2,774 research outputs found

    A (Very Thin) Market for Sovereign Control

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    I denna rapport redovisas projektet Genus som innehĂ„ll och form i Programmet för personal- och arbetsvetenskap (PA-programmet). Projektet beviljades medel i december 2003 och har bedrivits under lĂ€sĂ„ret 2004/05, med fortsĂ€ttning Ă€ven under höstterminen 2005. Syftet med projektet var att utveckla, implementera och utvĂ€rdera metoder för att integrera ett genusperspektiv i PA-programmet. Genom- förandet av projektet planerades ske i olika faser: kartlĂ€ggning, workshops, ut- vecklande och genomförande av en pilotkurs samt utarbetande av en implemente- ringsmodell/metod för genusintegrering av grundutbildning. Avsikten var att i för- lĂ€ngningen  fortsĂ€tta  att  utveckla  och  integrera  genusperspektivet  pÄ  PA-pro- grammet i dess helhet. En utgĂ„ngspunkt i projektet var att sĂ€tta fokus pĂ„ ’genus som innehĂ„ll och form’. Med det avses att utbildningens innehĂ„ll samt undervisningsmetoder ska vara könssensitiva och beakta sĂ„vĂ€l kvinnors som mĂ€ns villkor. Med könssensitivitet menas ocksĂ„ att man aktivt mĂ„ste ta hĂ€nsyn till att högskolan av tradition gynnat mĂ€n och missgynnat kvinnor. Det rĂ€cker inte med könsneutralitet, dvs. att ge samma erbjudande till mĂ€n och kvinnor.   Kön Ă€r en aspekt som bidrar till att mĂ€nniskor har olika möjligheter att anvĂ€nda sig av vad högskolan kan erbjuda. Utbildningsfilosofen Jane Martin (1994) menar att högskoleutbildning haft mĂ€ns och pojkars hĂ„llning som norm för studie-, arbets- och yrkesliv och dĂ€rigenom har mĂ€ns intressen och prefererade arbetsformer av tradition gynnats. I lĂ€romedel Ă€r det vanligt att mĂ€ns vĂ€rldar och mĂ€ns erfarenheter beskrivs och det Ă€r utifrĂ„n en sĂ„dan verklighet undervisningen tar sin utgĂ„ngspunkt (Engström m. fl., 2003). Klassiska grundstenar i utbildning har varit de tre R:n (engelska) "Reading, Wri- ting, `Rithmetic" som kan sĂ€gas stĂ„ för traditionella och rationalistiska kunskaps- innehĂ„ll medan andra delar som "Care, Concern and Connection" saknats.  Ge- nom att vĂ€va in alla dessa delar i undervisningen bĂ„de med tanke pĂ„ innehĂ„ll och pĂ„ form menar vi att alla studenter gynnas – oavsett kön. InnehĂ„llsmĂ€ssigt handlar det om att problematisera olika typer av sĂ€tt att kategorisera och beskriva mĂ€nni- skor, att i förelĂ€sningar fokusera genus, manligt/kvinnligt, kvinnor/mĂ€n, att ta upp genus som ett vetenskapligt perspektiv bland andra i förelĂ€sningar om olika te- man, att genus fokuseras som tema i förelĂ€snings- och seminariesammanhang, att det genomgĂ„ende finns genusprofileringsmöjligheter i kurs- och projektuppgifter. FormmĂ€ssigt handlar det om att anvĂ€nda sig av genomtĂ€nkta och medvetna un- dervisnings- och examinationsformer och ocksÄ  utveckla studenternas förhĂ„ll- ningssĂ€tt till lĂ€rande. PĂ„ en övergripande nivĂ„ handlar det om att anvĂ€nda under- visningsmetoder som  utvecklar sĂ„vĂ€l  studenternas förmĂ„ga för  analys,  kritisk granskning, abstraktion och teoretisering som deras förstĂ„else, inlevelse, empati och förmĂ„ga att vara nĂ€ra – förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt som kan benĂ€mnas distans- respektive relationsorienterade förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till lĂ€rande. Mot bakgrund av könsteoretisk forskning antas att effekterna av en genusmedveten pedagogik gynnar studenter- nas lĂ€rande i positiv riktning. Rapportens fortsatta disposition kommer att följa projektets kronologiska genom- förande, frĂ„n kartlĂ€ggning av programmet, genomförande av workshops och stu- dentmöten (referensgruppsmöten) till kursplanering. Rapporten avslutas med en utvĂ€rderande diskussion dĂ€r erfarenheterna i projektet diskuteras och rekommen- dationer för integrering av genus som innehĂ„ll och form i utbildning presenteras. Slutrapportering av GrundSipa-projektetGenus som innehĂ„ll och form i Programmet för personal- och arbetsvetenskap vid Linköpings universitet</p

