heder och vad spelar heder för roll i våldsproblematiken? Vilka olika typer av våld utsätts man för i en hederskultur? Hur uppnås hedersideologins mål och syfte med hjälp av våld? Hur kan man se hedersrelaterat våld utifrån en helhet och inte bara utifrån det sensationella, dödliga våldet som ofta uppmärksammas i media? Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie och bygger på kända antropologers verk som Unni Wikans, Mikael Kurkialas, Michel Foucaults, Pierre Bourdieus, Ruth Benedicts, med flera. Empiriskt material består av intervjuer gjorda av journalister och socialarbetare. Materialet har analyserats tillsammans med ovanstående antropologers verk. Begreppet heder och olika typer av våld har utretts för att se hur dessa passar in i hedersvåldsproblematiken. Resultatet visar att hedersrelaterat våld är komplext. Det består av tre viktiga komponenter; hedersideologin, där kvinnor är bärare av familjens heder; symboliskt våld, som hävdar kvinnors naturliga underlägsenhet; samt fysiskt och psykiskt våld, som är konkreta handlingar. Dessa tre komponenter bidrar till varandras fortgående existens och reproducerar det som kallas hedersvåld. Uppsatsen tar inte upp hur man ska kunna förhindra hedersrelaterat våld men ger en inblick i hedersvåldets mening, syfte och mål.The purpose of this paper is to define and understand honour-related violence. These are the questions asked for this purpose: What is honour and what role does honour play in making meaning of violence? What are the different types of violence someone is subjected to in a culture of honour? How does the ideology of honour achieve its goals and objectives through violence? How can one see honour-related violence as a whole and not just from the sensational, deadly violence that is often emphasised in the media? The essay is a literature review and based on known anthropologists’ works as Unni Wikan’s, Mikael Kurkiala’s, Michel Foucault’s, Pierre Bourdieu’s, Ruth Benedict’s, and others’. The empirical material consists of interviews conducted by journalists and social workers. The material has been analyzed together with the above mentioned anthropologists’ works. The concept of honour and the different types of violence have been investigated to see how these fit into honour-related violence/issues. The result shows that honor violence is complex. It consists of three major components; honor ideology where women are the bearers of family honor; symbolic violence, which claims women's natural inferiority; as well as physical and psychological violence, which are concrete actions. These three components contribute to each other's continuing existence and reproduce what is called honour. The essay does not address how to prevent honour-related violence, but gives an insight into its meaning, purpose and goals

    Orsaker till spensugning hos kvigor samt dess effekt på mjölkkörteln

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    Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka orsaker till spensugning hos kvigor, hur beteendet påverkar den diade individens mjölkkörtel samt åtgärder till problemet. Spensugning innebär att en kviga eller ko diar på en annan individs spenar och det är ett beteende som ofta utvecklas i tidig ålder. I dagens mjölkproduktion föds kalvar ofta upp i system där de inte har möjlighet att dia kon. Utfodring av mjölk sker med en hink, hink med napp eller med kalvamma. Om kalven inte fått utlopp för sitt sugbehov vid utfodringen eller inte blivit avvand från att dricka mjölk på ett naturligt sätt kan problem som spensugning uppstå. Spensugningen påverkar utvecklingen av mjölkkörteln hos den diade individen med bland annat överföring av mastitpatogener till juvret som följd. Spensugningen är ett tidskrävande och ekonomiskt problem inom mjölkproduktionen då det ökar risken för mastit samt arbetsbördan för mjölkproducenten. Orsaker till beteendet är kopplade till kalvens utfodring då kalvens behov av att dia stimuleras av mjölkintaget i munhålan. Mjölken utfodras ofta under kort tid och kalven ges ej möjlighet att dia mjölk från kon och ingen naturlig avvänjning sker. Ofta används tillfälliga lösningar som inte påverkar orsaken till spensugningens uppkomst som exempelvis nosring med taggar eller att den spensugande individen hålls uppbunden. De tillfälliga lösningarna leder till sänkt välfärd hos den spensugande individen. Om spensugningen inte kan hanteras återstår utslagning av det spensugande djuret. För att reducera problemet med spensugning bör kalvar få utlopp för sitt sugbehov samt ett förlängt mjölkintag. Det kan ske genom uppfödning med amko eller via ett sänkt mjölkflöde genom den artificiella spenen i hinken eller kalvamman. Då kalvens avvänjning från mjölk innebär att mjölken tas bort bör det finnas fri tillgång på grovfoder som ger en längre ättid samt underlättar övergången från att dricka mjölk till att vara idisslare.The aim of this literature study was to investigate the reasons behind the problem with intersucking in heifers, its effect on the mammary gland and how to prevent the problem. A weaned heifer sucking the teats of another heifer or cow is called intersucking. Systems for calf rearing often do not allow the calf to suckle the cow. The behavioural problem with intersucking in heifers often develops during the early rearing of the calfes. The intersucking affects the development of the mammary gland and increases the risk that mastitis pathogens invade the udder in the intersucked heifer. Intersucking leads to time-consuming and economic problems in dairy production since it increases the work and costs for the dairy farmer. Milk intake in the oral cavity stimulates the sucking behaviour. Research has proposed that restricted milk feeding time, without allowance to suck on a teat, inadequate weaning from milk and lack of roughage can contribute to the occurrence of intersucking. The solutions to the problem are often temporary, for example using a nose-tag with sharp edges which hurt the intersucked animal and fasten or culling the animal. These ways of handling the problem often leads to reduced welfare and do not solve the underlying problem. To minimize the frequency of intersucking, raising the calves with a foster cow, ad libitum access to roughage or lower the milk flow in the artificial teat seems to be the most important management tools

