204 research outputs found

    Virasoro Action on Schur Q-function (Women in Mathematics)

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    Schur Q-function was introduced by Schur as a symmetric polynomial describing the irreducible index of the projective representation of a symmetric group. A formula for Schur Qfunctions is presented which describes the action of the Virasoro operators. For strict partition, we prove a formula for each LkQλ. and L_kQλ. (k ≥ 1), where Lk is the Virasoro operator. The present paper is a résumé of [1] and [2]

    Analysis of Binding of KIR3DS1*014 to HLA Suggests Distinct Evolutionary History of KIR3DS1

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    NK cell activity is regulated by the integration of positive and negative signals. One important source of these signals for human NK cells is the killer Ig-like receptor (KIR) family, which includes both members that transduce positive and those that generate negative signals. KIR3DL1 inhibits NK cell activity upon engagement by its ligand HLA-Bw4. The highly homologous KIR3DS1 is an activating receptor, which is implicated in the outcome of a variety of pathological situations. However, unlike KIR3DL1, direct binding of KIR3DS1+ cells to HLA has not been demonstrated. We analyzed four key amino acid differences between KIR3DL1*01502 and KIR3DS1*013 to determine their role in KIR binding to HLA. Single substitutions of these residues dramatically reduced binding by KIR3DL1. In the reciprocal experiment, we found that the rare KIR3DS1 allotype KIR3DS1*014 binds HLA-Bw4 even though it differs from KIR3DS1*013 at only one of these positions (position 138). This reactivity was unexpectedly dependent on residues at other variable positions, as HLA-Bw4 binding was lost in receptors with KIR3DL1-like residues at both positions 199 and 138. These data provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, for the direct binding of KIR3DS1+ cells to HLA-Bw4 and highlight the key role for position 138 in determining ligand specificity of KIR3DS1. They also reveal that KIR3DS1 reactivity and specificity is dictated by complex interactions between the residues in this region, suggesting a unique functional evolution of KIR3DS1 within the activating KIR family

    Design and synthesis of amidine-type peptide bond isosteres: application of nitrile oxide derivatives as active ester equivalents in peptide and peptidomimetics synthesis.

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    Amidine-type peptide bond isosteres were designed based on the substitution of the peptide bond carbonyl (C=O) group with an imino (C=NH) group. The positively-charged property of the isosteric part resembles a reduced amide-type peptidomimetic. The peptidyl amidine units were synthesized by the reduction of a key amidoxime (N-hydroxyamidine) precursor, which was prepared from nitrile oxide components as an aminoacyl or peptidyl equivalent. This nitrile oxide-mediated C-N bond formation was also used for peptide macrocyclization, in which the amidoxime group was converted to peptide bonds under mild acidic conditions. Syntheses of the cyclic RGD peptide and a peptidomimetic using both approaches, and their inhibitory activity against integrin-mediated cell attachment, are presented

    Expression of myogenin, MyoD and MHC isoforms in regenerating skeletal muscle.