    An Analysis of the Determinants of Job Satisfaction when Individuals’ Baseline Satisfaction Levels May Differ

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    A growing literature seeks to explain differences in individuals’ self-reported satisfaction with their jobs. Most of the accumulated evidence so far has, however, been based on cross-sectional data and when panel data have been used, individual unobserved heterogeneity has been modelled following the random effects approach, namely using the ordered probit model with random effects. This paper makes use of longitudinal data for Denmark, taken from the waves 1995-1999 of the European Community Household Panel, and estimates fixed effects ordered logit models using the estimation methods proposed by Ferrer-i-Carbonel and Frijters (2004) and Das and Van Soest (1999). For comparison and testing purposes a random effects ordered probit is also estimated. Estimations are carried out separately on the samples of men and women for individuals’ overall satisfaction with the jobs they hold. We find that using the fixed effects approach (that clearly rejects the random effects specification), considerably reduces the number of key explanatory variables. In addition to wages, good health and being a public sector employee are particularly important in explaining individual differences in job satisfaction. Moreover, the impact of being employed on a temporary contracts or working in the public sector differs between the genders.job satisfaction; fixed effects ordered logit model; random effects

    Residential design affecting dimensions of equity

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    ABSTRACT: In Sweden social sustainability perspectives on housing design are rare, this strikes the group of weaker households. Due to the present housing shortage a dwelling providing a qualitative space for every-day life is not a realistic alternative for many households. The groups of households that not have the economical strength to involve in the housing market have little power to change their residential situation. The housing market focus on the limited group of buyers and the alternative, the rental apartment, implies years of abeyance in a que-system to get hold of an apartment. Meanwhile the on going demographic transformation challenges existing residential design and the design practice in turn tends to employ a narrow perspective on household constructions and residential use. The research work is focused on residential usability (flexibility) and how this can affect social sustainability dimensions in a residential situation. It also focuses on how social sustainability issues can be activated into the practice of residential floor plan design. The methodological approach is based on a mixed method research where qualitative, empirical studies and research by design are employed. The work embrace a theoretical perspective based on assumptions from Schneider and Till. Findings from the research show that flexibility in residential design represents an important factor in the realisation of a sustainable society. A salient finding is that flexible space can provide more equitable residential solutions as the extended spatial capacity can provide qualitative residential situations for diverse households during a residential process. This paper concentrates on the magnitude of flexible space as an agent for the dimension of equity, presenting parts of the work with empirical studies. The continuing research intends to delve deeper into the question of residential usability and social sustainability from the perspective of time and the residential process

    HE 1327-2326, an unevolved star with [Fe/H]<-5.0. II. New 3D-1D corrected abundances from a VLT/UVES spectrum

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    We present a new abundance analysis of HE 1327-2326, the currently most iron-poor star, based on observational data obtained with VLT/UVES. We correct the 1D LTE abundances for 3D effects to provide an abundance pattern that supersedes previous works, and should be used to observationally test current models of the chemical yields of the first-generation SNe. Apart from confirming the 1D LTE abundances found in previous studies before accounting for 3D effects, we make use of a novel technique to apply the 3D-1D corrections for CNO which are a function of excitation potential and line strength for the molecular lines that comprise the observable CH, NH, and OH features. We find that the fit to the NH band at 3360 A is greatly improved due to the application of the 3D-1D corrections. This may indicate that 3D effects are actually observable in this star. We also report the first detection of several weak Ni lines. The cosmologically important element Li is still not detected; the new Li upper limit is extremely low, A(Li)<0.62, and in stark contrast with results not only from WMAP but also from other metal-poor stars. We also discuss how the new corrected abundance pattern of HE 1327-2326 is being reproduced by individual and integrated yields of SNe.Comment: 43 pages, incl. 17 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The (inter)national self - negotiating the Japanese narrating China

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    Unpacking and reconstituting different aspects of the Japanese narrative on China within the context of the Yasukuni controversy between 2001 and 2006, this thesis concludes that the constitution of China is an inherent part of the negotiating processes of the “Japanese we”. With a methodological framework comprised of grounded theory and narrative analysis; in its merged form referred to as grounded narratology, a theoretical framework derived from the constitution of “threat”, “dependence” and “shame” dimensions of the narrative is put together. The theoretical framework is constituted by theories of identity, security, ontological security, routinisation and banal nationalism. This thesis contributes empirically though presenting a material that the author has not seen utilised to this date. Methodologically, it contributes with the fusion of grounded theory and narrative analysis and theoretically through merging fragments of different theories into a network that suggests further research to be done on routinised nationalist security relations, a dynamic that the author argues is crucial to understanding the current developments of the Japanese image of China as well as Northeast Asian dynamics as a whole