    Malassezia otit hos hund

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    Malassezia otitis in dogs is a common cause of visit to a veterinary service. In otitis externa due to Malassezia overgrowth the dog has a higher number of yeast organisms and/or a local inflammatory response to the micro organism. Common clinical signs include pruritus, erythema, swelling and increased exudate production. Clinical symptoms and results from cytology of ear swabs from the ear canal is the mainstay for diagnosis. Any underlying condition has to be identified and corrected to avoid relapse. The treatment options for infective otitis externa are based upon topical administration of eardrops containing antibiotics, steroids and antifungals. For the time being there is no registered preparation available in Sweden for the treatment of a Malassezia otitis with no bacterial component. All otic preparation for topical use also contains antibiotics. The aim of this randomly and prospective study was to evaluate and compare three different treatment protocols in the treatment of canine Malassezia otitis externa. The three treatment options chosen were betametasone (Betnovat), ekonazole (Pevaryl) and acetic-boric acid combination (MalAsetic Otic). All these topical treatments are widely used in Swedish small animal veterinary practice, but to date no study has been published comparing the efficacy of these treatment regimens. 30 dogs were included in the study of which 10 were registered as drop outs. The veterinary graded clinical signs at inclusion and at follow up after 14 days by the use of a clinical scoring system for pruritus, erythema, swelling and amount of exudate. Cytological evaluation was performed at inclusion and at follow up. Cytology at follow up was evaluated blinded to the investigator. The results were calculated in 20 dogs of which 7 were treated with Betnovat, 7 with Pevaryl and 6 with MalAetic Otic. There was a significant difference between Pevaryl compared to Betnovat and MalAsetic Otic. Completely healthy dogs (clinical and cytological cure) after treatment were 86 % for Betnovat, 67% for MalAsetic Otic and 14 % for Pevaryl. The clinical signs at inclusion were more severe in the Pevaryl group as compared to the others, especially with respect to swelling, and this could possibly bias the outcome. No side effect could be noticed in any of the treatment groups. In summary: This pilot-study shows that topical treatment of Malassezia-associated otitis externa in dogs is effective and safe when using betametasone (Betnovat) and acetic-boric acid combination (MalAsetic Otic). The efficacy of ekonazole (Pevaryl) was significant lower. The statistical power will improve by larger treatment groups and the study will continue, aiming to include 38 dogs in each treatment group.Malassezia otit hos hund är en vanlig orsak till veterinärbesök. Vid en Malassezia-orsakad otitis externa har hunden en ökad förekomst av jästsvampsorganismer och/eller en inflammatorisk respons till mikroorganismen i örat, vilket yttrar sig i form av varierande grad av klåda, rodnad, svullnad och ökad sekretförekomst. Diagnosen jästsvamp otit ställs med hjälp kliniska symtom och cytologi av öronsekret. För att undvika recidiv bör även bakomliggande orsak identifieras och åtgärdas. De medicinska behandlingsalternativen för en infektiös extern otit består framför allt av topikal behandling. I Sverige finns för närvarande inte något registrerat preparat för otiter med enbart jästsvampsinfektion, utan samtliga innehåller även antibiotika. Syftet med denna studie var att i en randomiserad, prospektiv studie utvärdera och jämföra resultat av tre olika lokala behandlingsalternativ för jästsvampassocierad otitis externa på hund. De tre behandlingsalternativen vi valde var betametason (Betnovat), ekonazol (Pevaryl), respektive ättiks och borsyrelösning (MalAcetic Otic). Dessa preparat förekommer frekvent i praxis, men några jämförande studier finns ej publicerade avseende hur effektiva dessa olika preparat är. I studien inkluderades 30 hundar varav 10 registrerades som drop outs. Veterinären bedömde hundens symtom och tog cytologiprov vid inklusion samt efter 14 dagars behandling. Av de 20 hundar resultaten slutligen beräknades på behandlades 7 med Betnovat, 7 med Pevaryl och 6 med MalAsetic Otic. En signifikant skillnad i behandlingsresultat kunde ses mellan Pevaryl respektive Betnovat och MalAsetic Otic. Antalet hundar som blev helt friska (kliniskt och mikrobiellt) efter behandling var 86 % för Betnovat, 67 % för MalAsetic Otic men enbart 14 % för Pevaryl. Dock skiljde sig symtomen åt innan behandling då hundarna i Pevarylgruppen visade mer höggradiga kliniska symtom vid inklusion, vilket kan vara en bidragande orsak till preparatets dåliga behandlingsresultat. Inga biverkningar noterades i någon av behandlingsgrupperna. Sammanfattningsvis: Denna pilotstudie visar att topikal behandling av Malassezia pachydermatis-associerad otitis externa är effektiv och säker vid behandling med betametason (Betnovat) respektive ättiks och borsyrelösning (MalAcetic Otic). Effekten av ekonazol (Pevaryl) var signifikant sämre. För att komma fram till statistiskt säkrare resultat kommer studien att fortgå och avser att inkludera minst 38 hundar per behandlingsgrupp