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    骨格筋再生過程におけるミオシン重鎖(MHC)アイソフォーム発現とmyogenin,MyoDタンパクの発現様式との関連性を検討するために,塩酸ブピバカインを用いてマウスヒラメ筋損傷モデルを作成し,損傷筋の再生過程を組織形態学的に確認すると同時に,再生各段階におけるMHCアイソフォームと,myogeninおよびMyoDタンパク発現を経時的に検索した.本研究における筋損傷は塩酸ブピバカインをマウス(C57BL/10SnSlc)のヒラメ筋に注入することで作成した.組織学的には,塩酸ブピバカイン投与後3日目で筋線維はほとんど消失し,処置後6日目で中心核を有する再生筋線維がかなり出現し,処置後28日目では対照群のものと同程度まで回復した.生化学的分析では,対照群ヒラメ筋はMHCⅠ(34.3±1.7%)とMHCⅡa(65.7±1.7%)で構成されていた.実験群ヒラメ筋ではMHCⅠは処置後14日目まで減少し,その後増加傾向を示し,処置後90日目では36.3±2.9%となった.また,正常ヒラメ筋では検出されない速筋型MHC(MHC Ⅱd,MHC Ⅱb)が処置後3日目から28日目まで検出された.Western blotを用いた分析では,myogeninタンパク正常ヒラメ筋(遅筋)で検出された一方,前脛骨筋(速筋)においては検出できなかった.実験群ヒラメ筋では,myogeninは対照群と比較して処置後3日目より増加し(3.1±0.5),処置後6日目でピークに達した(5.8±0.8).それからmyogeninタンパクは徐々に減少していったが,処置後90日目においてもなお対照群ヒラメ筋の1.8倍の発現を維持し続けた.一方,MyoDタンパクは正常前脛骨筋において正常ヒラメ筋の3.3倍の発現が認められた.MyoDは処置後3日目で対照群ヒラメ筋と比較して5.4倍になりピークに達した.その後は徐々に減少し始めた.しかし処置後90日目においても2.2倍の発現があった.これらのことから筋の再生過程においては速筋タイプの筋細胞が出現するmyogeninとMyoDは衛星細胞の分化と筋の再生に密接に関係していることが示唆された.To investigate the precise mechanism of skeletal muscle cell regeneration, the changing pattern ofmyosin heavy chain(MHC)isoforms during the regenerating process was observed with relation to theactivation of myogenin and MyoD. In addition, histopathological observation of the damaged muscles wasperformed throughout the experiment.In this study, muscle damage was induced by intramuscular injection of bupivacaine hydrochloride in thesoleus muscle of mice (C57BL/10SnSc). In the light microscopic observation, muscle cells had almost disappeared at 3 days after bupivacainetreatment with severe inflammatory cell infiltration. At 6 days after treatment, a considerable number ofregenerating muscle cells containing centrally located nuclei appeared in the damaged soleus muscle. At28 days, these regenerating muscle cells showed almost the same appearance as the control muscle cellscontaining subsarcolemmal nuclei, although a small number of muscle cells with central nuclei were stillrecognized.In the biochemical analysis, control soleus muscles contained only MHC I (34.3±1.7 %)and MHC IIa(65.7±1.7 %). In the damaged muscles, MHC I was decreased toward 14 days after treatment, and thengradually increased. At 90 days, the contents of MHC I was finally recovered to 36.3±2.9 %.0 In addition,MHC IId and MHC IIb appeared in the damaged muscle from 3 to 28 days after treatment. However, theyhad disappeared at 90 days.Using western blot analysis, myogenin protein was recognized in the control soleus muscles (slow typemuscle), while the myogenin could not be found in the first type muscle of the anterior tibial muscle. Themyogenin contents increased to about three fold (3.1±0.5)at 3 days after treatment compared withthose of control muscles and reached the maximum level (5.8±0.8)at 6 days after treatment. Then, myogenin contents gradually decreased,although they still remained high (1.8 times)at the end of experiment (90 days after treatment). Incontrast to the myogenin protein, a high level (3.3 times)of MyoD protein was detected in the anteriortibial muscle compared with that of control soleus muscles. In the damaged soleus muscles, MyoDcontents reached a maximum level (5.4 times)at 3 days after treatment compared with that of controlsoleus muscles, and then gradually decreased toward the end of experiment. However, MyoD protein stillremained 2.2 times compared with that of control soleus muscles. These findings described above indicate that, 1)a property of fast type muscle cells appeared in theregenerating muscle cells during the regenerating process, and 2)myogenin and MyoD are closelyrelated to the differentiation of the satellite cells and regeneration of the skeletal muscle cells

    The role of astrocytes during repair of cerebral infarction in mdx mice

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    様々な大きさのジストロフィンアイソフォーム(427kDa, 260kDa, 140kDa, 116kDa, 71-75kDa)が広く体内に存在していることはよく知られている.中枢神経系においては71-75kDaのDp71が著明に多く,毛細血管の内皮の基底膜に接しているアストロサイトの細胞質に局在することが報告されている.しかしながらDp71の機能についてはよくわかっていないことが多い.そこで今回,脳組織におけるDp71の役割を調べるために,コントロールマウス(wild-typeマウス)およびデュシャンヌ型筋ジストロフィーモデル動物であるmdxマウスを用いて実験的脳梗塞を作成し,その治癒過程を形態学的に観察した.また,GFAPおよびDp71に関して生化学的に分析をおこなった.HE染色およびGFAP免疫組織学的染色の結果から,形態学的にはmdxマウスとコントロールマウスの脳に違いは認められなかった.しかしながら,mdxマウスの脳において,Dp71の発現量がコントロールマウスよりも少ないことがわかった.またmdxマウスにおいて,脳梗塞の修復過程におけるアストロサイトの反応がコントロールマウスよりも弱いことがわかった.これらの結果から,mdxマウスの脳において,アストロサイトの機能,アストロサイトの血管新生に関わる機能の障害されていることが示唆された.It is now well known that dystrophin isoforms (427kDa, 260kDa, 140kDa, 116kDa, 71-75kDa) are widely distributed throughout our body. In the central nervous system a considerable amount of Dp71 (71-75kDa) is found in the perivascular cytoplasm of the astrocytes. However, the function of this dystrophin is still unknown. To investigate the role of Dp71 in the brain tissue, cerebral infarction was induced in the control (wide-type) mouse and mdx mouse which is known as an animal model of human muscle dystrophy (Duchenne type), and morphological changes of the infarcted area were observed during repair of the infarction. In addition, biochemical analysis of GFAP and Dp71 was carried out in the brain of the control and mdx mouse. In our present study, there were no differences in brain morphology between mdx and control mouse as revealed in H-E stain and GFAP immunohistochemistry. However, the Dp71 were smaller in quantity in the brain of the mdx mouse than that of the control mouse. The reaction of astrocytes during repair of serebral infarction was distinctly delayed in the mdx mouse compared with that of the control mouse. These findings suggest that the astrocytes in the brain of the mdx mouse are functionally impaired including perivascular cytoplasmic processes with relation to neo-vascularization

    Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in rivers and estuaries in Malaysia: a widespread input of petrogenic PAHs

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    This is the first publication on the distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in riverine and coastal sediments in South East Asia where the rapid transfer of land-based pollutants into aquatic environments by heavy rainfall and runoff waters is of great concern. Twenty-nine Malaysian riverine and coastal sediments were analyzed for PAHs (3−7 rings) by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Total PAHs concentra tions in the sediment ranged from 4 to 924 ng/g. Alkylated homologues were abundant for all sediment samples. The ratio of the sum of methylphenanthrenes to phenanthrene (MP/P), an index of petrogenic PAHs contribution, was more than unity for 26 sediment samples and more than 3 for seven samples for urban rivers covering a broad range of locations. The MP/P ratio showed a strong correlation with the total PAHs concentrations, with an r2 value of 0.74. This ratio and all other compositional features indicated that Malaysian urban sediments are heavily impacted by petrogenic PAHs. This finding is in contrast to other studies reported in many industrialized countries where PAHs are mostly of pyrogenic origin. The MP/P ratio was also significantly correlated with higher molecular weight PAHs such as benzo[a]pyrene, suggesting unique PAHs source in Malaysia which contains both petrogenic PAHs and pyrogenic PAHs. PAHs and hopanes fingerprints indicated that used crankcase oil is one of the major contributors of the sedimentary PAHs. Two major routes of inputs to aquatic environments have been identified:  (1) spillage and dumping of waste crankcase oil and (2) leakage of crankcase oils from vehicles onto road surfaces, with the subsequent washout by street runoff. N-Cyclohexyl-2-benzothiazolamine (NCBA), a molecular marker of street dust, was detected in the polluted sediments. NCBA and other biomarker profiles confirmed our hypothesis of the input from street dust contained the leaked crankcase oil. The fingerprints excluded crude oil, fresh lubricating oil, asphalt, and tire-particles as major contributors

    Function of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum and expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in right congestive heart failure rats

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    右心不全に伴って,速筋および遅筋の筋小胞体Ca2+取り込み能が減少するという仮説を検証した.右心不全は,モノクロタリン(30 ㎎/㎏)を投与することにより引き起こし,投与後4週で,長指伸筋およびヒラメ筋を両後肢から採取した.筋の疲労耐性は,連続的な強縮刺激を行うことにより測定した.長指伸筋では刺激開始1分後,ヒラメ筋では4分後の張力を測定し,初期値に対するそれらの割合を疲労の指標とした.長指伸筋およびヒラメ筋の疲労耐性は,右心不全群で有意に低下した.筋小胞体Ca2+取り込み速度は,Indo-Ⅰを付加したホモジネートで測定した.その結果,Ca2+取り込み速度は,長指伸筋で25.4%(p<0.01),ヒラメ筋で30.4%(p<0.05)低下した.このCa2+取り込み速度の低下は,筋小胞体Ca2+-ATPaseタンパク量の低下と一致した.筋小胞体Ca2+取り込み能の低下は,筋張力の低下を引き起こし,このCa2+ handlingの低下は,少なくとも右心不全による運動耐容能の低下の一因であろう.In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that right congestive heart failure (CHF) would impair sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ uptake in skeletal fast- and slow-twitch muscles. To induce CHF, the rats were injected with monocrotalin (30 ㎎/㎏). After 4 weeks of injection, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscles were sampled from both hind limbs. Muscle fatigue resistance was measured in vitro as the relative decline in force production of tetanic contraction induced by electrical stimulation over 1 and 4 min in EDL and SOL, respectively. Evaluation of fatigue characteristics showed that CHF significantly reduced fatigue resistance in both muscles under study.SR Ca2+uptake rate wasmeasured in vitro with Indo-I on muscle homogenates. As hypothesized, Ca2+uptake rate was decreasedby 25.4%(P < 0.01) and 30.4%(P < 0.05) in EDL and SOL, respectively. This decline in Ca22+uptake ratewas accompanied by an immunochemically determined decrease in SR Ca2+-ATPase protein. Taking intoaccount previous findings that the depressed SR Ca2+uptake leads to the reduce in muscle forceproduction, these results suggest that impaired SR Ca2+handling capacity in skeletal muscle may accountat least partly for deteriorations in exercise tolerance resulting from right CHF

    Effect of a Fatty Acid Additive on the Kinetic Friction and Stiction of Confined Liquid Lubricants

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    Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.The paper presents part of the research productions that accompanied the construction of bodies inserted in a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAPS-AD) of a city in the northern region of Brasil, focusing more sharply on masculinities arrangements. Special attention is given to the tension between normalized bodies and attempts at resistance and (re) exist. The argument is in the field of public health, particularly mental health, and rooted in gender and sexuality studies. The data production methodology made use of observations recorded in a diary, itinerant follow-up of a collective of research, interviews, focus groups where, among other things, was discussed diary topics, conversation circles and workshops. The attempt was to produce a way of collective narrating strategy, combining up experience and body (un)learn well as ways of producing health care and doing research