    Gender equality at School of forest management : a qualitative study from a teacherÂŽs perspective

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    2011 tog regeringen, tillsammans med Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) och andra branschorganisationer ett krafttag för att öka jĂ€mstĂ€lldheten inom skogssektorn med syfte att skapa en konkurrenskraftig nĂ€ring genom mĂ„ngfald. Utbildning, arbetsliv och enskilt skogsĂ€gande var tre omrĂ„den som initiativet skulle fokusera pĂ„ och mĂ„let för utbildningsomrĂ„det var att göra de skogliga utbildningarna mer attraktiva för bĂ„de kvinnor och mĂ€n. För att nĂ„ mĂ„let skulle bland annat utbildning av pedagoger och handledare prioriteras med syfte att öka kunskapen inom genus och jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet för att kunna integreras i utbildningarna och till hjĂ€lp togs en obligatorisk kurs för lĂ€rare fram. 2019 kom Skogsstyrelsen med en uppföljningsrapport av det arbete som introducerats 2011 och konstaterade att arbetet för en jĂ€mstĂ€lld skogssektor, i detta fall utbildningsomrĂ„det, inte kommit sĂ„ lĂ„ngt som initiativet frĂ„n början hoppats pĂ„. SkogsmĂ€starprogrammet i Skinnskatteberg Ă€r en del av Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet och Ă€r en av de skogliga utbildningar som krafttaget frĂ„n 2011 syftar pĂ„. För att fĂ„ en lĂ€gesrapport om hur jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet implementeras pĂ„ skogsmĂ€starprogrammet idag, tio Ă„r efter initiativet, har fem kursansvariga lĂ€rare samt programmets prefekt intervjuats om skolans jĂ€mstĂ€lldhetsarbete. Bland annat visar intervjustudien pĂ„ att SkogsmĂ€starskolan prĂ€glas av en maskulin kultur Ă€ven om det blivit bĂ€ttre under de senaste decennierna. De intervjuade anser att de har makt att förĂ€ndra och delvis styra vad studenterna ska fĂ„ med sig i sin utbildning men fĂ„ av dem har valt eller har ambitionen att integrera jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet i sin kurs. Argumenten för att inte integrera Ă€mnet i egen kurs har varit mĂ„nga, bland annat att det inte passar in i kursĂ€mnet pĂ„ grund av innehĂ„ll eller att de sjĂ€lva inte anser sig ha tillrĂ€cklig kunskap att integrera jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet. Dessutom framkom det under studien att mĂ„nga pĂ„verkats av uppropet #metoo och #slutavverkat Ă„r 2017, och kĂ€nner en rĂ€dsla för att göra fel. Det framkom Ă€ven under studien att alla utom en av de intervjuade upplever en osĂ€kerhet och okunskap kring Ă€mnet. Dock var det fĂ„ av de kursansvariga lĂ€rarna som faktiskt gĂ„tt den obligatoriska kurs om jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet som tagits fram som ett verktyg med syfte att öka lĂ€rarens kunskaper. SkogsmĂ€starskolan har lĂ€nge arbetat med inkvotering av kvinnor genom det skogliga basĂ„ren, som frĂ„n början var avsett endast för kvinnor, och senare ocksĂ„ genom Skogskurs för tjejer, ett lĂ€ger med förhoppningen att fler kvinnor ska fĂ„ upp intresset för skogssektorn. Satsningen för att fĂ„ in fler kvinnor pĂ„ utbildningen har varit lyckad, men den resterande del som syftar till att implementera arbetet med jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet i utbildningen har visat sig vara sĂ€mre och Ă€r bristfĂ€llig i dagslĂ€get.In 2011, the government, together with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and other industry organizations, took action to increase gender equality in the forest sector with the aim of creating a competitive industry through diversity. Education, working life and individual forest ownership were three areas that the initiative would focus on and the goal of the education area was to make forestry education more attractive to both women and men. In order to achieve the goal, among other things, the education of teachers and supervisors would be prioritized with the aim of increasing knowledge within gender and gender equality in order to integrate those perspectives into the education system, and a compulsory course for teachers was developed to promote the change. In 2019, Swedish Forest Agency came up with a follow-up report of the work introduced in 2011 and stated that the work for a gender-equal forest sector, in this case the education area, has not come as far as the initiative initially hoped for. School for Forest Management in Skinnskatteberg is part of SLU and is one of the forestry educations that the effort from 2011 refers to. In order to receive a progress report on how gender equality is implemented at the SkogsmĂ€starskolan, ten years after the initiative, five teachers responsible for the courses and the head of the program have been interviewed about the school's gender equality work. Among other things, the interview study shows that the School for Forest Management is characterized by a masculine culture, even though it has improved in recent decades. The interviewees believe that they have the power to change and partly control what the students should include in their education, but few of them have chosen or have the ambition to integrate gender equality into their course. The arguments for not integrating the subject into their own course have been many, including that it does not fit into the course subject due to content or that they themselves do not consider themselves to have sufficient knowledge to integrate gender equality. In addition, it emerged during the study that many were affected by the call #metoo and #slutavverkat in 2017, and some of them feel a fear of making mistakes. It also emerged during the study that many of the interviewees experience uncertainty and ignorance about the subject. However, few of the teachers responsible for the course actually took the compulsory course on gender equality, which was developed as a tool with the aim of increasing the teacher's knowledge. School for Forest Management has long worked with quotas for women through the forest base year, which was originally intended only for women, and later also through “Forest course for girls”, a camp with the hope that more women will get interested in the forest sector. The effort to get more women into forest education has been successful, but the remaining part, which aims to implement gender equality work into forest education, has proved to be worse and is deficient at present