    How drinking behaviour in automatic milk feeders can be used as early disease detection

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    Healthy calves are the foundation in order to run a profitable diary production. Being healthy as calf results in a better start in life and good growth is expected to follow. Within dairy production it becomes more common to rear calves in groups and feed them by an automatic milk feeder. The milk feeder enables for the calves in greater extent to ingest milk or milk replacer several times per day and they are also able to perform natural behaviors in greater extent. Group rearing of calves puts higher demands on the animal keepers to localize individual calves in the group pen, showing signs of illness. In group pens it can be harder to detect which of the calves’ suffering from disease compared to rearing calves in single pens. The aim with this master thesis is to detect calves with diarrhoea and compare their feeding behaviour in the automatic milk feeder with healthy calves. This also simplifies detection of upcoming illness at far level and simplifies the rearing of calves. During the first 28 days in life faeces from 53 calves of Swedish Holstein (SH) and Swedish Red Breed (SRB) was examined. The faeces were scored at a four-graded scale (0-3) according to consistency and appearance. Grade 0 was considered as normal faeces (healthy calf) and scoring 1-3 included different grades of diarrhoea (diseased calf). The calves were weighed at the age of 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks. In average the calves were moved from a single pen to a group pen, equipped with an automatic milk feeder, at the age of one week. When introduced in the group pen the calves had access to 8 liters of milk replacer, and after one week in the group box they had access to 10 liters of milk replacer. From DeLaval's ALPRO system relevant data for the calves' consumption of milk replacer was obtained. Nearly all calves in the study were affected by different levels of diarrhoea. They were recorded with faeces score between 1 and 3 in average 3 of 4 test days. Because of the frequent occurrence of diarrhoea among the calves it was not possible in a greater extent to use data concerning milk consumption patterns to predict illness and health. Despite the high prevalence of diarrhoea, the growth of the calves was not affected.Friska kalvar är grunden för att bedriva lönsam mjölkproduktion. Under uppfödningstiden läggs grunden till hur kon kommer att kunna producera under sin livstid som mjölkande ko. Att vara frisk som kalv ger en bättre start i livet, med god tillväxt som följd. Inom dagens mjölkproduktion är det alltmer vanligt att föda upp kalvarna i grupp där de utfodras genom en kalvamma. Kalvamman möjliggör för kalvarna att i större utsträckning kunna inta mjölk eller mjölkersättning under flertalet gånger per dygn, samt att de kan utföra ett mer naturligt dibeteende i amman. Uppfödning av kalvar i grupp ställer högre krav på djurskötarna att se de individer som visar tecken på sjukdom. I gruppboxar kan det vara svårare att se vilken individ som är sjuk jämfört med kalvar som hålls i ensamboxar. Syftet med denna studie var därför att detektera kalvar med diarré och jämföra dem med deras drickbeteende i kalvamman och deras hälsostatus. Att enklare kunna finna vilken eller vilka kalvar i gruppen som är på väg att insjukna i diarré möjliggör förbättringar inom kalvuppfödningen. Under de första 28 dagarna i livet undersöktes träcken från 53 kalvar av raserna Svensk Holstein (SH) och Svensk Röd Boskap (SRB). Träcken graderades enligt en fyra-gradig skala (0-3) med avseende på träckens konsistens och utseende. Gradering 0 ansågs som normal träck (frisk) och 1-3 inkluderade diarré i olika grad (sjuk). Kalvarna vägdes under levnadsvecka 1,2,4 och 8. Vid cirka sju dagars ålder förflyttades kalvarna till en gruppbox med tillgång till en drickstation kopplad till en kalvamma. Vid inflyttning var kalvarnas grundgiva åtta liter mjölkersättning och efter en vecka i kalvamman hade kalvarna tillgång till totalt tio liter mjölkersättning per dag. Från DeLaval’s ALPRO-system kunde relevant data för kalvarnas konsumtion erhållas. Kalvarna var under större delen av studien påverkade av olika grad av diarré, där de 3 av 4 testdagar registrerades med träckpoäng mellan 1 och 3. På grund av den frekventa förekomsten av diarréer bland kalvarna var det inte möjligt i större utsträckning att titta på förutsägelser av sjukdom och jämföra drickbeteendet med hälsan. Trots förekomst av diarréer, påverkades inte tillväxten på kalvarna