    The Transformative and Healing Powers of Compassion, Forgiveness, and Wonder

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    Since time immemorial, humankind has struggled to coexist peacefully together. As human beings, we strive on our relationships with each other and, yet, with actions of hatred and prejudice, we seem to consistently destroy those very relationships we value so deeply. Our current society is plagued by fear, which seems to run more rampant now – more than ever – with assistance of our rapidly evolving communication technology. The question must be asked, “How can we end this madness and heal ourselves into a kinder and more fulfilling future?” By providing up-to-date scientific research on the human emotions of compassion, forgiveness, wonder and awe, I will show how the existence and awareness of these emotions can positively impact our current global society and substantially lessen the hold that fear so often has on humanity. I will also provide current examples of existing smaller societies that have adopted this behavioral model and have begun to flourish. Lastly, I will explore some of the teachings from various renowned spiritual leaders who espouse the crucial importance of these emotions in our world today

    Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 from Swedish cattle; isolates from prevalence studies versus strains linked to human infections - A retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several cases of human infection caused by verotoxin-producing <it>Escherichia coli </it>(VTEC) O157:H7 in Sweden have been connected with cattle farm visits. Between 1996 and 2002, 18 farms were classified as the source of human cases with isolation of EHEC (Enterohaemorrhagic <it>Escherichia coli</it>) after VTEC O157:H7 had been isolated from cattle on those farms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Characterization by phage typing and molecular methods of the strains isolated from these 18 farms, including PCR for virulence genes (<it>vtx</it><sub>1</sub>, <it>vtx</it><sub>2 </sub>and variants thereof, <it>eaeA </it>and EHEC-<it>hlyA</it>) and Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), demonstrated a cluster of very similar strains from 16 farms. All were of phage type 4, carried the genes encoding the verotoxins VT2 and VT2c, intimin, EHEC-haemolysin and flagellin H7 as shown by PCR, and had identical or very similar PFGE patterns. When analysing strains in a prevalence study of VTEC O157:H7 from cattle at slaughter as well as from an on-farm prevalence study of dairy cattle, using the same typing methods, a rather wide variation was observed among the isolated VTEC O157:H7 strains.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In Sweden, a limited group of genetically similar and highly pathogenic VTEC O157:H7 strains seem to predominate in direct or indirect transmission from cattle to man.</p

    Comparison of culture, ELISA and PCR techniques for salmonella detection in faecal samples for cattle, pig and poultry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Performances of different salmonella detection methods were evaluated by applying them to of artificially contaminated faecal specimens from cattle, pigs and poultry. The NMKL71 method, being the standard reference method for detection of salmonella in the official Swedish control program, was compared with the proposed ISO method using MSRV-selective enrichment for culturing, and also with three commercial ELISA- based systems, Bioline Selecta, Bioline Optima and Vidas, a commercial PCR-based method, BAX<sup>Âź </sup>system, and three different strategies using PCR detection using a non-commercial PCR system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Altogether, 391 samples were tested, and the overall results clearly indicate that, when faeces from all animal species and all serotypes were included, the MSRV performed best, with a calculated accuracy of 99% and a calculated sensitivity of 98%. The second most sensitive and specific method was the BAX<sup>Âź </sup>system, using the modified enrichment protocol as recommended by the manufacturer for faecal samples. However, this protocol includes one additional day of work, as compared with the standard procedure for food sample analysis by the same method. The different strategies for salmonella detection using non-commercial PCR showed a sensitivity and specificity in the same range as the BAX<sup>Âź </sup>method; furthermore, results were obtained more quickly. The various commercial ELISA methods and the NMKL method showed the poorest performance of the methods included in the study, and were closely dependent on the origin of the faeces used and on which salmonella strain was to be detected.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study showed that the sensitivity of the different methods depended to a great extent on the origin of the faecal matrices and the salmonella strains used to "spike" the samples.</p