    Distriktssköterskans upplevelse av att använda motiverande samtal i sitt dagliga arbete

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    Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor leder till hälsoproblem. En stor del av distriktssköterskans arbete handlar om hälsofrämjande arbete. Motiverande samtal (MI) är en samtalsmetodik där distriktssköterskan i samarbete med patienten kan locka fram patientens inre motivation till förändring. Syftet var att beskriva distriktssköterskans upplevelse av att använda MI i det dagliga arbetet på vårdcentral. Intervjuer gjordes med tolv distriktssköterskor i Skåne. Resultatet analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att distriktssköterskorna upplevde MI som ett bra reskap samtidigt som det framkom svårigheter att använda sig av metodens verktyg. MI upplevdes som användbart för olika patientgrupper. Dock efterfrågades mer träning och fortbildning i MI. Slutsats är att MI ger goda förutsättningar att lyckas motivera patienter. Dock efterfrågas ett bättre samarbete mellan yrkeskategorier för ett gemensamt förhållningssätt gentemot patienten i förändringsprocessen

    Insights Gained From a Re-analysis of Five Improvement Cases in Healthcare Integrating System Dynamics Into Action Research

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    Background Healthcare is complex with multi-professional staff and a variety of patient care pathways. Time pressure and minimal margins for errors, as well as tension between hierarchical power and the power of the professions, make it challenging to implement new policies or procedures. This paper explores five improvement cases in healthcare integrating system dynamics (SD) into action research (AR), aiming to identify methodological aspects of how this integration supported multi-professional groups to discover workable solutions to work-related challenges. Methods This re-analysis was conducted by a multi-disciplinary research group using an iterative abductive approach applying qualitative analysis to structure and understand the empirical material. Frameworks for consultancy assignments/client projects were used to identify case project stages (workflow steps) and socio-analytical questions were used to bridge between the AR and SD perspectives. Results All studied cases began with an extensive AR-inspired inventory of problems/objectives and ended with an SDfacilitated experimental phase where mutually agreed solutions were tested in silico. Time was primarily divided between facilitated group discussions during meetings and modelling work between meetings. Work principles ensured that the voice of each participant was heard, inspired engagement, interaction, and exploratory mutual learning activities. There was an overall pattern of two major divergent and convergent phases, as each group moved towards a mutually developed point of reference for their problem/objective and solution, a case-specific multi-professional knowledge repository. Conclusion By integrating SD into AR, more favourable outcomes for the client organization may be achieved than when applying either approach in isolation. We found that SD provided a platform that facilitated experiential learning in the AR process. The identified results were calibrated to local needs and circumstances, and compared to traditional top-down implementation for change processes, improved the likelihood of sustained actualisation.publishedVersio

    Insights gained from a systematic reanalysis of a successful model-facilitated change process in health care

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    Health care is a complex system with multiprofessional staff and multiple patient care pathways. Time pressure and minimal margins for error make it challenging to implement new policies or procedures, no matter how desirable. Changes in health care also requires the participation of the staff. System dynamics (SD) simulations can lead to shared systems understanding and allows for the development and testing of new scenarios in silico before implementing solutions. However, research shows that the actual implementation rate of simulations is low. This paper presents a reanalysis of a successful change project in health care combining SD principles with basic action research (AR) premises. The analysis was done by a multidisciplinary research group using qualitative methodology and identifies that a fruitful combination of AR inquiry and SD modelling potentially can improve implementation rates.publishedVersio